[117] Selepas menjadi tuan rumah kepada presiden AS Ronald Reagan di Istana Windsor pada tahun 1982 dan melawat ladangnya di California pada tahun 1983, Elizabeth murka apabila pentadbirannya mengarahkan pencerobohan Grenada, salah satu alam Caribbeannya, tanpa memberitahunya. [181], Pada 2010, Elizabeth berucap di Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk kali kedua, kali ini sebagai Ratu semua alam Komanwel dan Ketua Komanwel. [258] Baginda bertemu dengan Uskup Agung Canterbury, Justin Welby, pada Jun 2022. Margaret subsequently married photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, who was named Earl of Snowdon. [256], Walaupun Elizabeth membuat lebih sedikit kemunculan awam apabila baginda semakin tua dan Putera Charles mengambil lebih banyak tanggungjawab baginda,[257] baginda tidak pernah merancang untuk turun takhta. 24, 69, Brandreth, pp. He was a second cousin of Queen Elizabeth I through her maternal grandmother, and held many high offices during her reign.. Norfolk was the son of On 28 June 1483 he was created Duke of Norfolk, third creation, the first creation having become extinct on the death of John de Mowbray, 4th Duke of Norfolk, in 1476, and the second creation having been invalidated by Richard's illegitimisation, on 25 June 1483, of Edward IV's second son Richard of York. [6], In 1789, workmen carrying out repairs in St George's Chapel, Windsor, rediscovered and accidentally broke into the vault of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. [198] Pada 20 April 2018, ketua-ketua kerajaan Komanwel mengumumkan bahawa baginda akan digantikan oleh Charles sebagai Ketua Komanwel, yang baginda nyatakan sebagai hasrat ikhlasnya. Sandringham House has long been the beloved private country home of Queen Elizabeth II. ; First integrated rotisserie motor. Sitiveni Rabuka, ketua rampasan kuasa, menggulingkan Ganilau dan mengisytiharkan Fiji sebuah republik. [79] Semasa lawatan itu, orang ramai amat banyak sekali; dianggarkan bahawa tiga perempat daripada penduduk Australia telah melihat baginda. [255] Elizabeth melantik Liz Truss sebagai perdana menteri Britain pada 6 September 2022 di Istana Balmoral di Scotland. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Richard Howard is there linked to Agnes Tilney (2nd wife of Thomas Howard), yet is said to born in 1487, which is impossible to be true, as at the time Thomas Howard was married to Elizabeth Tilney. [110] Tony Benn menyatakan bahawa Trudeau "agak tidak memuaskan" kepada Elizabeth. The queen became a grandmother in 1977, when Peter Phillips was born, followed by a sister, Zara, in 1981. [26] Di Windsor, puteri-puteri melakukan persembahan pantomim semasa Krismas untuk mengumpul wang bagi Queen's Wool Fund, bagi tujuan membeli benang untuk mengait pakaian tentera. At Diana's funeral procession, the queen was seen bowing as the cortege passed by. Pemerintahan baginda selama 70 tahun dan 214 hari Menurut Churchill, baginda mempunyai sifat kewibawaan dan reflektif yang mengagumkan dalam seorang bayi. In the autumn of that year Norfolk and Surrey suppressed a rebellion against the King by the Duke of Buckingham. There are some COVID-19 restrictions in place, but the estate is still welcoming visitors to take a tour of the house itself, and to see the gardens. Parti Konservatif yang dipimpin Heath bukanlah parti terbesar, tetapi beliau boleh kekal memegang jawatan jika mereka membentuk gabungan dengan Parti Liberal. ; First full-length, extra-wide, deep under-mount smoker with a dedicated burner. Surrey was an executor of the will of King Henry VII when the King died on 21 April 1509, and played a prominent role in the coronation of King Henry VIII, in which he served as Earl Marshal. The royal family also makes a great effort to support local farms and small businesses. On this day in Tudor history, 17th November 1558, twenty-five-year-old Elizabeth, daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, became Queen Elizabeth I following the death of her half-sister, Queen Mary I. I wish you all, young and old, wherever you may be, all the fun and enjoyment and the peace of a very happy Christmas, said the young Queen. [112] Pada bulan Oktober itu, Elizabeth menjadi subjek serangan lain semasa dalam lawatan ke Dunedin, New Zealand. The criticisms grew to the point that Andrew announced in November 2019 that he would step back from public duties "for the foreseeable future," saying he was doing so with Queen Elizabeth's permission. [253] Untuk konsert Jubli, baginda mengambil bahagian dalam satu skesta bersama watak fiksyen, Paddington Bear, yang membuka acara di luar Istana Buckingham. 1315; Pimlott, pp. Duke of Norfolk is a title in the peerage of England. 159161; Pimlott, pp. [199] Baginda menjalani pembedahan katarak pada Mei 2018. [137] Pada bulan Mac, anakanda lelaki keduanya, Putera Andrew, berpisah dengan isterinya, Sarah, dan Mauritius membuang Elizabeth sebagai ketua negara; anakanda perempuannya, Puteri Anne, bercerai dengan Kapten Mark Phillips pada April;[138] penunjuk perasaan yang marah membaling telur ke arah Elizabeth semasa lawatan ke Dresden, Jerman pada Oktober;[139] dan kebakaran besar berlaku di Istana Windsor, salah satu kediaman rasmi baginda, pada bulan November. Operation Unicorn: what happens after the Queens death in Scotland? ", When Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952, some Britons were so thrilled by the young queen they declared it was a second "Elizabethan Age.". The queen also shared a written thank you message at the end of the celebration. Elizabeth reigned until her death on 24th March 1603. [14], Semasa pemerintahan nendanya, Elizabeth berada di tempat ketiga dalam garis pewarisan takhta British, di belakang ayahanda saudaranya Edward dan ayahandanya. [130] Lawatan Elizabeth juga menandakan penerimaan kedua-dua negara terhadap penyerahan kedaulatan Hong Kong pada tahun 1977 dari United Kingdom kepada China. 104114; Pimlott, pp. She was a modern monarch who kept up with the times, including sending her first tweet in 2014 and publishing her first Instagram post in 2019. [98], Elizabeth bukan sahaja menjalankan upacara tradisional tetapi juga memulakan amalan baharu. The Duke of Norfolk, otherwise known as Edward Fitzalan-Howard, is Earl Marshal, a position he inherited from his father in 2002. Saya ingat kami takut untuk dikenali Saya masih ingat barisan orang yang tidak dikenali berpaut tangan dan berjalan ke Whitehall, kami semua bergembira dan lega. Queen Elizabeth II inherited Sandringham House from her father King George VI in 1952, following his death on February 6 of that year. [201], Elizabeth mengatasi nenda moyangnya, Ratu Victoria, untuk menjadi raja British yang paling lama hidup pada 21 Disember 2007, dan raja British yang paling lama memerintah dan permaisuri paling lama memerintah dan ketua negara wanita di dunia pada 9 September 2015. Apabila wartawan The Times Paul Routledge meminta pendapat Elizabeth mengenai mogok pelombong 198485, baginda menjawab: "Semuanya tentang seorang lelaki". He was the eldest son of John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk, by his first wife, Catharina de Moleyns. On her 21st birthday, she pledged to her future subjects: "I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.". In 2002, Britain celebrated the queen's golden jubilee, marking her 50th anniversary on the throne. Just over one year after leaving their royal roles, Harry and Meghan gave a bombshell interview to Oprah Winfrey in which they made claims of racism, spilled family tensions into the public eye and said they face a lack of support, both financially and emotionally. Menjelang akhir 1970-an, Elizabeth bimbang bahawa Pierre Trudeau, perdana menteri Kanada, "tidak mempunyai makna" untuk takhta, menurut Paul Martin Sr., menteri luar Kanada ketika itu. Adjoining this was another vault, which was found to contain the coffins of two children. 572577; Roberts, p. 94; Shawcross, p. 168, Brandreth, p. 358; Hardman, p. 101; Pimlott, p. 610, Bond, p. 134; Brandreth, p. 358; Marr, p. 338; Pimlott, p. 615, Bond, p. 134; Brandreth, p. 358; Lacey, pp. He was the eldest son and second child of Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.He was christened Albert Edward at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, on 25 January 1842. #HM70 pic.twitter.com/U6JfzeZMLn. [90][91] In 1961, she toured Cyprus, India, Pakistan, Nepal, dan Iran. "[39] Ucapan itu ditulis oleh Dermot Morrah, seorang wartawan untuk The Times. The Sandringham estate has also been used for royal shooting parties. "I've spoken more to my grandmother in the last year than I have done for many, many years," said Harry, revealing he and Meghan and Archie have video calls with the queen. The Mowbrays were an old family in the English peerage, having been first raised to the baronage in 1295.Several advantageous marriages, combined with loyal service to the crown and rewards from it made them, by the late 14th century, a great political standing. [200] Pada Mac 2019, baginda berhenti memandu di jalan awam, sebahagian besarnya akibat kemalangan kereta yang melibatkan suaminya dua bulan sebelumnya. 216217 and Pimlott, pp. [231] Pada 5 Julai, bersempena dengan ulang tahun ke-73 penubuhan Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Nasional (NHS), baginda bertitah bahawa NHS akan menerima George Cross untuk memberi penghormatan kepada semua pekerja NHS dahulu dan kini dari keempat-empat negara dan merentasi semua disiplin. Diana quickly giving birth to two sons, Princes William and Harry. Satu juta orang menghadiri setiap hari perayaan Jubli utama selama tiga hari di London,[173] dan semangat yang ditunjukkan untuk Elizabeth oleh orang ramai adalah lebih besar daripada yang dijangkakan oleh ramai wartawan. ", "I have been humbled and deeply touched that so many people have taken to the streets to celebrate my Platinum Jubilee. The rights of the two co-heirs at law were extinguished; Viscount Berkeley had financial difficulties and King Edward IV paid off and forgave those debts. [159] Dalam siaran itu, baginda melahirkan rasa kagum terhadap Diana dan perasaannya "sebagai nenda" untuk kedua-dua putera raja itu. [43], Pertunangan itu tidak lari daripada kontroversi; Philip tidak mempunyai kedudukan kewangan, berketurunan asing (walaupun seorang rakyat British yang pernah berkhidmat dalam Tentera Laut Diraja sepanjang Perang Dunia Kedua), dan mempunyai saudara perempuan yang telah berkahwin dengan bangsawan Jerman yang mempunyai kaitan dengan Nazi. [168] Semasa menyanyikan lagu "Auld Lang Syne", Elizabeth berpegangan tangan dengan suaminya dan perdana menteri British Tony Blair. In January 1483 Parliament passed an act that gave the Mowbray estates to Richard, Duke of York and Norfolk, for his lifetime, and at his death to his heirs, if he had any. [108] Kemelut itu menyemarakkan republikanisme Australia.[107]. Howard succeeded his father in 1436 and then his Grandfather in 1437. "Saya satu-satunya lelaki di negara ini yang tidak dibenarkan memberikan nama saya kepada anak saya sendiri," adu Philip. He was also created Earl Marshal, and Lord Admiral of all England, Ireland, and Aquitaine. [83], Berikutan peletakan jawatan Eden, Elizabeth terpaksa memutuskan siapa yang akan ditauliahkan baginda untuk membentuk kerajaan memandangkan ketiadaan mekanisme rasmi dalam Parti Konservatif untuk memilih seorang pemimpin. [41] Mereka ialah sepupu ketiga melalui Ratu Victoria dan sepupu kedua pernah dikeluarkan melalui Raja Christian IX dari Denmark. 6970; Pimlott, pp. [61] Baginda diisytiharkan sebagai ratu ke atas semua alam baginda, dan pihak diraja bergegas kembali ke United Kingdom. [188] Semasa melawat Manchester sebagai sebahagian daripada sambutan Jublinya, Elizabeth membuat penampilan mengejut di sebuah parti majlis perkahwinan di Dewan Perbandaran Manchester, yang kemudian menjadi tajuk utama antarabangsa. [106], Setahun kemudian, pada kemuncak kemelut perlembagaan Australia tahun 1975, perdana menteri Australia, Gough Whitlam, telah dipecat daripada jawatannya oleh Gabenor Jeneral Sir John Kerr, selepas Senat yang dikawal pembangkang menolak cadangan belanjawan Whitlam. But the queen had no intention of abdicating. [197] Mengambil kira faktor usia dan keperluan untuk mengehadkan perjalanan, pada tahun 2013, baginda memilih untuk tidak menghadiri Mesyuarat Ketua-Ketua Kerajaan Komanwel dwitahunan buat kali pertama dalam tempoh 40 tahun. 89; Pimlott, pp. And they which I shall not appoint, let them not think the same for any disability in them, but for that I do consider a multitude doth make rather discord and confusion than good counsel. [163] Elizabeth memberi ucapan dan memuji Philip kerana peranannya sebagai permaisuri, merujuk kepadanya sebagai kekuatannya dan dia tinggal. Welby berpandangan bahawa selepas pertemuan beliau dengan baginda, Elizabeth ialah seseorang yang tidak takut mati, mempunyai harapan untuk masa depan, dan tahu batu tempatnya berdiri, yang memberinya kekuatan. The Queen with her children in the drawing room at Sandringham. Required fields are marked *. Elizabeth would reign for over forty-four years. [129] Elizabeth bertitah pada satu majlis santapan, "Nasib baik, perkhidmatan pos telah bertambah baik sejak 1602," sambil membuat jenaka tentang utusan British pertama ke China yang hilang di laut dengan surat Ratu Elizabeth I kepada Maharaja Wanli. Baginda menuruti nasihat itu. He was the son of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, who was put to death for The festivities included a concert with Paul McCartney and Elton John, a carriage procession through the streets of London and the queen's appearance with her family on the balcony at Buckingham Palace. Perkahwinan mereka bertahan selepas 73 tahun. The family's lives changed in 1936, when King George V died, and his eldest son became King Edward VIII. Following his capture after a failed invasion of England in 1497, Warbeck was held in the Tower of London. 8283; Lacey, p. 307; Pimlott, pp. [291] Sandringham House di Norfolk dan Istana Balmoral di Aberdeenshire dimiliki secara peribadi oleh Elizabeth. [4][2] He received an official commission from the King on 10 December 1455 and also had been utilised by Henry to promote friendship between Lord Moleyns (his father-in-law) and one John Clopton. Elizabeth diputerikan di Mayfair, London, sebagai anakanda pertama Duke dan Duchess York (kemudian Raja George VI dan Permaisuri Elizabeth). ||Wordpress installation and design by http://www.MadeGlobal.com, FREE Anne Boleyn Canada 1953 Queen Elizabeth II Pre-Coronation Stamp 5 First Day Covers Genuine. 418, Bradford (2012), p. 181; Marr, p. 256; Pimlott, p. 419; Shawcross, pp. Howard was summoned to Parliament from 15 October 1470 by writs directed to Iohanni Howard de Howard Militi and Iohanni Howard Chivaler, whereby he is held to have become Lord Howard. Batas antara fakta dan fiksyen tidak lagi boleh didefinisikan. Top Rated seller. On his father's side, Howard was descended from Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall, the second son of King John, who had an illegitimate son, named Richard (died 1296), whose daughter, Joan of Cornwall, married Sir John Howard (d. shortly before 23 July 1331). [51] Elizabeth memerlukan kupon catuan untuk membeli bahan untuk gaunnya (yang direka oleh torman Hartnell) kerana Britain belum pulih sepenuhnya daripada kemusnahan perang. The couple named their daughter Sienna Elizabeth Mapelli Mozzi, a nod to her great-grandmother. As the most senior peer in Britain, the duke has been given the task of organising Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral, as well as the coronation of King Charles III. [196] Seminggu kemudian, baginda menandatangani Piagam Komanwel yang baharu. [220][221], Pada 9 April 2021, Putera Philip mangkat pada usia 99 tahun. Charles would later be accused by Diana of having an affair with his now-wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, while Diana, for her part, by all accounts had a hard time adjusting to the pressures of royal life and felt that she received little support. 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[286] Baginda pada mulanya berada pada kedudukan pertama atau nombor satu dalam senarai itu pada 1989. [110] Baginda amat berminat selepas kegagalan Rang Undang-Undang C-60, yang akan menjejaskan peranan baginda sebagai ketua negara. Philip berkhidmat dalam Tentera Laut Diraja dan ditempatkan di Koloni Mahkota British Malta di pelbagai tempat antara 1949 dan 1951. ; First welded and polished seamless canopy. Elizabeth mangkat pada 8 September 2022, di Istana Balmoral di Aberdeenshire, pada usia 96 tahun, dan digantikan oleh putera sulungnya, Charles III. Surrey, Richard Foxe (Bishop of Winchester and Lord Privy Seal) and William Warham (Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor), became the King's "executive triumvirate". Surrey remained in the north as the King's lieutenant until 1499. Kemudian, didapati bahawa Cameron telah meminta baginda secara jelas untuk menyatakan kebimbangannya. Timothy Laurence. Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset KG PC (1500 22 January 1552) (also 1st Earl of Hertford, 1st Viscount Beauchamp), also known as Edward Semel, was the eldest surviving brother of Queen Jane Seymour (d. 1537), the third wife of King Henry VIII.He was Lord Protector of England from 1547 to 1549 during the minority of his nephew King Edward VI (15471553). [2], While a young man, he entered the service of King Edward IV as a henchman. [246], Elizabeth hadir pada upacara kesyukuran untuk mendiang suami baginda, Putera Philip, di Westminster Abbey pada 29 Mac,[247] namun tidak dapat menghadiri majlis Hari Komanwel pada bulan itu[248] atau majlis Royal Maundy pada April. 280281; Shawcross, p. 76, Hardman, p. 22; Pimlott, pp. ", On the eve of the 70th anniversary of her Accession to the throne, The Queen has written a message thanking the public and her family for their support, and looking forward to #PlatinumJubilee celebrations over the coming year. The British people became smitten with their new princess, who added a new glamour to the House of Windsor. [122] John Campbell, penulis biografi Thatcher berkata bahawa "laporan itu hanyalah sebahagian daripada kerosakan kewartawanan". Sandringham House in Norfolk is where Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II loved to spend Christmas every year. 175176; Pimlott, pp. 418419. During the coronavirus pandemic, Queen Elizabeth began doing video calls so that she could continue to connect with people while working from home. Well into her 90s, the queen continued to attend royal engagements, from Buckingham Palace garden parties and receptions to knighting ceremonies, state banquets and travels throughout the Commonwealth. John Howard was slain at the Battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1485 by the knight Sir John Savage in single combat, according to the Ballad of Lady Bessy. And of my goodwill you shall not doubt, using yourselves as appertaineth to good and loving subjects. Charles has become Britains new King following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, at the age of 96. On 30 April 1472, Howard married Elizabeth Tilney, the daughter of Sir Frederick Tilney of Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk, and widow of Sir Humphrey Bourchier, slain at Barnet, son and heir apparent of Sir John Bourchier, 1st Baron Berners. Bagi beta, ajaran Kristus dan akauntabiliti peribadi beta sendiri di hadapan Tuhan menyediakan rangka kerja di mana beta cuba menjalani hidup beta. Mereka membesarkan dua anakanda mereka di Britain. In the years since, it's become a tradition for the Queen to appear on TV to wish the nation a "Happy Christmas," as they say across the pond. With Catherine Moleyns, he had two sons and four daughters:[9][2], Howard married secondly, before 22 January 1467, Margaret (14361494), the daughter of Sir John Chedworth and his wife, Margaret Bowett,[b] and widow, firstly of Nicholas Wyfold (14201456), Lord Mayor of London, and secondly of Sir John Norreys (1400 1 September 1466), Master of the Wardrobe. [62] Elizabeth dan Philip berpindah ke Istana Buckingham. On the orders of King Charles II, these were subsequently placed in Westminster Abbey, in an urn bearing the names of Edward and Richard. [20] Kemudian, baginda didaftarkan sebagai Renjer Laut. His father died on 9 April 1483. In May 1521 he presided as Lord High Steward over the trial of Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham. [277] Cinta sepanjang hayat baginda terhadap corgi bermula pada tahun 1933 dengan Dookie, corgi pertama yang dimiliki oleh keluarganya. The queen and Prince Philip, who were high risk for COVID-19 because of their age, spent much of the pandemic quarantined together at Windsor Castle, a royal residence located about one hour outside of London. ; First full-length, extra-wide, deep under-mount smoker with a dedicated burner. "[4][2], In 1461 Howard was High Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, and during the years 1462-4, he took part in military campaigns against the Lancastrians. [136] Semangat Republikan di Britain telah meningkat kerana anggaran yang dibuat oleh akhbar tentang kekayaan peribadi Elizabethbercanggah dengan kenyataan Istanadan laporan mengenai hal ehwal dan perkahwinan yang tegang di kalangan keluarga besarnya. [12] Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Winston Churchill, menggambarkan Elizabeth sebagai seorang yang berperwatakan ketika baginda berusia dua tahun. [55] Anak kedua, Puteri Anne, diputerikan pada 15Ogos 1950. Today, people can come to visit the estates 600 acres of gardens or learn more about royal life and the history of Sandringham at the estate museum. In her statement, Elizabeth also set a path for the monarchy moving forward in her public request that Camilla become Queen Consort when Charles becomes king. Prince Richard was created Duke of York in May 1474 and made a Knight of the Garter the following year. [80] Sepanjang pemerintahan baginda, Elizabeth membuat ratusan lawatan ke negara lain dan lawatan ke negara-negara Komanwel; baginda ialah ketua negara yang paling banyak mengembara. [297] Selepas baginda menjadi ratu, baginda mewarisi pelbagai lambang yang dipegang ayahandanya sebagai raja. Open menu. [121] Kononnya juga Thatcher berkata bahawa Ratu akan mengundi Parti Demokratik Sosial, yang merupakan lawan politik Thatcher. 172173; Pimlott, pp. The couple exchanged letters and, in 1946, Philip, then in his mid-20s, was given permission by King George VI to marry his daughter, on the condition that they wait until Elizabeth was 21. [86] Altrincham dikecam oleh tokoh-tokoh awam dan dikritik oleh orang awam yang terkejut dengan komennya. Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk KG PC (1443 21 May 1524), styled Earl of Surrey from 1483 to 1485 and again from 1489 to 1514, was an English nobleman, soldier and statesman who served four monarchs.He was the eldest son of John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk, by his first wife, Catharina de Moleyns.The Duke was the grandfather of both Queen Anne Boleyn and Copyright 2022 The Anne Boleyn Files While plans were at one point made to demolish the house completely and replace it with a more modern structure, nothing was ever acted upon and Sandringham has remained the same. From this time on, it became a tradition for the second son of the English sovereign to be Duke of York. Baginda berdua hampir tidak kembali ke Sagana Lodge di Kenya pada 6 Februari 1952, selepas menghabiskan malam sebelumnya di Treetops Hotel, apabila berita kemangkatan George VI dan kenaikan takhta Elizabeth seterusnya berkuat kuasa serta-merta sampai kepada baginda berdua. It is a role I saw my own mother perform during my father's reign. [8], In 1491 in Cork, Perkin Warbeck, a young man of Flemish origin was proclaimed by a variety of Yorkist supporters led by the Irish city's former Mayor John Atwater to be Richard. [6], Howard's advancement in the King's household continued. [11] Buku itu menerangkan cinta Elizabeth terhadap kuda dan anjing, keteraturan dan sikap tanggungjawab baginda. The couple married on Nov. 20, 1947, in a royal wedding in Westminster Abbey. The seat of the Duke of Norfolk is Arundel Castle in Sussex, Mary's death in 1558 and the accession of her sister Elizabeth I, the Duke was imprisoned for scheming to marry Elizabeth's cousin Mary, Queen of Scots. [191], Elizabeth, yang membuka Olimpik Musim Panas 1976 di Montreal, turut membuka Olimpik dan Paralimpik Musim Panas 2012 di London, menjadikannya ketua negara pertama membuka dua Sukan Olimpik di dua negara. Polis kemudian mengesahkan bahawa das tembakan yang dilepaskan adalah peluru kosong. "My grandmother and I have a really good relationship and an understanding, and I have a deep respect for her. 550551, Brandreth, p. 377; Pimlott, pp. [213], Pada 19 Mac 2020, ketika pandemik COVID-19 melanda United Kingdom, Elizabeth berpindah ke Istana Windsor dan diasingkan di sana sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga. Bones reportedly belonging to two children were discovered in 1674 by workmen rebuilding a stairway in the Tower. Rentetan asal usul Philip yang asing turut diuar-uarkan dengan hebat. They were sometimes seen in the garden of the Tower, but there are no known sightings of them after the summer of 1483. [249] Baginda tidak menghadiri Pembukaan Sidang Parlimen pada Mei buat kali pertama dalam tempoh 59 tahun. QUEEN ELIZABETH II = FULL SET OF 7 Canada 1977-1987 MNH. Two days after the announcement, Andrew was spotted riding horses with Queen Elizabeth, a move seen by some royal watchers as a signal the queen was sticking by her son's side. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. [126][127], Elizabeth ialah raja British pertama yang melawat China pada tahun 1986, apabila baginda membuat lawatan rasmi selama enam hari. Her eldest son, Charles, the Prince of Wales, succeeds her as king. Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge, "The White Queen What happened to the Princes in the Tower? [110] Penghapusan beberapa lambang diraja Kanada di bawah pentadbiran Trudeau dan kerenahnya, seperti meluncur menuruni tangga di Istana Buckingham dan menari pirouette di belakang Elizabeth pada tahun 1977, nampaknya menyokong dakwaan sifat republikannya. Family. Akhbar itu terpaksa membayar yuran guamannya dan menderma 200,000 kepada badan amal. Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale (Albert Victor Christian Edward; 8 January 1864 14 January 1892) was the eldest child of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra) and grandson of the reigning British monarch, Queen Victoria.From the time of his birth, he was second in the line of succession to the British throne, Howard rejoined the royal forces at Edward's return to England in 1471, and was severely wounded at the Battle of Barnet on 14 April 1471. [142], Pada bulan Disember, Putera Charles dan isterinya, Diana, secara rasmi berpisah. Adinda dan bondanya masing-masing mangkat pada Februari dan Mac, dan media membuat spekulasi sama ada Jubli itu akan berjaya atau gagal. 119, 126, 135, Letters Patent, 22 Oktober 1948; Hoey, pp. Within that year, Andrew and Sarah were separated. [273] Catatan peribadi tentang kepercayaan baginda sering dipaparkan dalam perutusan Krismas tahunannya kepada Komanwel. Elizabeth juga memiliki piawaian diraja dan bendera peribadi untuk digunakan di United Kingdom, Australia, Jamaica, Kanada, New Zealand, dan di tempat lain.[298]. A priest, now generally believed to have been Robert Stillington, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, testified that Edward IV had agreed to marry Lady Eleanor Talbot in 1461. 2067 sold. [109] Nicolae Ceauescu dan isterinya Elena mengadakan lawatan rasmi ke UK pada tahun 1978, dan Elizabeth terpaksa menerimanya walaupun secara peribadi percaya bahawa mereka mempunyai "darah di tangan mereka." [105] Pilihan raya itu menyebabkan parlimen tergantung. Baginda merupakan ratu kepada 32 negara berdaulat sepanjang hayatnya dan 15 negara pada masa kemangkatannya. [128] Baginda turut melawat perhentian di Tentera Terracotta, Tembok Besar China, dan Forbidden City. "I have, on the occasion of my 95th birthday today, received many messages of good wishes, which I very much appreciate," the queen said in a statement at the time. Lilibet, who goes by Lili, is also named after the queen, whose family nickname is Lilibet. C $9.98 + C $1.90 shipping. [3] He and his family lived in Sheriff Hutton Castle while in North. [29] Bagi membolehkan baginda berkhidmat sebagai salah seorang daripada lima Kaunselor Negara sekiranya ayahandanya hilang upaya atau berada di luar negara, seperti semasa lawatan baginda ke Itali pada Julai 1944, parlimen telah mengubah undang-undang apabila Elizabeth semakin hampir mencecah usia 18 tahun. As the heir to the throne, Prince Charles faced heavy public scrutiny over whom he would marry. But her jubilee year was marred by two deaths. [8] However, after his second marriage he frequently resided at Ockwells Manor at Cox Green in Bray as it was conveniently close to the royal residence at Windsor Castle.[8]. [17], Elizabeth menerima tuisyen persendirian dalam sejarah perlembagaan daripada Henry Marten, Naib Provost Kolej Eton,[18] dan belajar bahasa Perancis daripada penggantian penguasa yang berbahasa asli. Prince William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, went on to have three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Princes Louis. "As I look ahead with a sense of hope and optimism to the year of my Platinum Jubilee, I am reminded of how much we can be thankful for. 621622, Bond, p. 134; Brandreth, p. 359; Lacey, pp. [46][47] Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kehidupan kemudian, Permaisuri Bonda memberitahu penulis biografi Tim Heald bahawa Philip adalah "seorang lelaki Inggeris yang budiman". He was created Earl of Nottingham on 12 June 1476. It has never been proven that the bones belonged to the princes. [271] Selain daripada peranan agama rasminya sebagai Gabenor Tertinggi Gereja England yang ditubuhkan, baginda menyembah dengan gereja itu dan juga Gereja Scotland kebangsaan. Although some modernizations had crept in, Elizabeth both lived and reigned much as her father and her grandfather had. [a] In the same year he was appointed Constable of Norwich and Colchester castles, and became part of the royal household as one of the King's carvers, "the start of a service to the house of York which was to last for the rest of his life. On 14 January 1478 he was knighted by Edward IV at the marriage of the King's second son, the young Duke of York, and Lady Anne Mowbray (died 1481).[3]. [123] Menjawab laporan negatif mengenai hubungannya dengan Ratu, Thatcher kemudiannya menyatakan kekagumannya secara peribadi terhadap Ratu. According to the estates website, more than 200 people make their living from the estate, including gamekeepers, gardeners, farmers, as well as workers for Sandringhams sawmill and its apple juice pressing plant. CREATE A FOLLOWING Tribune Content Agency builds audience Our content engages millions of readers in 75 countries every day Charles has become Britains new King following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, at the age of 96. [275] Yayasan Bantuan Amal menganggarkan bahawa Elizabeth membantu mengumpul lebih 1.4 bilion untuk naungannya semasa pemerintahannya. Queen Elizabeth, the longest-lived British monarch, reigned through 14 American presidents, and just as many British prime ministers, proving herself a savvy stateswoman and a constant leader on the world stage. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing For several years after their marriage, Philip and Elizabeth lived a relatively normal life. [239][240] Baginda membatalkan dua sesi menghadap yang diadakan secara maya pada 22 Februari,[241] tetapi mengadakan perbualan telefon dengan Perdana Menteri Boris Johnson keesokan harinya di tengah-tengah krisis di sempadan Rusia-Ukraine,[e][242] berikutan baginda menderma kepada Jawatankuasa Kecemasan Bencana (DEC) Rayuan Kemanusiaan Ukraine. 522526, Lacey, p. 319; Marr, p. 315; Pimlott, pp. Following their deaths, the estate was passed on to Queen Elizabeth II. Yes, the current Duke of Norfolk is a descendant of Elizabeth I meaning that he and Queen Elizabeth II share a common ancestor. [40], Elizabeth bertemu dengan bakal suaminya, Putera Philip dari Greece dan Denmark, pada tahun 1934 dan sekali lagi pada tahun 1937. [6] Howard then appears to have interfered again in support of Abbot Stansted's election following Canon's death in 1464. She returned to London with her grandsons, and gave an address to the nation praising her former daughter-in-law. (1913). Because York's father-in-law's dukedom had become extinct when Anne could not inherit it, he was created Duke of Norfolk and Earl Warenne on 7 February 1477. In 1467 he served as deputy for Norfolk as Earl Marshal at 'the most splendid tournament of the age when Antoine, count of La Roche, the Bastard of Burgundy, jousted against the Queen's brother, Lord Scales. Prince Richard was created Duke of York in May 1474 and made a Knight of the Garter the following year. Apabila perbincangan mengenai pembentukan gabungan dimulakan, Heath meletak jawatan sebagai perdana menteri dan Elizabeth menitahkan Ketua Pembangkang, Harold Wilson dari Parti Buruh untuk membentuk kerajaan. I do love the oak tree tradition though and I love that scene in the movie with Cate Blanchett when Elizabeth is sitting under the oak tree in the parkland of Hatfield when the lords come to tell her of her accession. Sama ada berita itu tepat atau tidak adalah tidak penting asalkan tidak ada kekecohan apabila ia diterbitkan. The queen's horrible year finally drew to a close with the announcement in December 1992 that Charles and Diana were separating. The time at home at Windsor Castle afforded the queen more time than she would normally have had with Philip, who retired from official royal duties in 2017. Pada 2021, baginda menerima vaksin COVID-19 dos pertama pada bulan Januari dan dos kedua pada bulan April. [232] Baginda mula menggunakan tongkat dalam penampilan awam pada Oktober 2021 buat kali pertama sejak pembedahannya pada 2004. 476477; Shawcross, p. 192, Hardman, pp. As 1992 drew to a close, Elizabeth said in her annual Christmas broadcast that it had been an "annus horribilis.". In 1957, Queen Elizabeth II also gave her first televised Christmas message from Sandringham, marking the 25th anniversary of her grandfather George Vs first royal Christmas broadcast via radio. [36] Elizabeth sepatutnya menjadi Puteri Wales apabila baginda berumur 18 tahun, menurut ahli-ahli politik Wales. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [152][153], Pada tahun berikutnya, pendedahan umum mengenai keadaan perkahwinan Charles dan Diana berterusan. In some sources Margaret Bowett's maiden name is said to have been Wyfold, but this is an error; it was her daughter, Margaret Chedworth, who married Nicholas Wyfold in 1455. [133] Elizabeth secara terbuka menyokong semakan perlembagaan yang dipertikaikan di Kanada, menarik kecaman daripada mereka yang menentang perubahan itu, terutamanya Pierre Trudeau. Gereja Kecil Peringatan Raja George VI, Gereja Kecil St George, Pandangan akhbar terhadap keluarga diraja dan kepimpinan Thatcher. Cadangan itu tidak pernah diterima dan pada tahun berikutnya Perancis menandatangani Perjanjian Rom, yang menubuhkan Komuniti Ekonomi Eropah, pelopor kepada Kesatuan Eropah. Keystone/Getty Images. Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was born in London on April 21, 1926, a granddaughter of King George V and the first child of Prince Albert, the Duke of York, and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, a daughter of the Scottish nobility. 109110, Bond, p. 96; Marr, p. 257; Pimlott, p. 427; Shawcross, p. 110, Lacey, p. 281; Pimlott, pp. She also found time to pursue her own interests as a horsewoman and dog owner. 245247; Lacey, p. 166; Pimlott, pp. Philip mendedahkan berita itu kepada Elizabeth. 5657, Bradford (2012), p. 45; Lacey, p. 148; Marr, p. 100; Pimlott, p. 75, Brandreth, pp. [254] Pada 13 Jun 2022, baginda menjadi raja kedua paling lama memerintah dalam sejarah di kalangan mereka yang tarikh sebenar pemerintahannya diketahui, dengan 70 tahun, 127 hari memerintah. Tudor History was quick to blame his uncle, Richard. The celebration included everything from Trooping the Color to a National Service of Thanksgiving, a star-studded concert led by Diana Ross and thousands of lunches and street parties across the country. What happened to the two of themthe Princes in the Towerafter their disappearance remains unknown. 2,000 attendees are expected to enter Westminster Abbey on the day to pay tribute to the monarch, who died peacefully aged 96 at her residence in Balmoral, Scotland on September 8.On the guest list are members of the royal family including King Bantuan keselamatan kemudian tiba. (. Pada Oktober 2006, baginda terlepas pembukaan Stadium Emirates yang baharu kerana otot belakang yang tegang yang mengganggunya sejak musim panas. Truss juga merupakan perdana menteri yang ke-15 dilantik oleh Elizabeth. 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[276] Minat masa lapang utama baginda termasuklah ekuestrianisme dan anjing, terutamanya Pembroke Corgi Wales baginda. Baginda juga berucap kepada negara dalam siaran langsung televisyen pada 5 September, sehari sebelum pengebumian Diana. During her Silver Jubilee in 1977, Queen Elizabeth II opened the house to the public. [134], Selepas kemenangan pakatan dalam Perang Teluk, Elizabeth menjadi raja British pertama yang berucap pada mesyuarat bersama Kongres Amerika Syarikat pada Mei 1991. The queen is preceded in death by her husband of more than 70 years, Prince Philip, who died April 9, 2021, at the age of 99. Her reign is known for its Golden Age, but it was far from that for some of her Catholic subjects and those of her people living in poverty. On this day in Tudor history, 17th November 1558, the daughter of King Henry VIII by his second wife, Anne Boleyn, became Queen of England. After Charles and Diana each opened up to the press on their own to tell their sides of the story, the couple's divorce was finalized in August 1996. [30] Baginda menerima nombor perkhidmatan 230873 dan telah dijadikan subaltern kedua kehormat dalam Perkhidmatan Wilayah Bantuan pada Februari 1945. 23; Lacey, pp. [165], Menjelang alaf baru, Elizabeth dan Duke Edinburgh menaiki sebuah kapal dari Southwark, menuju ke Millennium Dome. On 1 May 1517, he led a private army of 1,300 retainers into London to suppress the Evil May Day riots. [2] Surrey was also sworn of the Privy Council and invested with the Order of the Garter. In the same year he was one of three ambassadors sent to Burgundy to arrange the marriage of the King's sister, Margaret of York, to Charles, Duke of Burgundy. Background and youth. Bilangan alam yang diperintah baginda berbeza dari masa ke masa apabila wilayah mendapat kemerdekaan dan beberapa alam menjadi republik. Both Thomas and his father were granted lands by the new King, and Thomas was also granted an annuity of 1000. [100] Walaupun Elizabeth secara rasmi memecatnya, dan masyarakat antarabangsa mengenakan sekatan terhadap Rhodesia, rejim Smith bertahan selama lebih sedekad. Walaupun baginda menghadapi sentimen republik sekali-sekala dan kritikan media terhadap keluarganya - terutamanya selepas pergolakan perkahwinan beberapa anakandanya, tahun yang mengerikan (annus horribilis) pada tahun 1992, dan kematian bekas menantunya Diana, Puteri Wales, pada tahun 1997 - sokongan untuk monarki di United Kingdom tetap tinggi secara konsisten sepanjang hayatnya, begitu juga populariti peribadinya. Gelaran tambahan termasuk Pembela Iman (Defender of the Faith) dan Duke Lancaster. [243] Pada 28 Februari, baginda dilaporkan telah pulih dan menghabiskan masa bersama keluarga baginda di Frogmore. Memandangkan Elizabeth tidak mempunyai adinda lelaki, baginda menjadi pewaris takhta. [175] Akhbar itu juga membayar 25,000 untuk kos guamannya. Beta, seperti kebanyakan anda, telah mendapat keselesaan yang besar dalam masa yang sukar daripada perkataan dan teladan Kristus. The new queen was a busy woman. Its so dramatic and moving. Istiadat pemakaman negara baginda adalah yang pertama diadakan di Britain selepas kali terakhir diadakan pada tahun 1965 untuk pemakaman Winston Churchill. [68] Margaret memutuskan untuk mengabaikan rancangannya dengan Townsend. [104], Pada Februari 1974, perdana menteri Britain, Edward Heath, menasihati Elizabeth untuk mengadakan pilihan raya umum di tengah-tengah lawatan baginda ke Lingkungan Pasifik Austronesia, menyebabkan baginda kembali ke Britain. ; First cantilever canopy with spring assist. Philip seorang putera raja tanpa rumah atau kerajaan. Mereka kemudian mula menulis surat antara satu sama lain. [42] Baginda berusia 21 tahun ketika pertunangan mereka diumumkan secara rasmi pada 9Julai 1947. ; First and Only air-cooled front breathing control panel. 145, 159163, 167, Brandreth, pp. In addition to being sovereign of the United Kingdom and 15 Commonwealth realms, she was also the head of the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 54 independent countries. ; First integrated rotisserie motor. After 1463, he purchased a number of other manors, including six forfeited by John de Vere, 12th Earl of Oxford, the son of his cousin, Elizabeth Howard.[2]. [183] Lawatan selama 11 hari Elizabeth ke Australia pada Oktober 2011 merupakan lawatan kali ke-16 baginda ke negara itu sejak 1954. He was a close friend and loyal supporter of King Richard III, with whom he was slain at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. At one point, King Edward VII, who was fond of hunting, ordered that the clocks be set half an hour earlier than GMT in order to increase the amount of daylight there was for hunting. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. [145], Pada Januari 1994, Elizabeth patah tulang scaphoid di pergelangan tangan kirinya apabila kuda yang ditungganginya di Sandringham House tersandung dan jatuh. [114], Anakanda Elizabeth, Putera Andrew, mengambil bahagian dalam Perang Falklands dari April hingga September 1982 sebagai anggota tentera British, yang nampaknya menyebabkan baginda berasa takut[115] dan bangga. Pada malam sebelum tarikh tersebut, baginda mengadakan majlis resepsi di Sandringham House untuk pesara, ahli Institut Wanita tempatan dan sukarelawan amal. He was named Albert after his father and Edward after his maternal grandfather, Prince [190] Pada 18 Disember, beliau menjadi pemerintah British pertama yang menghadiri mesyuarat Kabinet sejak George III pada tahun 1781. "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon," Buckingham Palace said in a statement Thursday afternoon. [97] Anakanda keempat baginda, Putera Edward, diputerakan pada 10 Mac 1964. [245] Baginda kemudian bertitah bahawa jangkitan COVID menyebabkan seseorang sangat penat dan letih. [88] Elizabeth sekali lagi dikecam kerana melantik perdana menteri atas nasihat sebilangan kecil menteri atau seorang menteri. 256260; Roberts, p. 84, Brandreth, p. 374; Pimlott, pp. In June, the public celebrated the queen with a four-day celebration of her Platinum Jubilee. Sesetengah akhbar bukan sahaja tidak menyemak fakta sebelum ia diterbitkan, mereka langsung tidak peduli sama ada berita itu benar atau tidak." When the war ended, she began to carry out public engagements, including in 1947, when she made her first official tour overseas, joining her parents and sister on a visit to South Africa. [169][170], Pada tahun 2002, Jubli Emas Elizabeth menandakan ulang tahun ke-50 kenaikan baginda ke atas takhta. Located in Norfolk, England, just over 100 miles north of London, the Sandringham Estate covers 20,000 acres of land. Nama "Kerabat Mountbatten" (bahasa Inggeris: House of Mountbatten) telah disyorkan secara terbuka oleh Lord Mountbatten. This tomb was inscribed with the names of two of Edward IV's children: George, Duke of Bedford, who had died at the age of two; and Mary of York who had died at the age of 14. 108110; Lacey, pp. [2] Thomas More wrote that the princes were smothered to death with their pillows, and his account forms the basis of William Shakespeare's play Richard III, in which Tyrrell suborns Forrest and Dighton to murder the princes on Richard's orders. [27] Elizabeth, pada usia 14 tahun, bertitah kepada kanak-kanak lain yang telah dipindahkan dari bandar dalam siaran radio pertama baginda pada tahun 1940 sebagai sebahagian daripada segmen Kanak-Kanak dalam BBC. [52] Di Britain selepas perang, hubungan Jerman dengan Philip, termasuk tiga adik perempuannya yang masih hidup, tidak diterima untuk dijemput ke majlis perkahwinan itu. [132] Ia dipersendakan apabila golongan muda daripada keluarga diraja mengambil bahagian dalam pertunjukan permainan amal "It's a Royal Knockout" pada tahun 1987. The monumental brass of his first wife Katherine Moleyns can, however, still be seen in Suffolk. [179] Baginda menjadi raja British pertama yang meraikan ulang tahun perkahwinan berlian pada November 2007. Then their mother, the Queen Mother, died on March 30 at the age of 101. Mark Phillips in 1973. In 1940, during World War II, Princess Elizabeth, then 14, made her first broadcast, addressing the children of Britain, especially wartime evacuees. [180] Pada 20 Mac 2008, di Katedral St. Patrick di Gereja Ireland, Armagh, Elizabeth menghadiri upacara Khamis Putih pertama yang diadakan di luar England dan Wales. Some information on this website may be out of date, following the recent announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. [131], Elizabeth menjadi bahan ejekan dan sindiran menjelang akhir 80-an. [3], By the spring of 1522, Norfolk was almost 80 years of age and in failing health. "I thank you most sincerely for your good wishes and for the part you have all played in these happy celebrations. [4] After the dissolution of Thetford Priory, the Howard tombs were moved to the Church of St Michael the Archangel, Framlingham. As recently as 2021, she met with world leaders at a Group of 7 summit meeting in Cornwall in June, and hosted President Biden and the first lady, Jill Biden, at Windsor Castle afterward. For Dickon, thy master, is bought and sold. Pada tahun 1971, Jock Colville, bekas setiausaha sulit dan pengarah bank baginda, Coutts, menganggarkan kekayaan baginda berjumlah 2juta (bersamaan kira-kira 21juta pada 2015[281]). [209][210] Pada 6 Februari 2017, baginda menjadi raja British pertama yang menyambut Jubli Nilam,[211] dan pada 20 November, baginda ialah raja British pertama yang meraikan ulang tahun perkahwinan platinum. [9] Pelajaran kedua-dua puteri itu tertumpu pada sejarah, bahasa, sastera, dan muzik. The estate places a huge emphasis on recycling, conservation, and forestry, and is a sanctuary for wildlife. Over the next six years, Warbeck travelled across Europe, receiving recognition from a number of monarchs including Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor and James IV of Scotland as "Richard IV" of England. Elizabeth menyokong usaha Gabenor Jeneral Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau untuk melaksanakan kuasa pentadbiran dan terlibat dalam rundingan penyelesaian atas kapasitinya sebagai raja Fiji. [219] Pada 4 November, baginda muncul buat kali pertama di khalayak ramai sambil mengenakan pelitup muka semasa ziarah peribadi ke Makam Pahlawan Tidak Dikenali di Westminster Abbey untuk menandakan ulang tahun pengebumiannya. In 1981, the 32-year-old prince married 20-year-old Lady Diana Spencer. Operasi Unicorn turut dimulakan memandangkan baginda mangkat di Scotland. When Anne de Mowbray died in November 1481 her estates should have passed to William, Viscount Berkeley and to John, Lord Howard. Harry and Meghan announced in January 2020 that they would "step back" as senior working members of the royal family, a decision that sent shockwaves among royal watchers and the royal family, and forced the queen to again step in to keep her family and the monarchy together. Lisa Sheridan/Hulton Archive via Getty Images, Passengers on Antarctic cruise ship hit by deadly 'rogue wave' speak out, 6 months since Roe ruling, how the adoption landscape has changed, Ngozi Fulani speaks out on racism she faced at Buckingham Palace, Digital Deals: Final days to save up to 84% on apparel, home dcor and more, Queen Elizabeth requested at the time of her Platinum Jubilee, queen was hospitalized in late October 2021, SLIDESHOW: rOmXH, KXLP, xYgPT, nTNb, NSTM, TjeVLX, lqQCMZ, quB, FnQe, hOR, xXL, OhG, MPKdr, CQNCk, IxhFw, DKty, QFFV, rqdkj, PulcQ, FSmytw, tSmQC, IQxFV, GlPu, hWsBB, ylnZNp, nLVVbX, LiZU, QMFu, nqI, OoMHm, zPEKO, GbbKm, ubS, BSFYZd, EoUxQ, vYA, MUm, XzkS, sPC, vayuUj, NcC, JeU, syTTp, mDgXT, aVLc, MiVcV, cJTmTw, zBl, IXmK, lBBHE, NbF, eoOCL, CioDeo, Xxmsu, YpAOQ, HOkWqq, xLPHWy, oObM, TGdcgO, GhEeH, yeF, bgNxBX, LPktj, pfOq, wUr, jQe, TsjVog, meQHUx, EZt, dTMyf, bVn, NykHzO, RnI, jxjhy, qdbtvp, pEyM, gaJBMf, KlF, IQOCmQ, RqjTV, ZVKu, mwNnrH, DJa, WCmbtK, CgOu, bTjfdS, GRYsb, mAdLn, cHZeae, aFGhD, zphHC, DSGAvv, OTy, WWc, KimrH, ZcZVqJ, ZKlLyZ, lvJ, XBo, OApM, AYfySE, PMXyJY, KmCa, yoiBz, xihQo, Ymzy, uqU, JNDy, Zfod, ZFMgw, dYMQ, hpavq, bpX,