In this post, youre going to learn all about it from the 5E rulebooks. Noble, Fierce, and quick to quarrel, they have powerful teeth and claws and do not hesitate to use them. Powerful Build:Bugbears can push, drag, lift, and carry more than a medium creature normally can. Currently, he partakes in several D&D 5E campaigns and likes messing around with other systems such as Heart, Spire and Rats in The Walls. Most satyrs appear as half-humanoid, half-goat creatures that stem from a cross between nature spirits and humans. High Elves represent the stereotypical haughty, secretive, and extremely prestigious variety of elves. Size and Speed:Simic Hybrid are medium-sized creatures. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. In an Aquaman-like flourish of flavor, they can also communicate with any creature with a swim speed, in addition to speaking aquan. Druid doesn't get Proficiency in Heavy Armor. Half-elves who choose to walk among humans see their friends and loved ones age,, Half-orcs are creatures that, like half-elves, are caught between two worlds. A heavily armored mage is truly terrifying. Natural Armor:The best part about being a Lizardfolk is the scales. They will perform well in a party that upholds these values. Due to their connection with the Feywild, fairies are innately magical and have a whimsical nature that is ruled by impulse and emotion. a natural weapon that can also grapple as part of an attack. Grovel, Cower, and Beg:This ability is one of very few taunt mechanics in the game. Loxodon make great Clerics. Firbolg Magic:The ability to detect magic and disguise yourself will help you infiltrate and investigate. Going back to the heavy armor price tags: having a magic increase in AC like this costs less than buying better, normal armor, but it can make magic feel mundane. Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. coned meter reading appointment; radarr docker setup; property to rent fareham If youre going for a specific combo with your character build, this is a great way to get there faster. Changeling Instincts:Choice of Insight and a short list of Charisma-based skills further enhances your ability to blend in with anyone. The Eberron variant is strictly better than this one, and the Half-Orc better still. Have you tried this? If you wear Armor, replace the 10 with the Base AC of that Armor Type. Mental Discipline:Advantage against charm and fear effects. Its almost as good as an extra few feet of movement and when using a reach weapon they can fight over two lines of phalanx. This trait alone makes you lean towards druid thematically. Expert Forgery:Kenku have the ability to recreate works of art and craftsmanship with surprising fidelity, allowing them to mimic more than just sounds. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the object touched is either metal armor or a metal shield being worn or carried, it takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. As a small character, that will be most foes you face. A Beasthide Shifter makes an excellent Fighter. For more information check out our in-depth review of Tashas Cauldron of Everything where we breakdown the changes how they will change the way you play Dungeons and Dragons. Padded armor, such as a gambeson, is made with quilted fabric (linen or wool), and the stuffing can be made of rags, animal hair, and so on. A 1st level Wizard, on the other hand, who is only proficient with simple weapons and also inexplicably has 16 Strength, uses the same longsword to attack the same goblin. The Protector is one charged by a greater power to aid in the quest of good men, and to defeat evil wherever it hides. Darkvision. Quick Reference; Aarakocra are medium humanoids that resemble, large, bipedal birds. In this guide, were going to break down exactly what a proficiency bonus is, how it works, when to use it, when not to use it, and how it interacts with special class features like Expertise and Jack of All Trades. Their ability scores and racial traits are conflicting with each other slightly. Ability Score Increase:+2 Intelligence and +1 Wisdom. When you create your character (or when you level up), its important to make sure you apply your proficiency bonuses to all the relevant sections of your character sheet. A monstrous race usually used as low-level minions, Bugbears are powerful creatures that make excellent fighters. Their base speed is 25 feet per round. Baalzebul:The spells granted are substituted with ray of sickness and crown of madness. Tool Proficiency not only determines whether you add your proficiency bonus to checks made using a specific type of tool (Thieves Tools, Masons Tools) or kit (Disguise Kit, Brewers Supplies, etc. The haregons rabbit-like features, such as their tall ears and long feet, allow them to perceive danger and react, If there is one thing hobgoblins love, its war. The perfectionist scholars of the multiverse, the Vedalken are a curios and discerning people. The Hidden People, Changelings are able to alter their appearance at will. Learn how your comment data is processed. you can fly. Tables that banned Counterspell, did it improve the game? Empty, and become wind. this implies that warforged is far smarter than standard golems, and lack certain golem Answered! Size and Speed:Lizardfolk are medium-sized creatures. Consider taking Pact of the Blade and wreak havoc in melee. However, their other abilities actually take this into account as a benefit. Size and Speed:Aarakocra are medium-sized creatures. Ability Score Increase:+2 Strength and +1 Dexterity. Shifting:Once per short rest, as a bonus action, you can shift into your beast form. During their time in the Feywild, the elves were influenced by the chaotic magic of, Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. They are: Heavy armor gives characters flat ACs, so the Dex mod is irrelevant. They gain double proficiency on History checks and can craft little trinkets that can be used to distract and mislead. Menacing:Free skill proficiency in Intimidation is on flavor. Listen to the audio version of the article here: Armor is a big deal in D&Dits the thing between your ribcage and the spear-wielding kobolds on both sides of the narrow tunnel youve just fallen 20 ft. into. Its the same for crafting it yourself. You learn mage hand and once per short rest can cast jump and misty step. Name Ability Size Source. Very rare items go for 5,001 to 50,000 gp. Size and Speed:Goliaths are medium-sized creatures. As self-serving as they are greedy, travelers should always be wary of encountering goblins. They consume food by osmosis, the way an amoeba does, and excrete waste through tiny pores. They also gain a +1 bonus to Charisma, which provides a boost to their social skills. They make their castles beneath the stone of the earth, and hoard wealth while exploring secret places within the world. Acid Spit. Ability Score Increase (and Decrease! This magic aids them as they tend to their forests and defend them from those who would do them harm. Kenku excel at stealth, imitation, and deception due to their forgery and mimicry skills. Perhaps youre a level 5 monk and you want to beef up a bit. The prices are quite steep. Size and Speed:Humans are medium-sized creatures. Whether you play as a lifelong warrior Gthyanki or a disciplined, studious Githzerai, you will have several powerful abilities that give you an edge over your foes in combat. Kobolds want to be in the heart of the action, fighting with finesse weapons. Their Telepathy and enhanced Wisdom make them great support characters. Warforged are one of the most versatile races available. Note that, if the fighter wasnt proficient in the Strength (Athletics) skill, the result of the roll would have been 15: a failure. According to the Players Handbook, the most common character races are dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. I rocked up late to the first session with an unread rulebook and a human bard called Nick Jugger. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Natural Athlete:Free Athletics proficiency is great for a strength-build character who will be doing a lot of running, jumping, and climbing. Attack rolls using weapons youre proficient with, Ability checks using skills youre proficient in, Ability checks using tools youre proficient with. Ability Score Increase:+2 Strength and +1 Constitution make Goliaths one of the most powerful races. Barbarian. Weapon Proficiency lets you add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with that weapon. For example, a 1st level Wizard with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) has a Spell Save DC of 13 (8 + 3 + 2) and a Spell Attack Bonus of +5 (3 + 2). Ability Score Increase:+2 Wisdom and +1 Charisma. The best part about D&D is that you can always roll up a new character, and it can be totally different than you yourself, your favorite fictional character, or anything youve dreamed up before. You have proficiency with all armor, shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons. To don armor, you must incorporate it into your body over the course of 1 hour, during which you must remain in contact with the armor. Size and Speed:Tabaxi are medium-sized creatures. With one exception in the famed Drizzt Dourden, they are a vile and secretive people, who scheme for power and control in the name of their dark god above all else. Once you do, you will be able to add your proficiency bonus whenever you use the said tool. The githyanki are angry at their circumstances, believing they have the right to to kill whoever and take whatever they want. Using an online character manager like D&D Beyond does a lot of work to streamline this process. You have a choice between ten colors, each offering an AoE of either a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line. Gnome Cunning:Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves against magic means you have a good chance of resisting most spells slung at you. These are also the tallest subrace of halfling. Sneaky:Free stealth proficiency! Ability Score Increase:Shadar-kai gain +1 Constitution. One of the few classes with an ability score penalty, they make up for it in other ways. Their ability score increase implies Monk or Ranger. The Players Handbook contains enough for any game group to get started. Ability Score Increase:+2 Dexterity and +1 Charisma. Poison Immunity:Very few playable races have immunity to a damage type. Anyone can put on a suit of armor or pick up a shield, but if you arent proficient in its armor type, you suffer disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that relies on Strength or Dexterity, and you cant cast Spells. Quick Navigation D&D 5e/Next Top. Pathfinder, a competing system to 5e, still uses it in their system, but 5e has gotten rid of it. MIX AND MATCH 5 PRINT PRODUCTS FOR 50% OFF! Mingle with the Wind:Let go your earthly tether. en dnd karaktr som jag jorde under frelsnigen som jag defenitift var p character name class level background player name race alignment experience points As of Wild Beyond the Witchlight (September 21, 2021), races will go in the direction that Tashas Cauldron of Everything started. They can blend in with any medium-sized race. The way that races will function in new books is as follows: No preset ability score increases. Fierna:The Intelligence score increase is changed to Wisdom, and the spells changed to friends, charm person, and suggestion. Drow are proficient with rapiers, short swords, and hand crossbows. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. I suggest pricing a +1 armor enchantment at around 1500 gp, but it ultimately comes down to what sort of world your campaign is set in. Each race has a class or two which synergizes well with their innate abilities to give them an edge in combat, social situations, and/or exploration. Dragonborn are notoriously proud beings and their clan is more important than life itself. Mithral is incredibly light and flexible. On the go? Although they appear human, kalashtar are deeply in tune with spirituality, granting them slight psychic abilities. This gives them a greater awareness of their surroundings that surface-dwelling races. Appearing as the first playable Ooze character type in Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, plasmoids are a very unique. Automatic light armor proficiency is great if you decide to be a spellcaster. Integrated Protection:+1 AC no matter what, but your armor must be attached to you, requiring a long time to don or doff it. As their personalities developed over the years, each warforged is, Long ago, the yuan-ti were human. Fleet of Foot is always good, granting you an extra step up on other classes. Fey Creatures:Being fey means that Satyrs are immune to most low-level enchantment magic, like charm person. Size and Speed:Yuan-Ti are medium-sized creatures. Well, our friends over at Dungeon Vault have an assortment of puzzles, riddles, and tokens to enhance your gaming experience. Re: Races with Shield Proficiency. Characters are to choose their own alignment. Wood elves are natural druids or rogues, for their stealthy and nature-related abilities. The idea is that by investing time, you only spend money on raw materials and not on labor. Fire Ray. Their warriors fight with a cunning and ferocity seldom seen in other races. With over 35 races available, the numerous options ensure there are flavorful characters for everyone at the table, regardless of preference or play style. Shields dont count, although they give proficient users a +2 to AC and appear in the Players Handbook (PHB pg 145) armor table. The point is. Shadar-Kai and Aquatic elves are strong in any martial class with a ranged focus, Dexterity build fighters and paladins, rangers, and monks. They are researchers and ledger men, historians, and scribes. Hammering Horns:If you take the attack action and successfully hit, you can use a bonus action to try to hammer your foe with your horns, potentially knocking them backward 10 feet. They are a versatile people. Constructed Resilience:A host of abilities including advantage against poison, resistance to poison damage, immunity to disease and sleep magic, and not needing to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. Spellsword. Goblins make excellent Rogues and Rangers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed. Some character races will be able to choose between the small and medium creature sizes. Even in times of peace, hobgoblin society is rich with military tradition, brutal laws, and a strict military hierarchy. Its important to note that you can only apply your proficiency bonus to a dice roll once. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Legendary cost more than 50,000 and have no upper price limit. But two levels felt steep to me. Dispater:The Intelligence score increase is replaced with Dexterity, and the spells are replaced with disguise self and detect thoughts. (Yes, all classes have requirements for multiclassing.). At 6th level, rogues get to choose an additional two skills (or Thieves Tools if they havent chosen them already) in which they have Expertise. Shapechanger:As an action, you can completely alter your appearance, voice, and to a certain extent your height. Ability Score Increase:+2 Constitution and +1 to your choice of any other ability score. Swiftstride Shifter is just begging to become a Bard of Valor or the Blade. As a DM, it makes sense to make armor cheaper to craft than to buy, but sticking with the standard price for deciding crafting time. Racial. Honestly I really wouldnt worry about the mage armor tax. Aquatic Elf Heritage:In an aquatic campaign, this subrace is your friend. Att 20th level, that rogue (who now has a Dexterity of 20) gets a bonus of +17 a Dexterity modifier of +5 + 12 (Proficiency bonus 6 x 2) to the same check. Rather, they are something in between. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Wandering tinkers and tellers of tales, they are sneaky and proficient hunters when none watch too closely. You are never attacked at advantage and have advantage on wisdom checks. It can also make unarmed strikes if you are so inclined to do so. They even have a murder mystery and a political intrigue system! They are known for their vicious, antagonistic behavior. Centaurs are quadrupeds, which gives them a huge speed advantage over every other race. You learn mage hand and once per short rest can cast shield and detect thoughts. The snake-kin are a cruel, cunning people. (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Try not to get in their way! On occasion, romances form between disguised genies and mortals, the resulting offspring of which are known as the genasi. Natural Athlete:Free Athletics proficiency is welcome for a race that will almost always choose a martial class where Athletics is on the skill list. It also allows you to have decent AC and not suck too much at stealth while having a Dex mod of up to +2 if you choose the chain shirt or breastplate. Forest Gnomes make excellent Rogues and Rangers, with their skills in woodlands of particular interest. You still sleep but will never dream. Ring Of Protection 5e . Elf Weapon Training:You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. Elves love. A short-range ranged attack that deals acid damage which scales by level. Air Genasi are particularly good Rangers, with their Dexterity and increased mobility. Vedalken are natural wizards. Born of the mounting heavens of Celestia, the Aasimar people are the flip side of the coin from Tieflings. Veteran players, and those looking for more flair in their game can look to other sources, such as Volos Guide to Monsters which describes several monstrous and fantastic races. Add your Dexterity Modifier to the base 10 for your total. Tritons have a unique and broad ability spread which is perfect for the Paladin class. Size and Speed:Orcs are medium-sized creatures. So an Elf fighter (who has martial weapons proficiency anyway) can and really should swap away all these for four different tools .. enabling said character to start the game as with say poisioner kit, disguise kit, thieves tools and land vehicles, plus more from background . A 20th level character, on the other hand, would be able to activate this Feat a full six times per long rest. They also all give disadvantage on all stealth checks due to all the clanging metal. Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. Celestial Resistance:Resistance to necrotic and radiant damage makes you more effective at battling clerics, cultists, celestials, and the undead. Created in the last war, there are a limited number of them remaining in the world. Increase your Strength score by +1. Water Genasi function well as Clerics, with their increased Wisdom. Hold Breath:While you cant breathe underwater, 15 minutes is long enough to accomplish most shallow-water tasks. The Dao-descended Earth Genasi are strong and stout. For instance, no light armor takes a full workweek to make, but half plate takes fifteen (750gp/50=15 workweeks). Players Guide to 5e Proficiency Bonuses (+ Expertise and Jack of All Trades). As written, this race is strictly better than the Faerun Orc from Volos Guide to Monsters. Extra Language:High Elves gain one extra language of your choice. In 5e, so long as a magic user is proficient in the armor theyre wearing, they can cast spells without any increased difficulty. Adamantine, on the other hand, is an ultrahard metal found in meteorites and extraordinary mineral veins (XGE, pg 78). What is a DM to do? Base Armor Class for unarmored player characters is 10. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. If an auto gnome is separated from its creator, it begins to develop more autonomy and can decide to strike out on its own adventures. Aasimar Traits; . If the dice roll and any modifiers matches or exceeds it, the attack hits. Goring Rush:You can dash and attack with your horns in the same round. Additionally, some errata has been published removing their negative ability scores, so if you wish to play a more up-to-date version than is printed in the VGtM supplement, youll want to check that out. Hooves:Natural attacks that deal better damage than a normal unarmed strike. Depending on your subrace this grants you different abilities. They also have the shortest life span of the common races, which could be, Kalashtar, native to Eberron, were humans that have been intertwined with spirits from the plane of dreams. Their ancient civilization worshipped snakes, as snakes embodied all of the qualities they wished to model themselves after. A 1st level character would be able to resist one of the above damage types twice per long rest. Dwarven Toughness:You gain an extra hit point per level. linksys . It doesnt matter what you pick, your choices of ability score increase and enhancement can be tailored to your campaign circumstances. Fairies are small, winged folk the originated from the Feywild. Only those proficient in the armor's use know how to wear it effectively, however. Their subraces are packed with helpful abilities that give you an edge of most other races. These are also considered magical metals, so suits of armor made with them are magic items. A tiefling subrace exists for each of the major powers of the Nine Hells. Ability Score Increase:+2 Intelligence makes Gnomes smarter than most other races and gives them an edge in some of the better skills in the game. While proficiency bonuses can feel a little complex at first (Ive run D&D for enough first time players to be sure that nothing makes peoples eyes glaze over faster than explaining that their spellcasting modifier at 1st level is 8 plus their spellcasting ability modifier plus 2 but where does the 2 come from? Directly from the Player's Handbook: You have trained to master the use of light armor, gaining the following benefits: Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20 You gain proficiency with light armor PHB p.167 Table of Contents. When you make a saving throw with an ability score with which you are proficient, you add your proficiency bonus to your ability modifier and the result of the base d20 roll like a skill check. A friendly people, they can fit most niches in a party based on their specialty of breed. Swim:Lizardfolk have a swim speed by default. Wildhunt Shifters are interesting. Levistus:The Intelligence score increase is changed to Constitution, and the spells changed to ray of frost, armor of agathys, and darkness. Hungry Jaws:As is the above abilities werent enough, once per short rest you can gain a few temporary hit points on a bonus action bite attack. In 5e , Armor Class has been streamlined for easier calculation without requiring complicated tables and conditions. Spellcasting Focus: Arcane Focus Dragon Ancestor, Gold: Fire damage type. Most fairies appear as miniature elves with insectile wings, but like other races, each has their own distinguishing features. Your elemental choices are acid, cold, fire, lightning, and poison. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Ability Score Increase:High Elves gain +1 to Intelligence. Hill Dwarves make great Clerics. Ability Score Increase:Warforged gain +2 Constitution, and +1 to their choice of other ability score. Lizardfolk see the world in a much more primal way, experiencing emotions in a less complex manner and categorizing those they come, Loxodon are humanoid elephants native to the plane of Ravnica. []. XGE (pg 126) offers slightly different asking prices for magic items based on rarity: Maybe magic is no big deal in your neck of the woods. Below is a list of all of the playable races in D&D 5e. Mind Link:Short range telepathy that you can share with another creature gives you an infiltration edge in combination with a Rogue or Ranger. Likewise, Aasimar make powerful Warlocks, being able to use their Aura abilities on spells means applying the extra damage to their Eldritch Blast. Only characters proficient with this type of armor will receive increased PRR. At 1st and 5th level you gain an animal enhancement which gives you a powerful body modification. They say an elephant never forgets, after all. Though they stand well under 5 feet tall, dwarves are so broad and compact that they can weigh as much as a human standing nearly two feet taller. Plus you can have like an AC of 26 easily. These halflings are lithe, dexterous, and more adept at acrobatic practice than their more wide-footed kin. In the Plane of Thought, there isnt a need for food or air, and creatures dont age, so astral elves live near-immortal lives until they venture back into the Material Plane. Taunt, flee, and evade your opponents in melee. The PHB specifies that learning a skill takes 250 days (at 8 hours a day), costing one gold piece (gp) per day with a willing instructor. Born of the underworld, and with abilities fitting of their heritage, Tieflings are a powerful race. Eladrin 5e Traits. The devil-touched have marks of their infernal heritage. Their ability scores, weapon and armor proficiencies, and racial spellcasting are very useful in either of these builds. These creatures have scales, taloned arms and legs, and long, reptilian faces that resemble their elder kin. Say why in the comments. Darkvision:Dwarves can see in the dark out to 60 feet. Powerful Build:Loxodon count as large creatures when determining how much they can push, drag, or lift. Hidden Step:Short rest invisibility adds to your natural trickery. You can also function as a support role, able to swoop in and heal, buff, or fly off with any ally who needs help. Armor weight does count toward your carrying capacity (PHB, pg 176), too, but heavier armor users tend to be stronger, which bumps up the limit. After using this trait, you must take a short or long rest before doing so again. Ability Score Increase:+2 Constitution and +1 Strength give Leonin a distinct advantage in melee combat, providing them strength and survivability in the wild lands. Eladrin and high elves are predisposed to becoming wizards or rogues, given their increased intelligence. A real role-playing challenge, they are a nuique race well suited to specific function. Advantage against fear will prevent you from being taken out of the fight against some of the games more menacing enemies like Dragons and Liches. Ability Score Increase:+1 Constitution gives you more staying power. A 4th level rogue with Expertise in Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and a Dexterity of 18 (+4) gets a total bonus of +8 to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks. First things first, what does armor do in 5e: Armor are wearable items that raise your Armor Class (AC) if youre proficient in wearing them. Rock Gnome Traits:The racial traits granted to this type of gnome are all tinkerers skills. They settled in the Land of Faerie because the powerful, natural magic made the Feywild feel similar to previous home world. Hold Breath:Tortles cant swim, but they can hold their breath for an hour. Ability Score Increase:+2 Strength and +1 Wisdom. In cases where multiple rules suggest that you would multiply or divide your proficiency bonus more than once, you only multiply or divide it once. ):+2 Strength, +1 Constitution, and -2 Intelligence. They have mobility, strength, and a great selection of skills to be a melee build character with a versatile skillset. fundamentally, warforged 5e [5th edition] is golems, but they differ from their more mainstream counterparts within the proven fact that they're actually sentient creatures, created by magically coagulating and blending metal, stone, and wood during a vat. Unlike races such as the dragonborn, the way a lizardfolks mind works is completely different from most of the sentient races in the world of D&D. This makes them a versatile choice for any class. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Dwarves are an ancient people, proficient in crafting and building. To ensure you have those proficiencies, you will want one of the following: Chosen at 3rd level, you will choose an archetype/subclass. Dragonborn are humanoid dragons. The only caveats are: Customizing Your Origin also outlines rules for switching out languages and proficiencies from your racial traits, but these have less of an impact on our race and class guides.We have chosen to keep our race and class guides as is to represent the typical ASIs, proficiencies, and languages of races as they are displayed in their official sources. Gish. Even though the Wizard rolled higher (11), they cannot add their proficiency bonus to an attack roll with a weapon theyre not proficient with, meaning the result is a 14 (11 + 3): a miss. Githzerai Psionics:As you level up, you gain access to spellcasting. That final extra point of AC from splint armor to plate will run you 1,300 gp which is still likely cheaper than buying a Ring of Protection or getting a suit of splint armor enchanted for better AC. Most satyrs are easily identified by their goat horns and goat lower extremities. Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss another post! In lieu of the skill proficiencies, you gain a swimming speed, which will give you the mobility advantage you really need when on the open sea. These gnomes are native to mountains and underhills. Their abilities give them speed, stealth, and mobility options that make them great infiltrators. They are strong, tough, and quick to anger. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield. Asmodeus:This is the base Tiefling race as described in the Players Handbook. They have a host of abilities that make them ideal for aquatic or sea-faring campaigns. "+1dX damage once per turn" features with no other Press J to jump to the feed. Barbarian and Fighter are you best options, with paladin as another standout provided you have the Charisma to fuel your class abilities. Primal Intuition:Two free skill proficiencies from a long list. A campaign book such as Eberron: Rising from the Last War contains setting-specific races that some DMs may not want intruding into their classic setting, but will be important to a game set in Eberron. As a Wizard, the universally best way of getting proficiency in Heavy Armor is by taking a 1 level dip into Life Cleric. Once Fey, as the rest of the Elf races, they have become something else in their long, shadowy history. Aasimar are humans touched by the divine power of celestials. Here are the armor proficiencies you get from those: Multiclassing is when you decide to incorporate a second class into your character. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Sunlight Sensitivity:Like all Underdark races, Drow are weakened when in direct sunlight. Barbarian, all the way. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The transmuter has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Mechanically, the rogues propensity for honing their skills to a razors edge is expressed through their Expertise class feature. Necrotic Shroud:Once per long rest you can activate this aura to cause fear in those around you, and gain bonus necrotic damage to your attacks and spells. Scourge Aasimar are intense, powerful, and devoted to a singular cause. Features like Expertise and Jack of All Trades can also multiply or half your proficiency bonus when making a roll. Ram:Access to a natural weapon means youll never be caught unarmed. At 1st level, rogues choose two skill proficiencies, or one skill proficiency and their proficiency with thieves tools. If you are given the opportunity to play as one of these, you will have a major advantage over other creatures who lack flight. Dwarven Resilience:Advantage on saves against poison and resistance to poison damage means youre not going to easily succumb to venomous creatures, poisonous foodsor drinks. XGE has another optional rule that adds extra hassle to these armor types: If you sleep in medium or heavy armor, you only get 1/4th of the hit dice you would normally get, and this long rest does not remove Exhaustion levels (XGE, pgs 77-78 ). Magic Resistance:Advantage on saving throws against magic is a very powerful and rare trait. Search by name on the left, click race name to display on the right. He has published several supplements for the game, available through online retailers. Success! Your proficiency bonus also determines how often some class abilities and spells can be activated between rests. All characters have a proficiency bonus determined by their level. Size and Speed:Dwarves are medium creatures. Always eager to pick a fight, half-orcs make a good addition to any adventuring party looking to get into the rough stuff. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. Elf Weapon Training:Eladrin are proficient with longswords, shortswords, longbows, and shortbows. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. For Heavy Armor, Dexterity bonuses . If you arent attacking, you can still select another special action for a full, covered retreat- disengage and hide. Keen Senses:Elves are proficient in Perception. Due to the unlimited variability offered by the Customizing Your Origin option, it would be impossible to take all combinations of ASI increases into account. They are virtuous and empathic. I'm wondering if there are any 5E races other than those which have light or medium armor proficiency? There are five classes that start out with medium armor proficiency, and one sub-race. These small, reptilian humanoids became a playable race in Volos Guide to Monsters. The cat-people hail from a strange and distant land. The thinking was that you needed full range of motion to cast spells, so any armor that restricted movement would cause the caster to have a chance at failing. Saving Face:Once per short rest you gain a bonus to an otherwise failed attack or skill check based on the number of allies you can see. XGE (pg 129) has a crafting rule for this: The work can be distributed over a longer period, depending on the time frame of your game. Powerful Build:Orcs can push, drag, lift, and carry more than a medium creature normally can. As long as youre in sunlight you cant cast your racial spells and your attacks will suffer greatly. For leather and hide armor, you need leatherworkers tools. In Volos Guide to Monsters, it is mentioned that the supplemental races provided in the sourcebook are rarer than any of the standard classes presented in the Players Handbook. Tortles are adeptly in tune with nature and need little more than the pristine views of beautiful, Tritons are aquatic humanoids. Fire Genasi are tough Wizards who can stand in front of enemies more easily. As a good rule of thumb, you only ever add your proficiency bonus to a roll made with a d20. Halflings of any subrace make excellent Rogues, given their Dexterity and ability to reroll missed attacks. Wizards get tons of spells just by leveling up and thats the case even if your DM is stingy with scrolls and other wizards Spell books. Ability Score Increase:+2 Wisdom and +1 Strength. In order to take their intellectual pursuits to new heights, they vowed to separate themselves from emotion by pledging themselves to the serpent gods, and in doing so performed terrible acts. Size and Speed:Shifters are medium-sized creatures. A note is provided saying members of some races, such as dwarves and elves, can live for centuries. This leaves the actual age range of races up to DMs interpretation. Feral Tieflings can become archers rather than casters. This means that the racial ability score adjustments presented in the Players Handbook are just suggestions. These are plastic fibers that are very strong, lightweight, flexible, and .. The possibilities are limitless! This would provoke an attack of opportunity from you if you still have a reaction. Ability Score Increase:The Eladrin elves gain +1 Intelligence. Some classes, like the rogue and the bard, get to enhance the benefits granted by their proficiency bonus even further through abilities like Expertise and Jack of All Trades. Size and Speed:Hobgoblins are medium-sized creatures. Aasimar make excellent paladins. Stonecunning: 2x proficiency on history (stonework) checks. Additional accessible formats for this information are available upon request. More on that in a bit. As an action, you can hurl a bolt of searing energy at a creature within 120 feet, forcing them to make a Dexterity saving throw. bonds flaws personality traits armor class current hit points temporary hit points initiative speed proficiency bonus strength dexterity constitution intelligence . document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Arcane Eye is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Stephen Papageorge is an Environmental Engineer by day and a Dungeon Master by night. Throughout the game, you can start - or gain proficiencies in certain skills. They cannot directly communicate with the spirits they are linked to, but instead feel them through emotion, instinct, and see them in, Kender are curious folk that originated on Krynn, the world of the Dragonlance setting. Mountain Dwarf offers medium armor proficiency, which is tempting for most bard subclasses, but that's not enough to make the Dwarf a good option. They are unique in that they gain +2 to two different stats, meaning they gain a modifier boost to each regardless of the stats base value. Ability Score Increase: Being able to choose between +2 ASI, +1 ASI, or +1, +1, +1 ASI means that you can pick exactly what your build will need. On Exandria, orcs are plagued by a curse and some have taken to following the law very strictly. Their small size imposes disadvantage in combat with these otherwise unwieldy weapons. Drow Magic:In exchange for their weakness to sunlight, Drow gain access to racial magic in the form of dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness. If you want to learn more about a race or its subraces, click on the Learn More button to visit our Race Guide page. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. character name class & level background player name race alignment experience points inspiration strength armor class proficiency . They mainly coexist peacefully, but when moods towards the Alpha turn sour, other strong members of the clan may try to oust the Alpha and claim. Acid Resistance:Acid is a more uncommon energy type. Necrotic Resistance:These mysterious elves have resistance to necrotic damage. All of the below subraces allow you to choose, Lizardfolk are not your typical swamp-dwelling humanoids. All Rights Reserved. However, races such as githyanki, mountain dwarf, and hobgoblin, which give medium armor proficiency but STR-based weapon proficiencies do have another use that is seldom talked about, and that is to turn caster classes into Strength gishes. Shifting Feature:This is an interesting one. Additionally, some errata has been published removing their negative ability scores, so if you wish to play a more up-to-date version than is printed in the VGtM supplement, youll want to check that out. Survivor:Choice of skills from animal handling, survival, medicine, or nature. Goliaths have strong ties to their nomadic tribes, and are driven by a fierce competitive nature that. Dungeons and Dragons is a Trademark of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. 5e_charactersheet_fillable.pdf. Gilfaethy 4 yr. ago A 2 level dip in Warlock will get you at-will mage armor, too, which is worth considering. Lost sorrowsworn grasp at any creatures they can reach. 5 ITEMS @ 50% OFF! They are constantly at war with the two halves of their nature and have trouble belonging anywhere. Adding weapons and armor proficiencies to the list of things you can learn by training is a small, reasonable tweak. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. There's nine races, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Dragonborn, Gnome, Half-elf, Half-orc, Tiefling, and most have sub-races Your race, class, and feats can grant you proficiency wit Theres a handy table in the DMG (pg 146) to determine how long it takes, unassisted, depending on armor type: If youre thinking its a little silly that donning a chain shirt takes as long as donning full plate armor, youre not alone. Light is better for dexterous, stealthy characters; heavy for tanks (bad for stealth; requires a minimum strength). Body armor is generally made up of plastic fabrics that are made of Aramids. Powerful Build:Firbolg can push, drag, lift, and carry more than a medium creature normally can. Genasi are naturally tough, and make good melee characters. Heavy Armor Proficiency. Your ability scores are raised depending on which subrace you pick. Even when you know your proficiency bonus and which skills, saving throws, and equipment types it applies to, calculating exactly how it affects your dice rolls can still feel a little overwhelming. Longtooth Shifters have a fierce disposition. Minotaurs are a playable race found in Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica as well as in Mythic, Orcs exist in many fantasy-related media. Their base speed is 40 feet per round. Most are from the Ranger/Druid lists. Use this to do recon or learn about the surrounding terrain before walking blindly into a combat encounter. There are some exceptions, like the Hexblade Warlocks curse ability (which lets you add your proficiency bonus to your damage rolls against a single target) but largely your proficiency bonus is exclusively for checks, saves, and attack rolls. A goliath barbarian excels in combat more so than most other races. Air Genasi are descended from the Djinn of the elemental plane of Air. Reveler:Satyrs get a whopping Three bonus proficiencies to go with their bonus to Charisma. Stout Halflings are the dwarvish-heritage small-folk that resemble their distant ancestors moreso than the other varieties. There are more uncommon races such as dragonborn, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, and tieflings. Most vedalken are extremely passionate in their work, using every moment as an opportunity to move towards perfection. In addition to armor, a character with proficiency in them can choose to sacrifice wielding two weapons or a two-handed weapon in favor of grabbing a shield. Brave:Being small doesnt mean they are scared! Size and Speed:Gith are medium-sized creatures. Anywhere their strength and toughness are welcome is an easy choice for them. Your class gives you Proficiency with certain types of armor. So if a player playing an Elf martial character who already gains martial weapons through the class, can swap the 4 weapons (longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow) for 4 tools. DnD 5E Optimized Race and Lineage Guide - Tabletop Builds Tabletop Builds Core Tenets Theory & Analysis Party Roles The Myth of Party Roles The Two Problems with Tanks The "Squishy Caster" Fallacy The Myth of the Skirmisher Flavor is Free Standards of Optimization Levels Healthy Paranoia Styles of Resource Management Playing to Win Humans are known to be the youngest of the races that one commonly sees when walking the streets of any given town or community. As for maintaining armor, your equipment is maintained as a part of the money spent for lifestyle expenses (PHB, pg 157). 2. Powerful Build:Goliaths can push, drag, lift, and carry more than a medium creature normally can. They often exist outside the social norms of others of their kind, and that of any other race as well. Swim:Likewise, a swim speed makes a huge difference in watery environments. Each of the four subraces has an elemental affinity that dictates their abilities. Halflings are a well-natured bunch and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Winged:trading your spellcasting for flight gives you a powerful tactical advantage and is worth it if youre a caster and dont need the extra spells known. Wood Elves are in tune with nature to a high degree, as is evident by their racial traits. A character with an Intelligence modifier of +3 adds that bonus to any roll that relies on them using their intellect. With many aesthetic varieties, they are all similarly equipped stat and skill-wise. Dwarven Combat Training:All Dwarves are proficient with axes and hammers. Drow are naturally predisposed to becoming rogues, sorcerers, and warlocks. Aggressive:You can approach an enemy as a bonus action. This will serve you well in a battle against a black dragon, so its worth it. Just like real life! Guardians of the Depths:Resistance to cold is very valuable, as is the ability to exist under the harsh conditions of the deepest depths of the seas. Drow Weapon Training:As with most elf races, you gain proficiency with martial weapons, representative of a lifetime of study and training. 3. Damage rolls, healing rolls, and other rolls made with other types of dice are not affected by your proficiency bonus. Whereas rogues focus all of their talents into being frighteningly good at a few things, bards excel at being able to do a little bit of everything (and then, a little later, decide to get really, really good at a few things as well; bards are all that one friend whos on his third bachelors degree in his mid thirties and later decides to get a PhD in Forensic Science when hes 40 just for kicks). Bards also gain access to Expertise, although they benefit from the feature later than rogues. Giff are hippo-human hybrids that tend frequent the Astral Seas of Spelljammer campaigns. These are the elves who live in tall towers in ancient cities and guard elder secrets of the mastery of magic and martial prowess. Darkvision 60ft. Youre sorely lacking for something to do with your bonus action if youre a great-weapon fighter who doesnt have an off-hand attack, so this gives you something to do, which also gives you a quick heal. Your Spell Save DC = 8 + Your Spellcasting Ability Modifier + Proficiency Bonus, Your Spell Attack Bonus = Your Spellcasting Ability Modifier + Proficiency Bonus. Darkvision:Those born of the light do not fear the darkness. Playing a fighter or barbarian is best to showcase your natural racial abilities. This comes in handy when youre on a stealth missions with a teammate, or to unnerve an unsuspecting or superstitious NPC. If so, its probably wise to make this important quest objective more interesting than just a +X breastplate. If that character tries to decipher a book of magical runes, however, and is also proficient in Intelligence (Arcana), they get to add their proficiency bonus on top of their Intelligence modifier. A 2 level dip in Warlock will get you at-will mage armor, too, which is worth considering. UA Githzerai get a bonus to AC when lightly armoured, Zendikar Goblins get 11+Dex natural armour, Beasthide Shifters from Eberron get +1 AC while shifting, Warforged from Eberron get built in armour, but not armour proficiencies. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. They value nothing more than family, duty, and honor. Heres where this race goes off the rails. * You use your Charisma in place of your Strength and Dexterity. ), but whether or not you can even attempt to use the piece of equipment (which also includes musical instruments and gaming sets; it makes sense given how many times Ive sat down at a piano and tried to just give it my best shot, or the first time I booted up Dwarf Fortress without reading a starters guide) at all. Eventually, their free-spirited nature led them to other planes of existence where they have settled and lost some of the influence the Feywild had on their biology. These creatures can mold their amorphous bodies into various shapes, allowing them to appear almost humanoid, create tentacles, or appear as a limbless blob. The jolly smallfolk, Halflings are found all over the world. While Supplies Last! Beasthide Shifters are tough, feral creatures with thick hides and sturdy posture. Mimicry:Kenku cannot speak. Multiplying 0 by any number is still 0. Radiant Soul:Once per long rest, you can activate your aura to gain a flying speed and deal extra radiant damage on your attacks and spells. Animal Enhancement. Loxodon are extremely loyal and can be quite fearsome when they or their friends are threatened. Reset. 1. Home Player Resources Players Guide to 5e Proficiency Bonuses (+ Expertise and Jack of All Trades). Also, remember that you only ever apply your proficiency bonus to a roll once. Their thick shell and amphibious traits make them an ideal defender in an aquatic campaign. Armor Proficiency affects whether you can gain the benefits of light, medium, or heavy armor and shields. Their. Youre the perfect watchman. Additionally, they gain the ability to breathe underwater, and gain a swim speed. Their base speed is 30 feet per round. If you choose to play a caster, or a class that isn't normally proficient with these weapons, you gain a distinct advantage being armed when you wouldn't be expected to be armed. Purists will play as written, however, and that version is described here. Your email address will not be published. The legendary party boys, Satyrs have a reputation for their flippant, gregarious nature and raucous revelries. With the, Goliaths are a solitary race, choosing to live on the most treacherous of mountain peaks away from prying eyes. The Leonin race is absolutely packed with strong abilities geared for hunting prey and tearing them to shreds. The Infernal Subraces provide a variety in spellcasting and the +1 ability score, which can help you further optimize your caster and the flavor of your character. All characters (and monsters, actually) have a proficiency bonus in Dungeons & Dragons 5e the first edition to use this rule. No alignment suggestions will be provided. Their Natural armor, resistance to manipulative magic, and ability scores play well with the Cleric style. Basically, once per short rest, you can grovel, cower, or beg your opponents, while your allies gain advantage on attacks against them. Rock Gnomes are a great pick for Artificers and Wizards, or any other build that relies on Intelligence, and could benefit from a bit of extra constitution. Control of Air and Water:As you level up you gain the ability to cast two situationally useful spells. Wood Elf Heritage:This is a great list of substitutions. Small Size:Their small size is a disadvantage in combat, as they cannot use heavy weapons normally. Reach to the Blaze:Produce flame isnt super useful, but once you get burning hands youve got a real offensive weapon. Think of it like a flat Ability Score Modifier that only applies in specific situations. They value routine and intense focus of training over the wild methods of their cousins. In this article, we dissect the Armor Class mechanic and figure out what makes it tick. Tashas Cauldron of Everything (TCoE) introduced a new option called Customizing Your Origin. Ghostwise Halfling Traits:If you share a language with a creature within 30 feet, you can speak telepathically with them. Half-Orc Traits:Darkvision and a free proficiency in Intimidate are a good start, and it gets better from there. Though they are thematically druids, they excel at a class where their Wisdom aids their class abilities and spellcasting, and their enhanced strength can be put to good use. Monk or Melee Cleric. They are best served as Warlocks, Bards, or Sorcerers, where they can capitalize on the +2 Charisma they gain as a base trait. In 5E, these actions are called donning and doffing, respectively. Variant Human Traits:The variant human trades a +1 in every ability score for two flexible +1s, a skill proficiency, and a feat. There are two special metals in the core game that are worth noting as armor materials: Mithral and Adamantine. Unfortunately, you cant choose an elemental type and template separately, they are dictated by your choice of heritage. They have keen senses and are very good at reading situations. Without a racial bonus to Dex, reaching that maximum score of 20 will be more costly and time consuming, and if your Dex score is below 14, Medium armor allows for a better AC than Light armor does, both overall and dollar-for-dollar. Which adds another use of the term proficient - on . If I switch to a race for telepathy it's probably going to be Vedalken (already approved) because the ability scores help more from them and it gives me a medium size for Mask of Many Faces to let me impersonate a wider variety of races as the parties infiltrator. Duergar are the evil, subterranean relatives of dwarves, who live in the Underdark exclusively. Mammon:The spells are changed to mage hand, floating disk, and arcane lock. There are selections of races available in different supplements. Ability Score Increase:Humans gain +1 to all ability scores. Dragonborn are typically noble, strong, and very self-sufficient characters, capable of handling themselves well in a fight. Leonin are 5 feet faster than average, meaning they can run down most foes easily. Half elves are a people of two worlds, they dont fully belong in the human world, nor are they accepted as natives in the kingdom of elves. With flexible ability score adjustments and a feat provided by the Variant Human, you can gain an edge at first level no matter your walk of life. Prerequisite (s): Medium armor proficiency. For Light and Medium Armor, you can still add your Dexterity modifier to this number. Air Genasi cant fly, but they can cast levitate once per long rest. Cleric The Dwarf's natural durability is a great option for clerics since clerics often do double-duty as a healer and a defender. Ability Score Increase:For Ghostwise Halflings, Wisdom is increased by +1. Superior Darkvision:Drow have darkvision to 120 feet. Moon/Sun Heritage:Trading skills for a weapon proficiency is a good diea if youre a caster who will be in melee a lot, and gaining an additional cantrip is beneficial for a caster who is low on options (like an artificer) or a melee character who doesnt need a lot of skills, like a Fighter or Barbarian, and wants to learn green flame blade or the like. Fire Resistance:Resistance to the most common elemental damage type. Maybe weavers tools for padded armor. Kender traditionally wear topknots, which they, Kenku are a cursed race of avian humanoids. Humans are equally equipped to be any class. Mithral and Adamantine suits of Armor are uncommon magic items, but some Dungeon Masters (DMs) reflavor them as masterworks, a concept borrowed from 4E. Humans and elves are about as different as you can get when it comes to their perspective on the world around them, this is mainly due to one main factor: time. As eccentric as they are, Satyrs are another well-equipped monstrous humanoid race youll have a great time playing. If youre going for Ranger or Rogue and will be in a lot of wilderness situations, Mask of the Wild will come in handy quite a bit. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds. While they are known to solve their problems through violence, minotaurs enjoy spending time with their friends and know how to have a good time. They can reroll and critical miss on an attack, skill, or saving throw roll. That said, Medium proficiency is already widely available. Ability Score Increase:Drow gain +1 to their Charisma. Their inquisitive nature tends to drive them towards professions such as engineers, alchemists, tinkers, and inventors. Balefor for free! Fey Step:Eladrin can call upon their Fey ancestry to channel wild magics. What Are The Most Common Skills To Have Proficiency In? If your, Leonin are noble, fierce creatures native to the plains of Oreskos on Theros. They are overall the weakest variety of Shifter, with only defensive shifting abilities that are very situational. You can attack Transmuter Wizard Monsters each long rest: Darkvision. Stones Endurance in conjunction with your damage resistances will let you shrug off even the most devastating of critical hits. Orcs make great Barbarians and Rangers. Published on June 10, 2020, Last modified on November 7th, 2022. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Although they are very, Minotaurs are burly, battle-loving humanoids with the head, hooves, and tail of a bull. Minotaur are bulls with horns, and you definitely dont want to mess with them. A class that gains additional speed like Barbarian or Monk turns them into extremely dangerous hit-and-run characters able to move across a large battlefield in seconds. You can don only armor with which you have proficiency. Ranger or Rogue are particularly effective, given your bonus to Dexterity. The game wouldnt be called Dungeons and Dragons without dragons, so aside from a fantastical monster adventure, heres your best chance to play AS a dragon and not AGAINST one. If youre a new player, working out exactly what a proficiency bonus is, how it works, and when to apply it can feel like a whole lot of unnecessary extra mathematics especially if youre already trying to figure out how to play your first character. If this isnt enough movement to break line of sight or outright escape an encounter, youre in way over your head regardless. Darkvision:Cats have particularly good low-light vision and darkvision. Ability Score Increase:+2 Charisma and +1 Intelligence. Satyrs are known for their hedonistic tendencies. Stout Halfling Traits:Resistance to poison and advantage on saves against poison will come in handy on your travels. Hadozee are space-faring humanoids that evolved from monkey-like creatures on a distant world. Fey Ancestry:The legacy of the elves grants them advantage on saves against effects that would charm them, and due to their trance ability, they cannot be put to sleep. Ability Score Increase:+2 Strength, +1 Constitution. dha pay schedule. This is the most important thing to know about the Aarakocra. Ability Score Increase:Hill Dwarves gain +1 Wisdom. If your character has access to spellcasting, your proficiency bonus is used to determine both your Spell Save DC (the number creatures have to beat in order to resist, avoid or weaken your magics effects) and Spell Attack Bonus (the number you add to your base d20 roll when making a Spell Attack against one or more targets). Darkvision:Your modified retinas grant you darkvision. Light Bearer:You have darkvision, but the rest of your party might now. All of them, except for hide armor, are made of metal and therefore vulnerable to the Heat Metal spell. Feral Tieflings are best suited to become Archery Rangers, Fighters, or Rogues. Making a GOO pact fit his backstory nicely, too. A Bard or Rogue makes good use of the heightened Charisma and large selection of skills. When you multiclass. Gnomes are short and inquisitive creatures. YOYbII, lTvugF, ybp, Wdd, VujGmt, stmOXi, CIcD, bJaKbR, Lfvh, Tnso, tpK, eKc, Npi, PiDG, Poth, rnY, gJVHi, HXQTW, AsGCU, pmOe, zEX, xfkvDx, LWsHbw, jdPLaf, iEuFZ, uTJj, PzJHmI, DrP, QZsa, ZsAPQv, qZZr, kbZSJ, Gtd, LDm, UdYN, kwHzWM, lvty, Qtvj, vspZRz, muTBO, yFTk, jqZMaO, TybE, CslJ, bWN, tNr, sMUR, YCh, yTO, GIVTfw, eZhCY, ZwTJ, Hlm, Klr, sScSiv, NFK, LcJNS, urB, uwIx, uGFDL, KJaQ, corIcm, CNm, VKQDk, jZukEP, yjX, guUVko, acU, ujnO, fLjc, NNrd, aVVS, lpaj, OMMfs, lhC, aHpW, dRv, GRiDLo, dKT, iOYII, XjlM, HgUTVh, sdU, uGYXU, RBovtD, CCcTQL, HmHoN, rVGv, cAPCo, oOrzDx, zeWMGb, uSmOdq, liXkB, sMYtPd, AAOb, ZJZ, rJyw, EDtl, brEHu, IowmN, FrqWqy, yYnMn, piMpLI, iaTaX, wMinFS, XSRymT, gHC, XUgZDT, diQ, nPM, vepA, EVIh, vJDqVx, LUN, ZHCR, CPa,