It was really good! For example, you want to instruct your brother to get the towel in the bedroom. But in another city, another valley, another ghetto, another slum, another favela, another township, another intifada, another war, another birth, somebody is singing Redemption Song, as if the Singer wrote it for no other reason but for this sufferah to sing, shout, whisper, weep, bawl, and scream right here, right now., 80. For example, in the sentence, "I love English grammar," the word "I" is the subject, and "love English grammar" is the predicate. It could mean jail. Ernest Hemingway was a famous American writer. ; Parentheses in literature and dentistry are in bad taste. The only cities were of ice, bergs with cores of beryl, blue gems within white gems, that some said gave off an odor of almonds., 83. John Steinbeck, East of Eden. Be careful. And now that you dont have to be perfect, you can be good.John Steinbeck, East of Edenif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'pulptastic_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pulptastic_com-leader-3-0'); 18. If you answer yes to all these questions, then go ahead and use short sentences. How do you pick the most beautiful sentences in literature? Remember that the shorter, the better. ; Think for a moment on the history or the literature of the world. Inside us there is something that has no name, that something is what we are., 18. These are two very common uses of a shortened wh- clause. In any case, at a certain point as she wandered out among the galaxies, among the whirling particles and ineffable numbers, something leaked in her mind, smudging the text of the cosmos, and she was lost., 23. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. 7. Speakers often shorten wh- clauses, usually after they use the verbs wonder, know, or remember. They were sorry, they were saying with their bodies, they were accepting each other back, and that feeling, that feeling of being accepted back again and again, of someones affection for you always expanding to encompass whatever new flawed thing had just manifested in you, that was the deepest, dearest thing hed ever, 70. "We cross our bridges as we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and the presumption that once our eyes watered. But it goes from bad to worse, and the moment he sets foot in Blacks room, he feels everything go dark inside him, as though the night were pressing through his pores, sitting on top of him with a tremendous weight, and at the same time his head seems to be growing, filling with air as though about to detach itself from his body and float away., 69. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-pulptastic_com-medrectangle-3-0'; Did your favorite line from literature make the list? Its better not to sleep at all, he decided. 6. Decisions are never really made at best they manage to emerge, from a chaos of peeves, whims, hallucinations and all around assholery., 72. But lets stop talking about sentences and start looking at them. How wild it was, to let it be.Cheryl Strayed, Wild, 28. Short sentences also come in the form of atruncated sentence. Im also not going for what I would call an , One last criteria for longer sentences: I want to see a, Check out this first video in my online course , 9 Ways to Write Brilliant Short Sentences, Write Fantastic Dialogue: 33 Tips to Spruce up Your Story. They were watching, out there past mens knowing, where stars are drowning and whales ferry their vast souls through the black and seamless sea., 55. And I still have other smothered memories, now unfolding themselves into limbless monsters of pain., 24. Medical literature is full of such cases. Im also not going for what I would call an instructional sentence. Id compiled hundreds of greatsentences in a file of mine, but when I examined, I realized most of them were designed to teach something to the reader. In addition, they often shorten clauses that repeat what someone else has said. For example, in the sentence "We hope that you enjoy learning English grammar," the words "that you enjoy learning English grammar" are a clause. "It frightened him to think what must have gone to the making of her eyes. Her legs swing complete afternoons away. jw2019 "And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.". 4. At a certain point in her life, she realises it is not so much that she wants to have a child as that she does not want not to have a child, or not to have had a child., Lydia Davis (have you ever seen such a beautiful sentence that hinges on tense alone? In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars.Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); But her loose fair hair was wet; there was a wreath of roses on her head. Writing Techniques to Transform Your Fiction, Repeated Sentences: How to Harnessthe Power of Repetition, Tell me in the comments which one of the sentences above is yourfavorite sentence. A light, cool staircase, carpeted with rich rugs, was decorated with rare plants in china pots. T. These short expressions usually occur after certain verbs. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. Closing date: 31 May 2023. Such lengthy speech would create very long and slow conversations! "What are men to rocks and mountains? One sentiment that is often overlooked in beautiful sentences is humor a few of the sentences below are quite funny, but I wish I had more. We use it for a myriad of reasons but no matter how we commonly practice the use of short sentences, there are still some people who would get confused with this kind of sentence. "One must be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.". Due to technology and from a recent study as well, ten seconds is what people need to find a topic or story interesting. Remember that the shorter, the better. "It's better not to sleep at all," he decided. Every person had a star, every star had a friend, and for every person carrying a star there wassomeone else who reflected it, and everyone carried this reflection like a secret confidante in the heart., 86. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; "If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me.". I am sorry. B. Yeats, Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven, 42. 7. ", 22. Ambitious sentences attempt new forms, rebel againstsyntax and grammar rules, and innovate with language. The love I felt for her on that train ride had a capital and provinces, parishes and a Vatican, an orange planet and many sullen moons it was systemic and it was complete., 73. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. The stern and already rigid profile of her face looked as though chiselled of marble too, and the smile on her pale lips was full of an immense unchildish misery and sorrowful appeal. By Cole Schafer (everything except the 81 . It is the most direct way to write a sentence. *Other words that do not begin with wh-, such as "how," are also in this group. This item: Short Sentences Long Remembered: A Guided Study of Proverbs and Other Wisdom Literature (Reading the bible as literature) by Leland Ryken Paperback $9.99 Sweeter Than Honey, Richer Than Gold: A Guided Study of Biblical Poetry (Reading the Bible as Literature) by Leland Dr. Ryken Paperback $14.57 Avoidpretentiouswords as this can give an impression that your sentences are long. He was not thinking of anything and did not want to think. If your lengthy sentence contains a subordinate clause,place it in another sentence. When he was dry, he believed it was alcohol he needed, but when he had a few drinks in him, he knew it was something else, possibly a woman; and when he had it all cash, booze, and a wife he couldnt be distracted from the great emptiness that was always falling through him and never hit the ground., 9. If you are planning to be a skilled writer or good conversationalist, you only have ten seconds to convince your listener or reader. Here is one from the 1991 film The Man in the Moon. It had its peculiar literature and its peculiar vehicles. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Still, I was swamped with possibilities. Here is an example. The circle of an empty day is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a noose., 22. What are men to rocks and mountains?Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, 10. If your sentence can still be understood without those phrases, then weed it out. They are called that-clauses. English Literature in Schools. ", J.K. I am busy. Whether writing your book or revising it, this will be the most helpful book youll ever buy. ", 32. ", 43. One of his most famous books, The Sun Also Rises, ends with the following words: "Yes," I said. ", 26. If you can encapsulate your idea into a single captivating sentence, youre halfway home. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Literature | Literature Sentence Now it is about literature that we are speaking. Rather he consoled himself with the fact that, in the real world, when he looked closely into the darkness he might find the presence of a light, damaged and bruised, but a little light all the same., 75. There was a cold damp draught from the window, however; without getting up he drew the blanket over him and wrapped himself in it. How to Write Short Sentences Here are some tips for writing short sentences: 1. The half life of love is forever.Junot Diaz, This Is How You Lose Her, 35. Readers don't always find this funny. s. Get an answer. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage, 22. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 19. Here, Bullock says "I don't know why" instead of "I don't know why I am angry all the time." Short sentences are used in everyday speech and literature; plays, movies, books, poems, etc. This novel writing competition allows you to participate even if you haven't finished writing it yet! "In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars." Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Suggested by Jasmin B., via Facebook 3. I don't know. And so we stood together like that, at the top of that field for what seemed like ages, not saying anything, just holding each other, while the wind kept blowing and blowing at us, tugging our clothes, and for a moment, it seemed like we were holding onto each other because that was the only way to stop us from being swept away into the night., 62. I find beautiful language necessary but not sufficient. "Isn't it pretty to think so?". They are beautiful for the sake of beauty itself. In other words, when writing a sentence, put the subject first and have it perform an action. var pid = 'ca-pub-1047012268293733'; The coffin was covered with white silk and edged with a thick white frill; wreaths of flowers surrounded it on all sides. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Life was neither something you defended by hiding nor surrendered calmly on other peoples terms, but something you lived bravely, out in the open, and that if you had to lose it, you should lose it on your own terms., 78. When you use long sentences, there is a tendency that you might lose the main point of what you originally intended to say. So you are in literature in spite of yourself. (I know, right? Short & Simple Example Sentence For Literature In | Literature In Sentence. I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. In this list Ive tried to find a mix of both formally ambitious sentences and sentences that stay well within the rules but create beauty in orderly and masterful ways. "I would always rather be happy than dignified. Remember the lines you heard at the beginning of this report? Your email address will not be published. I do not understand. Its literary growth stopped with the reign of George III. December 8, 2022. "'Dear God,' she prayed, 'let me be something every minute of every hour of my life. It's ok. 15. The two things being described usually share something in common but are unalike in all other respects. Author Han Jinliang's contribution to the growing body of Chinese Covid literature on pandemic restrictions and a yearning for freedom. Stop kidding. She uses a shortened wh- clause after the verb "know. The reader will definitely not be able to catch up, thus forcing to read the same sentence again and again. "The pieces I am, she gather them and gave them back to me in all the right order. We were all a little drunk with spring, like the fat bees reeling from flower to flower, and a strange insurrectionary current ran among us., 7. in everyday conversation. If your writing contains lots of short sentences that give it a choppy rhythm, consider these tips. And she had destroyed herself, crushed by an insult that had appalled and amazed that childish soul, had smirched that angel purity with unmerited disgrace and torn from her a last scream of despair, unheeded and brutally disregarded, on a dark night in the cold and wet while the wind howled. Literature in New England, 327. Meanwhile, when in you are in a conversation, the use of short sentences will allow the receiver of your message to better comprehend the message you want to get across. "Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given randomly, stupidly. ; Literature and life, book two. Here are some allusion examples you might've heard (or even said yourself!) ", 24. 16. He was sensitive to lives that had, beneath their surface, like a huge rock or shadow, a glory that would be discovered, that would rise one day to the light., 35. ", 49. I came to hate the complainers, with their dry and crumbly lipsticks and their wrinkled rage and their stupid, flaccid, old-people sun hats with brims the breadth of Saturns rings., 41. Literature and art should be wedded together. We are souls shut inside a cage of bones; souls squeezed into a parcel of flesh., 49. 10 Beautiful Sentences from Children's Literature | Wonderbly Parenting A Top 10 of the Most Beautiful Sentences in Children's Literature 1. And if you'd like to be featured similar BuzzFeed posts, be sure to follow the BuzzFeed Community on. Literature is a decadent and rationalized mythology. Long sentences provide a lot of details but nothing can grab the readers attention like short sentences can. ", Here, the second speaker says "I hope so" instead of the full sentence, "I hope that she is right.". John Russell wrote this report for Learning English. A short sentencewill show you what I mean. The sentences below can be learned from, but thats not their primary beauty. America, condition of literature in, in 1800, 105, 110. We waitedfor thetaxi beside the Holderlin pump, and by the faint light that fell from the living-room window into the well I saw, with a shudder that went to the roots of my hair, a beetle rowing across the surface of the water, from one dark shore to the other., 16. And maybe I tried with too much mettle my lines might have mentioned the Latin gusto of her calves and hips in motion, and how the small blond hairs of her nape quelled my fear of becoming a non crooning castrato because not four days after I posted the letter she arrived at the prison wearing an orange autumn dress, the strapless kind that could reverse a vasectomy., 38. He knows your name and you know his, and you almost killed him and, because you got so close to doing so but didnt, you want to fall on him, weeping, because you are so lonely, so lonely always, and all contact is contact, and all contact makes us so grateful we want to cry and dance and cry and cry., 29. There are some who think that writing short sentences is easier but as soon as they get their hands on a pen and paper, they would often result in writing lengthy sentences. Despite the benefits that short sentencesbring to youreveryday speech or writings, it is not encouraged to use it every single time. A famous example of allegory is Dante's Divine Comedy, where Dante uses his fictional journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven as an allegory for the journey of a person's soul to God. Do youwant to grab your listener or readers attention? As Estha stirred the thick jam he thought Two Thoughts and the Two Thoughts he thought were these: a) Anything can happen to anyone. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, 50. She was lost in her longing to understand.Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera, 31. I would always rather be happy than dignified.Charlotte Bront , Jane Eyre, 41. "If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me. She was only fourteen, but her heart was broken. He was still a handsome man, with a tanned, chiseled face and long, thick, wavy white hair, but his cells had begun to reproduce in a haphazard fashion, destroying the DNA of neighboring cells and secreting toxins into his body., 95. But if a sentence is only beautiful, and doesnt stretch for anything more, I feel admiration but not love. For poems are like rainbows; they escape you quickly.Langston Hughes, The Big Sea, 45. We suppress our own literature there. ", the speaker said, "I wonder why?". Soak it up, soak it in, and do one of three things: Your email address will not be published. Question|Asked by They were famous for their skill in music and literature. American comic book writer Len Wein once said: In general, shorter is better. Don't worry. "She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world. 4. I dont just want to admire the lines and curves of the prose, I want a string to be plucked deepinside me. Undressing her was an act of recklessness, a kind of vandalism, like releasing a zoo full of animals, or blowing up a dam., 2. Always get the gist of what you want you intended to say. The curves of your lips rewrite history.Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 12. What I saw made me want to fell the highest spruce and watch it tip over and fall with a rush and a crash that echoed through the valley and trim it myself in record time and strip it clean myself without stopping even though that was the hardest thing to do and drag it to the river bank with my bare hands and my own back with neither horse nor man to help me and heave it into the water with the strength I suddenly knew I had, and the splash and the spray would rise as high as a house in Oslo., 34. What all these literary devices have in common is that they create new connections: rich layers of sound, sense, emotion, narrative, and ultimately meaning that surpass the literal details being recounted. 16. His fate had taken him off two trains this morning, had raised him to the surface at Whitehall Street, had shown him the spinning atoms, unraveling, the end of life, all of them people tethered by love, and habit, and work, and meaning, tied into a meaning suddenly exploded, because contrary to all he had imagined, being tied, being known, did not keep you safe., 28. We had loving beautiful sex just as soon as we could get ourselves to stop talking loving and beautiful in the expressionist, pathetic-fallacy sense in which you might say a meadow was loving and beautiful even if it was full of hamsters ready to kill each other on sight, but only when theyre awake., 93. Lizards skit like quick beige sticks., 10. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; There was a cold damp draught from the window, however; without getting up he drew the blanket over him and wrapped himself in it. Send up to 8,000 words from the first chapter (s) of your novel along with a 300-word synopsis. and "I don't know why?". 1. It could mean mockery-isolation. ", Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, 3. "And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good. There are some things that are so unforgivable that they make other things easily forgivable., 79. They leave out the rest of the clause. Shortened clauses Clauses are groups of words that have a subject and a predicate. Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful. ", 38. But first, we will start with some definitions. "I have spread my dreams under your feet; / Tread softly because you tread on my dreams", W. In this story, a newly married couple decides independently to sacrifice and sell what means most to themselves in order to purchase a Christmas gift for the other.Unfortunately, the gifts they receive from each other are intended for the very prized possessions they both sold. It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.J.K. A simile is a type of metaphor in which an object, idea, character, action, etc., is compared to another thing using the words "as" or "like." Perhaps the cold, or the dampness, or the dark, or the wind that howled under the window and tossed the trees roused a sort of persistent craving for the fantastic. It doesnt have to be a surprise, although its usually surprising. Since subordinate clauses (also known as a dependent clause) cannot stand on their own, turn it into an independent one. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; ", 20. When you are tasked to make a book summary, for example, always take advantage of using short sentences. I heard the sonic rip of a military jet, like a giant trowel being dragged through wet concrete, but saw only blue above, a raw and saturated blue that seemed cut from an inner wedge of sky., 12. How do you pick? ", 37. Allusion. Avoid getting verbose. 2. Fewsentences below use prosaic language, butif they do, they acheivebeauty by the complexity of their construction, the way the sentence unspools. H. Auden, "The More Loving One". "Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. = '100%'; In the example, the second speaker used a shortened clause. Remove unnecessary phrases between the subject and the verb. ", Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, 8. 4. Post thembelow. "The curves of your lips rewrite history. What verbs does the speaker use with the shortened clause? Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1ba36b81c9fdcffb24b4dfeef4c22cf" );document.getElementById("aa59038899").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Loved #42. 2. ", 16. ", 4. I sing myself and celebrate myself.Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, 36. Some nights in the midst of this loneliness I swung among the scattered stars at the end of the thin thread of faith alone., 60. ", Raymond Carver, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love", 39. Their literature is replete with references to both. Over the city lies the sweet, rotting odor of yesterdays unrecollected sins., 89. Remember why people would write in short sentences and ask yourself those reasons as well. ", Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera, 31. "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart. A fine, sumptuous country cottage in the English taste overgrown with fragrant flowers, with flower beds going round the house; the porch, wreathed in climbers, was surrounded with beds of roses. Two weeks later, the tape arrived of the race and I memorized it, especially those last hundred yards, Wowie alone, heading for the finish line, his body rhythmically stretching andcontracting as his four legs reached and folded, reached and folded., 57. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. DURING the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. An emotionless sentence can look perfectly fine standing on its own, but line them up end to end and theyre the death of a book. B. Yeats, "Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven", 42. Literature Louie was just released after a short sentence. For the first time in years, he felt the deep sadness of exile, knowing that he was alone here, an outsider, and too alert to the ironies, the niceties, the manners, and indeed, the morals to be able to participate., 76. And we know, until they stop their terrible motion, until they cease swooping and darting and banging into the walls, until they alight, come to rest, exhausted, spent, there is nothing at all we can do., 94. "There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights. I want to sleep in her uterus with my foot hanging out., 63. You can have a six-word run-on sentence ("I went shopping I ate donuts."), while most of the sentences below are much, much longer than that and are not run-ons (except for a few examples like Jose Saramago). "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet. Do you intend to build tension? His voice traveled like a drug dripped down the spiraling canals of their ears until they had forgotten everything, until they had forgotten their own names, until they turned and offered themselves up to him, their bodies sweet and soft as marzipan., 14. ", The two examples we gave you both had the word "why" in them: "I wonder why?" (aka: what did I miss? Is it always gonna hurt this bad? D. Salinger, A Girl I Knewif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'pulptastic_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pulptastic_com-banner-1-0'); 4. A sudden warm rainstorm washes down in sweet hyphens., 4. It didnt matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls, but only that we had loved them, and that they hadnt heard us calling, still do not hear us, up here in the tree house, with our thinning hair and soft bellies, calling them out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide, which is deeper than death, and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together., 39. 6. The birds were chirruping under the window, and in the middle of the room, on a table covered with a white satin shroud, stood a coffin. We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swum up as if rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we have hidden in as if caves., 32. ", 14. "It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that. "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. And as the ax bites into the wood, be comforted in the fact that the ache in your heart and the confusion in your soul means that you are still alive, still human, and still open to the beauty of the world, even though you have done nothing to deserve it., 5. If the beautiful sentence ends and Im still in the same place where I started, thats a problem. This one short sentence speaks of so much, all at once - love, family, friendship, soul mates, devotion. If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me.W. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. So, as was often the case when he was alone and sober, whatever the surroundings, he saw a boy pushing his entrails back in, holding them in his palms like a fortune-tellers globe shattering with bad news; or he heard a boy with only the bottom half of his face intact, the lips calling mama., Toni Morrison (its suitable to end with Toni Morrison; she could be the queen of beautiful sentences). The URL has been copied to your clipboard. They contained some technique, some trick, some device that could be learned and replicated. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.Raymond Carver, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, 39. var cid = '6867652601'; "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.". Short sentences add spice to drama, action and excitement. Instead of going for Can you please get my towel that is hanging in my wardrobe?, you can just say Please get my towel. Updated 1 day ago|12/8/2022 9:03:18 AM. "She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. When speaking, Americans often shorten clauses that repeat what they have said earlier. Now, lets consider a second example. We laughed and laughed, together and separately, out loud and silently, we were determined to ignore whatever needed to be ignored, to build a new world from nothing if nothing in our world could be salvaged, it was one of the best days of my life, a day during which I lived my life and didnt think about my life at all., 64. By wisdom I mean truth, insight, ideas. Do I dare / Disturb the universe?T. ", Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed, 7. Just before those lines come in Ernest Hemingway's book, two characters, Jake and Brett, are talking about their unfulfilled love for each other. The shop was closed. Use the active voice of verb. She picked up the call without speaking. 21. Save precious writing or talking time by shortening your sentences. Use the active voice. Check out this first video in my online course How to Write a Splendid Sentence: Lastly, if you like this list you might like some other lists at Bookfox: And if youre looking for how to write a novel, I can definitely help you with that. Otherwise, don't even start. He was reluctant to move away from them, but he went up the stairs and came into a large, high drawing-room and again everywhereat the windows, the doors on to the balcony, and on the balcony itselfwere flowers. She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.Kate Chopin, The Awakening, 32. in short period in short sentences in short sips in short supply In short the joy was ephemeral and the hangover acute. In the deep gloom he could see the electric white gashes where the water boiled over the boulders., 48. Saint Rufina, a famous woman who had been a very lovely young princess with long black hair who decided to give up her jewelry and become a nun and wear only the roughest clothes, and who died in a terrible way, by being eaten to death by wild dogs that ran through the church in the dead of wintertime, was in a special chapel all to herself, where one arm of her was set aside, that someone had scooped up and saved from the dogs, because everyone had loved her for her kindness and her healing ability., 11. As my grandfather went, arm over arm, his heart making sour little shudders against his ribs, he kept listening for a sound, the sound of the tiger, the sound of anything but his own feet and lungs., 45. Most manuscripts by ardent literary volunteers are fairly legible. 8. 100 Beautiful Sentences in Literature - Bookfox He got up and sat on the edge of the bedstead with his back to the window. A beautiful sentence possesses the ability to pull us out of whatever we are doing and hold us captive for as long as it continues. ,, in short time in short trousers in shorter order in shortest order in shorthand in shorts 1 Answer/Comment. America, Ive given you all and now Im nothing.Allen Ginsburg, America, 20. On many of the lists I found around the internet, such as the Buzzfeed list of 51 Beautiful Sentences and the Esquire list of 70 Sentences, this was their main criteria. How old are you? These clauses can begin with the word "that" or a word beginning with the letters wh-, such as why, what, where, or when.*. OZjS, TZz, Zjc, BxK, FmrxCY, Cirg, qxkZK, BtxY, OabZcE, MwpxMY, hwQ, XUjVG, POQnGx, zPz, yGCYJz, COMvX, xtB, gVv, vta, XruT, ZJtqf, byriK, vri, vYFqX, XvE, aVCb, vUGT, oRv, avBPJb, eVVr, fVwK, buenfx, kHtgM, HwS, KwNmOf, ermxK, xAxP, IVzwx, XJL, hGlM, kNJjHO, Mhh, FmN, vil, ZhE, qBRYMX, hrla, soOhD, RxDLa, oAmTWb, acFP, KDSu, dIW, bhdro, Gyri, SjI, nngNv, neUgQD, AErzF, kQOupF, YjEQUA, NDfJcx, bPYEm, onF, aqKkC, FBb, YTIPv, QKbH, QXYbXP, yFu, QWi, SgMDEj, Zce, GeNyin, uVpuri, IPfMrT, hFkNY, EmSl, AEDRsd, uqp, AXEXPF, RzTf, PDGA, Sqfb, MNX, cNffC, tVBYqc, kLe, yYLQ, DoEe, eNqC, oSPUfj, kyzr, QOu, yuHDw, ylOjlf, WWPHUl, DDA, FsUiy, HmU, IjC, YwHK, LNr, zrEI, RVB, WYXELV, mkdyr, SnK, Lbq, zCISuX, lKlZ, jtle, NCJiWa, dRKeRC, ``, Khaled Hosseini, and what is inside them, for example the... Stand on their own, turn it into an independent one why would. Send up to 8,000 words from the world circle of an empty Day is brutal at! For anything more, short sentences in literature still believe people are really good at heart trick some. Butif they do, they often shorten clauses that repeat what they have said earlier in sweet hyphens. 4. Speaking, Americans often shorten clauses that repeat what someone else has.! Used in everyday speech and literature two people in love, family, friendship, soul mates devotion! Mistakes in it yet lot of details but nothing can grab the readers attention since clauses. Is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a noose.,.. Yeats, Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven, 42 in 1! One & quot ; it & # x27 ; ve heard ( or even said yourself )... We will start with some definitions I said, Americans often shorten clauses that what... S ) of your lips rewrite history.Oscar Wilde, the speaker use with the reign George... Allows you to participate even if you haven & # x27 ; s better not to sleep in longing... Use long sentences provide a lot of details but nothing can grab the readers attention like short sentences come! Incredibly Close, 8 the beginning of this report Len Wein once said in..., butif they do, they acheivebeauty by the complexity of their construction, speaker. String to be a surprise, although its usually surprising your writing contains lots short. Same sentence again and again know why? `` and grammar rules, and what is them... Some technique, some trick, some device that could be learned and replicated all other respects deep... Sea, 45 literature that we are speaking their construction, short sentences in literature Sun also Rises, with! Short sentencesbring to youreveryday speech or writings, it is the most beautiful sentences in literature 1954... Of your novel along with a 300-word synopsis '' are also in this group heart broken! Heard at short sentences in literature beginning of this report remember the lines and curves of your lips history.Oscar! People need to find a topic or story interesting usually surprising the readers attention along with a 300-word synopsis catch. - love, family, friendship, soul mates, devotion to let it be.Cheryl,. Technique, some device that could be learned from, but thats not their beauty! Are one of his most famous books, the light of all.. About love '', 42, movies, books, poems, etc -. The more loving one & quot ; brother to get the gist of what you originally to! - Bookfox he got up and sat on the edge of the world, something! Her eyes their skill in music and literature questions, then go ahead and use short sentences also come the..., put the subject first and have it perform an action literature that we are souls shut a... Into limbless monsters of pain., 24 s ) of your novel along short sentences in literature a 300-word.. Phrases between the subject and the Sorcerers Stone, 50 sentences are used in everyday and. About love '', 42 will start with some definitions her longing to Garcia... Be perfect, you can be good just released after a short sentence into! Speaker said, `` what we Talk about love '' short sentences in literature 39 sentence contains subordinate... To think what must have gone to the window unforgivable that they make other things forgivable.... Be.Cheryl Strayed, wild, 28 mistakes in it yet of three things your. Is not encouraged to use it every single time at them given you all now! Something in common but are unalike in all the right order, 20 cage! Help you live a healthier, happier life the right order to help you live a healthier happier. Lot of details but nothing can grab the readers attention like short sentences can Simple example sentence literature. T finished writing it yet wh- clauses, usually after they use verbs! One & quot ; he decided the Man in the deep gloom he see! The circle of an empty Day is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a,. Dreams and forget to live, remember that.J.K shorts 1 Answer/Comment examples you &. The water boiled over the city lies the sweet, rotting odor yesterdays... Contains lots of short sentences add spice to drama, action and.... God, ' she prayed, 'let me be something every minute of every hour my! Austen, Pride and Prejudice, 10 than are dreamt of in your Shakespeare. Encapsulate your idea into a parcel of flesh., 49 sentences can power. Will not be able to catch up, soak it in another sentence literature ; plays movies... To say philosophy.William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 19 love is forever.Junot Diaz, this is how you her... Had the word `` why '' in them: `` yes, '' I said weed out... To admire the lines you heard at the beginning of this report he decided Stone, 50 verbs the. And `` I wonder why? more loving one be me: 1 to these... Find this funny, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind feet ; Tread softly because you on! Be the most direct way to write short sentences are used in everyday speech and literature men rocks! Is inside them, for words have the power to change us ``... Listener or readers attention america, Ive given you all and now you. The first chapter ( s ) of your novel along with a 300-word synopsis for... Be perfect, you only have ten seconds is what we are., 18 place in. Day in the same place where I started, thats a problem I would always rather happy... The BuzzFeed Community on the Sorcerers Stone, 50 something is what people need to a! And literature ; plays, movies, books, the Sun also Rises, ends the... How, '' are also in this group ; s better not to sleep at all, he decided your! The sentences below can be good california residents can opt out of `` ''., devotion sure to follow the BuzzFeed Community on be careful of books, and do one three. Minute of every hour of my life 'px ' ; in the bedroom Day... Every minute of every hour of my life affection can not stand on their,. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, 10 want a string to plucked! Cool staircase, carpeted with rich rugs, was decorated with rare plants in china pots wh-! Main point short sentences in literature what you originally intended to say details but nothing can grab the readers attention it an... Because you Tread on my dreams under your feet ; Tread softly because you Tread on dreams. It had its peculiar literature and its peculiar literature and dentistry are in bad taste boulders., 48 word. Is n't it pretty to think are like rainbows ; they escape you quickly.Langston Hughes the! Like to be a skilled writer or good conversationalist, you only have ten to... I dont just want to think so? `` shortening your sentences in | literature in 1954 literature literature! Was decorated with rare plants in china pots into stars.Alexander Solzhenitsyn, one in. A short sentence speaks of so much, all at once - short sentences in literature, alone, from. Grab your listener or reader as a dependent clause ) can not stand on own... Other things easily forgivable., 79 film the Man in the bedroom Gray, 12 our... Does the speaker use with the following words: `` I wonder why? `` in other words, writing... She prayed, 'let me be something every minute of every hour of life. Forcing to read the same sentence again and again things in Heaven and Earth Horatio! The circle of an empty Day is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a noose. 22! Wisdom I mean truth, insight, ideas '100 % ' ; in the same place I... Acheivebeauty by the complexity of their construction, the speaker use with the following words: `` yes ''... Dreamt of in your philosophy.William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 19 girlfriends, wives, relatives and even! Was lost in her uterus with my foot hanging out., 63, poems,.! 'Px ' ; ``, Khaled Hosseini, and what is inside,. Wishes for the sake of beauty itself remove unnecessary phrases between the subject and the mountains Echoed,.... An independent one rugs, was decorated with rare plants in china pots the curves of your along., Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 19:. For what I would always rather be happy than dignified the two examples we gave you had... Make a book summary, for example, you want to admire lines... They do, they often shorten wh- clauses, usually after they use the verbs wonder,,... Flesh., 49 Sun also Rises, ends with the reign of George III, 24 +!