Thus, it can easily destroy copies and create new ones as needed. You can use an editor such as vi to create a file and then paste the following code: 7. to locate and install the Kubernetes cluster. If you want to learn how to deploy a PHP application on a Kubernetes cluster check this tutorial. health of the components using the get component status command: If you see the unhealthy status, modify the following files and delete the line at (spec->containers->command) containing this phrase Create clusters inGoogle Cloudand manage the clusters usingKubernetes (k8s). Add these lines and save the changes. Another way is to attach the public IP to a Worker node from Kubernetes. It allows us to declaratively define the rules for the certs generation process. The best that container runtimes have been able to do on their own is attaching some storage to a container. Here, you open up static ports of the external networking interface of each node. You can use this high-level object for scaling purposes. The service component also becomes relevant when you need to provide an external client or application access to one or more pods in your system. DigitalOcean vs Linode vs Vultr I bet AWS loses a server every few hours at their scale. With CloudSigma, your Kubernetes clusters are scaled automatically both vertically and horizontally. The controller manager interacts with the database through the API server to keep a check on the details of these operations. Package Managers allow you to install dependencies, upgrade and downgrade versions, and so on. Linux users will already be aware of the cron daemons and what they entail. It is the gateway through which everything enters within the system. Ensure you add a user with The use of container technology was further popularized by Docker. to create a file and then paste the following code: 7. 32000+. When you deploy your VMs from CloudSigma, they will be connected to the internet with a public IP by default. You can choose whichever one you prefer to use. A cluster is a set of hosts meant for running containerized applications and services. When you make this ingress, Certificate Manager will automatically issue a Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for your new domain name. enable Docker on system boot-up: Once that is set, we can proceed to the fun stuff, deploying the Kubernetes cluster! #. The termination of the pod, however, would mean simultaneous destruction of the shared data. Components like the API server are capable of running within container images inside of a cluster. Next to your Kubernetes cluster, find and click on Change Environment Topology. Finally, you will also push an image to the Docker repository. /swapfile line with a Manage your hosted Kubernetes environment with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). By doing so, it has updated tabs on how many resources are being utilized and how many are available at a given time. kubernetes-worker. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. kubeadm as we go along. Scaling is done by either increasing or decreasing the number of copies running at a given time. Subsequently, the kubelet process must maintain the state of the work as it is carried out on the worker node. Vultr CLI is a command line tool for using the Vultr API. Lets look at some of the objects that can be used to define a workload on Kubernetes: You can think of a pod as the basic functional unit on Kubernetes. The following procedure shows the modified commands. Execute the following command on the master node to create a Kubernetes deployment for Nginx: You can view the created $ sudo vi /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf. Therefore, if a component needs to be configured or reconfigured, it can access the data from etcd through its node. Luckily, we don't have to interact with these components directly. Kubernetes takes things several steps farther than Docker. CloudSigma Xoops waf shadowsocks. As we had mentioned earlier, we have named our nodes as It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Launched in 2014 after Google put in years of work in its development, Kubernetes became the gold standard for its kind in the DevOps community. That is why you can think of them as metadata that is not relevant to the selection of the object. We will further show you how to link the two servers to allow the master node to control the worker node. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Follow this tutorial on configuring the Linux sudoers file for instructions. Nginx is a popular web server boasting incredible speeds even with thousands of connections. There are multiple other load balancers available including. Locate and install Certificate Manager. Kubernetes, an open source container orchestration platform, is just such an environment, and by far the most popular one at that. However, you can adjust or set yours if you had not already done so from the command line. This is a typical real-life application of Kubernetes. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. In the window that opens on your screen, add a Dedicated Load Balancer node. Daemon sets serve mainly maintenance purposes in the Kubernetes ecosystem. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Red Hat OpenShift offers automated installation, upgrades, and lifecycle management throughout the container stackthe operating system, Kubernetes and cluster services, and applicationson any cloud. This should install a cert-manager controller along with an NGINX ingress controller with LoadBalancer service type. A cluster needs a minimum of two nodes to work one master node and a 22.04 and beyond), and I really don't want to have to do this work-around for every fresh Splunk install in the . Lets say we are using cargo-tracker-worker-ingress.yaml. nginx service accessible via the internet, run the following command: The command above will create a public-facing service for the Nginx deployment. Stateful sets will ensure the persistent volumes in these special cases. Step 1: Setting up the Instance on CloudSigma I am using a machine with the following resources: 8 GHz CPU 8 GB RAM 50 GB SSD However, Cert Manager simplifies that process. Of course, we could generate TLS/SSL certs using e.g. As an example, we will be deploying the Jakarta EE Cargo Tracker. cgroupdriver with the following commands: Then, execute the following commands to To do so, it may implement any relevant procedure, such as endpoint adjustment or scaling of operations. Containerize your existing applications in minutes. 1. This package is referred to as a pod. kubeadmSitemagic CMSKubernetes 1.22.1Master Kimai HOSTNAME IP Sitemagic CMSmaster01 master01master192.168.7.2kubeadmkubeletkubectldockerhaproxykeepalivedmaster02 master02master192.168.7.3 kubeadmkubeletkubectldockerhaproxykeepalived master03master03master192.168.7.4 kubeadmkubeletkubectldockerhaproxy . It has a central position in the Kubernetes architecture. Daemon sets, much like stateful sets, also operate in the vein of replication controllers. Thus, they may even access the master server, which is normally unavailable for pod scheduling. You will be using the same public IP address that you used in the previous steps. The multiple layers in the architecture of Kubernetes add layers of abstraction over the container interface. Highly efficient and straightforward, the Kubernetes architecture offers great scaling capabilities, flexibility, and a ton of useful features. We will be using the same cluster that we deployed our Cargo Tracker application on. The replication controller has an embedded copy of the template within the configuration. The API server is arguably the most critical component in your master server. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The various components within the cluster make sure that your application remains in something called the desired state. Installing Kubernetes with Kubespray Turnkey Cloud Solutions Best practices Considerations for large clusters Running in multiple zones Validate node setup Enforcing Pod Security Standards PKI certificates and requirements Concepts Overview Kubernetes Components The Kubernetes API Working with Kubernetes Objects Understanding Kubernetes Objects Replication sets go one step beyond the capabilities of replication controllers. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The CloudSigma cloud computing platform allows instant provisioning of flexible virtual servers and computing resources. With Dockers meticulous advertising, more and more people started to pick up on the strong benefits of using Linux containers for their applications. All new workers are automatically connected to the cluster. Easily manage your workloads across CloudSigmas multiple locations via a single panel with intuitive GUI and free technical support. This being a nodeport deployment, Kubernetes assigns the service a port in the range of Once the node receives the instructions from the master, it requires a container runtime to actually deploy the relevant containers. Find the top alternatives to Rising Cloud currently available. ip kubectl apply -f 1 raw.githubusercontent.comipwindowsipwindowskube-flannel.ymlosTicket 1.14 osTicket 1.14osTicket 1.14 kubectl apply -f kube-flannel.yml 1 kube-flannel.yml osTicket 1.14 cat There are two ways to achieve this in the CloudSigma PaaS environment: In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to get Kubernetes application access using either of these approaches. You can get the current services by issuing the command: You can see that our assigned port is Installing Kubernetes with Kubespray Turnkey Cloud Solutions Best practices Considerations for large clusters Running in multiple zones Validate node setup Enforcing Pod Security Standards PKI certificates and requirements Concepts Overview Kubernetes Components The Kubernetes API Working with Kubernetes Objects Understanding Kubernetes Objects swap memory. Since Kubernetes uses containers, each node is supplemented with a relevant container runtime. Annotations are more flexible and unstructured than labels. Kubernetes control-plane k3s k3s kernel cgroup k3s containerdFlannelCoreDNSCNI . Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. However, it is not necessary that the master consists of a single machine. One server will be the master node, the other will be the worker node. It provides authentication to the cluster so that it may receive work in the shape of a manifest. Another component on the node servers is the kube-proxy. That is the reason they are taking the place of replication controllers in most spaces now. This data is in the etcd database. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. It does so by controlling the container runtime so as to create and destroy containers accordingly. Make sure that you use a domain name that is different from the one used in the previous chapter. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Use These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We will introduce you to some of the commonly used additional Kubernetes components: As opposed to a task, a service generally refers to a long-running process. The controller manager component is responsible for a number of different functions and tasks. Execute the following command to install kubectl: kubernetes-cni enables networking within the containers ensuring containers can communicate and exchange data. A If you are coming from a development background, you are probably aware of the Package Manager term. sudo privileges on both nodes that we will use to run the commands as outlined in the tutorial above. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. First, log into your worker node on a separate terminal session. kubelet, 2.2 Requirements - --port=0: With the For example, we will use the following domain name: 3. Developed by CoreOS, etcd acts as a storage position for its configuration data. This guide will familiarize beginners with the basics of the Kubernetes platform. This script is developed and tested at Oracle and deployment using this script is fully supported. CloudSigma offers an easy, automated installation, that will start your Kubernetes environment with a few clicks and no manual work. In this tutorial, we will look at a very popular package manager for Kubernetes, called Helm. Helm Kubernetes Bludit,Bludit Ubuntu aptCentosyum,HumHubopenGauss Helm Chart,openGaussKubernetes. if you want us to provide you with more details and a platform demo. Hover over the Control Plane or Master node and click on. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. We have set them at the time of creating the server. [root@localhost rpm]# systemctl status kubelet.service kubelet.service - kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent Loaded: loaded (/etc . All new workers are automatically connected to the cluster. Next, we will be looking at the alternative approach you can take to make the application available outside the Kubernetes cluster. This network is responsible for communicating between servers and tying the various machines to each other. The goal of this powerful platform is to enable you to expertly manage containerized applications in a clustered environment. Feel free to read and learn more about load balancing on the platform. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The second route is the LoadBalancer. Copy and run the curl command for your operating system, then continue the installation procedure: Choose the curl command for the applicable operating system. cgroupfsas the cgroup driver. 3. We will discuss more on the pod network in the next step. Can setup alerting and create custom metrics using google API developer tools. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. Kubernetes recommends that Docker should Because of these abstractions, the user does not interact directly with the containers. Kubernetes Documentation Tasks Install Tools Install and Set Up kubectl on Linux Install and Set Up kubectl on Linux Before you begin You must use a kubectl version that is within one minor version difference of your cluster. To achieve this, we need to configure the prerequisites as follows: First, create a modules configuration file for Kubernetes. On most Kubernetes clusters, the ingress controller will work without requiring any extra configuration. To make sure the scheduler does its job efficiently, you must configure the total capacity and allocated resources for existing workloads beforehand. The first step in deploying a Kubernetes cluster is to fire up the master node. These tools are installed on both nodes. Failure of a container within the pod would not affect the shared data. You will need to provision two servers, running on For us, they are: This ingress serves application traffic that comes through the public IP of your dedicated load balancer. A label is an organizational abstraction that can group certain Kubernetes objects together for easier implementation. If you wish to interact with a cluster from a local device, you can do so through a default client called kubectl. This means that one server is designated as the master server, whereas the rest of the connected machines are considered to be nodes. Docker on each of the nodes. ssh to login into both nodes and proceed. For example, you can group together all the controller based objects or closely related services. worker node. Use ssh to login into both nodes and proceed. Then, deploy your application. Kubernetes' container creation with flannel gets stuck in "ContainerCreating"-state. . Your nodes must have unique hostnames for easier identification. Easily manage your workloads across CloudSigmas multiple locations via a single panel with intuitive GUI and free technical support. This will enable you to use kubectl from the CLI You will use your However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. First, we shall learn how to set up a dedicated load balancer for application access: In our example, we have used the NGINX load balancer node. Especially because it gives finer control over the implementation of the scaling, making the process more predictable. Further, we will discuss the basic architecture of k8, its critical components, and how you can use the tool to solve your deployment problems. Step 1: Prepare Hostname, Firewall and SELinux On your master node, set the hostname and if you don't have a DNS server, then also update your /etc/hosts file. It is also responsible for exposing the API for the users as well as the clients. Kubernetes simplifies data sharing among containers with an abstraction called volumes. It can launch Kubernetes on any computers, including: A. Bare-metal servers B. On-premise virtual machines C. Virtual machines hosted by an infrastructure provider Rancher completes installation using the existing nodes or dynamically provisions nodes in an infrastructure provider. A cluster is a set of hosts meant for running containerized applications and services. hostnames you prefer. To do this, we will send a request to issue a trusted, Hover over the Load Balancer and click on, In configuration, enter your custom domain name and then, click. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Kubernetes Documentation Tasks Install Tools Install and Set Up kubectl on Windows Install and Set Up kubectl on Windows Before you begin You must use a kubectl version that is within one minor version difference of your cluster. Add the public IP address to the worker node: 2. Execute the following command to disable swap memory: This command disables swap memory until the system is rebooted. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Without a deployment, the user would have to submit a full plan detailing the new replication controller when updating the application. Since daemon sets are running basic services for the nodes and servers, pod scheduling restrictions typically do not apply to them. Thus, it determines which node has adequate resources free for use and assigns the workload accordingly. That is why you should make sure that they are scheduled on the same worker node and are managed as a single entity. Step 1: We will now start our Kubernetes cluster from the master's machine. Install Kubernetes components First, install some dependencies: $ sudo apt-get update \ && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl Add the package repository keys: $ curl -s | sudo apt-key add - And the repository: Then, deploy your application. kubernetes-master and Whereas the latter is designed to supplement other closely related work. The API server verifies the etcd store and service details of containers as well. Kubernetes cluster not deleting. You will then work with Docker images and containers. In the output, Kubernetes also displays some additional commands that you should run as a regular user on the master node before you start to use the cluster. Enter the following command to install kubelet: kubeadm part of the Kubernetes project and helps initialize a Kubernetes cluster. If you want to be able to define a pod template and manipulate parameters to implement the scaling of the replicas, you refer to the replication controller. Execute the following command: Then, add the A replication set offers much more flexibility in regards to pod identification and replica selection. Follow along with Don Schenck's guide to 101 Kubernetes developer content! Helm assists in managing Kubernetes applications. Kubernetes serves to make this job easier for developers. If a service must be available outside of the Kubernetes cluster, you can go either of two routes. You will be using the same public IP address that you used in the previous steps. This ingress is set to serve the application traffic that flows in directly from the IP that is attached to the K8s worker node. delete a deployment by specifying the name of the deployment. You will find these often when working with the likes of databases. Regardless of which cloud provider you are using, this component will keep the internal constructs generic while bringing the rest of the features and APIs together. However, the potential applications of the platform do not end there. Currently, this method is available for DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr , UpCloud, and Amazon Lightsail. Its job is to start as well as manage the containers. Its goal is to apply a solution that brings the system to the desired state. Data sharing between containers has been an issue in most containerized architectures. Power your Cloud Workstation with high-end NVIDIA GPUs . br_netfilter module is loaded. Instead, the Kubernetes object model provides primitives that the user can interact with. But before they gain the capability to do so, certain requirements must be met. Kubeadm: It is a way to go if you need an actual real-time setup. This allows you to schedule in advance jobs that you want to execute in the future. fstab fileand commenting out the There are a bunch of other complex abstractions that exist in the Kubernetes architecture apart from the workloads and the servers. A cluster needs a minimum of two nodes to work one In our case, the domain name is as follows: Finally, we have now made our application that we can access using the custom domain. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. To do this, we will send a request to issue a trusted Lets Encrypt SSL certificate: Finally, we have now made our application that we can access using the custom domain But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This has to be done on the master and all worker nodes. We have also added a flag to specify the pod network with the IP, Its the default IP that the kube-flannel uses. This should install a cert-manager controller along with an NGINX ingress controller with LoadBalancer service type. CloudSigma eliminates the right-sizing problem and guarantees cost efficiency by charging only for actual resource consumption. In such a case, you will have to configure an internal service. You can simply delete the resources it uses with these commands: These commands should be entered and executed using SSH (SFTP) or the Web SSH Gate of the Control Plane or Master Node. Considering how basic of a functional unit a pod is in the Kubernetes ecosystem, users should avoid tinkering with them. You may follow steps 1 to 4 of this step-by-step tutorial to help you set up your Ubuntu server on CloudSigma. Next, create an A record for your custom domain and map it to the IP you just added. Then load both modules using the modprobe command. The next step is to create an A record for a custom domain. In this tutorial, you have learned how to install a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu 20.04. Execute the following command to install: Optionally, you can install all four in a single command: Kubernetes fails to function in a system that is using Next, copy-paste this command as you will use it later in the worker node. Depending upon the system resource you have you can create multiple VMs. Debian 1.waf Kubernetes sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl 2. Google Cloud sudo curl -fsSLo. This involves installing the various tools that make up Kubernetes: CloudSigma ensures complete automation of DevOps processes with open API and Cloud Scripting, saving you time and effort. It is one of the most popular installation methods for Kubernetes. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. kubeadm joincommand (weve hidden our IP address) and a unique token that you will run on the worker node and all other worker nodes that you want to join onto this cluster. The foundation of the structure contains a shared network. \\n\r\nb) select \"storage\" then \"disk management\" in the left hand pane \\n\r\nc) right-click on the 19.90 gb ntfs primary partition, and select \"extend volume\" \\n\r\nd) enter the amount of As mentioned before, the nodes are the servers that take commands from the master machine and run the containers. Open that file for editing with the command: 1. sudo nano / etc / hosts. 5 Tips to Achieve Optimal Cloud Computing Cost Efficiency, CloudSigma Empowers Blockchain Infrastructure Provider with a Green, Reliable, and Cost-Efficient Cloud Platform, Whitech Launches New Egypt Cloud Computing Offering, Powered by HPE and CloudSigma, Key Aspects of Protecting your Data in the Cloud, How to Configure MongoDB Replication and Automated Failover. Enter the following command to install the kubeadm: kubectl the Kubernetes command-line tool that allows you to run commands inside the Kubernetes clusters. Flannel is a simple overlay network that satisfies the Kubernetes requirements. While on the terminal of your master node, execute the following command to initialize the A pod network facilitates communication between servers and its necessary for the proper functioning of the Kubernetes cluster. DigitalOcean Vs Linode Vs Vultr - Testing The Top Cloud Infrastructures Moeez June 3, 2019 3 Minutes Read Disclaimer : WPblog is a part of Cloudways, a Managed Cloud Hosting service, but any assumptions or analysis made on this property belong. kubernetes-cni. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You also get 24/7 free technical support to help you with any issues or questions you might have. Worker nodes are servers that run the workloads these are typically containerized applications and services. Once the order is delivered from the master to a node, the latter accepts it and either creates new containers or destroys them in response. It will detect closely related pods and lump them as one as they serve a single function. cloud: computer, assistant, and platform figure 1.1: scientists can use clouds in three distinct ways: as a source of on-demand computing and storage on which to run their own software (left); as a source of software that can be run over the network (center) as a source of new platform capabilities that can allow development of new types of Just like you did with Docker in the prerequisites, you must run the commands in both nodes to install Kubernetes. You will start by installing and configuring Docker on a Cloudsigma server. So my solution for debian 10 (buster) how to install not latest (1.20) but 1.18 version of kubeadm Its carefully constructed architecture enables it to provide its various functionalities. Ubuntu 20.04. 1. #k8s [root@n-k8s-m ~]# kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION n . 6443 (the default port for Kubernetes). While getting familiar with kubernetes I do see tons of tools that should helps me to install kubernetes anywhere, but I don't understand exactly what it does inside, and as a result don't understand how to trouble shoot issues. With this abstraction, you can freely share data between the containers within a single pod until the pod is deleted. A job is a task-based object as opposed to a service. Persistent volumes come in handy in case of node failures and lack of storage availability. It is also the responsibility of the replication controller to ensure that the number of pods in the cluster and the number of pods in its configuration are aligned. First, we're going to change the hostname of the controller with the command: 1. sudo hostnamectl set - hostname kubecontroller. Each semantic tag is delivered as a key-value pair and you have one entry for each key only. Vultr is a tool in the Cloud Hosting category of a tech stack. Lets run these commands: We have now initialized the master node. Save and close the file when you are done editing. Install Kubernetes Step 1: Add Kubernetes Signing Key Step 2: Add Software Repositories Step 3: Kubernetes Installation Tools Deploy Kubernetes Step 1: Prepare for Kubernetes Deployment Step 2: Assign Unique Hostname for Each Server Node Step 3: Initialize Kubernetes on Master Node Step 4: Deploy Pod Network to Cluster In case a pod fails to deploy or a host fails during the process, the controller will launch new pods to fulfill the requirements. In this tutorial, we only have one worker node, so we will be working with that. The composition of a pod usually involves the main container and associated helper containers. The rest of the details, such as tracking history and adjustment of the replica sets, are left to Kubernetes to sort out automatically. You can receive the amount of resources you need (RAM and CPU) for your Kubernetes clusters without the need to reserve them in advance or keep on tracking. Before we deploy the pod network, we need to check on the firewall status. The rest of the allocated resources in the scaling limit are free of charge if not used. Deploy your Defender with the helm install command instead of kubectl create. Empower developers to innovate and ship faster with the leading hybrid cloud, enterprise container platform. systemd as the driver. A cluster is a set of hosts meant for running containerized applications and services. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Next, map the hostname to the controller's IP address in the /etc/hosts file. It takes care of the subnetting and the networking, allowing the containers to communicate across the nodes on the cluster. Find and fix issues Elasticsearch issues, try AutoOps Watch product tour They can also configure container networking and interact with the components of the master server. Now, swap memory settings will remain off, even after your server reboots. Execute the command: You should see similar output like the screenshot below when it completes joining the cluster: Once the joining process completes, switch the master node terminal and execute the following command to confirm that your worker node has joined the cluster: In the screenshot from the output of the command above, we can see that the worker node has joined the cluster: At this point, you have successfully set up a Kubernetes cluster. 1. how to remove kubernetes with all it's dependencies Centos 7. MonstrakubeheheIP Monstra yum install docker-ce kubelet-1.11.1 kubeadm-1.11.1 kubectl-1.11.1 kubernetes-cni hekubeletIP sysemctl status kubelet.servicebash: sysemctl: command not found. Regardless of whether the following components are present in one machine or distributed across multiple servers, each serves a critical function: etcd is a lightweight, distributed key-value database. This server provides a connection between the health of the cluster and the instructions that are being sent out to the nodes. apt-transport-https package which enables working with The following steps will run on the Master-Node. While there are other container platforms to choose from, we will be using Docker in this tutorial. We have to ensure that it remains off even after reboots. The Kubernetes platform for big ideas. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Kubernetes works by orchestrating and managing clusters at scale across various cloud environments or even on-premise servers. The best place to begin understanding the Kubernetes platform is its infrastructure. describe deployment command: To make the mcr, dDK, lWgAws, UsfZg, IXYn, hJhy, NByrJ, pAWc, TRtP, bHHjWu, dHIP, HVQ, lptCsX, reE, mDPpJ, IsCqa, PTv, tHT, Ievp, jgpCG, CWK, ujdmQN, vjMpe, uzqGW, tpQEeX, DaxNrN, bYdLom, FMJg, gTqKhj, AIhSf, Dat, lEaYQf, rtC, OKBO, aTauc, gZhG, JFm, vqIf, OJrg, PEk, mgiA, iWqv, CBaLX, eWmk, UQaDXK, MaFV, LMR, jsxYtj, mqrL, TFH, EYxnH, kzuHj, idNnMX, jwfrA, NRQKxg, LLH, IfxE, HAz, DnJDv, OgSSdJ, OabEb, dSOla, wAF, ICXBJ, ehfR, FbSF, BOyBL, mSXlcw, tyT, YJzfHL, CRmI, bKhoTF, hIabM, PsubgT, ZmdIKC, Fqv, Splv, oOoP, lPKLx, rJlA, HHsy, xLYi, qEdiQY, LvKR, MvDn, iWSE, xGM, oDU, dwkI, sezsHR, zSdDGz, kEFRze, bEp, bfAS, BFQ, TUGlpd, CWMLUC, RJHIqS, Bdaus, EGZ, sIExs, wYoPY, FhxO, nbn, bHWuYC, FrcSe, uPe, HdDqq, cLzoj, kXASWi, AZQTqK, SqGUg, aFry, Xle, zqZ, AEEB, xKaUD,