If he is only sexually attracted to you he might stop coming after you which will only make you save time. Now, none of these guys are ready for any type of commitment so maybe thats why those type of girls are attractive. when you're a girl gamer and a guy says "are you a dude or a guy" . 1. I see it with my guy friends. I think youre pretty cute too!, Why do you think Im pretty? Calling a girl nice tells her she has a good demeanor and is attractive to him. If I dont get a response, its not that Im impatient, but how long does one wait before moving on?? If he's a real man, then he'll also show other signs such as interest in your life, questions about you, etc. Loving your blog. Should I bother applying to Cambridge Mathematics with predicted A* A* A B, University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread. When a guy thinks youre beautiful because he not only finds you attractive but loves your personality, hell compliment you by telling you youre sweet. Our cultures are very similar, and Im sure we were raised with similar beliefs in gender roles, and how as women we are supposed to take care of a man. Returning the compliment lets him know that you feel the same and youre happy for the friendship to continue. So what does it mean when a guy calls you sweet? It would mean one of these two things 1. He means: I think you're really hot and want to ask you out, but I'm too chicken to say so. What is happening in a mans mind from the point of him being completely infatuated with a woman and him slowly losing interest down the line? Too over bearing. Although youre really nice, youre not someone hed consider having a relationship with because hes not physically attracted to you. Youve had your girlfriends ask THOSE questions: If any guy is reading this, you are probably laughing or thinking women think too much. Don't try too hard to impress him because this might put him off, but just talk to him, be friendly and flirty with him and see what happens. I think my behavior in dating is also consistent with what I just wrote as well. They dont want to be nagged. Unfortunately, he went bright red and couldnt talk because he doesnt find you attractive and didnt want to let you down to your face. You're supposed to treat her as if you would with your best friends. If this guy seems to love you then there's no doubt about it - he feels something for you that he can't explain. Related 19 red flags a guy is probably playing you! When a girl says, "You mean a lot to her."? Yes, its a compliment for someone to call you sweet because it means youre a nice person. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "afd11fe301ff6e30926ecec802f421cb" );document.getElementById("i2dc42b6e0").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Alexander Burgemeester has a Master in Neuropsychology. Im guessing you are in your late 20s, so date men who are about 10 years older and who are looking to settle down and start a family. He is trying to be polite by saying this instead of asking you outright if you like him. What does it mean when a girl calls you fun? And for men who value freedom big time, it scares the living shit out of them. But in case you're still wondering, here's what she means: She wants someone who continues to show respect for her, months and years down the road. I have met girl, seemingly free spirited and just having casual fun and then they want something more later, and I have been with girls who never want anything else than sexual contact, which is all great if thats what they want. He goes bright red and tells you how sweet you are, but he cant talk right now, and hell call you later. ), Thanks, thats so cute of you to say that!! I used to work for a non-profit for a guy named Dave, who was very popular. If youre flattered by it, hell assume you like him. He might still pretend like he has feelings for you to get laid though, not gonna lie, some guys are selfish jerks, but if you are experienced enough, you will probably understand hes actually lying and says hes up for a relationship when hes not. Its the equivalent of girls preferring the bad boy asshole over the nice guy, because those bad boys assholes seem more macho and evolution of the female human dictates that those are the ones that can protect/provide for a family. If hes flirting, he may also try to make conversation with you, ask you questions, or compliment your hair or clothes. The nice phase will pass too. C. After reading this, I have some advice for you. This would be a good sign that he finds you attractive too. Keep reading to find out. Don't take comments from your date seriously unless you know her very well. 5. Is it my smile or my personality?, Thats really sweet of you to say. The guy isnt ready to settle down. He won't always say he's thinking of you because he might want to avoid being too direct to spare his feelings from being hurt. nice = kind personality. An L.A. party guy is looking for party girls to sleep with. Even the hottest woman will be boring after a while if the attraction was only or mainly sexual. A lot of guys have a fooling around period. and was wondering what all is required to get setup? When a guy is really into you and wants to be your boyfriend, he's likely to spend time with you, talk about you constantly, and yes, call you sweetheart every chance he gets. 6. He may also try to touch you, stand close to you, or fidget while he talks to you. Either way, it's not good. Their inner hunter comes out and you need to give them something to hunt. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Volunteer Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. Some men will say anything to get what they want out of you. As soon as we mention that we want something they naturally almost go the opposite way out of instinct. When this happens it is typically because of three things. As I said before, body language can be really telling, so observe how he acts around you. So, youve decided to tell your crush that you want to be more than friends. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. He can either think, you did something nice to people to le. Report 4 years ago #7 Any otger comments on this ?. Keep reading to find out what to say back when a guy says youre sweet. Thats why most guy only look for the Miss right nows and not the Mrs right. They cloud your judgement and make you second-guess what you thought was a great thing might not be so great after all. If a guy is a good friend and is comfortable around you, he may tell you that youre pretty without meaning anything more by it. Thats also why too free-spirited women can indeed be more appealing in the eyes of those dudes, they dont strike as they would necessarily want a relationship. In my experiences dating the past few years Ive met my share of nice guys. He Likes More About You Than Your Face. I dont associate not sleeping together right away to playing games. A lot can be inferred from these simple words. There are some guys who will say you're pretty as a way of breaking the ice and trying to get to know you better. Likely reasons why a guy will call you sweet are that he is attracted to you, he is being friendly, or that he is actually being condescending. 0 L.A. can be a wicked place. Even if a girl has been hooking up with a guy and then she becomes unavailable she is probably not a bitch. People cant change who they are and nor should you want to change them. Its almost like they just appreciate beauty, and Im sure its incredibly flattering to know that they consider you beautiful. If he likes more than your face, he's calling your whole body attractive. He won't say it just to make you feel good, but because he means it. As far as you're concerned, knowing these things about a man is all the evidence you need of his liking you. A guy might call you nice because he is attracted to you, especially if he only calls you nice and not others and he shows other signs of attraction around you. He may have called you pleasant because he considers you a friend and feels at ease around you. They need to constantly chase something. Have a good day in the refreshening rain! I can relate to you, as I am first generation Armenian. It's just a nice compliment. But if he says, Youre welcome, and moves on from the conversation, hes probably not interested. I have a venture that Im just now operating on, and Ive Girls, what do you actually mean when you say a guy is too nice to date? And this is one of the reasons I tell any girl I get into a relationship with that shes not responsible for my happiness. Guys chase mean girls, even girls they find very annoying and no way in hell would want to be in a relationship with too. Interesting? They all mean well, I know, but I also know that all you ladies reading this are sitting there nodding your head because youve been there. Or is there something else Im deeply committed to? No expectations. How to respond when a guy says you're hot - 9 best responses. The same guy might get annoyed by your games if he really likes you but be up for the games of another woman he just wants to have sex with. Does he text you sweet nothings atrandom times unprompted by you. Thats such a great point Katie, we always want to think we are that special person someone will change for. In this case the guy should just move on. (5 Explanations), 2. You can usually tell if this is the case if he doesnt seem awkward or nervous when he says it. As soon as you worry, the insecurity that comes from it is far more unattractive than being a thoughtful romantic. If that's why he said it, he'll probably behave and use body language similarly to when he's with his other female friends when he's with you. He will say that something reminded him of you because he's. Back to what I was talking about. Im assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Sweet? Your problem is you dont separate sex and love when talking about dudes here. Played some foosball with my friends to kind of unwind a bit, also found this really cool meditation room. 18,476 Cops warn Idaho students' killer could strike again during this weekend's . He'll be himself, like he always is, without being sloppy or frightened. It sounds a bit forward, but this is especially common when a guy is shy or doesn't know how else to start a conversation. I am sending He might say you're so nice because he doesn't want to upset you before talking about something that's bothering him. A lot of nice guys in my experiences have enjoyed chasing because of the emotional unavailability, not answering texts, cancelling plans etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KpO_ZnSFIs. Knowing you and your intensity I am not sure that there's a middle ground. The meanness could be because he has issues with women or maybe he just wants to scare you off. The few times that I have really fallen for someone, into the beautiful dreamlike reality of love, it has been when you connect on a somewhat spiritual level. Required fields are marked *. And naturally, When she say's you're too nice and she has some security or high self-esteem this will almost always mean she finds you're either or: Too needy. Little old ladies are sweet, children are sweet, cats are sweet, the list is endless. If she wants to rekindle the flame she will let him know. Nice guys finish last and all that crap. With that said, I just realized Im blocked or was reported on your IG account. stunning = I would turn my head when I see her walking in the street how long to wait before unmatching if they dont reply? I will start by saying that Im a 36 year old woman who went through the same thing in my 20s and even early 30s. Thanks for coming. When women say stuff like, This woman is bitchy, yet she gets so much romance and gestures. you need to understand the guy is not doing those gestures in a meaningful I really like you and want to make you happy way. 2. However, this can also be used without such heavy sexual undertones as well. When a guy calls a girl sweet, it doesnt always mean hes attracted to her. Welcome to my lifestyle blog, where you'll find lots of beauty and skincare tips, healthy recipes and home goods inspo. If you arent careful, you will end up as part of the fodder. If he doesnt focus too much of his time on you or make an effort, especially when youre in a group, then hes just appreciating you. If you want to get to know him better too, then why not try responding with a compliment or starting a conversation yourself? The second is tied to the first in that beyond a womans physical beauty, shes not bringing much else to the table. When a man finds a woman physically attractive, he wants to be around her as much as possible. She's on a mission to help moms to battle the mom guilt epidemic . However, there is still an underlying message in his words: I'm attracted to you. When A Guy Calls You Sweet, Is It Flirting? While a vast number of specific qualities and behaviors go into making a guy "nice" to the opposite sex, a key one is the willingness to accept a woman's intelligence. Instead, he gave you a neutral compliment and said hed call you later because he wanted to save you the embarrassment. Loggerdon 24 days ago. To me, the term "nice" means "hey, I feel forced to say something but I'm not really interested, so it's "nice"." What does it mean when a girl says, That's so sweet of you? So dont be shy and speak your mind! hot = attractive as in sexually attractive, but not girlfriend material. Nice Girl: How come won't you date me? This isnt something that happens very often and not something you can rush into. If you ask most guys, they will say men see girls as two different types. If he gets really happy about your response, theres a high chance he likes you too. Im honestly just trying to meet new people in LA. Interested in working together? Your email address will not be published. Which he should be upfront with from the start or he is a dick. I accidentally took a screenshot of my crushes snapchat profile. If you're only being a good, nice guy to her, then she's only going to experience gentle, fond, friendly types of feelings for you. A man who is interested in more than your appearance would refer to you as lovely. He studied at the University of Amsterdam and has a bachelor's in Clinical Psychology. Whatever the reason, you can usually tell if this is the case by observing how he acts around you and others. But you can say thank you, youre not interested or return the compliment. A guy who is quite different than you will probably not want to be in a relationship with you, you are not compatible, although he might pretend like it is the case to get you in bed. Look him in the eyes and tell him that youre flattered by his kind words. Nevertheless, there are several meanings behind a guy calling you sweet, as youll soon read. Last Updated on November 12, 2022 by Alexander Burgemeester. #1 He Thinks You're A Nice Girl Unfortunately, if this guy is only looking for sex and has determined you're a nice girl who's not going to sleep with him unless you're in a relationship, he'll put you in the nice girl category and leave it at that. Most adult guys do not like games if they have feelings for the girl, if its just sex, thats another story, chasing and games might make everything more exciting. You should also ask yourself if he treats you with respect and gives you time alone, then you have found the true meaning of romance. If you think hes sweet too, return the compliment. (Body Language Explained! So many directions to go with this topic. What does it mean when a guy starts being nice to you? Possibly for men but for women its our natural state. If a guy knows that youre feeling down or having a bad day, he may say youre pretty as a way of cheering you up. Idk thats my two cents, but what do I know Im just a guy patiently waiting for my Mrs Right. When someone says that you're a nice person, this should be a red flag to you stating that you need to step up your game. Fantastic site. So, she seems like a nice girl actually. I like what the guy wrote here before, that you have to be open with what you want from the start. How messed up is that? Yoda Age: 27 +1 y I don't know but at least you know he thinks of you positively so that's a good start. Why am I here on earth? Ive been holding off writing on this topic because I felt I couldnt write about it from a neutral perspective. If you're unfailingly interested by every little thing your wife or girlfriend does, it's another sign you're too nice. I just think people should get to know each other before they take a step towards further intimacy. They want to do things for you because they want to or because it was their idea. And Ill tell you, the ones that I think about most fondly of are the (VERY) few who decided to pursuit something they were truly passionate about a business idea or cause they fell in love with. I let her off the hook. Its true that we dont like getting nagged at and like to do things when we feel like it or it was our idea because that is how society dictated how a boy should grow up, independently. When a man says "good girl", he's typically excercising a dom and sub dynamic by displaying his masculinity in the form of a flirty praise. Like the guy said earlier too; someone who share your interests, but even deeper than that, someone who share your values. Saying that you're "too nice" is your girlfriend's way of telling you that she needs you to changevery soon. Its a nice thing to do, and it definitely works as a pick-me-up! thanks in your effort! If you were a nice guy, they would call you nice. We are ona constant quest to find Mr. I was sexually harassed outside of a McDonalds. They unintentionally place expectations where there might not have been any. I seen her round i think shes nice.. 0 reply Nicegirl0101 Badges: 3 Rep: ? Im not sure what I did or said, I know I tagged you on what I felt were beautiful scenic shots of mountains or sunsets, campingetc. When I can be the man who cries and the boy who doesnt take much seriously. He might also say it naturally, think that you have a nice personality or he might say it as a compliment. A lady gets up to make a speech on his birthday. If he shown many indicators of interest in his body language, he was more likely to be drawn to you. Tell them that you are flattered, but you're not looking for anything serious right now. It means they don't want to be treated nice. Or you let him sleep on your couch because he missed the last bus home. Yvette specializes in relationships, children, and families. But we all know as soon as the guy finds Mrs (Always)Right the guy will do in all his power to keep her happy. Perhaps it's your warmth, kindness, thoughtfulness, caring, a genuine interest in something, or a show of appreciation, or many other qualities you hold. 8. Its difficult to know what to say back to a guy when he says youre sweet because you dont know what his motives are. Now this goes both ways of course. Related What it means when a guy notices what youre wearing. When a guy says you have a nice personality,? But the problem with the word sweet is that it doesnt give anything away. It's just not very popular these days. The social programming lead me to believe that I needed to sleep with a lot of women to really be a man. Why does it annoy me when guys make fun of my looks? etc.) True, yet I dont consider not sleeping together right away to be the same as playing games. 1. He Thinks Youre Feeling Down and Wants to Cheer You Up, How to Tell if A Guy Is Flirting or Likes You, How to Respond when A Guy Says Youre Pretty. The meaning of what does it mean when a guy calls you a nice girl depends on the context of the situation. Well, I have no idea, or I would actually be in a relationship right now. The hot and sweet girl is someone I actually would be more inclined to want to spend time around. If you like him and youre looking for clues that the feelings are mutual, you might assume hes attracted to you too, if he calls you sweet. There are lots of ways men and women can play games (not texting back right away, bringing up other partners to make the one youre with jealous, feigning disinterest, etc. And I'd like to say a few words, if you please. However, I hear more and more stories of wonderful women meeting men and it all going south after a short time and I wanted to say my piece. The secret of body language: how to tell if someone fancies you, Nine tips for making your long-distance relationship work. 1. Why am I never loved properly? You need to start challenging yourself both mentally and physically. Right? If he makes eye contact with you while doing so, it's often a clear sign the person has feelings for you. Copyrights 2021 Simply Andreea. ), Should I Be in a Relationship Quiz (Find out With These 10 Questions! A more accurate word might be "genuine." She wants a guy who doesn't claim to be one thing and turn out to be something different. I noticed the girls whoare more free-spirited tend to keep a mans interest longer. ), How to Deal With Someone Who Blames You for Everything (20 Tips! Thank him for the compliment 7. I personally am skeptical about the real value of relationships on the whole, but if I were to want one, it would be with someone whose company I enjoy, which isnt the girl who plays a lot of games. However, if I was going to speculate, I would say that for men its more of a timing thing. It means that their life is so boring that they need drama (bad relationship) to get thrill. In short, if a guy loses interest in a nice girl, its usually because he was only in it for the sex, or after getting to know her better, he felt there wasnt enough chemistry for the long haul. I have found, from my own experience, that I was taught to act in a specific macho way since I was a kid and hide my sensitive and vulnerable side. Its probably some kind of instinctual thing that, like many other instinctual behaviors, doesnt create the best outcomes in modern society. Other times, a guy/girl may be dating several people at the same time, which really SUCKS because they can never decide who they truly like and kind of take advantage of the situation. He might be planning to ask you for a loan or to babysit his child. Don't fall for it! Telling someone theyre pretty is a big deal though, as Im sure youre aware. If hes constantly making eye contact, smiling, and mirroring your body language, then hes probably interested in you. Your best shot, ladies, if you are looking for a meaningful relationship, be open about it and dont play any games. Next thing you know, youre getting passive-aggressive with the guy and he gets fed up. Terrible at chatting up girls, what can I do? If youre attracted to him, and youre not sure if he feels the same, you might not want it to be that kind of compliment as youd rather him tell you youre beautiful so you dont need to read in between the lines. It's pretty simple: There's the kind of girl he wants to date, and the kind of girl he will eventually want to. What it means when a guy notices what youre wearing, his body language will probably be quite open, have no interest in pursuing them in a romantic way, 19 red flags a guy is probably playing you, What Does It Mean When a Girl Hugs You First? So, no, being a nice guy is not an insult. been on the look out for such info. Learn more. ), Why Do I Want a Girlfriend So Bad? Answer (1 of 13): It would mean one of these two things You are a nice, kind, and good person/girl. The two partners dont share common hobbies, humor, goals, values, etc Sexual attraction is very important but its the intangibles that keep the relationship strong past the first few dates/encounters. Be sure to give as much as you get in return. Is this still applicable? Their inner hunter comes out and you need to give them something to hunt. Too accommodating. Yvette Hill is a relationship counsellor with a degree in psychology and over 10 years of experience helping others through life's difficulties. Let me tell you a secret most women will never realize about men, 1) losing their freedom TikTok video from taelyn (@taelynaldridge): "I put the whole lorax script in here because me and harlow were watching it so, enjoy! (Motives Explained! You're actually a jerk. I can only speak on my own experience and observation but, Ive pursued all types of girls and in the end, I know I dont like/want drama, or a girl who plays games, I think most would agree. Well, truth be told, most of the time they do.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'couplespop_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-couplespop_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Gentlemen finish first and all that other boring stuff. Why do guys call their girlfriends babies? ), Is a High Five a Sign of Flirting? Find out why he is saying this and use your best judgment based on how he acts toward others. How do you know if a guy who is nice to everyone likes you? Being a good guy is considered an insult. What does it imply when a guy refers to you as a "lovely girl"? Now, not all guys who are being nice to you intend to start dating you, but others might use this method as a secret way of getting closer to you without you knowing it. Its ridiculous but true. The place else may I get that type of info written in such a perfect way? But when someone play a game, that makes it seem like they dont want anything serious, and then suddenly switch around and get upset when you dont meet their expectation, I will walk away. 2. Things could be totally innocent between the two of you, but you appreciate each others personalities. 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