When lathering up, avoid soaps heavy on chemicals, dyes, and fragrances. I try to act differently. There is a condition that some people have where they stink so bad they need to shower four to five times a day. She used deoderant washed with soap and water washed her hair. But I heard it take up to a full year for the immune system to recover from the candida. What if it was you who smelled bad everyday regardless of showering up to three times a day, wearing fresh clean clothes, new shoes and flossing mouth washing and brushing after every meal? "Apocrine Sweat Glands," Histology at Yale. Some people worry too much about their breath even though they have little or no mouth odor, while others have bad breath and don't know it. Karma is a real force in this world, keep it up and youll learn the hard way why some people stink. Sarcopenia, or muscle loss, is a common condition that affects older adults. I am not talking about a soft scent, I am talking about the rank smell of some colognes and perfumes. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, and get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. Also I just want to add that the people who tell me stuff about my odor. What Are Vital Signs, and What Can They Tell Us About Our Health? But the reason why I dont is because I have bipolar disorder. I have the same issue. Then theres also a rotting food smell (rotting apples), the BO most of us get from time to time, and the smell that emanates from him when he hasnt showered, which is really ghastly reminiscent of young teenagers who havent discovered washing yet. in south africa if you smell bad its going to be very hard for you. As for me that is all I want. "Just because it has a nice smell, doesn't mean it cleans you any better. The fluid secreted from these glands consists of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and ammonium. Dont forget we are practicaly animals ourselves some more than others though. The. He hasn't done it. Because thats the only reasonable explanation why you would be so heavily impacted by another humans smell, let alone another mans odor. God bless you! This process produces chemicals that have a stinky smell.6. #10 - They might be gassy. I see ppl holding there They were asked to sleep in a shirt specially fitted with underarm pads that could absorb odor for five consecutive days. its rude to subject people to that if fat or not. In high school there was a girl who would smell and people would always whisper about it. Do you really think you can anonymously berate people online for their odors, medical or not, and not come off as an asshole? In severe cases, a "rotting fish" odor emanates from your body, but in low concentrations, TMA is described as smelling "garbage-like."3. "Whenever you touch something -- the door handles, the kitchen counters, everything -- you're spreading bacteria all over the house," he adds. Shower at least once a day. "If they have higher-than-normal blood sugar, there's a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis -- or DKA," says Dr. George. Morbidly obese people, on the other hand, do smell bad. Unfortunately, they dont realize that the human brain can block out a sensory signal that flows in continuously (which is why youre not aware of your behind being compressed while sitting until you do something that brings it to mind such as reading this sentence). Think about it. The BO you describe develops thanks to an aversion to soap and water. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I had people look at me disgustingly, move away from me on buses, and trains. (!) GeeI think all along I thought it's the sweatnow I know better! In fact, that 2012 study found that participants rated the odors of older individuals as less unpleasant and less intense than the odors of some younger groups. I find your rticle really very useful and interesting. This causes your heart to palpitate and your sweat output to increase. I also have no job because lets face it, who would put up with someone like me. It would be a similar situation if I were to make a stink face if you walked into the room because of your race (no this isnt a form of a racism, its a hypothetical *I am 50% Filipino), how would you feel? Some people are very sensitive to it, and some people really don't notice it at all. Even if all of the above contributors are avoided, unless there is frequent wiping, they will smell. I wish I were. It was very frustrating. I found this article while looking for info about hyperhidrosis. Ive suffered from unexplained body odor since I was 13. Good luck, I hope it helps. An I feel bad when I have to sit through my classes and people become repulsed by me. I think this has to do with some people having poor standards of maintaining themselves. Ever thought that maybe those who dont smell as you would expect in polite society may find those who think they smell pleasant offensive to their senses?!? My own mom never told me about it, I just figured it out from TV commercials of being a teenager in America. Want to know more https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b8qvskYvnH8. I too am not fond of smells that arent pleasant to my nose. Eating lots of sweets or too much bread ( which causes yeast overgrowth). I have encountered this before and because I am so easily queasy I just non nonchalantly slithered away. Interestingly, the body odor of other people also affects attractiveness on another level. And yes, toxic buildup of epic proportions. Body odor naturally changes as you age. Even his leggs arms hands neck chest everything just sweats like he has an internal waterfall its sick. Ey are you daft its called BO people get it even you do people dont always carry around deodorant with them also some people sweat a lot and wtf spray there selfs every two minutes if I stunk and you said that to me Id say go fuck yourself or you can buy me around four tins of deodorant a day daft cunt. Avoid stressful situations or try meditation to calm your nerves. Maintain high levels of personal hygiene by taking frequent showers using a scrubber or loofah, along with an antibacterial soap. , Cheese or milk can cause a sour milk smell, from any part of your body. I found some on Walmart.com. Not showering or using deoderant because poor or because depressed or because fuck everything attitude. People sweat and smell and have great odors and foul odors and you are no different. I kill bacteria with listerine at night before bed, and have discovered that colgate optic white toothpaste and mouthwash take scum off teeth and entire mouth. It's usually with really obese people, not just regular fat people. This decline results in greater oxidation of lipid acid. Then i never realized that i had to bathe every single day in summer including washing my hair! Believe it or not, we REALLY DO find you more offensive to our noses than you are to our eyes. Odors tend to worsen if you have more bacteria on your skin or you're sweating more. Use it on your skin to help lessen body odor caused by perspiration or by infectious agents. In general, smells can help people lose weight, boost sexual arousal, increase speed of learning, reduce severity of migraine headaches, and even quell claustrophobia, says Hirsch, who has conducted numerous experiments on how scent affects behavior, mood, and perception. take care of themselves. 3. For many people it is an enzyme problem. When people consume alcohol the body treats it like a toxin and attempts to break it down into acetic acid. It is soul-destroying when you know you smell bad and cant do anything normal people do, because you know how they will react and it sets you even more off. U r the type of person i could kill nd feel no remorse its not about the weight its about the molecules in there sweat . He showers everyday but that doesn't help. Of all those compounds, benzene is the one responsible for gasoline's gassy smell. When food goes bad and starts to become pungent, it is most often due to the growth of spoilage microbes such as bacteria, yeasts and mold. At the end of the day, most soaps do the same job. It's mainly the bacteria in your large intestine that emit sulfur that gives the gas you pass a stinky smell, according to Cedars Sinai. Fast forward to now at 27 about to turn 28 in September, and Im still suffering. But "with the exception of irritating odors, smell is something we come to know from personal and cultural experiences.". After taking a bath, few minutes later i would stink and smell bad. Bacteria on your skin. Some people are sick and some medications can make them smell bad, especially their breath. I know the vast majority of people are exceptionally lazy these days, and that it may be politically correct to stink. My husband's boss, and his spouse, both had such strong body odor that you could smell them entering the Machine Shop with all of its oil and funky factory smells. Get up and do something you lazy fuckfaces besides worrying about smells. trimethylaminuria is smell like a fish, but how come my staff smell like a pig, honestly!, and no matter how many times i remind her to take a bath, she ignore me, she is too lazy to clean up herself as well as her cloths. As you are sitting in an office, many people find that their farts smell more than if they are sitting . I am overweight but I happen to be over conscious of smell because I am so sensitive to it. And you can probably infer that if your body isn't able to cool itself off, bad things happen. Seek immediate medical attention. Go aheac try and bleach your body see what happens smart one. I picked her up after a run up Mt. Honestly it sucks. I mean honestly, do you realize that everyone smells like something and that you might not smell like roses yourself. I would dry myself off and then apply more lemon and let that completely air dry. Many people experience smelly armpits from time to time. Old people really do have a chemically-distinct odor. Becoming acquainted with the scent of your poop sounds less than appealing, but establishing what's abnormal from your baseline can help determine when your bowel. I had suffered with this nasty skunk like odor for over a year and a half. I have never smelled anything so vile on a human being. Ignorance is bliss, I hate to sit next to a person who stinks very bad but i tend not to show the person that i can hear him smlling bad cause maybe its nt by him that he stinks and if i show him it could bring stress to him he might even comit suicide. "Kids can often have underlying liver disorders where they are missing enzymes to help them metabolize certain food products," Dr. George says. Most of the forums give you the same answers: take a shower, change your deo, wash your clothes. Great article, you cannot find a lot of really professional stuff about this subject on the internet. 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Incidently, I had a husband who smelled. It is simply shameful, that big an fat seem to always be synonymous with stanky..because it isntpowder with corn starch, FDS or products that help decrease sweat can help manynot just larger people with body odor. There are some who have cancer who smell bad and there are those that are on remission and they also have a bad odor most likely because of the therapy they went through. Some home remedies you can try include applying tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, or yogurt. There are, however, a few exceptions to this theory. wat u just said really made me feel physically sick . ", Let the record note that Dr. George said "quote, unquote" after the word "contaminated," meaning it's not a bad thing. I may show her some of these posts so she can know how people will not tolerate other human beings so you have to handle your business. Several remedies are available for excessive sweating, including over-the-counter treatments, prescription medications, injections . south africa has the rudest people alive i think thats why south africans can surviv american bullies because compared to sa thats childs play. It might remind you of someone who makes it for you, which triggers your brain to release chemicals that make you feel good and comforted . End of life planning is official documentation of your financial and medical wishes for your final days. Is it diet? So no matter how much you clean your underarms, the smell will still seep through. Disgust tends to protect us from the threat of others, while we feel fine about our own grossness. It's a combination of the following: The sweat you've accumulated throughout the day, assuming you shower in the morning. Good luck. Sometimes, odors can be caused by zinc, iron or vitamin b6 or b12 deficiencies. Do you really think you can make people learn to enjoy horrible body odour by berating them for not doing so? Even famous Hollywood stars have suffered legendarily bad breath and battled body odor, so you are not alone if your natural state smells a little bit more "natural" than your friends would prefer. My brother once floated the idea that people like this probably suffered from chronic constipation, and their bodies were so loaded with toxins that it was oozing out of their skin pores. To my surprise, last year I went there and she didnt smell any more! Same routine when I come home for school too. If you have tested negative for strep throat, you may be experiencing a different bacterial infection or a viral infection. People, it seems, are basically fine with the smell of their own farts (but not someone else's). My old high-school calculus teacher was a great teacher, but he was one of these people. In both groups, half were exposed to the floral scent, the other half to the watery one. I live a normal life up into 2015 when my world turn upside down. If problems persist, your doctor may suggest a prescription-strength medication. I eliminated gluten, dairy, and eggs from my diet and had virtually no BO or foot odor. A buildup of ketones produces a smell that is described as fruity, sweet, or similar to nail polish.8. Sorry to burst your bubble, buddy. When he goes to bed his pillows stinks so bad I can hardly stand them. I experimented, and finally found a solution. So here it isthe simple fact that I am scared of water. Sure a heaver set person has more to clean but as long as they clean themselves and keep areas dry, body odor and smells will not be an issue. There was a kid who sat next to me in Business Law with the permament stinkboy smell, which may have occurred from the fact that he seemed to rarely shower, and was wearing all black jeans and sweatshirt. cheers my friend. I didn't realize that one's diet can affect body odor--helpful information and definitely important! Stimming is short for self-stimulating behavior. i thought i was alone in this. I finally figured it out and it worked out for me. It's also known as self-regulating behavior or repetitive behaviors. How could you* say that about your* own family . Full bath is better especially when you apply sponge to scrub over your body with more attention to the armpit and your down area I mean your private area. Anyone else have a similar issue? When someone says hey do you remember that girl, tall, short brown hair, blabla, Hmmm i dont remember The one who stank OH THAT one! And, its embarrassing But, not my fault. "We will see more and more odors used to brand products," he says. I know its extremely repugnant, but sometimes they cannot help it. I resigned from a job because I was being stalked by a man that smelled of dog poop and ass and he trained his co-worker to stalk me and she smelled of unwashed ass and something burnt. When they overheat, they have no way of evaporative cooling.". I have a friend who suffers from this and he got it bad in high school. I'm sure, you can find it in-stores too. All rights reserved. Yale School of Medicine. Im sick of people rubbing their noses when Im with them. Why Don't Indians Wear Deodorant? Breath that smells fruity or like rotten apples, for example, can be a sign of diabetes that's not under control. I take seceret showers at work because Im always afraid of smelling. Some podiatrists believe a tendency for sweaty feet can be hereditary. i homestly smell and am in grade nine. This hereditary disorder prevents your body's enzymes from breaking down trimethtylamine (TMA), a fishy-smelling compound found in choline-rich foods. Yeast away, Canadian away. They upside is that they are very good for your health. They have waterless cleanser to clean yourself with. All rights reserved. Youre all assholes. Lavilin (www.lavilin.com) is highly effective at killing odors. It's so pungent that the human nose can detect it if there's just 1 part per million in the air that we breathe. Since smell and taste are closely linked, the condition can also affect your ability to eat. It would make your eyes water. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. If you can see a doctor (a good one, not one that'll dismiss you as crazy) they might prescribe something for your particular situation. (2012). Thats sort of a sign of low self esteem. Im only left with taking the leap off my window. Try crapping your pants and walk around all day and feel what people who experience the same thing every f-ing day of their life. I would try buying mint leaves or cucumbers in my water too, if not allergic. A doctor can treat any underlying health conditions to help reduce the ammonia smell in sweat. Her mouth has a foul smell and she does not wear deodorant. I've finally found the 1 thing that works for my horrible, cat urine smelling armpits after trying tons of things over the years. every last one of you are pansies, especially you who wrote this article. Its like someone who looks weird. After the first panic attack, I smell bad for the rest of the day and theres nothing I can do. One example of this is when you smell a favorite meal. Just learn to accept it. If I were the manager, I wouldve kicked his ass out of the store faster than you can say arugula.. I've always smelled bad for as long as I can remember. Every day, if you came to him early in the day it was OK, but by the end of the day he stank up the room. I drank much more water. Fuck Nothing will stop the stink 100%, and there are extreme cases, including a condition known as hyperhidrosis that leads to excessive sweat production. Doing yoga or meditation may help reduce anxiety. This fluid is composed of mainly water and salt, and is virtually odorless. some girls(women) stink too. i just wanted to say that in 21st century everyone washes themselves so its not because of lack of hygine. A condition in which there is a buildup of ketones, which produces a smell that is described as fruity, sweet, or similar to nail polish. Compounds found in sage can dry up perspiration, while the oils contained in sage are antiseptic and antibiotic. I hope that you all who go through this find hope and get better. And beware of catching a crowded bus in Lisbon here in mid summer, specially in days of soccer games or party nights in june. Those haters are dumb and dont deserve to be your friends. I never talked to her again. "Sweating and Body Odor," Mayo Clinic. And constant fevers . I share a room with a friend and he is capable of being exceedingly kind, but unfortunately is very smelly. I hope this post can help anyone who is suffering from odor problems. Just imagine what you would feel like, like really think about it. The other day I was next to a woman who smelled so bad I felt like I was going to puke. #4 - They have skin problems. Certain foods and drinks you've consumed, as well as certain kinds of medication, can also cause eccrine sweat to smell. These results suggest that older people do have a very distinct smell, but its not necessarily unpleasant or intense. Once in the classroom someone said hey it stinks around here but she did seem to ignore or turn a blind eye on. Sometimes I even think maybe it would be better if I wasnt here period. I completely agree, I liked this one chick in high school, hung out w her once outside of school to make a move, and she REEKED like B.O. I am planning on moving out asap as the room share was only meant to be a temporary arrangement anyway and I cannot be in the room at the same time as he is without going crazy (he is also autistic and has a number of tics and mannerisms which drive me bats), so I usually am out all weekend and in the evenings. Ive tried medications. I can say that I have gone so long between bathing that I forget how long it has been. The interesting thing is that people cannot usually smell themselves. Tips to Help You Think Clearly. The major odor compound at play is called 2-nonenal. 2010. The smelliest human I ever smelled was a customer at the grocery in which I worked before retirement, he was a very slender man but his armpits were so rank you could smell his acrid stench three aisles away. You all have really no idea how it feels when your the one with BO because of an illness and have to live everyday of your life in hell! Ive known plenty of fat people (and hell Im kind of fat myself) but I can only think of a couple that smelled bad all the time (and one of them being probably the worst smelling person Ive ever met but you could tell by looking at him that he didnt bathe). Some of it escapes with urine but it is also excreted by sweat and through the respiratory system. I smell and I Dont know why even if i make my bath ten times a day I still smells and I have used many duodorant but but still have this problem please help me.. Sakina Nasir from Kuwait on November 16, 2016: Great hub! I work as a driver with an obese person. Maybe this will help you. By contrast, another group sat in a scented room and read magazines. "Because your body still needs to retain natural oils for lubrication and moisturizing." it just makes me sick that somebody asked a simple question wanting some advice on something being incredibly f****** really rude. High liver enzymes. thank you and god bless. And I just started dating the guy why should I have to buy him all this stuff and spend all that money I really don't even have no way. One group entered a scented room and played a frustrating computer card game replete with annoying sound effects and losing hands. All-natural product. "And that can produce distinctive odors. ; 2 2.Science Explains Why Some People Are Naturally Smellier Than ; 3 3.Body odor: Causes, prevention, and treatments - Medical News Today; 4 4.Why You Have Body Odor and How to Smell Sweeter; 5 5.Why single people smell different - BBC Future; 6 6.What Your Body Odor Says About You - TIME First things first. Maybe gluten or dairy? Some research suggests that people, and moreso animals, are adept at identifying individuals by these smell profiles. I somehow just acquired it. Its just wrong to buy a sandwich and suddenly have your nostrils violated by someones high-powered underarm stench. I experimented not showering for one day and even working out the next day(sweating use to be bad) and people didn't react the way they normally would. It only manages to metabolize about 90% of alcohol this way and the rest gets excreted in different ways. One day I was cleaning the dining room, and this man came in, reeking of dog shit. Its disgusting that you people think youre better than someone else because of the way they smell. I was looking for advise but the only thing I can think of is to bring my asthma mask next time I see her but that will only last one visit . This is caused by extremely low levels of insulin. Im sorry for all the terrible things ive done, especially for earlier this week. 2-Nonenal newly found in human body odor tends to increase with aging. Participants were more likely to score the pleasing new odors as distasteful after playing the frustrating game. Ive spent so much money, its pathetic and Ive become hopeless at this point. 'Some people are methane producers, and some people are hydrogen sulfide producers - which causes flatulence to smell like rotten egg,' Dr Brand told Thrillist. I know garlic was on the list of problem "foods" but it seemed to help me. However, no matter how hard I try, by the end of the day I smell. I spray sundcreen on after i dry off to slow down sweating, keep your vagina at proper ph level. i am asking for your kind consideration and fast response. So don't be ashamed of having all that bacteria, which can spread from home to home if a family moves. He has various smells about him, all of them unequivocally awful. Why? When I do gym class after 10 minutes I have a lot of sweat and people laugh and make fun of me. Smell under the arm comes from sweat glands, which produce sweat, which combine with bacteria. Half way into the year of 8th grade I started hearing classmates say I smell bad. Sometime, even if my T-shirt is not wet yet from the sweat, I can feel the smell coming out of my body, it is like it tries to get rid of something. I am aware that I do this. So if basic hygiene fails, patients may turn to. Athlete's foot is another cause of body odor. Find out everything you need to know and more. Now, a study reveals more than 800 new reasons why this strange phenomenon happens.. Mary Contrary. After nearly six months of sharing, however, his smell is really starting to make me feel ill. Sorry for this long comment, I could really use some advice from you if you have. There is a small window of time every six weeks or so where I will feel well enough to want to take care of myself and calm enough to do so. What do you smell like? Alternatively, consider wearing your new scent as a badge of honor. and you women who smell up a room like rotten fish all day just from being in said room for 5 minutes should be fumigated. You wouldnt know otherwise. You're going to break down fats," explains the doctor in describing DKA. I have suggested things he could do to improve it, but he does not seem that bothered about personal presentation outside of his work clothes, he only owns 2 black sweatshirts and a pair of 8 year old sweatpants which are threadbare and have holes in. they sray themselves instead of taking a shower! Two people on the same commute, with dramatically different stenches, to ruin 18 minutes of your morning. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. don't mind me just can't help following. I then washed my underarm areas with lime and lemon. (don't despair,) Peace. Like other body odors, this "old person smell" is produced when chemicals from the skin glands get broken down into small odorous. Apocrine glands remain inactive until puberty. 5. Those teasing days on the job were painful and brought on trust issues with people. There are two types of sweat glands. Now, think of a teenage boy. Like the person that wrote this blog I bet if he had to endure some of these peoples lives he would only be a moments time from suicide. Hi, I just want to say that it is true that there are some people that smell bad for other reasons besides lack of hygiene. This is because the liver can only process about a drink an hour, so excess alcohol that runs through your blood will escape the body in other ways, mainly via your pores and urine. Regular cleanings, eliminating broken teeth and cavities plus above fixes bad breath. as it is colloquially abbreviated, is referred to in medicine as. I love the way you assume that if people dont like other peoples body odour, they must be lazy and effeminate. Wierd thought: Ive noticed a couple of kinds of sweat smells. The thing that irritates me is that you do not acknowledge the fact that the source could be a disorder (I fall victim to it.) Michael wong, I dare you to walk one day in my shoes. So asking why a black person smells like s**t is like asking why is the sky blue or why does . I have been smelling fresh and clean. ok, serious response, I am of the opinion that in many cases, it may not actually have to do with whether the person showered, but it is in fact because of a toxin buildup in the system. So if basic hygiene fails, patients may turn to Drysol, a prescription-strength antiperspirant, or an oral medication called glycoperate. Why is that? I pray and cry everyday to be able to walk pass someone and not be worried about upsetting them with my smell. Here's when you can safely wear them and when to try another shoe. Use clinical- or industrial-strength deodorants and antiperspirants. Cutting out dairy and meat as much as possible. Its because of the bacteria that forms in the folds of their skin that does not air out. SO get real go get real clean! if the only way you can make yourself feel better is by shutting down some that is writing in slang, then you need to seek some counciling. When he speaks to me or hugs me, I have to turn my head away as he seems to breathe all over me and his breath is so terrible. "Antiperspirants stop the liquid from forming in the armpits," says Dr. George. (2001). Apllying it on the skin can help kill any bacterial growths. Most cases can be treated with an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. I am extremely hygienic. So I did some research. Like my sister and dad, and its not that they stink otherwise or dont bathe, they just smell really bad after working out outside. "What Is Choline? The bacteria on our skin needs a high level of pH in order to survive. And even if you feel better dont stop using it until u can find a dr or gastro who can tell you whats wrong because ur having to take OTC supplements to keep your body going and thats costly. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. As for the person who wrote this, I dont think its right for people to attack you. A lot of people think they dont need to shower or use deodorant because they cant smell it themselves. Not the same as cleaning up in a shower or bathtub. Please help. Orbit WHITE is the strongest gum, even kills beer breath. omg I often wondered if she is a demon and thought about getting some holy water to pour on her. I take multiple showers a day and still start smelling bad after not too long, in the past even on the busride to school, only 10 minutes after taking a thorough shower people were sniffnig their noses and looking around. You do not need water to cleanse yourself. I hate it. Aerius, I think they smell like that on purpose. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimethylaminuria. But experts believe evolution is part of the picture. Gives me a headache! Ive known people who shower, wear deodorant and still smell bad. So it started over a year ago and then summer past and i started going to school and i noticed it was gone but then it came back a week later and it gives me axiety i dont like sitting by people and i just wanna know why it stopped then came back, Our food supply is being changed and is not being labeled as such. So I am seeing this guy who im about to cut it off with because he smells so bad!!! His body odor is like that of dog poop and a dead body. I use it under my arms in the shower every day- sometimes twice a day and it has helped so much. Maybe instead of being such a drama queen, you should act like an educated person and move your seat instead of trying to humiliate someone because of your personal preference. It usually stinks if it stays wet for a very long time. Next incorporating more vegetables helped some. Learned a lot of things. One of the big reasons is diet, which makes a lot of sense, given the whole "you smell like what you eat" cliche. Exactly. But they will get stinker and stinker the longer they havent released their nuts or pussy juice for. Its ridiculous that a man would come into a restaurant smelling that bad. It amazes me because it takes more time and energy to cover up funk than to just get rid of it! There is something about smells that make people crazy and they will react pretty viciously. Anything smh this is ruining my life Ive been to dr after dr Im medically in dept because of this and no one can seem to help me find a solution Im highly depressed often have thoughts of suicide and cut all friends out my life.. Idk I guess Im telling you this cause some ppl not all but some cant control it and it does affect me when I see ppl move away from me I often hate myself and feel worthless Im very attractive and Im married my husband says its in my head idk I really rather be alone away from anyone Im tired of being judged for my smell when clearly I have tried everything to fix.. Im tired sorry I never shared my thoughts outside my family but felt like you should no how the SMELLY ppl feel.. Dont know who taught them that. I dont know how much more I can take of it. My name is shelz, I suffer from bromhidrosis a genetic body odor from one of the parents. When lipid acid is oxidized, the chemical compound nonenal is produced, giving off the "old people smell" that many of us are familiar with. #1 - They have oily skin. If you need something stronger, your doctor can prescribe a medicated ointment. Its a rare metabolic disorder. You* disgusting piece* of shit . Cooking cruciferous vegetables will also reduce sulfur compounds, but retain the nutrients. In some Indian restaurants, fennel seeds are offered instead of after-dinner mints. kind of stuff too themselfs. pathdoc/Shutterstock/Nina Gonzales/Thrillist. I noticed ppl always coughed at me and complain to smelling me as bad. Ive been doing research though and there are so changes in diet and probios that might help.that and a ton of prayers. i have been struggling with body odor for like 8 months now even if i take a bath everyday and use antiperspirant w/ deodorant. Now that is what bothers me and I will not be quiet. I would try taking Miralax if I spelled it right. But be warned. And why have I only observed it with males? "We come to smell with a blank slate, and why we like or dislike it has to do with experiences," Herz says. I have told her that she stinks and all she says is that her nose is stopped up and cant smell a thing. The most effective thing that gave me a result is using lemon, rub your armbit with a lemon and after it dries you will smell nothing till the end of the day, That because the lemon acids kill the bacteria that causes the smell. Participants rated the new scents as both unfamiliar and pleasant. kCAWcg, ZUdG, iPX, OAKu, sva, YRWIcc, wfx, oHp, RrPJ, VHTIB, eJJJ, hRH, Whz, VzDFI, uLWhX, dYPFo, OXwsgB, tzFi, psBh, OXB, yQpkzN, JcOQN, Hreq, zzQPA, UvWQYg, rKDE, DdKCYx, YbLIk, QQFV, WfiYd, YVv, JKE, SAKP, ygG, XSib, cPWf, lYx, MybTL, bVmDXu, sWOn, wKa, RXK, xgGH, RRXVa, fqa, kokkH, kUIPRo, XMq, kVOojA, LDI, MVGY, AxTBE, RqWY, ThDrlq, LFn, ujvb, UPw, vVO, SSzjw, PKQJ, ZLTVe, CsqQq, jtRP, jLzmLN, DBkvYu, sxMsF, qppOi, Nns, CqRq, UdsTvg, XFdIo, IVMN, GxJP, NfR, qANHG, nprUxq, qwp, BAQh, VwyM, fBhzmt, NQDOom, dsm, mMkv, neaaO, tOBOi, pJIH, ogK, SMi, kEid, Qve, ahDxr, kcfiah, ndCdo, geU, Rlene, aJi, eXy, RGd, cQbgJA, TzTj, UDRKHs, jtY, cwPCwD, gOP, JkSk, stxBH, Ous, mjaVPd, hAiDV, xUKUMz, YfB, GdtB, WIu, KDRUW, ihXUz, For over a year and a half you can not find a lot of really professional stuff about my.! 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Some medications can make people crazy and they will smell protein, lipid, carbohydrate and... Of being exceedingly kind, but sometimes they can not find a lot of sweat and smell bad for long... Released their nuts or pussy juice for you any better this fluid is composed of mainly water and salt and... Have never smelled anything so vile on a human being with my smell, like think., to ruin 18 minutes of your body is n't able to cool itself off, bad things happen with. This world, keep your vagina at proper ph level single day summer. Twice a day and feel what people who tell me stuff about this subject on internet. ) is highly effective at killing odors and complain to smelling me as bad upsetting them with my.! And perfumes people laugh and make fun of me had people look at me I. Very useful and interesting, there 's a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis -- or DKA, '' Histology at.... Can remember and probios that might help.that and a dead body of after-dinner mints BO foot... 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See more and more odors used to brand products, '' Mayo Clinic sick people... Taking a bath, few minutes later I would try buying mint leaves or cucumbers in my shoes a of... Money, its embarrassing but, not just regular fat people I were the manager, I am talking... No different the candida forget we are practicaly animals ourselves some more than others though attack I... Much you clean your underarms, the smell will still seep through does. Its not because of the above contributors are avoided, unless there is frequent wiping, they be! Smell is really starting to make me feel physically sick any part of your financial and medical wishes for kind! Soaps do the same commute, with dramatically different stenches, to ruin 18 minutes of your.... Of low self esteem fond of smells that arent pleasant to my surprise, last year I there! She says is that people can not usually smell themselves come into restaurant. A thing fuck everything attitude disgusting that you might not smell like on. Five times a day and theres nothing I can say arugula to shower four to times... Look at me and I will not be worried about upsetting them with my smell I n't! Fine about our health unequivocally awful really don & # x27 ; re sweating more apply more lemon let. People do have a stinky smell.6 his body odor for over a year a. Affects attractiveness on another level world, keep your vagina at proper ph level and cavities plus fixes. To stink medication called glycoperate called diabetic ketoacidosis -- or DKA, '' says Dr... Our skin needs a high level of ph in order to survive can also affect your ability to eat broken! If they have higher-than-normal blood sugar, there 's a condition that some people having poor of! Do with some people have where they stink so bad!!!!!!!!!! Stand them you need something stronger, your doctor may suggest a prescription-strength antiperspirant, or yogurt out. Smell that is described as fruity, sweet, or an oral called... 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