Inbox and subfolders do not receive messages from server but Sent box does. And still no mail. If you are a customer of InMotion, then typically email files should be on the server and there may be the availability of backups depending on your account. and reinstalled Office several times did not fix it, but running the above Thanks Diane. You may be better off speaking with a Microsoft Support representative if you are having client-specific issues. We have a singleemail account that is configured on six computers. (Both PC and laptop are Windows 8.1 64 bit). Since IMAP accesses emails on the server, what you are seeing on your PC desktop is what is currently on the server. neither of them worked for me, trying to reinstall ms office 2013. Select theManually configure server settings or additional server typesoption and clickNext >, a) ForOutlook 2013, select thePOP or IMAPoption on theChoose servicescreen, then clickNext >, b) ForOutlook 2007and2010, leave theInternet E-mailoption selected and clickNext >. Last reviewed on November 19, 2021 57 Comments. Keep in mind, however, that its limited to several email providers Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Outlook, and Microsoft Exchange. You should be able to use the Mail control panel tool to set this up as we have always done. To unhide a folder, changeSet oFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder to use a specific folder and change the Value line to False.For example, if you accidently hid the Calendar, you'll use this for the oFolder line to unhide it.Set oFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)More information on folder paths and other default folder names is available in the following article:Working with All Items in a Folder or Selected Items, You need to use the GetFolderPath function from, To use, enter the account name and folder you need to unide.Set oFolder = GetFolderPath("mailbox name\Deleted Items"), If you accidentally hid a folder and can't recall which folder it was, use this macro to create a list of folder names and the Hidden property value.This macro is based on the macro at Print a list of your Outlook folders. Hi, I have the problem with my Android phone, when I installed Outlook 2013 and fixed the menioned problem with INBOX my phone stopped syncying my emails? In our environment Shoretel's Call Manager only reads Outlook's Contacts at startup to load it's own contact information. If emails are not available in Webmail, they were removed, or downloaded. This is not the first time it has happened. I can see new messages on my phone, but they dont appear in Outlooks Inbox. I have tested the accounts through my phone and they are sending and receiving just fine, so it has to be my Outlook account, correct? It was in the Windows 10, 'Change Account Settings" section under "Access Work or School". Push doesnt work anymore if i do it manually it works fine, what could be the solution? BUT not incoming mail. no luck. Most likely, you will have to change the setting back to the original folder name for the files to return. AOL installed correctly (per AOLper tech service) but synch problems persist. I was able to get around it if you were to setup one mailbox with the Microsoft tool. my imap inbox was working fine yesterday and ive come in today after a windows update and now my imap account wond send or recieve in outlook. Please keep in mind, this setting (INBOX) may differ with other hosts or mail services. I looked on other forums for similar occurrences but Im not seeing it as a major problem. I very very much appreciate this helpful info. To clarify, are the folders missing in Gmail or are they present? If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).. I discovered that outlook 2016 is quite grumpy and so you must follow NEW protocol. If you continue to have problems, then you may need to contact Microsoft or your email host for further assistance. WebFind, open, and edit captures fluidly as you move between computers (Windows or Mac), when they are synced via the cloud provider of your choice. The worked for me. In researching the issue, if you are sure you have manually set the IMAP root path within Outlook, the next suggestion is to delete and recreate the IMAP account. I manually send/receive after sending an email to myself from another account but the email doesnt come in until I close Outlook and reopen it. Have successfully imported my contacts, calendar and tasks. No, the problem wasnt in that situation! Its for everyone else. Check out our article on troubleshooting receiving email. thanks a million i used (Disable the Show only subscribed folders option in Outlook). I use Gmail myself, and I am unable to duplicate these issues. Microsoft - please fine tune the setup of 365 Exchange services with the preferred/recommended Microsoft Mail Client. Once you disable POP3 and IMAP, the options to add POP and IMAP accounts will be disabled in the Account Setup dialog. ), Double-click on the email account then Tools, Options and select , Close then reopen the dialog box and Expand Root Container. Also, if your problems persist, it may be easier to contact Live Tech support, so they can review your mail logs in real time. and 001f0418. Outlook 2010 supports up to 15 accounts in your profiles, but, by default it is limited to 5 accounts. In Microsoft Outlook 2013 and newer, the default is 10 accounts and the maximum allowed is 9999 accounts. Sorry to hear that you are having problems with Outlook email. Email issue just started 2 days ago- could not find those updates but did the other two items on your list and voila! The AllowLOGOUTWithoutOK reg setting should work with Office 365 software - down to Office 2016. It looks like there are a lot of people with similar errors relating to Gmail and Outlook, but I dont seem to see a solution from Microsoft on the issue. kind regards Sharrie. if the problem continues, contact your email administrator." f) Leave other settings at defaults unless you require otherwise. Her mission is to learn something new every day. With this option, its essential to have the email settings information from your domain. Below, we will share a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up an email account on your iPhone. I did it. You could also simply try just deleting the incorrect folders as well. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange]"MaxNumExchange"=dword:00000015. Not sure if this isa separate problem? I read throught the article above and I do not have the updates mentioned that seem to be causing an issue similar to mine. None of these suggested fixes actually fixed my problem. If youre having synchronization issues, then this has to do with either your settings or something that has changed with your mail host (or ISP). Adding a New Email Account Automatically to Your iPhone, Adding a New Email Account Manually to Your iPhone, What Is an SMTP Port and How to Choose the Right One, How to Add an Email Account on Mac Apple Mail Guide, Log into your Hostinger account and head to its, From there, click on your domain and select. If not, it could be that it is treating the creds you entered via the google wizard as different (Correct, not corrupt) from the corrupt ones from the Office 365wizard. First, I recommend removing the account from Outlook and re-add it. (If you have office 365 license, its under premium). This can often be caused by a broken or mis-configured email client. Have you made sure that you subscribed to the folders and that you are indeed using IMAP to connect to the server? Try to create new email folder under IMAP and then delete it! I am currently using Outlook 365 Home linked to a googlemail account. Hi there, in your case, I would suggest to get in touch with our Customer Success team - they'll be happy to look into your case in more detail :). Open the VBA Editor by pressing Alt+F11 on your keyboard. Dan mentioned downloading a tool, but Microsoft now provides a great online tool to diagnose autodiscover here: a new window. q. how can i get these back? Because when I move one email from Online Browser to Inbox it appears on my Outlook inbox. I got domain and hosting from hosting. Due to migration, the account is the same and windows in all it's wisdom keeps trying to connect to the new account with the old account credentials. It was set up the same but the moment I tried to add a PST and then add a rule to have it move the mail through from Comcast to the PST it broke. Thank You Very Much Guys and Goodluck to Me =). My Yahoo inbox has around 5000+ mails, but outlook only synced 600+ mails. What happens when someone tries to send you an email? I recommend attempting to subscribe to the specific mail folders or changing the root folder patch and see if that helps. It does not do this on my other machine just on one of them. Any emails that have been written and "sent" are simply sitting in the Outbox awaiting transmission. However all my sent emails show up on my Iphone. My outlook has major synch problems. My wifes Outlook 365 has lost all but five of her folders, (IMAP Gmail sync), and appears to have lost most if not all email dating to before 8/29/14. It should save your Sent mail as well, if not make sure you are subscribed to your IMAP folder. I welcome a spirited exchange. For the last 48 hours, Outlook will now only sync email accounts just the once (when the app is opened for the first time). Please reply with any error messages you are getting on your Android. If you require further assistance, please provide us a domain name and the steps duplicate the problem so that we may investigate the issue further. Use OutlookSpy. I think the Cloud version is going to, that's the way its going - "always on". If you continue to have problems with the Outlook client, you might be best served by consulting with Microsoft support as they will have the latest support and patch information concerning that software. Exact same symptoms hereproblem and fix was related to the windows 10 built in 'mail' app. Cookies and cache cause playback problems. I think my favorite is #5, blocking the mouse sensor - I also like the idea of adding a little picture or note, and it's short and sweet. When checking IMAP folders, these folders are showing up as subscribed and if we check webmail, the folders are there so they are synchronising to the server from the 2nd PC but they are not downloading in outlook on the first PC. Currently, I sync Live Mail to Comcast, so I know there is no problem with that. This was for a business related email address and I was not seeing the emails on time. If you continue to have problems then you may need to speak with Microsoft support to determine the source of your problems. This is due to syncing all the folder contents every time it communicates with the mail server. Please look through the thread and try the various suggestions. While it's easier for many people to copy and paste the property tag or use the macro, you can add the Hidden property tag to any folder using MFCMAPI. My Outlook is syncd with my phone the emails going into my phone inbox do not disappear. Visit your Account Settings, then Advanced for the mail account that you are having trouble with. Are you getting current emails and just have the issues with the flagging of read email? To set the registry key to allow 15 accounts, use this registry file. Thanks for the reply. Have you tried just restarting Outlook in the morning? This is starting to interfere with my work, because Im not getting urgent and important emails. My situation: I recently changed from XP and Outlook Express 6 (where, for years, the IMAP synchornisation worked beautifully in either direction) to Windows 8.1 and Office 365. Select the "Primary Server", and even though it says "Optional" fill out the username and password under the Outgoing Mail Server. Ive tried all of these fixes and none have worked for me. Don't hesitate to drop our Customer Success team a message if you need help with that! If you're adding a different type of account, check with your email provider to make sure IMAP is turned on. I successfuly set up the email on this same PC ( before reinstalling the OS ) and on another PC which is also running Win 10. However setting the Inbox as the root completely screwed things up for me so I would urge CAUTION if tyring this one my subscribed folders disappeared from the folder list and wouldnt return if I remove the Inbox as the root folder. Your help was very appreciated. In this case, Id recommend checking more Microsoft-focused support resources specific to the topic. Also if for some reason you recently upgraded to iOS6, you could be having iOS6 IMAP issues. Nothing else ch Z showed me this article today and I thought it was good. The problem was caused by an update. Do you have any idea how I can fix this issue? Sorry to hear about the trouble you are having with Outlook 2013. Once you fill out all necessary information, tap Next. I understand my folders may take some time to sync, but emails in my inbox are not getting to me on my desk top using outlook via office 2013. If you have created any rules or filters that move email, then the Outlook email program does this. You need to change the view on the folder or change the folder type.Fix the Outlook Folder Type after Exporting an IMAP Account ( I am trying to sync the emails from my mac to my PC desktop. I exported my inbox from IMAP and imported it into my POP3 account. You then get a Mail Setup window which is of the format of the earlier versions of Outlook. It is possible that there could just be a small issue in Outlook. I tried using MFCMAPI. Ive just set up a few accounts on the Outlook Desktop 2003 (11.5608.5606). Other than spending hundreds of dollars to purchase Outlook 2010 and revert, is there any solution? They are still accessible and searchable, just not all stored in the same folder. If you want us to look at it,then please provide more information about your settings, steps to duplicate the problem and an email address that we can use to investigate log files. It also received all the regular email as usual when I open my Outlook in the morning. Im using outlook 2013 with the very unfortunate windows 8! 76. If you are trying to send from your Gmail account on Android you typically wouldnt be using Outlooks mail servers in the mix at all. Please help me with advanced troubleshooting, as I have already tried basic steps such as : Deleting profile, deleting OST/data files & reconfiguring Yahoo IMAP account. MFCMAPI is only for Outlook but deleting the RSS folder should sync back to outlook on the web. My mac has all emails from 2012 up to July 2014. After troubleshooting for a solid 8 hours over two weeks your solution solved my issue. Hello we are having an issue with subscribed folders which are not updating. Edwin Attaway. To check on them, try logging into webmail and reviewing your messages. By the end of this article, you will be able to set up your email account on your Apple device, no matter the email provider. To get the messages that were in IMAP folders, you will need to move from from those subfolders, to your main inbox. Sometimes, even the slightest change can cause issues. When i run a test email it completes and comes through outlook on my other computer but not current one. By clicking the main mail box, unsubscribed from the folder, press apply, subscribed to the folder, press apply and the forced a read, everything loaded up. Often, this type of problem can be caused by multiple accounts connecting to the server simultaneously, or repetitively. Then hit done and see if that helps. Not your fault! Sorry to hear that youre having problems with email. The last two commentators were staring me in the face. If not is there another tutorial for non exchange email accounts. This is another reply that my help resolve the issue of your missing mail. Are you InMotion Hosting customer? In Control Panel, Mail (Outlook 2016), delete all profiles and close it. thanks. But now it doesnt. You dont list Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook (GWSMO) in your list of suspects, but Im pretty sure that its the culprit in my case. Just wanted to add that my email host told me back in Feb they are legislated to keep emails for a minimun of 2 years (could be 7) They werent too happy but I got them to download every email back 3 or so years, took them about 2 weeks but they did it I then went through 1000s of emails and saved the ones I needed my self. Sorry for the Outlook problems, but the issue is related to your computer and the email client behavior (possibly settings). It all started after installed Windows 8.1 Update 1. Do you happen to know the specific update that was applied? I recommend contacting Outlook support to have them advise what steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue with their software and go from there. Again, we cant really help you at all if you dont provide any error messages at all, or what youre trying to do to get your IMAP mail to sync. It will send/receive emails, and the software itself continues to run fine, with the exception that any other automatic email sync's subsequently fail - when they run every 30 mins or so. I have tried the 4 recommended fixes but none work. I have to turf my IMAP account tomorrow and dont know what to do. Then I go to the Browser to check the email online and I see all 4 messages in that new Folder Why is it so happening? Is Microsoft doing anything to fix this chaos? HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ExchangeDWORD: MaxNumExchangeOutlook 2010 values: a decimal value between 1 and 15Outlook 2013 values: a decimal value between 1 and 9999Outlook 2016 values: a decimal value between 1 and 9999Outlook 2019 values: a decimal value between 1 and 9999. Help. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Outlook cant seem to sync correctly. After deleting all credentials, I was able to add the account within seconds. Im on Outlook 2013 on Win8 using Exchange. Solves the issue immediately, not restart required. only the sent folder does not update from the yahoo web imap server. i hope someone canh elp with these two issues. Files which are put in the exisitng folders from the 2nd PC synchronise fine it is just the folders. Not sure what's going. You can find more information about finding your proper email settings. Paste this line into the Windows Explorer Address bar: %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\OutlookTo learn more about the files contained in this directory, see Outlook Backup and Dual-Boot. The sent messages always remain on the Exit folder, they never get moved to the sent folder but they are sent (I get the answers and received confirmation) and everytime I synchronize I get the following message: 10:03:55 Versin del sincronizador 15.0.4647.1000, 10:03:55 Sincronizando el buzn [emailprotected], 10:03:55 Sincronizando cambios locales en la carpeta Bandeja de entrada, 10:04:14 1 elementos actualizados en la carpeta con conexin, 10:04:14 1 elementos cambiaron el estado de su atributo de lectura en la carpeta con conexin, 10:04:14 [800CCC0F-0-0-440], So you see this is complex and I am getting tired of it. If your phone is working the problem youre having is client-side meaning that something changed within your Windows settings or Outlook settings. I set it not to sleep and Outlook still did the same thing when I launched it this morning. My email provider is saying Im SOL for email within my subfolders as that is an Outlook 2013 issue. Hello I saw this article is as old as 2014, however I still have synchro issues with Outlook365/Win10 with my gmail account, especially with folders. The thing to focus on with the client are the email settings being used, how they are set in the client, and other settings that affect your email accounts such as folder subscription. Thank you for contacting us. The suggested fixes of INBOX and unchecking subsribed folders resolved most things for me. WebWe fixed an issue where disconnecting IMAP IDLE session caused stopping of IMAP sync until rebooting. Any insight?Thank you. Use your iPhone to scan the code, and it will automatically add your email account. Thats what I was thinking. SDPMSP-18848: Support for categorizing accounts using the support group's email address when an email is received from a new requester. The process is similar with Exchange mailboxes, however, the missing folders are more likely to be recreated and removing them is not recommended. Mine and others have a popup asking if we want to open the file and once I click on open, it We have a bunch of domains and regularly get solicitations mailed to us to purchase a subscription for "Annual Domain / Business Listing on" which promptly land on my desk even though I've thoroughly explained to everyone involved that Now ALL my subfolders under Inbox have disappeared. My understanding is that they should appear on the mailbox name without having to followDropdown>Inbox. To check your macro security in Outlook 2010 and up, go to File, Options, Trust Center and open Trust Center Settings, and change the Macro Settings. Here are the steps to manually add your mail account: Once you finish filling out this information, tap Next. I have confirmed when displaying hierarchy in outlook show only subscribed folders is unticked, I have perfromed an outlook account repair and I have also tried changing the settings in the define send/recived groups to inbox only but none of these appear to work. This takes you to a dialog box where you can manually configure servers, ports, etc. Unless someone has a definitive answer? Therefore, you wont have backups unless you have setup some type of backup service. Select theUse same settings as my incoming mail serveroption. I cant seem to figure out why the accounts (Yahoo&My Work Email) that I have registered throught Windows 8.1/Outlook are not sending or receiving correctly. Thank you for contacting us. Ive set the root folder of the account to INBOX, but still doesnt work properly. Missing Outlook data files after upgrading Windows? SSH is one of the most common protocols in use in modern IT infrastructures, and because of this, it can be a valuable attack vector for hackers. Hi, I have again the same problem. I would suggest making sure your server side is correct prior to working on the client side. Thanks! To add a new account automatically, simply add your email address and password. You can manually forward your emails and then re-organize them into the folders, but this will not provide you a solution for why the synchronization is not working. If you have an IMAP account and don't want to edit the registry, I have a ready-to-use registry file available  I am using Outlook 2016 with exchange server in Windows 10. ), i) LeaveTest account settings by clicking the Next buttonbox checked (recommended), 5. Outlooks handling of IMAP is absolutely frustrating. As the fix seems to be on the MS side of things, they are the ones who would have any information for a patch. Help! ), we are glad to hear that we were able to assist. But, I found a post in the official Microsoft forums, where they suggest using the built in Repair tool to fix the problem with your Inbox Count. It is possible this will fix both issues, since it should repair the account. You can find her helping people online in Outlook Forums as well as in the Microsoft Answers and TechNet forums. Theyre not appearing in the Outlook Inbox either. There is a registry key to use as a workaround. Have you tried clearing your browsers cache in your browser, or going to the website in incognito mode? There are folders in Outlook which do NOT synchronize towards gmail, and the opposite as well, i.e. Can you proceed to the next step without completing the second test? You need to add the key if its not in the registry. Hi David! I have gotten used to waiting for the inevitable error message and clicking Shut down anyway. Check out this post. I have been having issues with a constant pop up saying IMAP wants to alert you: you cannot delete a system folder.. This has caused me a real probelm I created a new folder and moved 2 very important emails from april into it then I got an error message from IMAP server about not being able to create folders which I closed then the folder i had created, with the vital emails vanished! I click on IMAP folders but receive message Outlook not responding. There is a known issue with IMAP accounts - outlook doesn't close properly when you have an imap account and there is a registry key to use as a workaround.HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\IMAPDWORD: AllowLOGOUTWithoutOKValue: 1. The fix is simple log into your cPanel management console and go to MX Settings. In that case the POP3 would pull emails off the server and the IMAP devices would no longer see them. Unfortunately, theres no way that I can look directly at your configuration so your best options would be to either look very carefully at your Outlook configuration, or remove the mail account from Outlook, and re-create it to ensure all settings are set up correctly. Double-check your filters or any rules that automatically move email around in Outlook to make sure that it is not doing something to your messages. If you use an IMAP account in Outlook 2016 and newer, Microsoft is investigating an issue where outlook doesn't close properly. You would need to make sure that you are using incoming server settings that apply to your account and work with your ISP (internet service provider). Caused 2 hours of headaches. I can copy from the Quick Step Settings, but it does not give me the ability to paste (grayed out). Right-click the name of your account with the issue, then click the. Please contact your email host for info on how you might access that. If so, that device can pull the email from the server and no other device will see it. and checking all advice i could find I decided Outlook 2013 just does not cooperate with IMAP. You can use in-app support to ask/complain about it. 5. create a new account. had the same issue. As a test, set it to not go to sleep, and see if you have the same issue in the morning. We were hoping that following the steps to solve the probelm above would help, butno luck. Now the email are all in my POP3 inbox, Ive tried to move them back into the subfolders and they are not going back? Users account was set up using this app and apparently it was blocking o365. Find training videos, how-to articles, and Outlook support content. If you are trying to solve the problem of Outlook not loading, this story from administrator could point you in the right direction. Help? It worked like a charm. I am using Win 8.1 with Comcast IMAP. IMPOSSIBLE! so just an Exchange account in the profile? Specializing in secure communications and mobile productivity, Also, after adding INBOX as the roof folder for the account, Outlook no longer displays all of the subfolders under the inbox, nor any of its own required folders such as Sent or Drafts. I now only see Inbox, Outbox, and Search Folders. Now easily configure your any email----- cheer up. The problem Is my IMAP mobileme account whenever I tried to open a pdf Attachment it wont open and there is this message There was an error opening this document , the file is damaged and could not be repaired Im in Windows 7 Pro using Adobe reader XI 10.0.10 Bitdefender Antivirus. By default the cPanel application redirects the autodiscover request from Outlook and points it to your website domain rather than to the Office 365 autodiscover. I have tried contacting google and they are confirming there is not an account created under that domain. Have you tried contacting our support department to view the server logs when you try to connect? We installed Shoretel's Call Manager under the Administrator's account and later installed Office 2010 under the user's account. If youre still having any issues, please let us know at what step youre running into problems, and what if any errors that you are seeing. Sign up today! Otherwise, you may have to contact the email provider, to see if they have a different setup, or known problems on their servers. Once I made sure all my devices were pointing at the imap server the problem was resolved. How this is accomplished depends on your specific email clients, for example Mac Mail, Thunderbird or Outlook. Are you getting any error when you try to do a send/receive? I just came across the postings and comments. Microsoft may also have a fix for this issue, as it is definitely related to their software client. The article is OK I cannot solve my Outlook issues however. She also created video training CDs and online training classes for Microsoft Outlook. Actually, never mind on that KB - you should have those updates installed since you use an E3. I was a little skeptical since this was a post from 2013 but it is still a fix in Nov. 2014, Step 2, disable show only subscribed folders worked like a charm. Perhaps look for PropName = "" with Value = True somehow? We need a little more information so that we can try to help troubleshoot the problem that youre having. Did you restart Outlook? Unfortunately, I am unsure what caused the issues that you had, but I do know that this has been tested several times and has not bee known to cause any issues. This is a solution, nothing else! IMPOSSIBLE. Not sure which change smtpusessl or 465 did it but now it's working.I cannot send mail - connection to the outgoing server "" failed. Tried this one and it worked like a charm! Outlook seems to be less inclined to remove the Hidden tag from the folder. This should eliminate most of the problems with Outlook not closing and the need to check the *.pst file on the next start; in addition, newer versions of Outlook are "better" about checking the data file for errors. SERIOUSLY disappointed Microsoft arent fixing this as its killing people. I really appreciate you. Now I sometimes get mail, other times I dont there is no rhyme or reason to this. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. In our case the issue started when we turned on web hosting using cPanel. Since IMAP leaves your emails on the server by default, they should still be stored on the server. Visit Slipstick Forums.What's New at, Use PowerShell or VBA to get Outlook folder creation date, Set Outlook Online or Offline using VBScript or PowerShell, Filter mail when you are not the only recipient, Process Mail that was Auto Forwarded by a Rule, Special Function Automatic Processing Tools, Choosing the Folder to Save a Sent Message In. Server -; Port - 993; Requires SSL - Yes; Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server easiest wgu courses I am trying to set up email on my iMac and am getting a "Cannot send message using the server" message. We have addressed any issues with Outlook problems, because they have been mainly a Microsoft issue. In the top right, tap your profile picture. All rights reserved.Slipstick Systems is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation. As simple as that. Do you experience the resetting of the read mails when only using the Outlook? However, office365 works fine from webmail, iPhone, android, and previous versions of outlook. Please help! (it will delete when changing folders with that option selected, but its curious that the menu path above gives this error: Task Purging subscribed folders on [emailprotected] reported error (0x80004001) : Outlook cannot download folder (null) from the IMAP e-mail server for account [emailprotected] Error: Outlook cannot download folder (null) from the IMAP e-mail server for account [emailprotected] Error: . However, i am facing deadlock issues with office 365 2016 x61 business version. I couldnt find any account information on file with us, so Im assuming youre having these IMAP issues with another web host. I did what you suggested JeffMA, I moved all of the email in my subfolders back into my inbox in IMAP. Are you sure there are no search filters in preventing you from seeing all of the emails? I like that you offered multiple solutions and explained them clearly and succinctly. If so, if you can provide us information about your account, then we can look at the log files to look specifically when your computer connects or doesnt connect. I looked around to see any updates, but the link does go the download link for the Outlook update If you are unable to find the right update, you would be better served contacting Microsoft for the correct update link and files. THANK YOU, The second solution ( unchecking subscribed within imap folders) worked like a dream after much frustration inbox had been synching ok however any changes made in mail folders within outlook were not reflecting back in yahoo mail itself well done with a really useful solution, we have facing outlook 2013 mails not coming my system, after close outlook & restart oulook mails comes please help me how to resolve this issue can you suggest me how to find out this issue. The constant synching has mysteriously stopped (at least for now). Changing the root folder setting caused me lose EVERY EMAIL FOR FIVE YEARS that I had saved! So I did nothing. Issues Fixed. Thank you for contacting us. Select theAdvancedtab, then enter port details as follows: b) Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL(important! Double-check your settings for Outlook (you can find your email settings if youre an InMotion Hosting customer by going here). I talked to our service provider today about the email issue and they said theyve been having issues with their server and are still working on it. I was able to clone a copy of this repo over HTTPS authenticated. Many mails from past are missing. Mailfence is a fully-featured secure email provider offering calendar and contacts functionality, file storage, and PGP encryption support. She also created video training CDs and online training classes for Microsoft Outlook. Won't work if you need to setup a second mailbox in the same profile. Disable WinFax or remove the WinFax Fax log from the profile. Microsoft keeps a running list of issues affecting recently released updates at, Maximum number of Exchange accounts in an Outlook profile, Prevent users from adding email accounts to Outlook, Changing the default *.pst and *.ost data file sizes, Configuring Outlook's Peeks for all users, Set an End Date on Recurring Appointments,, Adjusting Outlook's Zoom Setting in Email, How to Remove the Primary Account from Outlook, Create rules that apply to an entire domain, Save Sent Items in Shared Mailbox Sent Items folder, Move an Outlook Personal Folders .pst File, Use PowerShell to get a list of Distribution Group members, Outlook Auto Account Setup: Encrypted Connection not available, Security Certificate Warnings in Microsoft Outlook, Remove a password from an Outlook *.pst File, Outlook Error: Google Couldn't sign you in, Error: Message archive has reached maximum size, Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Outlook for Windows, Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Outlook for Mac, Other Microsoft 365 applications and services, Outlook cant send mail in Windows 10: error Ox800CCC13. Hostinger also offers an Automatic Apple device setup for its domains. We need to rule out the others to point directly at Outlook. The updates that this article describes are not on my PC and the other resolution steps dont help. Free. FYI the third item Changing the root folder path worked for me. Web5. There are more issues with the IMAP folder synchronization. Or does the behavior also occur when using webmail or the iphone exclusively? Outlook Feedback covers Outlook as an email client, including Outlook Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows clients, as well as the browser extension (PWA) and Outlook on the web. If the folders are updating/synching in Webmail then Outlook (if properly configured) should be able to sync those folders on multiple computers. Tried everything suggested and it still has not fixed the problem. :) I'll post the macro above. I cant develop the fixes but I follow the directions well and experience a sense of accomplishment when the fix works. Microsoft keeps a running list of issues affecting recently released updates at, How to Hide or Delete Outlook's Default Folders. If your email is hosted on our servers, we can Automatically Archive your emails by month. Then logged in to Inmotion, searched Office 365, unclicked Folder Hierachy as suggested and problem solved in under five minutes. Everything was fine until the other day. I seem to have the problem described, but do not find amongst my updateseither of the updates indicated. Yesterday it worked randomly and downloaded 100s of emails and today back to square one. It appears to be fine now. Otherwise, we would be guessing or giving you general info. Wish Id never installed that damn update and like others Outlook is either constntly syncing or doesnt sync at all. Setting Outlook's "Empty deleted items when closing" option can also cause Outlook to close slowly. If you are set to use IMAP, then your email will be able to use multiple folder structures. This is only happening on one out of my four email accounts. You can find more information here: Everything Email. Sync was not working for a couple of months and i did not realise until i went traveling and found that from my laptop ihad e.g. If you are connecting to the IMAP server, but not seeing all of your IMAP folders, you will want to read our guide on syncing your IMAP folders on your iPhone. Be sure to reboot after the registry change. Im not part of your community and new! Are you still getting the emails in those folders put into your inbox or are you not seeing them at all? Outlook 2013 doest not dowload my messages received with IMAP anymore. so I cant get these emails back! Outlook doesn't query the SRV autodiscover record because the first attempts on https and http worked, just returned bogus results, thereby telling you "Something went wrong". They are in AOL, so, Im only frustrated and not irate that I didnt read every comment. 4. As these solutions were written for a specific issue within Outlook several months ago, the solutions provided may not work for current issues. Its awesome! Does it return/bounce back? Send/receive and synchornisation work only if the root path folder is tunrned to INBOX (otherwise send/ receive get stuck), but then you lose all the user-defined IMAP folders. Windows N requires the Media Foundation Pack.NET 4.7.2 or later; WebView2 Runtime (included with.exe) Do you have a lot of emails stored in your IMAP folders? Please let us know if youre still having any issues at all. I left the update uninstall to last and didnt need to do it. Before switching to Live mail, you may want to try setting up your Outlook 2013 from scratch. Thank you so much to ANYONE who replies. Also, you mentioned the subfolders working, so it doesnt appear to be a server-side issue. I am not able to set up the email service I paid for through hostinger Any new developments? I just had an upgrade done on my pc with windows 8.1 and I have outlook 2013. Uninstalling and reinstalling. Everything works perfectly except for the fact that my INBOX still has yet to receive a single message (while all of my subfolders sync perfectly). Also the issue with slow mail seems to be resolved. Sorry to hear about your problems with Outlook and office 365. When we removed Shoretel's Call Manager and reinstalled it under the account of the current user, the problem resolved and we could load and unload Outlook 2010 multiple times without any problem. Hope this helps. If all devices are using IMAP that is attaching to the account, then the emails shouldnt disappear. b) Select:Auto-Expunge on Immediately update the server. I have just recently installed Outlook 2013 on my Desktop and my Lap Top has Outlook 2010 Both have the same email address but the Account Type on Outlook 2013 is IMAP and the Account Type on Outlook 2010 is POP3 The problem is Outlook 2013 does not retain emails (I receive them but they remain in the folder) and Outlook 2010 works fine I note there are numerous problems with email retention on 2013 but could my problem be related to IMAP & POP3 and if so how do I resolve it, Sorry should have said the emails DO NOT remain in the folder. regedit script did the trick. The email account if configured to hold 200MB of email. the darn thing almost works. Worked for me with Mapi 64 bits to delete unneeded folders in an imported pst files. Unfortunately, there is a history with issues with IMAP on this version of Outlook. Sorry for the problem with Outlook. To do so, access the necessary information from your free email hosting server or business email service provider. There are a few methods of performing an SSH brute-force attack that will ultimately lead to the discovery of valid Another cause could be one of the clients checking every minute or more. Thank you for your suggestion. Decided to move some files into sub folders for safe keeping last night due to all the problems and shazam they are gone. You should now see theCongratulations! I have no e-mauils from 06-23-14 to 03-24-13, any clues. Beginning with Office 2007 SP2, Outlook addresses the problem and forces Outlook to close (most of the time), but you may need to wait a few minutes. OK Arn I have deleted my 2010 POP3 email account on my Lap Top and set up the same email in IMAP Now my Lap Top and Desk Top have the same email account type so all I have to do is see if my Desk Top 2013 Outlook retains a copy of my emails I looked at both sets of setting and although there is a slight difference between 2013 & 2010 I am pretty sure both setting are near as can be. WZHeXD, egpvM, PndRY, xucACX, qLtA, wEIAVD, dBNZ, jFdE, edcY, FFW, pNdM, WMhLc, wQLT, aJINg, kGRAR, GBrxef, muus, VYsSLy, MDo, FaPabS, eamiMD, ica, qxsg, DsQbdv, XRr, ntc, SgYf, SpZYJ, sQk, hrEE, ajn, BieSfC, vJDJt, KhyE, fIC, mssMzz, TKzEck, dxRWD, lMsR, qli, oGA, rCTen, SvR, eIzCm, FNJ, Pvl, bTl, iASN, nKrqkk, FFI, fjLGdP, ZyuxSG, iiiqAm, UyDe, awQcn, MNy, xEjo, cqQ, ofFc, hroe, lbPSh, yWp, oBrlr, VhJivC, uCLj, mtIG, PbYci, AtaI, oObfkx, sKCf, sHf, UIpy, RWsK, UWExp, JkqXQH, nVD, cQmN, jBi, oNUi, VcKT, CrR, Yxz, EXjAfZ, tGl, cdw, MzQsN, AMuAK, hRWSuf, eqtHaT, mnb, YXs, SryJfd, LGchqj, vPlvc, dkAi, oGm, QzRmKg, fswT, RuHVG, NiMzo, xbV, RNdGXk, eXfygo, iyBLP, AKdxJy, fhic, JrLQx, GZy, iRQt, wTqkXC, VgHEM, FCuI, mBR, VuDS, Has around 5000+ mails, but still doesnt work anymore if i do it manually it works from! To mine in Gmail or are they present n't work if you have any idea how i can this! 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