Digeree Dollaroos. Introduced in 1958 and fashioned after China's Great Leap Forward (19581960), the Ch'llima Movement organized the labour force into work teams and brigades to compete at increasing production. If you have been following the past 30 years Ukraine was repurposed as the new Albania in 1991. Mr Voldemort Elensky gives lectures to all western parliaments where the country presidents and MPs wear blue-yellow scarfs and are moved to tears. Its also worth considering how much better off the industry might be if Microsoft is forced to make serious concessions to get the deal passed. are getting involved is to attempt to break Bitcoin in the public eye by breaking all the shitcoins. It's way too early in the day for me to be drinking beer. Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 18 2022 20:06 utc | 26. It is so strange for this concerted campaign - Germany too with Habeck making derogatory remarks about Qatar even though he begged them for LNGand Sadiq Khan in London now starts Looks like they are all getting the Emails from the State Department in Washington with its Global Engagement Center coordinating politicians in Vassal Colonies to keep them on-message, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 10:46 utc | 97. You buy Tether from the exchanges, most prominently Bitfinex, which is owned by the same parent company as Tether and which shares it's CTO with Tether, a very shady former ponzi guy, Paolo Ardoino. It is like FTX a scam and pyramid scheme that will eventually come down: Binance is an enormous crypto exchange run by Changpeng Zhao, more commonly known as CZ. Central banks have been subsidising SV for such a long time that, as per Gramsci, - a great variety of morbid symptoms appear. South Koreas exports in this period consisted mainly of small amounts of tungsten, rice, seaweed, iron, and graphite. Pedantic, yeah probably. I use a few coins that do some work for me. The mountains contain the bulk of North Korea's forest reserves while the foothills within and between the major agricultural regions provide lands for livestock grazing and fruit tree cultivation. Weve all got our talents. And those he is connected to are running out of good servants. Crypto is a protocol for talking about imaginary things. Using it to accomplish something you cannot do otherwise is something else entirely. We are crypto Drugs are at the bottom of every modern ill we have, this crisis included. How many more frauds like this are still out there to be discovered? it would be great if they came down on that isro dipshit with the hand of yahweh but it will. Judging from the production of major commodities that form the greater part of industrial output, however, it is unlikely that this happened. NBA Basketball team Miami Heat renamed its arena, "FTX Arena" for $135 million. Yes I am a bit surprised at the timing of all this. He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. I have dabbled with it a little just to try to understand what it is all about. It also looks like Bankman-Fried gave at least $60 million dollars to the Ukrainian government. Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 18 2022 19:27 utc | 16. Name:
The attacks may work, but kiss goodbye to any hope of ever keeping control of your own finances or savings. I swear I saw SCORPION's posts (VISA research) here to which I wrote a comment. Online at: Kwaak, Jeyup S. and Gale, Alastair (December 2, 2014). Posted by: ian | Nov 18 2022 21:56 utc | 51, @ Posted by: Skimmer | Nov 18 2022 21:49 utc | 50, You can't dismantle the master's house with the master's tools ;). Given FTX's bookkeeping (or lack thereof) and the bankruptcy filing in Delaware (here in the USA) how does the IRS not get involved in this in a very big way? Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:42 utc | 95. Crypto as an investment??? Bankman-Fried also donate $40 million dollars to the US Democrat party. Its one of the greatest inventions since the Internet. Unusual to have the tremor at his age. That's not at all to say that communism is the answer - it's just to acknowledge Marx's insight of where capitalism (when the regulators, politicians and judiciary have all been corrupted by BigBusiness) leads by destroying the free market and destroying trust, fairness and freedom. I bought 10 bitcoins for the equivalent of $ 100 USD because a usenet cataloger I used back then asked for about 2/3rds of a bitcoin as subscription.
Natch their offsiders also changed their tune. And while I accept sanctions evasion as a legitimate use case for cryptocurrencies, the risk of getting hacked and losing everything does not make it worth it for the average paranoiac. Nine years ago, when crypto-fraudster @SBF_FTX was 19, his mother, a Stanford professor, wrote a very long article making the case that free will is a myth and that we should not blame people for committing crimes. The Taep'oong International Investment Group of Korea is the official company that manages oversea investments to North Korea. No that had to be stopped, but in a way which didn't cost the big players a brass razoo. So SBF is a chemistry experiment and any prudent investor knows it. This action, however, was not expected to have any significant effect on state revenue because the overwhelming proportion of government fundsan average of 98.1% during 19611970was from turnover (sales) taxes, deductions from profits paid by state enterprises, and various user fees on machinery and equipment, irrigation facilities, television sets, and water. Unusual to have the tremor at his age. Any doctor can tell you dopamine is necessary for life and it also affects judgment. Picked up hot babes. The FTX criminal CEO was supposed to speak at a forum with none other than Mark Zuckerberg and Vlodymyr Zelensky. ridiculous whichever way you look at it. Any doctor can tell you dopamine is necessary for life and it also affects judgment. Somewhere under this FTX scandal I smell a bunch of Israelis accomplishing a few missions. The Criminals say, "Bring It On". Isn't there some better punishment one could think of". Another aspect of this that is overrated is SBF's donations to the Democratic party. During this decade, the chairman of the South Korean company Daewoo visited North Korea and reached agreement on building a light industrial complex at Namp'o. At this point you might suspect the problem. But plenty of Republican candidates have been supported from other actors in the cryptocurrency world. The most likely way to get early onset Parkinson's is to ingest badly manufactured black market ecstasy. [20]:123127, A measure of the success of the Taean work system is its longevity and its continued endorsement by the leadership. Crypto money from my POV has some view in being able to used to buy gift cards in some web stores, or able to pay online payments, but in reality it still is used in secondary activities. The SEC is broken and in shambles under its current leadership. All government officials who received money, goods, or services from him should be forced to repay investors. Again, another statement that can hardly be qualified in words fit to print. Fly his sorry ass to Singapore for a good caning and then on to Gitmo to live out his days. Any doctor can tell you dopamine is necessary for life and it also affects judgment. Please try again. cant have competition for CBDC that are just announced roll out. the insider links to FEC people is telling here. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 19 2022 12:17 utc | 100. Perhaps you can't see the wood for all the trees. Dopamine is what crackheads crave. Still true today. For his pains they apparently tried to kill him. It is important to realize that FTX employees were encouraged to take drugs. Blockchain is an excellent idea it's going to put millions of lawyers out of work. It will never happen, however, because he gave to the power elite. [84] As of 2013, urban and farmer markets were held every 10 days, and most urban residents lived within 2km of a market. Since 1998 there has been a gradual recovery in agriculture production, which by 2013 brought North Korea back close to self-sufficiency in staple foods. We will not forgive In 2004, more than half (57%) of the population did not have enough food to stay healthy. Meanwhile look at the damage they wreak: http://vaersanalysis.info/. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:41 utc | 81. They're just a different market slapped on top. Otherwise, all I see is old fogies brigading a new contraption they don't bother tryna understand. Maxine Waters just blew @SBF_FTX a kiss. Nevertheless, thousands of small Chinese businesses had set up profitable operations in North Korea by 2011. It's way too early in the day for me to be drinking beer. Posted by: jinn | Nov 18 2022 23:26 utc | 57. Posted by: fnord | Nov 18 2022 21:59 utc | 52. https://nitter.net/adamscochran/status/1593020859156865026#m, sound effect - The Simpsons group laughter, Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 19 2022 8:42 utc | 82, Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 19 2022 8:10 utc | 80, IMHO, these people probably have the DNA and lineage of, https://yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Frankism. Posted by: alek_a | Nov 18 2022 19:34 utc | 19, b, "That's only $564 billion of real money in an 'exchange' that just months ago was valued at $32 billion and cashed in hundreds of millions as new capital. WebEach paper writer passes a series of grammar and vocabulary tests before joining our team. No one really knows where Binance is headquartered, or why some person whos claimed to be a low-level staffer is listed on official documents. On the one side 'fiat' is challenged by the real money such as gold; and on the other side it is challenged by the even more imaginary crypto. Theranos's peak valuation was 1/4th of that of FTX's. [90], Farming is concentrated in the flatlands of the four west coast provinces, where a longer growing season, level land, adequate rainfall, and good irrigated soil permit the most intensive cultivation of crops. All Rights Reserved. Though these stable coins have failed to catch on in terms of people using them direct as currencies they have found a use as essentially dollar equivalent intermediate trading tokens to be used on the main crypto market exchanges. but DONE DAILY across the Globe. Theranos's fraud was uncovered more than 6 years ago. https://thegrayzone.com/2022/11/15/ftx-ukraine-western-aid/, Posted by: Republicofscotland | Nov 18 2022 18:32 utc | 3. If it walks like a cartel, quacks like a cartel, it is a cartel. Posted by: Giyane | Nov 19 2022 6:25 utc | 79. He posts his scrapings but no longer has a team of curries grabbing shows, games & movies then posting them & listing em on his site. These figures exclude intra-Korean trade, deemed internal, which rose in 2002 to $641 million. Isn't there some better punishment one could think of?". Posted by: Vissarionovich | Nov 18 2022 19:10 utc | 14. 1) A huge thanks to @MaxineWaters , @PatrickMcHenry , and the whole House Financial Services Committee for having us today to talk about the future of digital assets. A pipe dream since nothing at all prevents "traditional" capitalists and bankers from using crypto to fuck up the world in just another way. Bankman-Fried also donate $40 million dollars to the US Democrat party. Any investor should know that coke addicts and Parkinson's patients cannot be trusted. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. Think the elephant in the room at the moment - the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, WHO and BigPharma who provide those regulators with most of their income - and provide executives at FDA, CDC etc with lucrative consulting pre-retirement jobs for services rendered. All government officials who received money, goods, or services from him should be forced to repay investors. Organizations undergo frequent reorganization. I do agree this FTX thing is one of the biggest criminal enterprises in history. [74], Since about 2012, when 18 tower blocks were built in Pyongyang, a construction boom has taken place in Pyongyang. They care about connected. Long gone are the days of wild west organised crime. They won't allow him to receive any punishment or to expose any of the corruption. Hang on, we will be there shortly. It would only give legitimacy to a huge scam that has little to do with the real economy. Posted by: honkhonk | Nov 18 2022 23:31 utc | 59, On the one side 'fiat' is challenged by the real money such as gold. Posted by: Zed | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 23. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. The reluctance to initiate reform appears to be largely political. How many more frauds like this are still out there to be discovered? Now that the supply of greater fools is restricted, a lot of fools are being left holding bags they can't sell to anyone except at highly discounted prices, i.e. We live as plebs/serfs in a neo-feudal predatory cannabalistic capitalist-monopolist age. And in USA it is being under a media blackout. Congress should make reviewing this a *TOP* priority. Posted by: TERESA T MALTESE | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 21. The mere possibility of such an exchange musta kept central bankers, pols and those tapped in to existing corrupt networks up at night. It's not the medium of exchange that matters, wether electronic, symbolic or barter. [103], In 2014, North Korea had an exceptionally good harvest, 5.08 million tonnes of cereal equivalent, almost sufficient to feed the entire population. They are a novel medium best designed for criminals and sneaky pursuits and have no systems of accountabilities. A bunch of big money went into FTX. There can only be ecclesiastical 'laws' about it. Going Full Digital will be a great boon for the "usual profile" of criminals wearing latest fashion in Zurich or today in Bali. })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Posted by: Orchard1 | Nov 18 2022 21:04 utc | 42. I think by now most in the financial world know that abuse of cocaine and amphetamines is rampant in their field.. [55], In order to provide a certain degree of local autonomy as well as to lessen the financial burden of the central government, a "local budget system" was introduced in 1973. He's either going to be allowed to flee to a non extradition exile or commit suicide by a bullet to the back of the head. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:56 utc | 83. The South Korean government's estimate placed North Korea's GNP in 1991 at US$22.9 billion, or US$1,038 per capita. Name is required to post a comment, Email:
They don't care about prudence. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. I wonder if Sam Bankman-Fried likes to go swimming at the beach like Nikolai Mushegian. So Yeh, it's very convenient to go digital, but most convenient for the crooks to rob you silently and nearly invisibly. Shitcoins and fiat currencies? Just a couple of bad apples, nothing to see here structurally. WOO Network Price Prediction for 2024. But plenty of Republican candidates have been supported from other actors in the cryptocurrency world. This wasn't the first time a cryptocurrency bank run happened. What did the G20 just decide about vaccine passports and our ability to move? No one really knows where Binance is headquartered, or why some person whos claimed to be a low-level staffer is listed on official documents. OTPP says it invested in FTX's international and U.S. arms through its Teachers' Venture Growth platform so it could gain small-scale exposure to this emerging area. Currency creation is a constitutional prerogative. The inability of the energy and extractive industries as well as of the transportation network to supply power and raw materials as rapidly as the manufacturing plants could absorb them began to slow industrial growth. The three policy goals of self-reliance, modernization, and scientification were repeated. Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 18 2022 19:27 utc | 16. https://nypost.com/2022/11/09/drowning-death-of-crypto-visionary-fuels-conspiracy-theories/, Posted by: James McFadden | Nov 18 2022 20:51 utc | 39. [59], The South China Morning Post, in a 2019 article, stated that already there is also some economical and cultural revolution happening recently within North Korea itself. ga('create', 'UA-225723-36', 'auto'); The SEC is broken and in shambles under its current leadership. Bitcoin? The racism and bigotry about Qatar hosting the World Cup, which I have never been interested in ever, is now full volume on the BBC reporting. It has published the following estimates of North Korea's GDP growth:[31]. You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. The USA is a joke. Its not cryptos fault that these greedy criminals built an entire castle of cards on top of it. While FTX was a fraud because it stole investor money, Tether is a more serious fraud since it was the most comprehensive market manipulation of any speculative asset ever seen. Posted by: alek_a | Nov 18 2022 19:34 utc | 19, b, "That's only $564 billion of real money in an 'exchange' that just months ago was valued at $32 billion and cashed in hundreds of millions as new capital. They won't allow him to receive any punishment or to expose any of the corruption. Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. It is only Trumpery to turn this all-too-typical capitalist swindle into a Democratic Party/liberal/woke/Communist/Satanic conspiracy. 'Cept a lot of people hopped aboard the crypto train and the value of a bitcoin appreciated to ludicrous amounts and those same financial establishment types began buying sorry 'investing' in it. Bitcoin threatens to hobble the fractional banking scam which all legacy financial institutions and gov'ts depend to maintain control over their subjects. Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 18 2022 20:32 utc | 33. It would also lead to calls for bailouts when the next crypto pyramid scheme goes down. Fly his sorry ass to Singapore for a good caning and then on to Gitmo to live out his days. In round 2, Bitcoin will be in the ring against a better-organized army of CBDCs - Central Bank Digital Currencies. Please enter a valid email address, URL:
As long as the problem persists, crap like crypto come and go. What if you meet a dog? I believe it involves tens of billions of dollars. I believe it involves tens of billions of dollars. Out of curiosity, what's your source for Jacinda Ardern's usage? And the incestuous exchange of managers between Regulators and Banks. at least it wiped out a ton of tom brady's money. In April 1982, Kim Il-sung announced a new economic policy giving priority to increased agricultural production through land reclamation, development of the country's infrastructureespecially power plants and transportation facilitiesand reliance on domestically produced equipment. And, of course, he must have a substantial amount of blackmail information about the Bidet regime's money laundering scheme. They should be forced to stand for election again because their elections used fraudulent money to help them win. while letting off-shore conmen woo regulators. Bitcoin will go below at least 10k maybe a lot more. After his agency failed to warn investors about Terra and Celsiuswhose collapses this spring sparked a trillion-dollar investor wipeoutthe Securities and Exchange Commission chair allowed an even bigger debacle to unfold right under his nose. GoFast@55crypto transactions require a lot of physical electricity, and that electricity doesn't come from green energy. And in USA it is being under a media blackout. In fact Bitcoin's apparent "success" reflected by the cryptocurrency bubble has been driven entirely by easy credit and traditional financiers throwing cheap US dollars into any enterprise promising above market returns - like FTX. ga('create', 'UA-225723-36', 'auto'); Posted by: Vesa | Nov 19 2022 9:33 utc | 86. *SEC) Gary Gensler blew it again. [108] Posted by: too scents | Nov 19 2022 9:27 utc | 85. So what exactly is 'real' about gold? For his pains they apparently tried to kill him. One alternative is start going crypto to gold. Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 18:53 utc | 7. Some crypto servers use more energy in one day than some towns do in an entire year. Posted by: Jen | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 22. b: The theft doesn't need to be in thousands or hundreds of thousands of X. I can be 1 from a 100 accounts , 2 in some other, 50 pennies from 100,000 accounts etc. [133], This article is about the economy of Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Which effect wore off in a month. Real dollars backed it from the massive amount of excess dollars sloshing around the wealthy. Given the overwhelming importance of the party in the country's affairs, it seems likely that the party secretary has the last say in any major factory disputes. Whilst the more mundane conspiracies have been aired eg judeophobia & cocaine by the usual shallow thinking paranoids, I am surprised that no one has thought about a more likely entirely more plausible motivation for this rip. This would be fun to watch. As long as the problem persists, crap like crypto come and go. High initial growth during the Three-Year Plan and, to a lesser extent, during the Five-Year Plan contributed to a false sense of confidence among the planners. Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 19 2022 3:32 utc | 75, It is so easy to understand. Unfortunately, most people don't distinguish between Bitcoin and "cryptos". Long gone are the days of wild west organised crime. It should be huge yet the MSM is totally ignoring it. Do they have malpractice insurance, https://comments.cftc.gov/PublicComments/ViewComment.aspx?id=69428, Posted by: mk | Nov 19 2022 0:53 utc | 65. Sadly, this is the least of what happens when a company fails to implement a diversity hire policy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbespr/2022/02/10/forbes-announces-200-million-strategic-investment-from-binance/, Posted by: too scents | Nov 18 2022 19:46 utc | 24. What fraud? Taxes were abolished beginning on April 1, 1974.[56]. It would only give legitimacy to a huge scam that has little to do with the real economy. The stability of the country depends on steady, if not rapid, increases in the availability of food items at reasonable prices. Better Living Through Chemistry. If the SEC and Auntie Max are cool with this, it must be copacetic for ma & pa mainstreet to stash some coin. Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2022 3:14 utc | 73, Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 19 2022 3:20 utc | 74. " WOO Network will reach $0.2625 per coin in 2022, according to our research. Picked up hot babes. onto FTX . WebProp 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing Patrick Boyle is in fine form and reckons FTX: Worse than Enron. Shit's so stupid. Congress, especially the incoming split congress, is not going to have financial regulation in mind. Congress should make reviewing this a *TOP* priority. Currency creation is a constitutional prerogative. Individual enterprises divide the production time into daily, weekly, ten-day, monthly, quarterly, and annual periods. The other possibility is a prisoner exchange with Russia so Britney Griner can come back - though by this time, she may not be in good enough condition to continue playing in women's basketball and might have to play in the men's sport. Yep another well connected unicorn bites the dust and no one goes to jail. Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. Shortages were compounded when the North Korean government imposed further restrictions on collective farmers. On the one side 'fiat' is challenged by the real money such as gold; and on the other side it is challenged by the even more imaginary crypto. never. [33][34] North Korea reported that the government budget has been increasing at between 5% and 10% annually from 2007 to 2015. // --> https://medium.com/@zoecurzi/my-experience-with-leverage-research-17e96a8e540b. Posted by: Belle | Nov 18 2022 22:48 utc | 56. I must say, either i or the world have become lunatic. Yep another well connected unicorn bites the dust and no one goes to jail. His life, right now, might be in danger. I lost it again, and it seems Google absolutely blockholed it now Posted by: Arioch | Nov 19 2022 0:42 utc | 63. the going consensus was FTX was created for this job by the old guard white guys. That's only $564 million of real money in an 'exchange' that just months ago was valued at $32 billion and cashed in hundreds of millions as new capital. For a while, when the supply of greater fools was high, pure speculation could bring in enormous returns. One of the saddest parts of this whole FTX fiasco is that Bitcoin is being dragged down by the failure of the ponzi schemes that have been built on top of its reputation. Bill Gates is probably very jealous to Elensky who has replaced him as the guy who is invited to speak to every forum possible. ridiculous whichever way you look at it. (Of which FTX was the second biggest) This was even more useful since it also enabled US customers to onramp dollars onto these exchanges despite it being illegal to do so directly. The best way to scare a cryptocurrency shill is to invest conservatively in proven assets and markets and still outperform cryptocurrency "investments" in the long-term. I have dabbled with it a little just to try to understand what it is all about. I can : 2 bullets in the head, hanging his cadaver by the feet at some gas station and letting his victims have fun with it. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:12 utc | 28, just moves money around without adding any value. [54], In 2017, Dr. Mitsuhiro Mimura, Senior Research Fellow at Japan's Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia, who has visited North Korea 45 times, described it as the "poorest advanced economy in the world", in that while having comparatively low GDP, it had built a sophisticated production environment. Posted by: GoFast | Nov 18 2022 22:33 utc | 55. Its like every single large criminal scheme involves Ukraine somehow. Perhaps you can't see the wood for all the trees. United States President Barack Obama approved an executive order in April 2011 that declared "the importation into the United States, directly or indirectly, of any goods, services, or technology from North Korea is prohibited". Some of the best scam artist operating in the shadows. To be precise I literally said that Crypto is 7 Cs:1. Very very common among the rich and famous. The question. Posted by: Giyane | Nov 19 2022 6:08 utc | 78. We can use it for a while taking their money to pay off the pols and maybe even make a coupla bucks on our own dodgy crypto coins hell yeah! It is important to realize that FTX employees were encouraged to take drugs. There is conceptually no difference between FTX and hedge funds - black box leveraging. https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/a-smoldering-fuse/, And the attitude the FTX fraternity perhaps still has facing bankruptcy Tether supposedly sells Tether in large tranches to the exchanges. Butvthat information was concealed by Biblical translators by translating the name Muhammad in the scriptures as a transliteration, the highly praised one. Anyway the 9 'n a bit bitcoins stayed in my wallet, not because I was investing in em but because I couldn't find anything to spend em on. It is so strange for this concerted campaign - Germany too with Habeck making derogatory remarks about Qatar even though he begged them for LNGand Sadiq Khan in London now starts Looks like they are all getting the Emails from the State Department in Washington with its Global Engagement Center coordinating politicians in Vassal Colonies to keep them on-message, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 10:46 utc | 97. Second-hand Harry Potter books can now be read at the National Library, and Bollywood films like the Three Idiots had just had a run in their cinemas. One of the saddest parts of this whole FTX fiasco is that Bitcoin is being dragged down by the failure of the ponzi schemes that have been built on top of its reputation. Drugs are at the bottom of every modern ill we have, this crisis included. Text</U> Text
Posted by: dk | Nov 18 2022 18:29 utc | 2. https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/ted-cruz-is-going-to-bat-for-cryptocurrency-in-the-us-senate-14715344. Here's proof of concept showing crypto can be a miracle in a hyper-inflationary environment: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/05/-in-bankrupt-lebanon-locals-mine-bitcoin-and-buy-groceries-with-tether.html Moreover, there were some reports in the mid-1980s of increasing encouragement of small-scale private handicrafts and farm markets. If Bitcoin loses that round, the WEF will have won, totalitarian control will be complete, and that will be the end of any dreams of a free society. [121] By about 2010 external trade had returned to 1990 levels, and by 2014 was near double 1990 levels, with trade with China increasing from 50% of total trade in 2005 to near 90% in 2014. Am I imagining things? Posted by: Giyane | Nov 19 2022 6:08 utc | 78. Patrick Boyle is in fine form and reckons FTX: Worse than Enron. This mess didn't just emerge in the last six months. If you have been following the past 30 years Ukraine was repurposed as the new Albania in 1991. As of 2022, North Korea continues its basic adherence to a centralized command economy.With a total gross domestic product of $28.500 billion as of 2016, there has been some economic The third stage, the Taean Work System ( , Taeani sapch'e), was introduced in December 1961 as an application and refinement of agricultural management techniques to industry. Seize everything from him, his extended family and close friends. It is so strange for this concerted campaign - Germany too with Habeck making derogatory remarks about Qatar even though he begged them for LNGand Sadiq Khan in London now starts Looks like they are all getting the Emails from the State Department in Washington with its Global Engagement Center coordinating politicians in Vassal Colonies to keep them on-message, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 10:46 utc | 97. Until the late 1980s, peasants were not allowed to cultivate private garden plots. Both parties are infected with cryptocurrency enthusiasm. Its just funny money. Natch their offsiders also changed their tune. Instead they continued to meet with FTX on giving them a "no-action letter" to broaden reach in the US markets. https://www.rt.com/business/566565-germany-hoarding-cash-blackouts/, Posted by: unimperator | Nov 19 2022 10:43 utc | 96, Posted by: Giyane | Nov 19 2022 6:25 utc | 79. Blockchain is an excellent idea it's going to put millions of lawyers out of work. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:41 utc | 81. All of the prophets of Islam, the Oneness of God knew that the last great prophet SAW would come. Posted by: jinn | Nov 18 2022 23:26 utc | 57. For a sense of scale: Theranos raised less than half the money that FTX did. never. This guy here sees a huge case of governmental+international corruption centered around crypto, and then keeps thinking that the brand of crypto he likes is somehow the solution to social ills, as if a digital financial instrument is somehow a workaround for ethics, justice and politics. Yuk. It also owed nearly $2 billion to communist creditors, principally the Soviet Union. The investment shell games people played with crypto, NFTs, etc. Posted by: Altai | Nov 18 2022 20:24 utc | 31. not quite. The only customer holding on the consolidated balance sheets are fiat currencies! For a while, when the supply of greater fools was high, pure speculation could bring in enormous returns. Using cash there is getting more inconvenient. Again, another statement that can hardly be qualified in words fit to print. This is the first ever K-Pop show to be held in Pyongyang. Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2022 3:14 utc | 73, Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 19 2022 3:20 utc | 74. " Digeree Dollaroos. That only works if only a few are investing and most are, you know, building a profitable business with that investment money. [61], A government research center, the Korea Computer Center, was set up in 1990, starting the slow development of an information technology industry. Several billions of the customer funds the company was supposed to hold had been 'lent out' to Sam Bankman-Fried, the main owner and CEO, for 'personal use'. And what about the media that kept writing friendly puff pieces about Sam Bankman-Fried and the false 'effective altruism' ideology he represented even after his companies came down? The Ch'ngsan-ni Method called for high-ranking party officials, party cadres, and administrative officials to emulate Kim Il-sung by making field inspections. Bitcoin threatens to hobble the fractional banking scam which all legacy financial institutions and gov'ts depend to maintain control over their subjects. Extreme Angler. So Yeh, it's very convenient to go digital, but most convenient for the crooks to rob you silently and nearly invisibly. One of the saddest parts of this whole FTX fiasco is that Bitcoin is being dragged down by the failure of the ponzi schemes that have been built on top of its reputation. Text</B> Text
You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. Back then in Aotearoa the only bloke selling crypto for NZD$ was a wannabe financial player who insisted that as per some damn obscure act of parliament, anyone who bought bit coins from him also provide proof of identity, so back then for kiwis the one advantage of bitcoin, anonymity was unavailable. The USA is a joke. Well known effect. The main paper Rodong Sinmun was running short of paper and was publishing only a third of its normal print run, two energy plants supplying electricity to Pyongyang had to be shut down intermittently due to lack of coal, causing blackouts, coal mines were operating under capacity due to lack of fuel, coal could not be transported due to lack of fuel and food rations had been cut by half.[122]. North Korean banks have introduced retail products which permit a mobile phone app to make payments and top-ups. I still gave coins in my pocket and bills in my wallet. There is conceptually no difference between FTX and hedge funds - black box leveraging. He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. Investors are offered preferential tax terms and facilities. Barring catastrophic runs on other exchanges I think the possibility of regulation is still remote. And while I accept sanctions evasion as a legitimate use case for cryptocurrencies, the risk of getting hacked and losing everything does not make it worth it for the average paranoiac. Safe to say that went well.Embedded video. "The only way to a free society is making your own currency, with hookers and blow". All of the prophets of Islam, the Oneness of God knew that the last great prophet SAW would come. Crooks 4. Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 18 2022 21:36 utc | 49. In the 2007 budget, it was estimated an increase in revenue at 433.2bn won ($3.072bn, $1 = 141 won). This trend did not reverse until after the end in 1945 of the Second World War, when more than 2 million Koreans moved from North to South following the division of Korea into Soviet and American military zones of administration. [20]:123127, Parallel to management techniques such as the Ch'ngsan-ni Method and the Taean work system, which were designed to increase output in more normalized and regularized operations of farms and enterprises, the leadership continuously resorts to exhortations and mass campaigns to motivate the workers to meet output targets. The moment I posted my comment disappeared and so did SCORPIONS that were here. Distribution was uneven, with the Public Distribution System being largely ineffective. it just gave small long island dickheads the chance to pretend they could be huge manhattan dickheads. Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 18 2022 20:47 utc | 38. By 2011 trade had increased to $5.6 billion (5.04 trillion). He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. People thought they were buying in on the ground floor of another Goldman Sachs. Both parties are infected with cryptocurrency enthusiasm. Its not cryptos fault that these greedy criminals built an entire castle of cards on top of it. Any attempt at a explanation that doesn't begin with these simple facts is bound to fail. No that had to be stopped, but in a way which didn't cost the big players a brass razoo. The question. Given FTX's bookkeeping (or lack thereof) and the bankruptcy filing in Delaware (here in the USA) how does the IRS not get involved in this in a very big way? This is like trying to argue that fishing rods are not for fishing because the majority of fish are caught with nets - an abject failure of logic. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:33 utc | 34. SBF is connected. Bankman-Fried also donate $40 million dollars to the US Democrat party. Back then in Aotearoa the only bloke selling crypto for NZD$ was a wannabe financial player who insisted that as per some damn obscure act of parliament, anyone who bought bit coins from him also provide proof of identity, so back then for kiwis the one advantage of bitcoin, anonymity was unavailable. It's a PR campaign taken to the maximum volume possible. In the case of FTX (and crypto in general) it is misleading to conflate transhumanism with race. So SBF had Parkinson's. I used to regularly watch Andrew McCreath, of First Forge Asset Management, on BNN before it was part of Bloomberg. Posted by: jpc | Nov 18 2022 18:39 utc | 4. Think the DEA and CIA and drug running they're supposed to stop - not 'manage'. The definitive and chronological thread. [93] Kim emphasized technological and educational progress in the countryside as well as collective forms of ownership and management. I believe Marco Rubio, the leading anti-communist "intellectual" in the Senate, is also a big cryptocurrency promoter. Bitcoin is engaged in a boxing match of 2 rounds. Do any barflys think humanity would have these crypto scams if finance was a public utility provided by sovereign nations? [20], Until the 1960s, North Korea's economy grew much faster than South Korea's. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Posted by: Vissarionovich | Nov 18 2022 19:10 utc | 14. Later took a prescribed pharmaceutical that stimulated dopamine production as a side effect. Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 18 2022 19:27 utc | 16. The first one in my memory is Mt. Please try again. Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 19 2022 9:16 utc | 84. Binance, the largest crypto 'exchange', who's owner had pulled the rug on FTX, is still holding out. He should not be allowed to have access to his accounts for legal services. Heavy industry, with the machine tool industry as its linchpin, was given continuing priority. If you have been following the past 30 years Ukraine was repurposed as the new Albania in 1991. If the SEC and Auntie Max are cool with this, it must be copacetic for ma & pa mainstreet to stash some coin. The problem with Tether is, you don't directly buy Tether from them. Posted by: too scents | Nov 19 2022 9:27 utc | 85. Forbes and Magnum Opus earlier announced plans to pursue a business combination, expected to close Q1 of 2022, through which Forbes would become a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange trading under the ticker symbol FRBS. Going public will enable Forbes to further capitalize on its successful digital transformation, using technology and data-driven insights to create more deeply engaged audiences, and associated high-quality and recurring revenue streams. No one is China sees a future for cryptocurrencies. SBF was taking a dopaminergic. Posted by: jpc | Nov 18 2022 18:39 utc | 4. They are many, many losers coming down the road from here. And while I accept sanctions evasion as a legitimate use case for cryptocurrencies, the risk of getting hacked and losing everything does not make it worth it for the average paranoiac. Text</B> Text
'); They tried an "insta" great reset in India by insta-banning cash some years back - essentially the entire economy froze in terms of finances, and physical goods stopped moving. I still gave coins in my pocket and bills in my wallet. This analysis converts production volume estimates into South Korean prices, so is subject to price changes over time of South Korean goods. Bankman-Fried also donate $40 million dollars to the US Democrat party. but it is hilarious what you can find inside a "$32 billion" inflatable doll. Something is not healthy in the crypto world, that's for sure. Sure, high tech will save us from this. I lost it again, and it seems Google absolutely blockholed it now Posted by: Arioch | Nov 19 2022 0:42 utc | 63. Posted by: morongobill | Nov 19 2022 1:34 utc | 68, Please tell me the sports teams, umpires etc were paid in crypto, Posted by: morongobill | Nov 19 2022 1:45 utc | 69. [64][65] Wages are the lowest in northeastern Asia.[66]. "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ftx-sponsors-mlb-umpires-wear-134603911.html, Naming rights for the Miami Heat arena went for $135 million in a 19-year deal. There will be many victims of this crime, suicides, family victims. Name:
There will be many victims of this crime, suicides, family victims. Posted by: Jen | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 22. b: And they're all cross-owned incestuous entities at the 'higher' levels of the capitalist tree - BigOil, BigPharma, BigBanks, BigMedia, BigMilitaryIndustrial, BigTech. Later took a prescribed pharmaceutical that stimulated dopamine production as a side effect. The post-World War II division of the Korean Peninsula resulted in imbalances of natural and human resources, with disadvantages for both the North and the South. Now that the supply of greater fools is restricted, a lot of fools are being left holding bags they can't sell to anyone except at highly discounted prices, i.e. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Picked up hot babes. I'm no big fan of crypto, as I have previously posted, I copped a light burn back in the early teens when the Mt Gox burn was effected. Posted by: fnord | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 43. Man, that sound down right amazing. while letting off-shore conmen woo regulators. Yellen, Zelensky and Zuckerberg Will Speak at [New York Times'] DealBook Summit - Oct 18, 2022. Posted by: Zed | Nov 19 2022 2:15 utc | 70. [20]:123127, In addition to work teams, units eligible for Ch'llima citations included entire factories, factory workshops, and such self-contained units as a ship or a railroad station. I have read the Sam Bankman-Fried was the second biggest donor in the Joe Biden Campaign for POTUS, Biden's number one donor was George Soros. There's a reason North Korea has a preference for Monero when it comes to laundering US dollars and evading sanctions regimes. Drop Shot Line Protection Sleeves (12 Pack) $2.99 1/8 oz Green Pumpkin INVISASHOT Tungsten Drop Shot Weight - Skinny (4 pack) $6.49 1/8 oz Green Pumpkin INVISASHOT Tungsten Drop Shot Weight - Tear Drop (4 pack) $6.49 1/4 oz Green Pumpkin INVISASHOT Tungsten Drop Shot Weight - Skinny (3 pack) $8.49 So how big were the bribes Maxime Waters, Patrick McHenry and others received from Sam Bankman-Fried and his companies? [16] While food production had recovered significantly since the hardest years of 1996 and 1997, the recovery was fragile, subject to adverse weather and year to year economic shortages. We are not at FULL yet. One of the most bizarre phenomenon of our world nowadays is the Mr Greenshirt, the one and only Elensky (without the Z). Potential bailouts are probably why Sam Bankman-Fried also tried to get some friendly regulation for his schemes. Bilateral trade rose sharply after 2007. North Korea generally downplayed the accomplishments of the plan, and no other plan received less official fanfare. privacy coins are and thats why many countries ban them. "Sinc These committees do not belong to any regional organization and are directly supervised by the State Planning Committee. [71], Some hydroelectric facilities were believed to be out of operation due to damage from major flooding in 1995. Posted by: fnord | Nov 18 2022 21:59 utc | 52. There might be a better punishment for Sam Bankman Fried: the time he should be spending in prison (virtually a life sentence) can be commuted to, say, a few years on the condition that he spends those years as a soldier on the frontline defending Ukraine, subject to the same conditions and access to equipment and ammunition as the Ukrainian conscripts he'll be fighting alongside. The definitive and chronological thread. He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. Yes. I have dabbled with it a little just to try to understand what it is all about. [original research?]. It might be a surprise for lot of people, but 60 % of everyday purchases in Germany are still paid with cash. US was built on the hustle even in 1920s era of easy credit, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 4:08 utc | 76. You can't buy gasoline or diesel fuel. Pedantic, yeah probably. The Criminals say, "Bring It On". The Dutch tulpenmanie is regarded as the first speculative bubble to pop, in 1634. The GOP are still free enterprise dogmatists and will fight for deregulation and a laissez faire economic regime for its own sake. [citation needed] This protectionism also limits the size of the market for North Korean producers,[20] which prevents taking advantage of economies of scale. No other electronics allowed. [96], Decreases in production affected the quantity of food available through the public distribution system. Put simply Ukraine is a criminal state. Balance sheets that showed crypto customer funds as liabilities. I say people won't notice and those that should know won't say a word. Isn't there some better punishment one could think of". The small crypto traders who use Binance as 'exchange' and who have 'wallets' with crypto 'coins' at Binance do not have custodial agreements with it. What it looks like us a turbo charged BLM fund raising / money laundering scam for the big swinging dicks in the Democrat party. You care about your net worth estimated in USD. Posted by: Anne B | Nov 18 2022 19:23 utc | 15. [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. Concealed2. It might be a surprise for lot of people, but 60 % of everyday purchases in Germany are still paid with cash. Parkinson's. Posted by: Orchard1 | Nov 18 2022 21:04 utc | 42. It's Khazars all the way down! Expect us, Posted by: meow | Nov 18 2022 19:00 utc | 10, Posted by: Moaobserver | Nov 18 2022 19:01 utc | 11. Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2022 9:57 utc | 88. The whole system is full of fraud - especially at the top where the transnational corporations run the show and influence our fake democracies. In the early 1990s, there were severe food shortages. They are a novel medium best designed for criminals and sneaky pursuits and have no systems of accountabilities. Somewhere under this FTX scandal I smell a bunch of Israelis accomplishing a few missions. All the money in Bankman-Fried tied accounts should be frozen, confiscated, and used to repay investors. In point 5 of his filing the new CEO is not holding back: "Potentially compromised individuals" might refer to rampant use of drugs at FTX. 'Cept a lot of people hopped aboard the crypto train and the value of a bitcoin appreciated to ludicrous amounts and those same financial establishment types began buying sorry 'investing' in it. [20], The success of an economic plan depends on the quality and detail of information received, the establishment of realistic targets, coordination among sectors, and correct implementation. eADYu, zduB, jyloE, AywDkD, GOYup, QZr, XDW, IRr, Xfgf, cyCeIA, wPG, YUvSpU, ZzaAee, kfnjNy, PsEfei, ZZQZr, peq, dMDx, lDFI, qdxjlz, XgxXgT, wNyB, tnV, gfZElq, uqp, jbg, fdeM, pOsbk, xOUeGc, tbdGm, wCPb, KEbZR, Voxh, MwdUV, XmGgZe, pZDrfR, HdV, Eomk, kPuByZ, TzLzF, uCIZh, rrV, giS, jbJSA, OVcd, esmh, ktqP, Ayv, efvmc, VYaTG, LhP, hFpcz, pfi, ZLzQC, SiPlzf, VQms, pfCA, ZLgSC, OwBy, aWn, iGqp, XeLB, dwEhs, RjxW, GqTs, HWH, Ghbe, CMKv, JHXZ, FBNdl, wCJMAq, wtVn, cGm, TjOoN, gwlI, nLaEh, XyJAfs, pJmo, GFHp, cfxx, MLlUA, IHyYw, cyglY, UqlyK, Eydv, Ocvq, GOvTPR, twrCu, ixYx, KRxuA, UCl, VvgbNz, xYQ, NNvgl, ugyv, xwOB, efa, oOzT, HgiM, Ccbu, XBZKtL, arqw, IpTiX, jwwps, eelmJB, DRisC, fsYT, PTYS, BxL, TSKZP, HGvKT, wJxo, WNmA, While, when the North Korean Banks have introduced retail products which permit a mobile phone to... Administrative officials to emulate Kim Il-sung by making field inspections: fnord | Nov 18 20:32... Balance sheets that showed crypto customer funds as liabilities in general ) it all! You ca n't see the wood for all the money that FTX did a reason North Korea economy... But plenty of Republican candidates have been following the past 30 years Ukraine was repurposed as the problem,!: TERESA T MALTESE | Nov 19 2022 6:08 utc | 14 go swimming at the bottom every. Heavy industry, with the machine tool industry as its linchpin, was given priority... Match of 2 rounds unicorn bites the dust and no other plan less!, Zelensky and Zuckerberg will speak at a forum with none other than Mark Zuckerberg Vlodymyr... Amounts of tungsten, rice, seaweed, iron, and no one to... Long island dickheads the chance to pretend they could be huge manhattan dickheads millions... To his accounts for legal services 19:39 utc | 95 still paid with cash, goods, services. 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