By December 31, 2004 the hull was mostly complete, missing its powerplant, equipment and missile silos. The Belgorod Special-Purpose Submarine. All Rights Reserved. K-329 Belgorod (Russisch: -329 ) is de langste kernonderzeer ter wereld. 10 minutes ago! Updated CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. This nuclear mega torpedo is unique in the history of the world, American submarine expert H. I. Sutton wrote on his Covert Shores website in March. Russian state media Izvestia reported on Feb. 11 that Belgorod is being prepared for tests with the new weapon called Poseidon, a massive nuclear torpedo which is shot forward out of the front of the submarine. It is impossible to . The term Viking Age refers to the period from the 790s to the late 11th century in Europe. Harking back to the mystery surrounding submarines during the Cold War, Russia's newest type . A Russian submarine that can drown cities has been spotted by satellites off the coast of Norway. The Kuril Islands are officially a Russian-controlled group of islands off the northern coast of Japan. format = format.replace(/yyyy/i, 'yy'); Today, the world's largest new submarines are for spy missions. googletag.defineSlot('/21810829768/news_usni-article-inline_banner', bannerSizes, 'div-gpt-ad-1591808661489-0').defineSizeMapping(bannerSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()); }); 1078. The CRS reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin had touted the Poseidons in a 2018 speech, saying, They are quiet, highly maneuverable and have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit.. It would be sort of like observing the USs chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, and then as a result questioning the ability of its ballistic missile submarines to execute their nuclear mission a conclusion the US adversaries would draw only at their own great peril.. The Belgorod was turned over to the Russian Navy earlier this month in the port of Severodvinsk, according to the countrys largest shipbuilder, Sevmash Shipyard. It is also much larger and heavier than the largest U.S. submarine, the Ohio class. Stinger Missiles Fired From A Javelin Launcher, The Hidden Side of World War II: Last Secrets of Nazis, Fighting The Taliban: The Battle Inside Afghanistan, Putins Secret Private Army: The Wagner Group, Viking Wartime Strategies How they Terrorized Europe for Three Centuries, Kuril Islands Dispute Leftover Conflict from World War II. Russia and China are ahead of US in hypersonic missile technology. "The Belgorod submarine opens up new opportunities for Russia in conducting various research, allows conducting diverse scientific expeditions and rescue operations in the most remote areas of the World Ocean." "The general task of building the Belgorod submarine has been completed. addSize([0, 0], [[300,250],[336,280],[300,100],[320,50],[320,100],[234,60],[120,240]]). The name Belgorod was given on April 6, 1993, after the Russian city with that name. [24][25] The plans to commission the submarine in the Russian Navy in 2020 and to officially introduce the Poseidon system in 2021[26] did not materialize. Hij is 178 m lang, heeft een diameter van 15 meter en 30.000 registerton waterverplaatsing.De Typhoon-klasse is 175 m lang maar verplaatst 48.000 ton water. The submarine was first launched in Severodvinsk, Russia, in April 2019. [7] It tested at sea in 1H2022 and was commissioned by the Russian Navy in July 2022. googletag.defineSlot('/21810829768/news_usni-site-sidebar_top', sidebarSizes, 'div-gpt-ad-1568641746161-0').defineSizeMapping(sidebarSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()); (b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",h,!1),a.addEventListener("load",h,!1)):(a.attachEvent("onload",h),b.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===b.readyState&&c.readyCallback()})),g=c.source||{},g.concatemoji?f(g.concatemoji):g.wpemoji&&g.twemoji&&(f(g.twemoji),f(g.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); The worrying thing is that Belgorod carries a massive nuclear weapon, a weapon capable of destroying an entire continent. var bannerSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). border: none !important; '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= googletag.defineSlot('/21810829768/news_usni-site-sidebar_1', sidebarSizes, 'div-gpt-ad-1559941116279-0').defineSizeMapping(sidebarSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()); [20], On April 23, 2019, the Belgorod was taken out of the covered dry dock and put afloat. NATO has sent an intelligence note to its member countries warning of the mobilization of the Russian nuclear submarine 'K-329 Belgorod', carrying the Poseidon nuclear missile, also known as . Previous reports indicate that Belgorod will be armed with six Poseidons. [5], The Poseidon type remotely operated underwater vehicle has a 10 000 km range, can dive to a depth of 1 000 meters and is designed to deliver nuclear warheads for the destruction of coastal infrastructure as a second nuclear strike option ( ). No timeline for the subs first deployment was given. The weapon is designed to destroy important economic installations of the enemy in coastal areas and cause guaranteed devastating damage to the countrys territory by creating wide areas of radioactive contamination, rendering them unusable for military, economic or other activity for a long time, according to a 2015 translation of the initial document by the BBC. var googletag = googletag || {}; Due to the complicated nature of placing such sensors deep under the Arctic ice, the Belogorod may be the ideal platform for clandestinely bugging the Arctic enemies beware. The maker touts it as a research vessel, but many speculate it is a platform for espionage and possibly nuclear weapons.The submarine was turned over in the port of Severodvinsk, and experts say it is a modified version of Oscar II class guided-missile submarines. [CDATA[ dateFormat: format.toLowerCase(), The loss of Belgorod's sister ship, the Kursk, in 2000 led to the decision to resume construction of "Belgorod" to replace Kursk, upgraded to Project 949AM specifications. var dataLayer_content = {"visitorLoginState":"logged-out","visitorType":"visitor-logged-out","pageTitle":"New Details of Russian Belgorod 'Doomsday' Submarine Revealed - USNI News","pagePostType":"post","pagePostType2":"single-post","pageCategory":["foreign-forces","news-analysis","russia","submarine-forces"],"pageAttributes":["russia","russian-navy","severodvinsk","vladimir-putin"],"pagePostAuthor":"H I Sutton","pagePostDate":"February 25, 2021","pagePostDateYear":"2021","pagePostDateMonth":"02","pagePostDateDay":"25","browserName":"Safari","browserVersion":"14.1.2","browserEngineName":"Webkit","browserEngineVersion":"605.1.15","osName":"iOS","osVersion":"14.8.1","deviceType":"mobile","deviceManufacturer":"Apple","deviceModel":"iPhone","google_tag_params":window.google_tag_params}; The Wagner Group is a Russian paramilitary organization, often described as private military company, a network of mercenaries.It is a de facto private army of Russian President Vl We're committed to providing the best documentaries from around the World. [CDATA[ */ dataLayer.push( dataLayer_content );//]]> Using a network of sensors along the seafloor, Russia plans to detect surface and underwater traffic. These tubes are not for ordinary torpedoes but rather the Poseidon nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed torpedo. In early 2012, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Sergeyevich Vysotsky, stated that the Belgorod it would be finished as a "special projects" vessel. The Belgorod, as the hull is known, is rather mysterious. On Feb. 10, an Airbus satellite took a high-resolution image of the harbor. [31][32] The submarine was delivered to the Russian Navy on 8 July 2022. In November 2015, the vessels status was changed to Poseidon, which is a Russian weapon system designation 2M39. A US Congressional Research Service (CRS) report in April said Poseidons are intended as retaliatory weapons, designed to hit back at an enemy after a nuclear strike on Russia. Here's why, In November 2020, Christopher A. Ford, then assistant secretary of state for international security and non-proliferation, said Poseidons are being designed to inundate US coastal cities with radioactive tsunamis.. [7] The Belgorod submarine was delivered to the Russian Navy in July as part of Russian President Vladimir Putin's (foreground, right) top-secret program that aims to develop and operate a series of . [27] This information could confirm the problems encountered with the Losharik submarine and the shift to the background of the operations envisaged on the Arctic continental shelf. K-329 Belgorod (Russian: -329 ) is a modified design of the Oscar II class (NATO designation) Russian nuclear submarine. By that time, Belgorod was about 80% complete. [8][9][10][11] The submarine was delivered to the Russian Navy on 8 July 2022. Russia's new super submarine Belgorod (K-329) 0985 Project 2, K-329 "Belgorod" (\"\"). var switchTo5x=true;stLight.options({publisher:'wp.a3de69f8-2897-4c77-8e32-08f55603821b'});var st_type='wordpress3.5.1'; [30] On June 25, 2021, the Belgorod left the Severodvinsk shipyard for the first time on a trial regime by the builder Sevmash. Though the Belgorods existence was known, it enjoyed a moment in the limelight in 2015. Poseidon is a completely new category of weapon. /* */ Russia's Belgorod submarine may have deployed Poseidon nuclear vehicles off the American coast, Telegram channel of TV presenter and journalist Ruslan Ostashko said. [1], The Belgorod will reportedly be the first submarine to utilize the Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System.[5][12]. But other experts caution against any assumption that the sub or the Poseidon torpedoes may not be what is advertised. } Russian BELGOROD Submarine Destroyed by US Advanced Weapons - Arma3 Simulation- 3 million guns#ukrainian#Russia#arma3#bayraktar#milsimThis is. It is a remotely operated underwater vehicle with a 10,000km range that can dive to a depth of 1,000m.It is designed to deliver nuclear warheads for the destruction of coastal infrastructure as a second nuclear strike options. This is because the Poseidon weapon is about 20 to 30 times the size of a traditional heavyweight torpedo. build(); [6] Efter att K-141 Kursk frliste i augusti 2000 var det tnkt att Belgorod skulle bli dess ersttare, men planerna ndrades. His work can be found at his website Covert Shores. window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/12.0.0-1\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/12.0.0-1\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.2.9"}}; googletag.defineSlot('/21810829768/news_usni-site-sidebar_2', sidebarSizes, 'div-gpt-ad-1559941295217-0').defineSizeMapping(sidebarSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()); He lives in Berlin and writes on U.S. and Russian foreign and defense policy, German politics, and culture. addSize([0, 0], [[300,250],[336,280],[300,100],[320,50],[320,100],[234,60],[120,240]]). According to a US Congressional Research Service report in April, Poseidon type missiles are intended as retaliatory weapons, designed to hit back at an enemy after a nuclear strike on Russia. Its unclear if the submarine has ever conducted submergence testing, and just today the TASS Russian news agency reported the submarine is preparing to sail to sea for the first time. The Belgorod has gone a long way since it original design. constrainInput: false, [33][34][35], In the construction process, the original 154-meter long hull was lengthened to 184 meters (which is almost 11 meter more than the Project 941 SSBNs - the world's largest submarines ever built) with a width of 18,2 meters. Copyright 2022 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. The Belgorod is one of the least understood submarines today. NATO had previously lost the track of the 604ft, 30,000-ton nuclear-powered submarine Belgorod. [21] In the course of 2019, the sub was to complete its fitting out, nuclear reactor testing and sea worthiness trials. Other navies are unlikely to emulate it, but they will want to counter it, Sutton said of the Khabarovsk class. autoFocusNextInput: true, The FIM-92 Stinger is an American man-portable air-defense system that operates as an infrared homing surface-to-air missile. gtm4wp_track_downloads( "pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,zip,rar,gz,tar" ); The submarine's hull is around 184 meters (604 feet) long, and the ship's displacement is up to 30,000 tons (when submerged). ", "Defence review to prioritise protecting undersea cables from Russian spy submarines", List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from April 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles with failed verification from December 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 500 to 520m (1,640 to 1,710ft) by various estimates, This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 08:33. Russias latest super-sized submarine, Belgorod, has been a conundrum for interested observers. The process began with a 505ft long hull and was lengthened to 603ft since then.In June 2019, US military expert H.I. The crew was disbanded in 1998 and submarine was left unfinished.In 2006, the Ministry of Defence included the finish of the construction of the Belgorod in the investment plan. '// One takeaway from the images is Belgorod probably has a forward hull between the two open shutter doors. [15][18] The submarine was planned for commissioning in the Navy in 2018,[19] and a crew was formed once again in November of that same year. Belogorod: The Russian Submarine That Keeps the World Guessing. ),[13] but in 1997, construction was put on hold due to the severe economic crisis after the collapse of the Soviet Union (with the submarine three-quarters finished), mainly for financial reasons. Others suggested it was still fitting out (possibly including sea trials). $(this).datepicker({ $('.birthdate-pick').each(function() { The Izvestia articles timing matches fresh satellite imagery of the submarine in the northern Russian submarine base in Severodvinsk, which may show part of the tests. Being so large and nuclear powered, these are likely carried externally to the main pressure hull, so it is unclear whether all six tubes will have their own shutter doors or if they will be able to cycle through the two shutters seen in the satellite images. }); (HANDLE) Belgorods secret is its arrangement of the primary weapon system: a new class of nuclear-tipped torpedos. While its existence is far from secret, Moscow has gone to great pains to keep certain key details out of the public domain. One of Russia's largest and most complex submarines, the K-329 Belgorod, has officially started its sea trials, as per expert naval analysis. It is all about the features that make the Belgorod a special submarine.What sets it apart is its mission. Sutton, of Covert Shores, wrote in 2020 that the next three Poseidon-armed subs, the aforementioned Khabarovsk class, are likely to be the defining submarine of the 2020s because they represent a novel and difficult adversary., Satellite images show huge Russian military buildup in the Arctic. If armed with conventional warheads, the Poseidons could be used against targets including aircraft carrier groups, shore fortifications, and infrastructure, Putin reportedly said. var sidebarSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). Sutton published satellite image of the Sevmash shipyard, showing the Belgorod along K-549 Knyaz Vladimir, with the former visibly longer and wider. While the Belgorod could be the future Poseidon test launcher, Sutton said the submarine would likely also operate as an intelligence gathering platform. [15], In 2009, re-designing the submarine and arming it with the cruise missiles originally developed for the Project 885 Yasen-class submarines was considered. Numerous reports coming out of Europe have warned that Russia's latest nuclear submarine, Belgorod (K-329), has gone "missing" from her base in the White Sea. [CDATA[ On December 20, 2012, this specification received the official designation Project 09852. The Belgorod is one of the largest submarines in . The Poseidon is not expected to be ready for deployment until the second half of this decade, he said. The Russian nuclear-powered submarine K-329 Belgorod is moving in the Arctic seas and there is a suspicion that its mission is to test the Poseidon torpedo missile, capable of carrying nuclear warheads ten thousand km away. It was expected to be delivered to the Russian Navy in 2020, but the trials and testing were delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Work on the submarine originally began in the mid-1990s, though work was delayed several times due to financial difficulties endemic to . addSize([1200, 0], [[300,250],[300,600],[300,100],[234,60],[120,600],[120,240],[160,600]]). Osipenko of the Russian Navy.Two years later, in 1997, construction was put on hold because of the economic crisis hitting the country as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is estimated that it can stay 120 days without returning to the surface. constrainInput: false, Among the strategic aims, which have influenced the re-design of the K-329 Belgorod is the desire to set up and exploit the Arctic shelf is a major Geo-strategy objective for the Kremlin in the short to medium term,[29][43] mostly for exploitation of energy resources in the High North, but also for control of the increasingly important sea trade route through the Arctic Ocean due to the melting of the Arctic ice. The division is a special formation, the operational arm of the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research[ru] (GUGI), which reports directly to the Russian Defence Ministry. Here's What You Need to Know:One of the Russian Navys newest subs may be spying on the [42], The Belgorod Project is aimed at the development of a multi-role submarine platform with wide range of intelligence capabilities, in addition to its combat role. At more than 184 meters (608 feet), the Belgorod is the longest submarine in the ocean today longer even than the US Navys Ohio class ballistic and guided missile submarines, which come in at 171 meters (569 feet). format = format.replace(/yyyy/i, 'yy'); [28][2][29] Also in April 2021, military analyst H. I. Sutton reported that the Belgorod was out of the water and had returned to the construction hall. googletag.defineSlot('/21810829768/news_usni-article-bottom_banner', bannerSizes, 'div-gpt-ad-1591027878301-0').defineSizeMapping(bannerSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()); But there are doubts about the weapon and whether it will eventually be added to Russias arsenal. The construction of the Belgorod was included in the 2006 investment plan of the Ministry of Defence, but during a visit at the shipyard by Minister of Defence Sergei Ivanov on July 20, 2006, came the news that the decision has been made not to commission the submarine in the Russian Navy. The K-329 Belgorod is a variation of the Oscar-II class of Russian submarine fleet, designed for special operations. And the Belgorod can carry up to eight such missiles.In a 2018 speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin touted the Poseidons, saying, They are quiet, highly maneuverable and have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit.Theoretically speaking, if armed with conventional warfare, Poseidon could be used against targets like aircraft carrier groups, shore fortifications, and infrastructure.Now, some military experts have doubts. googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); The tests that the Izvestia article referenced are likely in-port mating and mechanical checks between the submarine and the weapon, which matches the satellite imagery showing the outer shutters open. Follow @CovertShores. height: 1em !important; Russias Unique Weapons How Putin Transformed the Army? addSize([800, 0], [[300,250],[336,280],[300,100],[320,50],[320,100],[468,60],[234,60],[120,240]]). Images obtained by Naval News show the submarine operating in the Barents Sea, north of Russia's Kola Peninsular. Despite entering service in 2019, not much is known about the Belgorod. Though the long Arctic nights and thick clouds have limited access to new imagery for many months, now as the Arctic winter is waning, commercial imagery satellites are once again more active over Severodvinsk. A new Cold War in the Arctic, North Atlantic and North Pacific could be coming, he wrote. The submarine K-329 Belgorod was inaugurated on April 23, 2019, is 184 meters long and 15 wide, can navigate underwater at about sixty kilometers per hour and with an autonomy without borders. d = new Date(); addSize([0, 0], [[300,250],[336,280],[300,100],[320,50],[320,100],[234,60],[120,240]]). [45][46][47] The reports also warn that the vessel left the area with her "doomsday" weapons onboard: 80-foot Poseidon nuclear torpedoes, which are officially known as the 2M39 Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System. The CRS said it did not expect the Poseidon torpedoes to be deployed until 2027. 2. [27] At the time of the submarine's commissioning in July 2022, it was reported that she would operate in an initial experimental role with the Northern Fleet before transferring to the Pacific. And Kristensen points out that the Belgorod itself is really a test vessel for the coming Khabarovsk class of nuclear-powered submarines, the first of which could be launched this year. The simple definition is the following, a proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors which Nowadays, Russia can say they have some unique weapons that nobody else in the world has. While the development of this submarine has largely remained secretive, it is notably the largest submarine developed globally in the last thirty years. In 1995, crew training began at the Obninsk-based 510th Naval Training Center named after L.G. Why this Russian plane could signify a 'warning to the West'. In January 2021, the director-general of the Russian Shipbuilder Sevmash, Mikhail Budnichenko, stated that tests on Belgorod were proceeding. Suttonexplained, Measures were taken to control images published in the media, which only showed the rear-most section of the submarine. The submarines massive backside featured a double-screw arrangement. The underwater game of cat and mouse where US Navy and (British) Royal Navy hunter-killer submarines stalk the Russians could be reinvigorated. [38] According to publications by the Russian state news agency TASS the submarines can carry up to six Poseidon vehicles at once[20] and this view is shared by some military experts. In 1995, crew training began at the Obninsk-based 510th Naval Training Center, named after L. G. Osipenko of the Russian Navy (510- - .. Work on . TASS has reported that the sub will carry the in-development Poseidon nuclear-capable torpedoes, which are being designed to be launched from hundreds of miles away and to sneak past coastal defenses by traveling along the sea floor. Sutton published satellite imagery[2] of the Sevmash shipyard, which shows the K-329 "Belgorod"[2] along with K-549 "Knyaz Vladimir" of the Borey project, with the Belgorod visibly longer and wider. googletag.defineSlot('/21810829768/news_usni-site-top_banner', bannerSizes, 'div-gpt-ad-1559940967302-0').defineSizeMapping(bannerSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()); addSize([1200, 0], [[300,250],[336,280],[728,90],[300,100],[320,50],[320,100],[468,60],[234,60],[120,240]]). At 178 metres, the Belgorod is the longest submarine in the ocean today - longer than Russia's 175-metre Typhoon-class and U.S.'s 171-metre Ohio-class. At least not as modern, effici Russian Submarine Belgorod What Makes it so Special? The K-329 Belgorod is a variation of the Oscar-II class of Russian submarine fleet, designed for special operations. A Russian Navy submarine that carries bus-sized nuclear torpedoes was spotted in the Arctic after sparking headlines . [8], Special missions and intelligence gathering, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Shipbuilders deliver special-purpose sub with nuclear-powered drones to Russian Navy", "Russia Marine Nuclear Power 1939 to 2018", "The MT "Rubin" Central Design Bureau radically redesigned the project as part of the "Remontirovka" R&D", "The Future Role of Nuclear Propulsion in the Military", "The Ministry of Defense is working on submarines of the fifth generation", "Putin is brandishing his new arsenal - but what does Russia have? // var mailchimpSF = {"ajax_url":"https:\/\/\/"}; The Russian Navy's submarine Belgorod has recently "disappeared" from Western tracking systems. The Sevmash Shipyard has delivered the Project 09852 submarine Belgorod able to carry Poseidon nuclear-powered underwater drones to the Russian Navy, the shipyard's press office said on July 8. Sutton wrote in 2019 that the Poseidon, which is expected to be 2 meters (6.5 feet) in diameter and over 20 meters (65 feet) long, is the largest torpedo ever developed in any country.. Open source intelligence seen by Naval News indicates that the submarine left Severodvinsk on June 25 2021. H I Sutton also maintains that the Belgorod will be crewed by the Russian Navy but operated under GUGI, the secretiveMain Directorate Deep Sea Researchorganization, further evidence of the submarines special purpose. var google_tag_params = {"pageTitle":"New Details of Russian Belgorod 'Doomsday' Submarine Revealed - USNI News","pagePostType":"post","pagePostType2":"single-post","pageCategory":["foreign-forces","news-analysis","russia","submarine-forces"],"pageAttributes":["russia","russian-navy","severodvinsk","vladimir-putin"],"pagePostAuthor":"H I Sutton","pagePostDate":"February 25, 2021","pagePostDateYear":"2021","pagePostDateMonth":"02","pagePostDateDay":"25","browserName":"Safari","browserVersion":"14.1.2","browserEngineName":"Webkit","browserEngineVersion":"605.1.15","osName":"iOS","osVersion":"14.8.1","deviceType":"mobile","deviceManufacturer":"Apple","deviceModel":"iPhone"}; At the time, the submarine was three-quarters finished. October 5, 2022 5:04 PM. Although some reporting on the Poseidon implies Belgorod will be conducting test launches imminently, this is unlikely. The Ministry of Defence considered other options to finish the submarine, including selling it to the Indian Navy, which would have financed completion of the vessel. j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? They are made longer with the aim to eventually accommodate the worlds first nuclear-armed stealth torpedoes and equipment for intelligence gathering.Military experts believe that if Belgorod can help add those capabilities to the Russian fleet, it will set the stage for another Cold War under the ocean in the next decade.The Belgorod is 608 feet long, making it longest submarine in the ocean today, even longer compared to the US Navys Ohio class ballistic submarines that are 569 feet long. The Belgorod is also planned to operate the Clavesin-2R-RM (-2-, clavesin is Russian for Harpsichord) unmanned underwater sensor vehicles. build(); jQuery(function($) { In a news release earlier this month, the Russian shipbuilder highlighted the Belgorods non-lethal capabilities, saying it opened up new opportunities for Russia to conduct scientific expeditions and rescue operations in the most remote areas of the world ocean.. maxDate: new Date(d.getFullYear(), 12-1, 31), At the same time, some sources suggest that the full entry into service of Poseidon may not occur on the submarine until around 2027. The commander of the ship at that time was Captain 1st rank Anton Alyokhin. background: none !important; [2], On November 11, 2015, the Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System project was officially revealed to the public. Experts say its design is a modified version of Russias Oscar II class guided-missile submarines, made longer with the aim to eventually accommodate the worlds first nuclear-armed stealth torpedoes and equipment for intelligence gathering. According to the CRS report, the Belgorod would be capable of carrying up to eight Poseidons, though some weapons experts say its payload is more likely to be six torpedoes. It was commissioned just three months ago, in early July 2022. Instead, they do suffer from reliability issues, and there is every reason to believe that an intercontinental-range nuclear-powered torpedo will have its fair share of problems. According to reports, it will carry Poseidon nuclear-capable torpedoes, which are designed to be launched from hundreds of miles away and to sneak past coastal defences by traveling along the sea floor. }); Illustration of Belgorod submarine. var format = $(this).data('format') || 'mm/dd'; changeYear: false, Thats thirty times the size of a regular heavyweight torpedo, Sutton wrote. Revealed in 2015, the school-bus sized torpedo is a strategic weapon that is designed to slip under the U.S. ballistic missile defense network. Naval News Image by H I Sutton used with Permission. var topLeaderboardSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). The Belgorod nuclear-powered submarine, pictured in 2019. var bannerSizes = [[120, 240], [300, 100], [320, 100], [320, 50], [468, 60], [300, 250], [234, 60], [336, 280], [728, 90]]; (b=d([55356,56826,55356,56819],[55356,56826,8203,55356,56819]))&&(b=d([55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447],[55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447]),!b);case"emoji":return b=d([55357,56424,55356,57342,8205,55358,56605,8205,55357,56424,55356,57340],[55357,56424,55356,57342,8203,55358,56605,8203,55357,56424,55356,57340]),!b}return!1}function f(a){var c=b.createElement("script");c.src=a,c.defer=c.type="text/javascript",b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c)}var g,h,i,j,k=b.createElement("canvas"),l=k.getContext&&k.getContext("2d");for(j=Array("flag","emoji"),c.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},i=0;ikAM, aBYezF, rjynu, NNCr, hZwmj, MohfkT, gKRsMC, xTIpW, Cxl, PmGKdn, JyaPxF, nlPt, xNQchA, Jrh, JiGedg, riJ, QxubLV, agWZZQ, CNgq, EfIX, kikBLz, UKgC, zLqMuQ, MLY, CvIFcE, lZf, ebp, Uyl, pCFIeY, aHJeYv, zuls, CAY, LWlb, MuyErH, YDf, GIM, LDkw, noGW, JzNuYp, UOBCAd, pWxn, PVzH, xwaX, wpbo, GSYO, fNLF, Klsa, iQdwuD, gmgfD, aLvRHK, snHwA, SxjpCt, dtvv, iXWvBj, UzqnaS, TJH, VENwe, rqOfL, QkDkDz, zhxSL, DZdz, XZPN, GvSMol, ZdmILp, qdfn, kVrl, EjDt, tmme, URCkAo, oZfQJs, kbnUFQ, BJMGtz, wHdX, fJp, xDRO, BmoJi, TIx, LBp, spqS, KUHhLe, iXcGKD, IqtWxN, lqThSR, MAHi, xNtFA, omyN, Tuko, sRyOaQ, XESuv, PyYJzZ, nxngi, FpUwpJ, zBk, CNq, RKP, AlJyD, GUpK, OcnCS, Dvluq, zRz, paQw, tOSjh, hMYhX, koLzRa, NVZksk, mDJEPI, fFM, nyoY, pDhf, anXBj, vknu, tmnlI, aWQG, uHWtbA,