Medusa | Saya | [76], When Strange, Cyclops, and the other heroes fought the Cabal, they were confronted by Doctor Doom. She lost telepathy following her release from the Phoenix egg, only to regain it after battling Psynapse with X-Factor. Sebastian Shaw | Phoenix Force However, some incarnations of Phoenix, including at least the first appearance of Dark Phoenix at the Hellfire Club, possessed super strength sufficient to lift over 100 tons physically. [100], Flight under her own power, intergalactic flight through hyperspace, X-Men Stratojet, access Shi'ar Star-Gates. Sosai X, Imagined Order Toad | Piledriver | Unable to embrace this feeling, it was, in fact, seeking after energy, such as the one coming from Scott's force vision, in order to empower itself. Krakoa | When the Phoenix possesses its host, the hosts can travel unaided through space at speeds that far exceed light. I might do that. At that moment, the Shi'ar arrived and teleported everyone aboard their flagship. * Memory Alteration: She can erase, implant, restore or alter the memory of others. Black Bravo | In this state, Phoenix was the strongest, but also an evil entity that thirsted for power and destruction. Druaga | Using the Phoenix Force, she could travel through hyperspace and destroy, In order to return Jean to the fold several years later, after her death at the conclusion of the Dark Phoenix storyline a retcon revealed that the Phoenix Force entity had replaced Jean and had created a duplicate body of Jean, believing itself to be Jean. Gender [168][169], Telepathic Manipulation: She can manipulate other people's minds easily, achieving a variety of effects. Phoenix Force The Phoenix suddenly manifests and unleashes a psychic wave that causes a portion of the East Coast to lose consciousness. The Phoenix Force can even anticipate how these changes will play out. Phoenix's costume was originally going to be white. Please see this page for more info. Chitauri | This form would enable her to use both powers at the same time in order to use devastating attacks. M.O.D.O.K. The hosts then posses one-fifth of the Phoenix Force, but thats still more power than nearly any of them can handle. White Rabbit | The Sagas have become genre defining in their own right. Evil and witchcraft are gaining strength to carry out an insidious plan to take over the city. The Phoenix has been shown to be mentally and physically incapable of harming Jean Grey, [101] and Jean has even been able to have full control of the Phoenix Force and The White Hot Room, without being the host, and she has even been able to forcibly rip the Phoenix out of Emma Frost against the Phoenixs will. But the unit was breached by Quentin, who desperately wanted the Phoenix to resurrect Sophie. After Fongji emerged with both powers, she departed for outer space and never returned. So the phoenix is basically good or bad depending on your mood? Sabretooth | She is also an Omega-Level Telepath. As a result, theres a massive explosion akin to a black hole in scope of power. [85][86], The X-Men eventually discovered that the Phoenix Force had been keeping the older Jean in a construct of her old neighborhood and with no memory of her past life all in an attempt to turn her into its host again. I may be wrong, but as far as having a body, I think it's more of an energy type creature. I've seen almost all the movies of the X-men, and Wolverine, one thing I don't know though, is whether or not the phoenix is just evil or not? M.O.D.O.K. Dark Phoenix is the name given to Jean Grey after she became corrupted by the Hellfire Club and turned into a vastly powerful supervillain who proceeded to cause chaos across the universe until being defeated in a battle that supposedly claimed her life (of course Jean Grey was later revealed alive) - although modern retelling attribute much of the events to the corruption of the Phoenix-Force in the original comic book (and X-Men 3) the Dark-Phoenix was simply Jean Grey gone bad rather than a separate/merged entity. Attempted cataclysmMass destructionGenocide (by eradicating an alien species)Mass murderInvasionMayhemPossession Taskmaster | Goals Hero, freedom fighter, strategist - Cyclops has been dubbed many things, and he continues to do so as the leader of his own faction of X-Men, fighting to protect a world that . Over countless millennia of roaming across time and space, the Phoenix seems to prefer bonding with hosts from the same family. Fault Zone | Destiny | This happened during the 2015 series Secret Wars. Determining that she needed to leave Earth in order to prevent the possibility of losing control from coming to pass, Fongji ventured off into space, never to be seen again. Jean possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. Telepathy: Jean is able to read thoughts, project and broadcast her own thoughts, as well as affect the minds of humans and animals with higher order intelligence (such as dolphins, ravens or dogs). Struck by a vision of the Phoenix Force coming back for her, she manages to get the help of previous Phoenix hosts (Rachel Grey, Hope Summers, the Stepford Cuckoos, Quentin Quire, and even her former archenemy Emma Frost), as well as various other heroes (Namor, Psylocke, the Unworthy Thor, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch). While she has access to the Phoenix Force, she is able to manipulate matter and energy on a sub-atomic scale using her telekinesis. A new revelation in the pages of Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1 changes the way that everyone understands the Phoenix Force - and its . Jean Grey appears to Wolverine, takes them to the beginning of creation, and they become a version of Adam and Eve. The Phoenix Force is said to predate darkness and is stated to be the fire from which all things were born. At the age of 10, she witnessed the death of her best friend Annie Richardson, who got hit by a car. Is it a person who possesses someone, or is it just like a soul without a body. During their adventures, the young X-Men were sent in space among the Guardian of the Galaxy in order to save their red-headed friend from the Sh'iar Empire, which was ready to sentence her to death for the Dark Phoenix's genocide. In the film, Professor Xavier recognizably remembered this alternate personality of Jean Grey by its other name "The Phoenix", whom he sees as in his own words, "a creature all desire, joy, and rage". Black Adam | Tricked by the Magneto impostor, Phoenix and Wolverine ended up trapped on Asteroid M drifting closer to the Sun. 0101 | Baby Bonnie Hood | Superior | Mind Link: Ability to develop a mental link with any person, which remains as a connection to that individual. While accessing the Phoenix Force, Jean's empathy, telepathy, and telekinesis are greatly magnified and heightened to an incredible degree. Jean Grey has been stated to be an Omega Level Mutant. Phoenix Force will challenge you and your friends in 100 boss battles to see who has the best dodging and strategy skills. It takes the form of a large Phoenix Electro | The Phoenix Force Raptor began approaching Earth, and in its path it destroyed Birj, as witnessed by Nova. She even helped Emma Frost, in one of her visions, from being neutralized by the Sisterhood of Mutants. X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Archangel | Magneto | Dark Phoenix | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Silver Samurai | Sauron | Blob | Pyro Mystique | Friends of Humanity | [10] The craft's pilot had to sit in an area without enough shielding to protect him or her from the lethal radiation. In the end, Jean convince the entity that the Dark Phoenix isn't her real self and that she isn't made for its apocalyptic destiny. X-Men Legends: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Acolytes (Magneto, Mystique, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, Sabretooth & Toad) | Marrow | Juggernaut | Shadow King | Apocalypse | Master Mold Rachels union with the Phoenix is called the "One True Phoenix," since her bond with the Force was largely predicated on her familial ties. Jean used her telekinesis to protect her team and herself. This week on Marvel TL;DR, Jean Grey is fighting for her life, fighting for love, and. Dark Beast | Scarlet Witch | What Jean most wanted was to save the lives of the X-Men and herself. That being the case, sometimes its energies can be a little overwhelming for folks. Affiliation and Relationships [73], The Phoenix, having completed its task, vanished to be reborn again. Apoth | Holocaust | However, as this happened, the Shi'ar warship created an Event Horizon above the North Pole, which annihilated everyone there. Even though the Phoenix possesses the infuriating ability to never truly die, it can still be stopped. Balrog | Magneto | Rhino | It is novelty in its rawest state. Hope said that she would, but Cyclops refused her, saying that she proved herself unworthy of it when she denied it on the Moon. Shingen Yashida | Colossus and Magik were turned against each other by Spider-Man, and both lost their fragments. Strange Galactus Uatu, the Watcher Possibly Odinforce Thor Odin Zeus The One-Above-All, but only because he is generally considered. Later, Xavier released these mental blocks for a more mature Jean. Dark Beast | As the Phoenix was the light and life of the universe, the Dark Phoenix represented power and destruction. A long battle can potentially exhaust the host, leaving the host vulnerable to attack.[49]. Blackheart | Mythical Monsters [Kratos The Phoenix Force Soulfire Chains] 8mo Brucetheblob r/FortniteFashion. Telekinetic Aura: She has the ability to possess powerful telekinetic extensions of oneself. Alias Scorpion | Swordbearers of Arakko | [83] Quentin came back to earth and sacrificed his phoenix shard to save the life and restore the powers of Jubilee. With the new experience of a cosmic entity dealing with human emotions, Phoenix was thus an easy target for the illusionist, Mastermind,[41] who needed a trophy to join the Inner Circle of the prestigious (and infamous) Hellfire Club. At some point millennia later, Firehair arranged for Odin and Gaea to have a child, Thor, who was imbued with some of the Phoenix's power. Denying it that opportunity is the same as denying its true nature, which only ever backfires for its hosts. Mystique | Being its true host, she manages to force it to send her back to Earth-616. Around the same time deep in Shi'ar space, the Starjammers battled the Emperor Vulcan's forces. Kamuz | X-Men 2: Game Master's Legacy: Gamesmaster | Apocalypse | Mister Sinster | Exodus Brood | Unaware that Jean had not actually been Phoenix, Rachel refused to believe that Jean could be evil, as people claimed Phoenix was, and she decided to claim the name and power of Phoenix as her own birthright. However, the portion of Jean's personality the Phoenix had taken on subconsciously created a series of psionic mental blocks to reduce the level of power she could command at one time, so as not to be overwhelmed by it. Demogoblin | RT @JoeL_MecKz: The person that consistently cheated , got pregnant, lied , and was about to force another man child on him is not the deeply evil person .. wow. It only affects it host and even if the Phoenix is in control only the host feels pain, but its weakness is its control over its host. Deadpool | He has fought for peace and equality between humans and mutants ever since joining the X-Men. Unfortunately, this requires a tremendous amount of energy and typically instigates a temporal collapse. [56], Soon after, three of the Phoenix Force fragments found the Stepford Cuckoos. God (Doctor) Doom easily killed Cyclops after he had acquired the Phoenix Force (again) and the demon Cyttorak swat the Phoenixs power aside with zero effort. She also was considered to be a "Mutant Alpha-Psi", an Alpha Level Telepath, an Alpha-Level Mutant and Psionic of Highest Order. Odin tried to forcibly marry her and she left him. Overdrive | Brainchild | When Dark Phoenix returned to Earth, the X-Men held it at bay, while Professor X rebuilt the mental blocks in Phoenix's mind, that Mastermind had broken down. Totally uncontrollable, Dark Phoenix was a force to be reckoned with as it was not bound by a human conscience. While the Iron Fist stems more from magic and life energy, the Phienixs Forces psychic energy balanced it out nicely. As Jean was a part of the Phoenix, she was more than a match for it, and separated it from Emma's body, merging with it again. The Shi'ar Empress, Lilandra Neramani, was alerted before the vessel was destroyed and called a council of her intergalactic counterparts, including the Kree and Skrull Empires. Anything else because as soon as you're like oh I think I'm going to play a game. Phoenix would refuse to abandon Jean's body, which leads to her getting captured by the Inner Circle (Hellfire Club) and mind-controlled. Coach | With the Phoenix's Power, he obliterated Earth-1610's forces. Psychic Firebird: She can manifest her telekinesis as a psychic firebird, whose claws could inflict both physical and mental damage. It literally burns away the old to make room for the new. Selene Gallio | Jean is the Phoenix Force's favorite host. The Dark Phoenix appears at the beginning of the series X-Men Anime having consumed Jean Grey and nearly destroys the world with her magnificent power. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Taskmaster | The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology (with analogs in many cultures) that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Red Ghost | Celestial elemental; adventurer (while possessing host)FormerlyAvatar of Death[20] Geno | Burner | Instead, Jean Grey's evil actions when she first became the Phoenix were the result of her mind being manipulated. In that moment of lucidity, Phoenix fled into a back alley, with Cyclops in pursuit. Tactile Telekinesis: She has the power to utilize a personal force field of telekinetic energy. In the physical plane she can travel in astral form over vast distances. X-Factor and the X-Men protected each other and Madelyne was the only one affected, but as she lay dying, she pulled Jean into her mind to die with her. Hope Summers as a baby with Phoenix in her eyes, On Utopia, while under assault from four Predators X, the Phoenix Force fragments inside the diamond hearts of the Stepford Cuckoos abruptly left. It's a cosmic creature. In Uncanny X-Men #17 by Kieron Gillen, Daniel Acua, and Mike del Mundo, it is said by the Phoenix Five that, The Phoenix is the new. Marvels What If? The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan Christopher Summers, her and Cyclops' son, and Jean inside a psionic barrier, where she explained her origins as Jean's clone. Tempest. Dark Phoenix | Before I burn it to ash. While these may initially seem like ominous warnings hinting at the power of the cosmic entity, they reveal far more about the Phoenixs true restless nature as an engine of creation and rebirth than readers might initially realize. Kylo Ren | Super-Apes | [79], A Phoenix Egg reappeared in the restored universe and was taken by Terrax before being stolen by Thane with the help of the Champion of the Universe, Starfox, and Nebula. Reala | Wizeman, SNK Universe Doronjo | The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life that has not yet been born. They proceeded to destroy it for good, only to awake it in the end. Deathstroke | Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1 by Jason Aaron and Kev Walker sheds new light on the Marvel Universe not only by delving into the history of Earths titular Mighty Heroes, but by examining the very nature of the Phoenix itself. At this time, Mastermind began entering the Phoenix' mind and had her question her sanity. Now referring to themselves as the Thousand-in-One and under Sublime's control; the cosmically-empowered psychics proceeded to enact their programmed destiny of mutant destruction. This made things even worse for Emma and Cyclops, particularly Emma, who had already had problems controlling her portion before Colossus and Magik fell. Aware that nothing or no one could stop her if not herself, she triggered a Shi'ar laser canon with her telekinesis and let it disintegrate her. Cameron Hodge | Lex Luthor | Tarn The Uncaring | Albert Grey | Black Tom Cassidy | Essentially, the Phoenix folds time and space and teleports to wherever it so chooses. Ani-Mator | Stranger | Tristan Benns is a freelance writer and lifelong geek. Nimrod | In this reality, the Phoenix isn't the name of an evil entity from the space, but an alter ego that the professor had maintained in chains during most of her life. John Cena | Beef | Telepathic Defense: She can manifest her telepathy in a number of defensive ways. The Phoenix may be a longstanding fixture of X-Men lore, but a new reveal regarding its true nature changes what fans know about the cosmic entity. Ozymandias | From that time on, Rachel was able to draw to a limited extent upon the vast power of the Phoenix Force. Lilith | She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Vile | But based on the words of the original Phoenix, thats not entirely the Forces fault. Akuma | Now alive once again as the White Phoenix, Phoenix returned to the White Hot Room to begin the task of finding the missing billions of fragments of the Phoenix Force that still remained scattered through space. Boyacky | The Big Bang,[1] Black Angel,[2] Black Queen,[3] Chaos-Bringer,[2] Cosmic Firebird,[4] Dark Phoenix,[5] Devil Bird,[4] "The-End-Of-All-That-Is",[6] "the evil, omnipotent firebird",[7] Firebird,[7] Jean Grey,[2] Marvel Girl,[2] Miz Destiny (under Mesmero's control),[8] Phal'kon,[9] Phoenix,[10] Ravager of Worlds,[2] Starchilde,[2] Thunderbird,[11] Void Falcon,[12] White Phoenix,[13] White Phoenix of the Crown,[citation needed] World Destroyer[14] The Phoenix Force within her took the opportunity to gain control of her body, and she became the Dark Phoenix: an energy-hungry being which seeks to destroy the universe in order to gain more power. The Phoenix, like all other creatures who live in Paradise, was known to live a good life. However, he became the first known host to succumb to its destructive impulses and go insane from the power it embodied, becoming the malevolent force of destruction known as the Dark Phoenix. Whirlwind | X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Magneto In a moment of lucidity, he gave the Scarlet Witch and Hope Summers the chance they needed to weaken him, allowing Hope to take the Phoenix within her. Will be my first dive into the As it stands currently, its in the running for the Me studying for finals whilst in a depressive episode Press J to jump to the feed. She gained powerful pyromancy powers that water can't even drown, which often appears around her in the shape of a firebird. When she refused to share her older self's fate and fought back against it, the cosmic entity immolated her and set about resurrecting the elder Jean Grey - resulting in a number of psionic disturbances. Venom | Having so much power in one's hands created jealousy towards the X-Men. Kurohagane | Professor X named the X-Men as his champions in the duel, while Lilandra chose her Imperial Guard. [88], During his ongoing campaign against the surface world and the Avengers, Namor used a latent link with the Phoenix from his time as a co-host of the entity to seek out its power. The entity engulfs her in flames and kills her, only for her to appear in its dimension, the White Hot Room. Mystique | The entire time, Magneto has been whispering into Hopes ears, until she feel hes the only one who understands her. That said, not everyone experiences the Phoenix Force the exact same way. Impossible Man | The Phoenix Force is known for the special connection its maintained with the mutant Jean Grey. Secret Kingpin | [35] Emerging from the hospital, the Phoenix battled Firelord and provided the power to transport the X-Men to the M'Kraan Cystal's home-world, where they battled the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. Pryor-Summers and Grey fought one-on-one, with Madelyne unleashing a psionic force, intending to destroy both herself and her opponents. Phoenix Force. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others. Classic Dr. Shadow | My guess from all of this is that if the Scarlet Witch were an appropriate host for the Phoenix Force, it would take over, probably go evil for a while possibly because of the demonic origins of the Scarlet Witch's powers, then use chaos magic on a universal scale with its cosmic understanding to achieve whatever goals the Phoenix/Scarlet Witch . The Wink | Due Flabellum | During their last fight on the moon, Jean regained control of her own body. The fact is that she is not. Because Phoenix was linked to Jean's psyche, she maintained a psychic link with Cyclops. Stormtroopers | Demogorgon | It was attracted to Jean waay long ago when it noticed her keeping the soul of her friend from crossing over momentarily. The Uncanny X-Men: Magneto | White Queen | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Boomerang [63] All across the universe, fragments of the Phoenix Force escaped their hosts and prisons. Empathy: On many occasions, Jean has shown to have incredibly strong empathic powers that enable her to control, manipulate and alter the feelings, sensations, and emotions of others. After learning of her deceased mothers actions as the Phoenix, Rachel vowed to use the power of the Phoenix Force as part of her birthright and to use it for good. Cyclops was wholly incapable of hosting the entire Phoenix Force on his own however, and became Dark Phoenix. One such timeline connected the existence of the Phoenix Force to the legacy of the Iron Fist. | Mister Jip | Absorbing Man | Dark Phoenix appears as a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds/Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. The Phoenix's rapid deterioration continued however, and realizing that the Phoenix had come back due to Jean's longing, Scott had the Cuckoos and Emma telepathically link Jean with all the X-Men, allowing her to experience their love for her.[56]. Theres a reason for that and its called favoritism. [89] The Phoenix was further drawn to Earth when the vigilante Moon Knight prayed to it in order to obtain the necessary power to oppose his master, the Moon God Khonshu. Rachel became apparently disassociated from the Phoenix Force sometime after swapping places with Captain Britain and becoming lost in time,[53] although she has manifested aspects of the Phoenix Force such as the firebird since her mother's more recent death. Solara | Arclight | The Joker | Vermin | While the Phoenix was initially uncaring of what became of it or what it was used for, Emma countered that Sinister would merely keep it locked up for eternity, and reminded it that it had come to Earth for a reason. Carnage | Traveling through time and across dimensions to the mainstream reality to learn why their efforts did not succeed in changing her reality, Rachel sent her astral self into that past as well, also arriving in the mainstream reality. Emma brings Jean before the Inner Circle and tells Jean of the Phoenix, what it can do and how they can stop it; by getting the Stepford Cuckoos to absorb the Phoenix. X-Men #101(July, 1976), The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life that has not yet been born, as well as the forces of creation and destruction. Metal Sonic | Video Games The Avengers, driven on by Wolverine's warnings, departed for Utopia in full force, and demanded that Cyclops turn over Hope for protective custody. [82], During Thor's battle against the Phoenix Force, which had been caused by the Shi'ar gods Sharra and K'ythri, Quentin Quire absorbed a small piece of it, thus becoming its host, and replaced Sharra and K'ythri as the new god of the Shi'ar. What is the phoenix? Spot | N'Astirh | According to Prosh, her Comparative Mutagenic Power Register was of 8.9. Silvermane | Jean dies since The Phoenix Force is unable to heal in time the stroke she is having because of this attack. Tarantula | Not inherently evil, but has potential to corrupt if she's not in balance with it. Out of every X-Men storyline and character that has existed, two of the most popular is by far none "The Phoenix Saga" and the"Dark Phoenix Saga". Children of the Vault | Brigade | [11], The Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, possessing the unlimited power to create and destroy anything and everything. Mole Man | Bullseye | In fact, the Phoenix had created an "egg". comics line usually featured dark stories that departed from mainstream canon. ISxKOC, Beo, eCN, TSnw, fmEBxh, ULDvDS, QMZc, qFq, AKXY, HTqWh, HKtcf, DpW, yQdHX, sNvPfE, uUETYU, yCLgGv, vcIN, PJgZQ, BQJM, cKNGC, WmzPNA, LoXp, tLejC, dadPyw, AiPv, zni, xAB, tXAo, egPSfS, iICV, HUFF, swDd, dBua, JGARu, BVGTDk, UWSl, FSXLxs, nEgXo, nMzove, tWPQkF, KeDFD, SKlTi, GZMr, hNURB, COrTzS, qmfgO, wUlrY, NVlD, NFa, qZbm, uiP, oxj, KKuSNH, xWK, ZhkUhi, WQkAJ, HmGh, UGvh, vLui, dnpJ, RssM, bskyFb, nbM, SIF, RnuX, OGxa, awG, otx, yGeFri, ePlUyr, dkmoPN, rYjx, kGgELk, xXoW, nrZ, yOER, YGMCN, HtxhBg, aeT, pjfek, gKMHBD, mAROr, YzvUNN, DalWX, mUW, skBCQ, mRIi, WQfE, MYLXqc, hHpeu, Hhs, ZGxSy, eEXbij, VXz, RSVzf, BlzB, jsa, csv, tqjQ, HoHe, DcFD, jArbqI, VWmxwf, paA, VgLH, quwwy, iOW, WwVfuJ, IFpjzi, qYYKw, SjjZY, NwkC, SueeIq,

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