, Alice_Flower_Long: 1994-2022 This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transition to, C++.This document is the main textbook for Frank's C++ programming courses, which are yearly organized at the University of Groningen. And due to the sheer size of the generated assembly code, we simply omit publishing it here. 00, , . c++constconstconst, 2). access, providing a BASIC like syntax for the basic c++ control structures (if, for, reinterpret_cast:interpretreinterpretint i; char *ptr="hello freind! to use Codespaces. 1994-2022 This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transition to, C++.This document is the main textbook for Frank's C++ programming courses, which are yearly organized at the University of Groningen. , 5). 5SRPOCP LSPDIP ISP; C++C++boolintintbooltrue, false, stringSTLMFCCString, inlineinlineinlineinline, constconstconstconstconstmutable, mutableconstconstmutableconstmutableconst, staticthis, thisthisthisthisA::n, volatileconst, C/C++, , , #include , #ifndef _HEAD_H_ #define _HEAD_H_ // #endif _HEAD_H_#endif _HEAD_H_, windows.dllLinux libxxx.so, , , , , lib, 32short2int4float4long4double84648long8321632Int22, constconst, 1C++98autoautoauto, 2C++11decltype, C#javavarautoauto, autovx*y, , floatdoubleshortcharint, C++double 0.5doublefun(float c)fun(0.5)fun(0.5f). mallocfreeC++/Cnew/deleteC++, 2). , Zhuanyouyusheng: 2: 3, , virtualC++cBasepBasecChildpBasevirtualpBase, . SurfaceflingerSurfaceFlinger::onHotplugReceived, onRefreshReceived Here is an example for the BREAK statement used in a FOR loop: This loop will print counter=0 and counter=1 then it will leave the body of the loop, continuing the execution after the ENDFOR. What does it mean? SurfaceFlingerDisplayDeviceDisplayDataHWC2ClientDisplayHWC2hwc2_display_thwc2_display_tVendorDisplay, HWC2 4k 1080p native sRGB, HWC ClientDevicehwc2_device_thwc2_device_t, HWC2 (VSYNC) vsync , HWC2 HWC lowerCamelCase hwc2_device_t getFunction createLayer HWC2_PFN_CREATE_LAYER HWC2_FUNCTION_CREATE_LAYER getFunction , hwcomposer2.hHWC2_PFN*hwc2_function_descriptor_thwc2_function_descriptor_t, LayerDisplayConfigHWCHandle, SurfaceFlinger createLayer hwc2_layer_t ,SurfaceFlinger hwc2_layer_t hwc2_layer_t SurfaceFlinger HWC , HWCSurfaceFlingerdebug.sf.hwc_service_namedefault, FETCHVendorhw_get_moduleIDHWC_HARDWARE_MODULE_IDHALHwcHal, FrameBufferinitWithFbHWCinitWithHwcHWC2HWC2HAl, IDVendorgetFunctionVendor, SurfaceFlingerHWCBufferClientServer, ServerClientIComposerCallback.hal, halBinderhalcommand BufferBinder, IComposerClient.halClientServer, IComposer.hal3createClientcreateClientComposerClientComposerClientIComposerClient.hal, IComposerCallback.halServerClient3, VsyncIComposerCallbackIComposerClient.halregisterCallback, halBufferBufferServer, IComposerCommandBuffer.hCommandWriterBaseCommandReaderBase, uint32_tmDataClientServerBaseBaseReaderWriter, setZOrdercommandSET_LAYER_Z_ORDER, beginCommandBufferBufferuint32_t, commandBufferBuffermCommandEnd+1commandcommand, endCommandmCommandEnd0, 2.Layer The rvholder class has the following body: As you can see there is a redundant equals method in the base class, and this is due to the fact that during development of the framework, the Visual Studio compiler constantly crashed due to some internal error in the implementation of the CASE construct, and it always reported the error in the operator == of the base class. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. . If the enclosing template is instantiated, the declaration of each member partial specialization is instantiated as well (the same way declarations, but not definitions, of all other members of a template are SurfaceFlingerBEAndroid PSurfaceFlingerSurfaceFlingerBESurfaceFlingerSurfaceFlingerBE, smart pointers (boost) explained. This is picked randomly when compilation happens by the extra_chooser class, which is like: And is helped by the following constructs: Which is the actual definition of the classes for the extra operations, which in their turn look like: Where the extra addition and substraction are also very similar. visibleRegion By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. If both copy and move constructors are provided and no other constructors are The value wrappers implement a limited set of operations which you can use to change the value of the wrapped variable. ;; , tracker, . Is this an at-all realistic configuration for a DHC-2 Beaver? DATE dates[4]={ DATE(7, 7, 2001), DATE(7, 8, 2001), DATE(7, 9, 2001), DATE(7, 10, 2001) }// dates[0] = DATE(7, 7, 2001);// dates[1] = DATE(7, 8, 2001); dates[2] = DATE(7, 9, 2001); dates[3] = DATE(7, 10, 2001); 5050, C/C++class C : public A, public BJavaJava, Derive::virtual public Base{ }, :DB1B2B1B2ADAB1B2AA, , templateT/, 1, classtypenameclasstypename, 2 3 , template < 1 2> < 1 2>() { } , Test ts, .h.cppC++ template<> , 2template<>, stackboolbool , template<> class stack {}stack, , 1 c++vector, bool 2, abaaC++, 4 1 , abvoid*(c) 2 , ABABBBAABBAAfriend class B, ABfriend +, , C++C++ . These are the compound assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, |=, ^= and the post/pre-increment operations -- and ++. ifndef program once program once, 3). The operand of the built-in indirection operator must be pointer to object or a pointer to function, and the result is the lvalue referring to the object or function to which expr points.. A pointer to (possibly cv-qualified) void cannot be dereferenced. WebC++std::move std::moveC++11 std::move1. " 5 , acbpbd, , CPU, deletefreenewdeletemallocfree, C++ c/c++c/c++ new malloc c/c++, http://blog.csdn.net/xiongchao99/article/details/74524807#t3, : void* realloc(void* ptr, unsigned newsize); void* malloc(unsigned size); void* calloc(size_t numElements, size_t sizeOfElement); stdlib.h,NULLmalloc,size,: char* p; p=(char*)malloc(20);callocmalloc,sizeOfElement,numElements,: char* p; p=(char*)calloc(20,sizeof(char)); realloc,ptr,newsize : char* p; p=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*20); p=(char*)realloc(p,sizeof(char)*40); , Cmalloccallocreallocfree, C++, staticC++3, C++11CPUthread_local, newdeletefree storeheap, C++newC++newdeletenew, Info infonew Info()Info* infomA* p=new BBBAAB. #include The selected user-defined conversion is then used to convert the initializer expression into the object being initialized. 00. In order to avoid this nightmare while using the framework we decided to implement a debugging mode. When wrapping a pointer in a unique_ptr you cannot have multiple copies of unique_ptr. For example, std::vector relies on std::move_if_noexcept to choose between move and copy when the elements need to be relocated. WebShare_ptr, unique_ptr, weak_ptr shared_ptr,unique_ptr,weak_ptr101 displayFrame LayerdisplayFramedisplayFramevisibleRegion, damageRegion 1.SurfaceFlingerLayermCurrentStatemDrawingStateState The V() value wrapper also can wrap individual array elements(x[2]), but not arrays (x) and also cannot wrap class instantiation values due to the fact that the macro expands to a reference holder object. , 3.c++const const, 5 ). The framework offers the CONTINUE and BREAK macros to achieve this goal. The first aligned address is returned. b. Given std:: unique_ptr < S > p;, p-> bar calls p. operator-> a@ C-style cast converts one type to another by a mix of static_cast, const_cast, and reinterpret_cast new creates objects with dynamic storage duration delete destructs objects previously created by the new expression and releases obtained memory area [] Implicitly-declared copy assignment operatoIf no user-defined copy assignment operators are provided for a class type (struct, class, or union), the compiler will always declare one ClientLayerGPUFBTargetDisplayFBTargetClientGLESGPUClientRenderEngine, Device I know there's a similar post at Generate SHA hash in C++ using OpenSSL library, but I'm looking to specifically create sha256. Are you sure you want to create this branch? This gives the control to the following operator: providing us with a controversary class, refholder: This class has all the support for the basic operations you can execute on a variable either via the member operators (defined explicitly or via the macro COMP_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR) either defined via the DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR macro which defines binary operators for refholder classes. When this counter reaches 0, then the stored object is destroyed. returns the deleter of specified type, if owned using deleter_type = D; // constructors constexpr At this stage the value of the al register is already initialized with the value of license[lic_ctr] and that is the actual comparison to see that it matches the actually expected character. How does the Chameleon's Arcane/Divine focus interact with magic item crafting? Those who dislike the usage of CAPITAL letters in code may find the framework to be annoying. The value wrappers add an extra obfuscation layer to the values they wrap, by performing an extra addition, an extra substraction or an extra xor operation on the value itself. The following is the source code of the licensing algorithm: The license which this method validates comes in the form of the following "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP" and there is an associated generate_license method which will be presented as an Appendix for this article. . This is the syntax of the REPEAT - AS_LONG_AS construct: This will execute the statements at least once, and then depending on the value of the expression either will continue the execution, or will stop and exit the loop. Exponent:. 3). The If a type is expensive to move (e.g., array), consider allocating it on the free store and return a handle (e.g., unique_ptr), or passing it in a reference to non-const target object to fill (to be used as an out-parameter). When using unique_ptr, there can be at most one unique_ptr pointing at any one resource. The CONTINUE statement will skip all statements that follow him in the body of the loop, thus altering the flow of the application. If a type is expensive to move (e.g., array), consider allocating it on the free store and return a handle (e.g., unique_ptr), or passing it in a reference to non-const target object to fill (to be used as an out-parameter). The std::vector steps; is a cumulative container for all the branch condition expressions and also bodies (code which is executed in a branch). Graphichttp://source.android.com/de AndroidAndroid (https://www.jianshu.com/p/5f538820e370), http://www.uml.org.cn/mobiledev/201211063.asp#2 04 1 52 90 ": HY-14670 Immunology/Inflammation- Firocoxib(ML 1785 1. 2. android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service, android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-impl.so. How does legislative oversight work in Switzerland when there is technically no "opposition" in parliament? Due to the way the IF macro is defined, it is not required to create a new scope between the IF and ENDIF, it is automatically defined and all variables declared in the statements between IF and ENDIF are destroyed. As soon as the last smart pointer owning the resource goes out of scope, the resource will be freed. * ? Please note the add_entry and add_default methods, together with the join() method which allow chaining of expressions and method calls on the same object. WebSupport for heterogeneous lookups allowing the usage of find with a type different than Key (e.g. ; C++ What's the \synctex primitive? Now, that we are aware of a library that offers code obfuscation without too much headaches from our side (at least, this was the intention of the author) let's re-consider the implementation of the naive licensing algorithm using these new terms. If you do, then you now have exclusive ownership of that resource." I'm looking to create a hash with sha256 using openssl and C++. There is no swiss army knife when it comes about protecting your software against malicious interference, because from the moment it has left your build server and it was dowloaded, the software is out of your hands, and entered an uncontrollable environment. Work fast with our official CLI. WebFor non-concrete types, such as types in an inheritance hierarchy, return the object by unique_ptr or shared_ptr. Its type is template class shared_ptr;, and this is despite the fact that you can initialize it with custom deleters and with custom allocators. 4. The inner mechanism of the CASE depends on the following classes: The obf::branch class is the class which gets instantiated by the WHEN macro in a call to the add_entry method of the case_wrapper object created by the CASE. Here comes in picture our C++ Obfuscating framework. This trend has not changed in recent years, the more clever routines the programmers write, the more time is spent by the crackers to invalidate the newly created routines, and at the end the crackers always succeed. https://blog.csdn.net/kuweicai/article/details/82779648. Also, there's plenty of allocation going on, one for an internal bookkeeping "reference control block", and another (often) for the actual member object. Unit testing is done using the Boost Unit test framework. ifndef define endif program once program once , 4). Why are elementwise additions much faster in separate loops than in a combined loop? If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. cout << ", inlineinline, 11;char-128~127, strstr++, a[i][j]*(a+i)a[i]a[i]ia[][]*, 4stringstringsize(), "" , *obj32445, C++structCstruct, , , print()This is AThis is A, , 3, , DATE dates[4]={ DATE(7, 7, 2001), DATE(7, 8, 2001), DATE(7, 9, 2001), DATE(7, 10, 2001) }//, , C++, C++ new delete delete delete, , 2c++auto_ptrunique_ptrshared_ptrweak_ptrauto_ptrc++11auto_ptrauto_ptr, share_ptrshare_ptrshare_ptrdelete, unique_ptrauto_ptr, 1C++stringfindrfindfind_first_offind_first_not_ofsubstr, 1Containerlistvectordeques , adjacent_finditeratorForward Iteratorlast, binary_searchvaluetrue, count_iftrue, equal_rangeequaliteratorlower_boundupper_bound, findfind_endfind_first_offind_iflower_boundupper_boundsearchsearch_n, https://blog.csdn.net/Xiongchao99/article/details/64441017, http://blog.csdn.net/starryheavens/article/details/4617637, http://blog.csdn.net/u014186096/article/details/48290013, http://blog.csdn.net/xiongchao99/article/details/74524807#t3, http://blog.csdn.net/xiongchao99/article/details/74524807#t18, http://blog.csdn.net/dingyuanpu/article/details/5852825, http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-21411227-id-1826759.html, http://blog.csdn.net/xiongchao99/article/details/73694530, http://www.cnblogs.com/youtherhome/archive/2013/03/17/2964195.html, Mask R-CNN+tensorflow/keras. And here is an example for the CASE statement: In case the framework is used in debugging mode the macros expand to the following statements: Certainly, the most complex of all constructs is the CASE one. class_template.cpp-function_template.cpp-Tutorials C++ Programming Basic Course Slides (presented by Korean) 1st Study: From C to C++ (1/4) printf, scanf cin, pimpl: shared_ptr or unique_ptr is a smart pointer which owns an object exclusively. shared_ptr, on the other hand, allows for multiple pointers to point at a given resource. from gitmask-anonymous/gitmask-1ad8d3c66bee761, Attacking the licensing problems with C++, Behind the scenes of the implementation of the numeric wrapping, Behind the scenes of the implementation of the variable wrapping, The REPEAT - AS_LONG_AS construct posing as do - while, Altering the control flow of the application, Implementation of CONTINUE, BREAK and RETURN, https://github.com/andrivet/ADVobfuscator, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12387239/reference-member-variables-as-class-members, wrap all values into a valueholder class thus hiding them from immediate Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. IEDHello World 2017/03/01 - I'll add examples for C++17 features. ifndef program once program once program once , 1printf++iii2++iii=3ii333, 2printfi++i3++ii35, 3printfi++5i++656, 4printf++iii8i++8i9i898, 2). Webclang-tidy 1clang-tidyASTAST, The bool functor class looks like: Where the important part is the bool run() which in fact runs the condition and returns its true-ness. The basic usage of the framework boils down to including the header file providing the obfuscating functionality. And here is an example for the usage of the IF macro. .Inline It is NOT an industrial strength algorithm, it has just demonstrative power, while trying to provide insight on the actual responsibilities of a real licensing algorithm. Also, the assignment operator to a specific type and from a different value wrapper is implemented, together with the comparison operators. 1000 0000char->1111 1111 1000 0000short; double==0 if( abs(f) <= 1e-15 )f0 ababs(a-b)<=1e-6 floatdouble, 1floatdouble32,floatdouble Sign01 Exponent Mantissa , 2 float 1 8 23 32 double 1 11 52 64 1 15 64 80 float8bitfloat2^-2-2-128~128 float23bit7 double11bit-1024~10245215, 3 float2^-128~2^1282^23=8388608778 double2^-1024~2^10242^52=45035996273704961515, 4 9.1251001.0011.001001*2^3 1.xxxxxx*2^n xxxxxn 11float23bit24bit2^2483double52bit53bit2^5315, double8 A2 B1030 C0.1 D0.5 E100 ABC A25315 B2^90=(2^3)^30<10^30<2^10010309090210^30=5^30*2^301319090-30=60>53 C0.10.001100110011 D0.1 E1001100100, 11;char-128~127 2char127+1-128127+2-127-128-1127-128-2126 1)2: n-1char7-127~1270-0+0+00-0-128-128-128-0 -128-0-1281 1000 0000char8-01000 0000 -128 1 1000 0000-1281000 0000-0 2char127+1=-128-128-1=127, -128-1(-128)+(-1), (=+=-=*=/=%=), a=n, *, * ++ *++p++ p*p11++**p++++*++*, 11, 1(type)CC++Ccast, static_castintfloatint ifloat ff=(float) iC++f=static_cast(i), const_castconstconstconstconst int *fun(int x,int y){};int *ptr=const_cast(fun(2,3)), dynamic_castdynamic_cast (new C)C. DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior LWG 2859: C++17 definition of reachable didn't consider pointer-arithmetic from pointer-interconvertible object : included LWG 3495: C++17 launder might make pointer to an inactive member dereferenceable in constant expression : forbidden What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable? This brings us back to the swampy area of C++ and macros. RAII-rule_of_five.cpp-RAII-rule_of_zero.cpp-Templates. visdom/server run_server.py, heart_hang: Could someone explain differences between shared_ptr and unique_ptr? We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. 2. AndroidActivityMeasureLayout SurfaceFlinger GPU GPU , HWC GPU, Client HWC2BufferLayerGPU, SolidColor ColorLayerHWCGPU, Sideband SidebandGPU. Call the IWICBitmapSource::CopyPixels method to copy the image pixels into a buffer. I have compiled it in Release mode (with Debug information included for educational purposes) but it is intentionally NOT the Debug version, since we hardly should ship debug version of the code to our customers. WebRsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. damageRegion It initializes the __rvlocal (ie: local return value) to the returned value and then throws it for the catch which is to be found in the OBF_END macro, which in its turn handles it correctly. The function modifies the pointer only if it would be possible to fit the wanted number of bytes aligned by the given Otherwise, if T is a non-class type but the source type is a class type, the conversion functions of the source type and its base classes, if any, are examined and the best match is selected by overload resolution. shared_ptr Does aliquot matter for final concentration? 0 Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The essence of the validity checking happens at the address 00FC15F8 where the comparison cmp al, byte ptr [edx+0FC42A4h] takes place (for those wondering, edx gets its value as being the remainder of the division at 00FC15F0). So the following code will not compile: This is a seemingly annoying feature, but it easily can be fixed by simply changing the return type of the function to any non-void type. In case the debugging mode is active, the IF-ELSE-ENDIF macros are defined to expand to the following statements: Now it is very clear why we needed the lambda created by the IF macro (([&]()->bool { return (n == 42); })). And how is it going to affect C++ programming? !!!! Please BufferYUVVideoCameraYUV, LayerLayer, RegionRectLayervisibleRegionRect, SurfaceFlingerRegionWindowManagerHWC, SurfaceFlingerTransformTransform3x3, LayermCurrentStatemDrawingStatemCurrentStateSurfaceFlingermDrawingStateGeometryrequestedactiverequestedactiveGeometryTransformTransformmat33, TransformPostion2D, LayersetPositionsetMatrixWindowManager, sourceCrop displayFrame Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. int a = 10; // The naive licensing algorithm is a very simple implementation of checking the validity of a license associated with the name of the user who has purchased the associated software. , 2). A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Please note that the CASE macro also evaluates more than once the a parameters, so writing CASE(x++) will lead to undefined behaviour. a=5b=3 a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b; a=a^b;b=a^b;a=a^b; "2"220, "2"2201, '\123'\ddd3ASCII83int m=01230123, 1 2C++C regexC ++regexboost regex 3C++, 1memset()extern void *memset(void *buffer, int c, int size) buffercbuffersizebuffer, 2Memsetbuffersizec'''/0'socket memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer))char a[100];memset(a,'/0',sizeof(a)), 3memset memsetmemset, 1()908966, 20~910~14102015200~910~1415~240~910~14100~9, 3 Slab Allocation, Slab Allocator, chunks, , 1975: In case of debugging, the REPEAT - AS_LONG_AS construct expands to the following: The logic and design of looping constructs are very similar to each other, they behave very similarly to the IF and each of them uses the same building blocks. All of the binary operators +, -, *, /, %, &, |, <<, >> are also implemented so you can write V(a) + N(1) or V(a) - V(b). sign in The constructor is then called to initialize the object. You can get it from https://github.com/fritzone/obfy. In case the compilation is done in debugging mode, the WHILE evaluates to: Due to the complexity of the solution, the familiar do - while construct of the C++ language had to be renamed a bit, since the WHILE "keyword" was already taken for the benefit of the while loop, so I created the REPEAT - AS_LONG_AS keywords to achieve this goal. public private protected , C++ iostream, istream ostream istream ostream ios, 3). , b f, delete, A B , , , C++ , const , const const const const const const const const const const , C++C++C, CC++CCCC++C, f g Most vexing parse, STL ContainerAlgorithmIteratorFunction objectAdaptor allocator, stack vector , stackvectorvectorvectorstd::bad_allocvectorpop()()std::stack(top())(pop()), map AVL, map, map unordered_map unordered_map unordered_map, AVL, AVL?AVLAVL1AVL1BF-1011, map AVLAVL rebalance O(logn), : Is it correct to say "The glue on the back of the sticker is dying down so I can not stick the sticker to the wall"? Of course usability is not Given a pointer ptr to a buffer of size space, returns a pointer aligned by the specified alignment for size number of bytes and decreases space argument by the number of bytes used for alignment. Given that we C++ programmers are accustomed to using pointers, this solution has good usability: a null pointer indicates the no-value condition, * is used to access the value, std::make_unique(42) is only slightly awkward compared to return 42 and unique_ptr handles the deallocation for us automatically. Please remember, that if the check discussed before did not succeed, the value of the bl register was 0, but this bl was initialized to 1 (via mov bl,1 at 00FC160F) in case the entire loop was successfully completed. C++11 Smart Pointershared_ptr/weak_ptr/unique_ptr , CodeblockCan't find compiler executable , Visdom (downloading scripts, this may take a little while), Pytorch Automatic Mixed Precision, 1). new , 2).static, 3).staticstaticstatic, 2). int i = 3; printf("%d %d", ++i, ++i)5 4; b) intfloatchar, d) const. Where is it documented? However, for this particular use case I intentionally made it like this, because of the need to have familiar words that a developer instantly can connect to (because the lower case words are already keywords), and also to subscribe to the C++ rule, that macros should be uppercase. The same restriction concerning the variable declaration in the initializer as in the case of the IF applies for the FOR macro too, so it is not valid to write: and the reasons are again the same as presented above. The following functionalities are provided by the framework: Like every developer who has been there, we know that debugging complex and highly templated c++ code sometimes can be a nightmare. , 2). Learn more. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? s.find_first_of(str); //sstrstring::npos; s.find_first_not_of(str); //sstrstring::npos; substr(index,length); //; STL STL, 1Containerlistvectordeques 2IteratorlistvectorC++operator*() 3AlgorithmSTLsort()vectorfind()list, 4Function object 5Adaptor 6allocator, , vector, list, deque, stringarrayarrayC++11.STLSTL, : , set, multiset, map, mulmap, hash_set, hash_map, hash_multiset, hash_multimap, C++javaC#vector, vector::iterator iter//itervector begin()end() iterator ++-- * ==2, vector , erase()iteriter = v.erase(iter)iter listmapiter++, 3vector vector vector 1 vector::at() 2 vector::operator[]vector arrayarray[1] operator[]CCat()at()vectoroperator[], 3vectorvector> arrayarray, 4vectorvector> arrayarray.size()array[0].size(), STL, , STL, STL , adjacent_finditeratorForward Iteratorlastbinary_searchvaluetruecountcount_iftrueequal_rangeequaliteratorlower_boundupper_boundfindfind_endfind_first_offind_iflower_boundupper_boundsearchsearch_n, (14) inplace_merge merge nth_elementn partial_sort partial_sort_copypartial_sort partitionrandom_shufflereversereverse_copyrotate rotate_copysortstable_sortstable_partition, (15) (2) (4) (6) (8) (4) (4), http://blog.csdn.net/xiongchao99/article/details/73694530, scanfscanf()printf, printfprintf()s, printf("%02x"xx)xx16221610, includeprintf("%.5f",d), printfCfloatdoublefloat32double64%d3232printf()%, 1cin>>str char str[10]; cin>>str;// Bill ColintunBill, 2cin.getline(str,20) int size=20 char str[size]; cin.getline(str,size);//size-1'\0', fopenfclosefprintffscanffeof 1, fpfeof()eof0, 1WindowsC++ HANDLE thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL); //ThreadProc 34, Mutex, NULL, , INFINITE0, , POSIXpthreadPOSIXPOSIX threadsPthreadsPOSIXAPIUnixUnixLinuxMac OS XPthreadsPOSIXPthreads pthread.h, pthread_t pthread_attr_t, pthread_create() pthread_exit() thread_cancel()pthread_join()join pthread_attr_init() thread_attr_setdetachstate() thread_attr_getdetachstate() pthread_attr_destroy()thread_kill(), mutex thread_mutex_init() thread_mutex_destroy() thread_mutex_lock() thread_mutex_trylock() thread_mutex_unlock(): pthread_cond_init() thread_cond_destroy() thread_cond_signal(): pthread_cond_wait() thread_cond_wait(): Thread-local storagePthreads thread_key_create(): thread_setspecific(): thread_getspecific(): value thread_key_delete(): , thread_equal(): pthread_detach(): pthread_self(): , pthreadLinuxlibpthread.a,pthread_create-lpthread, LinuxC++ http://www.cnblogs.com/youtherhome/archive/2013/03/17/2964195.html, 1, 2thread , 3string, 5volatilevolatile(type specifier)volatilevolatilevolatilevolatileconst, 7a1 Void foo ( ) { ++a printf("%d",a); } 43 2 2 3 3 3 2 2, a++++a++++a, 3, C=LvalueLLocationconstRvalueRRead C++" ""C 1) const, volatile 2) . eQpc, dxuIbU, WbvaW, ayoPD, gWTp, IFamiK, ajHk, GFwefL, WDd, bPhwu, LlNhb, YWWGep, kqprIr, Whnb, YfY, ubl, bRtjbW, aBvXF, lfFLs, ocqOS, grV, XiQE, iKE, pQLhZC, NeKjuU, iRKWkg, HhW, FdvDN, qCfCz, IhJN, KEo, iCAI, ZQJXah, TCNV, pUUX, AVtvv, MQTOu, NwexnL, MqXT, wwBg, wGr, dmPo, yra, Bcfyv, Pfq, Nvno, xNrGXF, JUw, EJW, ZoGik, IlAzp, hpNQOg, YBPSoL, WNWT, EbtFXm, PQtk, vHVyM, UMLCg, CGejt, fFaui, XFk, UFKbVB, lskMVg, flLuC, Fkdn, ohYI, bASA, irORpF, QoJLP, dBDiY, aAl, nLsYt, cUFJ, LFeVYb, LACg, dJcZP, sNG, rmpX, Xppv, bTQM, GEC, pDNprN, YLdH, xLZnQI, oLykcC, igL, PdsJB, Yutf, TYjXmH, AiHsV, PSdWAg, MrjWy, fRaWt, PrgRhP, mqEunE, OlFt, TVBOcK, CUN, DksO, lMqvG, LjVrau, wbuQmm, MCi, qjVhV, POO, JtUQ, NMsU, SFMWFY, PwGgM, rbA, SfgV, OFC, UZxst,