I am now booked to go in March. I would leave behind my stressful law practice and would travel to the beautiful island in Greece, which is Ios. Id stop being a visitor and become a neighbor. To choose to slow down and create the aura that speaks beauty and peace into everything thing i can see and touch. I love all things French; food, scenery and of A perfect read this winter as my lavender lay sleeping under the snow! If I were untethered from all responsibilities, I would go to the New England area in Autumn. Teaching my four children everyday has been an inspiring journey for me this past three years. I cant wait for American in Provence to arrive in my mailbox today . Its good for humans to explore and learn about new people and places. The New England fish sandwich, served on Fridays, consists of crisp filets covered in cheddar, tartar sauce and pickles in a bed of lettuce on a sesame seed bun ($16.50). Thanks for giving me an opportunity to reflect and dream of being untethered! I would escape to the Scottish highlands to paint, hike, and become a shepherdess. There would be more bicycles and donkeys than cars and I would engage with my neighbors in charades and in laughter as I learned their ways. What an inspiring interview and beautiful photos. Visit churches and swim in the sea and eat wonderful food Such a refreshing experience just to read about her work, and breathtaking to see it. Since the pandemic and since the amazing photographs that people posted of clean air over Los Angeles and similar places when we all suddenly stopped traveling (to name just one example of what a cessation of travel gave us a chance to notice about our planet and our climate) I am very very torn about returning to even a fraction of the travel that was my habit previously. The one place in the world for lavender growing and learning! The joyful moments savored. Sep. 23. I grew up in West Texas & have lived in most Western states & Hawaii but would love to begin in Spring in the South following the azalea trail & seeing the wonder & beauty of every new, tiny sprout come to life, watching new blooms open whether beautifully landscaped by man or our creator. Although I know everything has changed very much I find myself snagged back into that longing when I watch movies with wonderful little bits of old Europe. What a beautiful book! Look no further as pickle juice is at your rescue! I would travel all over the back roads and photograph the beautiful countrysides and then from my photographs I would try to recreat the image in art. Listening brings me peace and joy because he speaks truth and has a great spirit. I imagine my new life would be totally transformed somewhere on the northern border of India and Nepal. It sounds so romantic!! Thank you for this interview ! Years ago, when my four children were young teens we spent 10 days in Italy. But my work isnt easy, and I need little beauties, especially when the grief adds up, or I feel like Im failing. my heart is a flutter with thoughts of transporting to France. The CEO, chef and owner is Jose Pablo Luque, a native of Argentina who worked in his fathers restaurant as a kid and helped birth several South Florida vegan ventures. I would find the small gardens, the plots, the backyard gardens since they would teach me so much about the people through the plants they grow the type of flowers they grow to nurture their souls and the foods they grow to nurture their bodies. Amsterdam is my city. S3, Ep12 15 Jan. 2017 Best Mex Rate We're searching out eight great Mexican food restaurants with ambitious dishes that go beyond the usual beans-and-rice platter. I would garden and cook. I know the exact excursion I would embark on. Would love a chance to win a book to sit & dream with as I sit & read it! Fabulous interview, by the way!. Pottery, tropical gardens, and revisiting scuba diving would be my curiosities to follow ~. Discover life beyond the program of the material world. Thanks so much for sharing your passions, Erin. I am looking forward to reading Jamies book. Some lifestyle changes to make while suffering from myopia are not performing close-range work, sitting in front of the TV and electronic devices for long periods of time, and working or reading in poorly lit areas. At Stephanie's Vegan Bakery in Fort Lauderdale, you can find an array of cupcakes and pastries. I need to take the drawing class!! Another spot is the Balkans also for hiking in Montenegro and Croatia. I had the privilege of going to Provence for three days this spring, and it changed my life. What about what we cant touch? The materials, natural and man made. I think I would like to have an Irish translation of this life, move to the wilds of the West of Ireland, grow food and flowers, and spend my mornings harvesting and foraging, and my days engaged in slow-craft projects. The smell of earth, and pine, and woodsmoke delights and refreshes my soul. Im curious how all this informs the cooking and the daily life in this culture! While I love visiting the southern countries of Italy,France and Spain, I would like to spend more time in the Scandinavian countries. If I had freedom from the expectations and demands of my current life and could take only my family, Id spend time reconnecting in Finland with my family culture and lost relatives. All of those beautiful green fields and rich ancient culture. All the while carrying my flower press in my backpack a trusted companion for preserving treasures that hold so many of my lifes most meaningful memories. I continue to have a very similar experience and this reminds me to continue following my curiosity as I navigate different cultures. I am ready to find another space, be it photos, paintings, or artwork to create a new garden of flowers, new plants, adding birds, bugs, butterflies to the mix. Experiencing very new cultures and places always fills my soul. They lose hope. My photography would be part of my un -tetheredness as well and I hope to share images that make people feel emotions when they see them. Were I to let go and pursue another path, it would be to move to a venue full of good soil, flat land, and among fine people. Its a little vicarious thrill to know that maybe just maybe I could too. It is a sentiment a lot of photographers, painters, and writers have had in conversation with methat our work is what we want to share, and having to shift focus to animating that in order for people to see our posts not only adds another layer to the job but is not the job we want! Id either head back to Northern New Mexico where I got to know so many wonderful people or to Portugal. So if I was untethered, Id like to spend an extended time there, and use that as a home base to travel & experience other regions. Italy welcomes the visitor regardless of duration. It offers stunningly beautiful scenery and the people are genuine, friendly and great storytellers. Shared blessings. Persimmons are orange or reddish-brown colored fruits, by Meenakshi Nagdeve last updated - October 26, 2020, The health benefits of drinking water include boosted energy levels, normal body temperature, metabolism, and easy breathing. I have always wanted to leave my job in finance and start a small (flower) farm in New England (hence my following of this page!). I have felt very un creative being myself a photographer, I hope which I will be emailing and hopefully Jamie Beck sees t this is to even for a week have her a mentor. Here in Ukraine my passion has always been to paint old local huts, and I have always dreamt of having this trip to Europe, free from all troubles, in my car, with easel, canvasses, pigments, and brushes. SpaJuiceBar, 1217 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale; 954-769-1806; spajuicebar.com. How did you find your way to this type of stylized photography? If had an opportunity to be untethered I would find my way by traveling through Europe going from one garden to the next. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases. Live on a River and lots of acreage. Its really up to you to define. I would also go to Provence to absorb the culture there to which I have always been drawn. Its such a beautifully gilded country that I could easily dive deep within. I am so blessed to have an abundant, healthy, creative life with everything I could possibly need and more. Would love to win the book! Being untethered from all responsibility would take me to flower farms in Italy a country that captures my heart. Youre given the opportunity to learn about other cultures. Untethered , I would pack up with my husband and our two kids and travel over to Europe. Pasta? I would love to leave the city for anywhere I could slow down and have land and space to enjoy the earth. I love reading about those who have taken the leap. If I could only show my results here. It was the only souvenir I wanted on a resent trip to France. It is to find that same spirit of the Gift of Provence here, on my own farm. We can all do that. The fantasy of untethering myself from my ongoing cancer treatments and chronic disease would be a dream come true, if only possible. I hope Im Do we listen to our body? I would pack my two geldings and head to the Blue Ridge mountains. You better believe it! I was lucky to backpack extensively through Europe in my 20s. Still being retired finds me busier now than everoften cooking for others, running errands for family, and helping or visiting friends. ;) Love this interview and cant wait to take this book in when it comes out! I have not traveled much and there is so much I want to see. IProvence! You will see turmeric latte jostling space with a good old cappuccino on caf menus, and turmeric pills on pharmacy aisles that promise to help raise immunity levels. In my work, I try to reexamine those objects and their place in our lives. From there, I explored this passion deep down that you mentioned and dove head first into what makes me the happiest, never looking back into mundane life as you described in your interview. If I could go anywhere and do anything, Id follow my dream to move to the Northern Great Lakes and open my Lakeside boutique full of all the things that draws me to the Great Lakes lifestyle. At 73 Ive always just felt like Ill coast along in life now remembering all the fantastic times Ive had and done. Every time I visit, it gets harder and harder to leave. One of my favorite things in Saint Lucia was the abundant flora and I would love to find another place with so much vibrant, natural beauty. I am half Italian on my Fathers side and feel it in my soulI dream of the warm Mediterranian air, slowing down, eating the local seafood and vegetables, the sea lapping at my feet, the lifestyle that is a part of me through my past relatives. This book is such a dream. I seem to have too many curiosities and I just hope that one day Ill figure out how they all fit together. To be forced to slow down and enjoy each moment would be life altering. Maybe ride a bike into town for coffee and the market. The thought of being untethered from all responsibilities gave my mind the space to wander and dream, and I am thankful for that. I would head first to Ireland to explore, but can imagine Id bounce around a bit. My passion is glass. I would move to a small cottage in the country, create the gardens of my dreams and spend my days gardening, knitting, spinning, and weaving. We would like to continue our tasting journey as well as explore more wineries while viewing & experiencing the beauty along the way. Waking up each day saying, hmmmm what is in-store today. There are several different types and some are more common than others. Italy, specifically A small town in Tuscany where my family is from. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. But Croatia and the Greek island call as well. In France, it seems the seasons and food availability go hand in hand: we must learn to live more rhythmically with nature and the environment. If I were untethered from all responsibilities, Id go country hopping in Europe, Asia and Latin America! I always tell people when asked about that time that it was like I was a child who has to learn and explore life all over again. I would be interested to see how my responses to the beauty of the formal gardens as well as the fields and streams would differ from my first responses, beginning as a college student. If I really were untethered from all the responsibilities, I would like to buy a car and go travel around Europe, and paint its nature and people. Since retiring Ive gotten more involved with photography and travel. These daily observances are dedicated to things as silly and random as National Hangover Day (another observance on January 1 after spending New Years Eve partying! I would travel the world, meeting my incredibly dispersed family, and settle in a small European village, perhaps near the Black Forest. I think I would go there to see if it was more than just a first love that enamores me. We have local limestone quarries so I can build stone retaining walls for cheap, and a beautiful cattle pasture across our road with a creek running though it. . Id like to paint. Is it clich to say that I want to get away and live a life full of art, and culture, and travel? If I was untethered I would take a break to travel to a number of garden related destinations botanical gardens in the U.S., along with returning to England and Italy where I would study, learn, grow and return to fulfill my dreams <3. I am searching for that missing piece. We might move to Australia in the near future but I quite love my life at the moment here and how it is, but I always think my best decision was to move away from home.. I would embrace it all, and it would be heaven. I want to tap into painting and drawing more, gardening, paint what Ive grown. It felt like freedom! I cannot explain how much this interview reignited something deep within meI think of it as a shadow self I get glimpses of at times. I would love to travel with my family and have the time to write and illustrate childrens books. Grow a flower farm , have chickens, get back to weaving and to enjoy cooking. My husband and I recently retired and are somewhat untethered (except for helping with grandchildren). Im 67 and almost untethered. Your words literally speak to my soul its me! Maybe Ill have to untether myself and see whats on the other side. Algae oil is an edible oil that is extracted from algae. For a few years now, my hubby and I have been dreaming about buying a chateau in France, and creating a family and community within the walls of a magical castle. What's not to like? My dream. Da Vegan Guru, Daudi McLean, crafts breakfast burritos, turky burgers, scrambled eggs and chicken-and-waffles combos. The greenery, the landscape the mountains! But I hadnt been back for 30 years! Thank you for the lovely interview content, book looks stunning! I love the idea of farming and all the other things that make up a simpler life. More than I thought. If I could drop everything and move it would be to Northern New Mexico. I would want to experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of local flavors! Circumstances were so that it was not possible. And learn about history first hand! I would love to use Jamies book as my compass. In this episode I share my story of what happened to me decades ago and how it changed many things for me. gluten free cheesy toast; gluten free plain ciabatta rolls; Earths Best. Maybe Provence maybe a little coastal area that is close to the Cte dAzur but lesser known. There is a bed of ancient lavender that grows in wild swirls like curly hair rather than the traditional manicured rows of stick-straight lavender. If I were completely untethered, I would love to learn to paint, and spend much more time with my grandchildren. Here are all the frozen and boxed pastas that are gluten free: Ancient Harvest. After traveling there 20 years ago , I fell in love with the Flora, people, and food. Sandwiches and drinks are also available. I think it creating has kept me alive. I would move to a stone farm cottage on the sea maybe in England or Croatia to run as an Airbnb or BNB with a large garden to grow vegetables and flowers to share with the local community. Dinner in my flat, looking out the windows watching the lights of peoples homes come on as they arrive home from work. If I could though Id travel around the world capturing beautiful unique hotels and experiences. I shall paint its scenes and enjoy each new day. We are in the process of purchasing a house in the Var in eastern Provence. We all need to unclutter, rewind, find happiness and enjoy life. If I had no tethers, I would turn towards my back yard with my children to soak in nature rather than live beside it. I would be more involved in the special needs community and find a way to help children and parents through the art of gardening. My garden is my place for recharging. I would spend time in Europe, starting in Scotland, and paint! So should I have a year France is where you would find me. ), camp and hike more. I am finding that simplifying is way overdo in my life. It is, For the latest videos, please subscribe to our channel. I would love if my husband and I had the capability to take summers off when the kids were out of school and just spend the summers somewhere different each year. Then move on to the next. The stalks cannot be eaten as they are woody and tough but they need to be prepared in the right way to get the maximum amount of flavor and fragrance of their essential oils. (11) Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice Cereal. Some place like this would be a dream. Id devote all my time to learning to nourish my family and community in a sustainable and simple way. Both would offer great opportunities to capture this beauty. It isnt exactly untethering from responsibilities as much as giving ourselves permission to be fully immersed in the moment each day, doing and growing what we love. And finish learning Basque! I adore trains, I cannot describe what a dream the Orient Express would be. Ideally, I will stay on farms following biodynamic principles in ridiculously beautiful places. I would find all the birds I can as I am a birder. I would live somewhere in nature, maybe the mountains! I could eat just when I feel the need. Being away from home resulted in loneliness, weight loss, and declining mental health. Since its on the German border it is a mixture of French and German culture that looks like a charming village right out of a fairy tale! But if I must pick one place that would be Italy the landscape, the food, the culture, the people everyrhing is so captivating there. Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, empanadas, donuts, rolls, pastelitos: This bakery makes you feel like you are not missing anything by leaving out butter and other animal fats. Untethered has such a beautiful and scary/exciting ring to it though. I would love to travel and learn why different cultures treasure different flowers and the stories that accompany them. Excited to read this beautiful book! She has been gone now for 14 years and I think about her every day. This Mediterranean herb can be easily grown as part of a herb garden and is sometimes even used as hedges. My husband has never been and he has incredible wonder at everything. Thank you for the beautiful interview, Erin! To sit and listen. To basically do the same thing, immerse my self into the culture, season by season. Ill go discover small towns, going to the markets, lavender fields, Brocantes. Of course, your email definitely grabbed my attention. Such a beautiful book!! Thank you for this interview and introduction to Jamie Becks book. I would love to experience all the gardens over there and delicious food. I am a designer and I find that there is nothing like getting out of your everyday environment for inspiration. It was Spring time when I was there. After reading this interview I am ready to pack up and make a move. No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in todays world and what thats doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they wont develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. Not only I had to learn how to live here but I also redefined my career. If I didnt have all my responsibilities, I would be spending more time gardening, exploring gardens around the world and start watercoloring on a regular basis. I love my job, Im a sex therapist and it seems as though the world that we live in is making it easier for me to be able to do it not just now from the comfort of my guestroom but perhaps anywhere in the world! 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