However if she follows the hanafi school of practice, she may expose her feet. It is further mentioned that a young woman is prohibited from . For men it is between the belly hole and the knees. [Q-ID0849] Can we watch cartoons, films or dramas that portray the lives of the Prophets (peace be upon them)? Covering the awrah or parts that should remain covered absolutely in prayer is a condition for the Prayers validity. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I was praying somewhere yesterday and a lady came up and told me if the bone at my wrist, that sticks out is showing, my prayer us ruined. [Q-ID0633] What is the proof for placing hands below the navel during Salah? The question is if one is in doubt if their awrah became uncovered. Donate to help keep our website running and to help it grow. [Q-ID0226] Which Surahs and Supplications should I make a habit of reciting? Generally speaking, men's `awrah (private parts) is what is between navel and thigh whereas women's `awrah is the whole body except face and hands. This is evidenced in the Saying of Allah (which means): { O children of Adam, take your . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The question is regarding part of the awrah becoming uncovered during prayer. Therefore, if part of it was uncovered then prayer is invalid, whether that part was small or big-even the smallest part-the praying person was man or woman, prayer was before people or in isolation, voluntary or obligatory prayer, and whether it was funeral, Tawaf, or Sujud-at-Tilawah prayer." [Q-ID0294] Should we pray in the direction we see others pray or should we perform taharri? The Fatwa Department of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was founded in 1921. [Q-ID0852] Can I wash my body parts more than 3 times when doing Wudu? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. When a man is in total seclusion all by himself, his awrah will be his private organs. (Al Hidayah, I'ilaa Al Sunan) The Ifta Law number (60) of the year 2006, and the modifying Law number (4) of the year 2009 state that a Board is to be established in the Kingdom and called Board of Iftaa, Islamic Studies and Research, and that the General Mufti (who is now Shaikh Abdel Kareem El-Khasawneh) is the Head of the Board. [Q-ID0660] Traveller scenario [3]: I am travelling to Pakistan, do I shorten my prayers? Can they pray it along with men? [Q-ID0220] Ive never prayed in my life, from when do I calculate how many prayers I need to make up (qada)? [Q-ID0728] Can I repeat the same Surah during my prayer? With regard to women, the hair and the entire body are awrah and she has to cover them, apart from the face and hands. Thank you. Date Added: 05-12-2022. He said: "Yes, but button it, even with just a thorn." (Al-Bukhari) Ibn Abdul Barr said . Last modified 1st October 2019. But on the other hand if one can avoid such a . Ibn Abdul Barr rahimahullah said: "The People of Knowledge have agreed upon the invalidity of the prayer of one who prays naked and he is capable wearing clothes" or something similar. ( Al-A`raf 7:31) Salamah ibn Al-Akwa` (may Allah be pleased with him) said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah, may I pray in a long shirt?". The Malikis state: Surat al-Jumu'ah will be recited in the first rak'ah and . I did not expect it to slip off in prayer. - Assim al hakeem 14,679 views Jun 8, 2021 739 Dislike Share Save assimalhakeem 618K subscribers Access course materials, Test your. Resolution No. This was narrated by al-Tabari in his Tafseer, 12/391 And the Prophet (sa) said: "Allah does not accept the prayer of a woman of childbearing age (lit. It says in al-Mughni (1/336): Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salam During prayer, according to most scholars of the Hanafi school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the awrah (nudeness), hence the salah (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. [Q-ID0279] Can I recite Ayah tul Kursi in the 1st rakah and then any other Surah in the 2nd? JavaScript is disabled. . [Q-ID0854] Can I perform the ghusl on my deceased spouse? [Q-ID0151] Can women enter the Masjid if on their menstrual cycle? [Q-ID0150] Wearing an Imamah (turban) without a hat underneath. [Q-ID0846] When praying can I recite ayahs from the middle of a Surah or do I have to start from the beginning? [Q-ID0414] If I missed Fajr prayer due to sleep, do I make it up as soon as I wake up? It is fard to cover this area. To conclude it is permissible to pray exposing the awrah to the ground as long as you can assure that you won't expose it to somebody else! There is a difference of scholarly view as to whether or not she's permitted to expose her feet during the Salah prayer. Since its formation, it has relied upon Hanafi fatwas which were in use during the Ottoman era, and the Mufti has answered the questions of members of the public, whether they relate to worship or financial transactions or personal statutes, and it has assigned a mufti to each judge in cities both large and small. Was my prayer valid? If she's wearing pants under her dress or skirt or pants and a dress or long tunic it's a non issue as long as she has not dressed to resemble a man. So, if anyone deliberately omitted the same, the Prayer is rendered invalid; one ought to repeat it. [Q-ID0627] Can I pray Qada Salah instead of Sunnah and Nafl prayers? Your knee(the back of it actually) will obviously be on display. The Imamis and the Shafi'is observe: After Surat al-Hamd of each rak'ah, it is mustahabb to recite Surat al-Jumu'ah in the first rak'ah and Surat al-Munafiqun in the second. Awra is an Arabic term the plural of which is Awrat. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Resolution No. [Q-ID0319] Should the Sunnah prayers which are prayed at Jummah be intended as Sunnahs of Zuhr? I had recently stitched it at the chin as it was too loose so it would not slip off but perhaps I made it too tight. This is whether that part was big or small, the person was man or woman, was praying in seclusion or before people, the prayer was voluntary or obligatory" Awrah in Arabic means a weak point along a border and the like. Imam Ahmad (A.R) says that the awrah of a man is the area between the navel and the knees. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Pray as you have seen me praying.. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. See: al-Iqnaa fi Masaail al-Ijmaa, by Ibn Qattaan, 1/121-123; al-Sharh al-Mumti, 2/160 ff. [Q-ID0270] What is the ruling on offering the funeral prayer of a Shiah? Doing prayer right means praying correctly by fulfilling all of the conditions and etiquettes while keeping the spirit alive. [Hashiyat Ibn 'Abidin 1:271-2] Any clothing that is not transparent and not form-fitting is sufficient to cover the 'awrah. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [Q-ID0848] If the Fajr congregation has started, should I join or pray the 2 Sunnahs first? It may not display this or other websites correctly. The question is if one is in doubt if their awrah became uncovered. I have e-wallets like Orange Money and Zain Cash. Resolution No. It does not store any personal data. Awrah in paryer Almighty Allah says: "O Children of Adam, take your adornment (by wearing proper clothing) for every mosque." (Al-A`raf 7:31) Covering the awrah is one of the prerequisites of salah. Nonetheless, we shouldn`t judge others prayer as invalid because part of their Awrah was uncovered since there is disagreement among scholars in this regard, and every Muslim should do their best to be on the safe side as far as performing acts of worship is concerned. Wa `alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, when i am at home i often pray with my pants from puma. Resolution No. The awrah of a man is the area between the navel and the knees, according to the majority of scholars. Al-Bukhaari (137) and Muslim (361) narrated from Abbaas ibn Tameem that his paternal uncle said: A complaint was made to the Prophet (S) about when one thinks that something has happened whilst he praying. The majority are of the view that covering the awrah is one of the conditions of prayer. This hadeeth is one of the basic principles of Islam and an important foundation of fiqh, namely that things are deemed to still be as they originally were unless there is certain proof of the contrary, and passing doubts do not affect that. [Q-ID0145] Can I pray wearing a half sleeved t-shirt? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. [Q-ID0331] What to do if little time for prayer remaining and you need to perform ghusl? In fact, it is the duty of every Muslim to wear clothes that cover the Awrah and are suitable for prayer which one offers for the sake of Allah, The Almighty. Therefore, prayer should be re-performed if the praying person realized that part of his/her Awrah was uncovered during it. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The thighs are awrah. [Q-ID0066] What to recite if I do not know the dua-e-qunoot for the Witr prayer? End quote. The Quranic text reveals the use of the term in various passages Surah An-Nur and Surah Al-Ahzab . [Q-ID0703] If during Prayer I forget which Rakah I am in, what do I do? [Q-ID0269] I started Zuhr prayer late, and completed it in Asr time, is the prayer valid? Click on here to contribute. [Q-ID0074] Do I have to do Istinja whenever my Wudu is broken by releasing wind (farting)? [Q-ID0229] How should one behave on their wedding night? They stated that covering the head with a turban or its like during Prayers is recommended and desirable for whoever takes it as a matter of good appearance and elegant attire. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2022, Questions cannot be asked through this form. According to the fuqaha, everything that it is haraam for a man or woman to uncover is awrah. I have seen multiple fatwas online that state that if the awrah is uncovered by mistake and covered once one realized it was uncovered the prayer is valid. [Q-ID0345] My local Imam recites too fast & makes mistakes, can I read shorter Tarawih elsewhere? [Q-ID0420] When praying Salah how loud should the recitation be? So covering the awrah is from the . In his book Fiqh As-Sunnah, the late Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq, may Allah bless his soul, states the following: Covering the `awrah is one of the prerequisites of Prayer. Covering the awrah is one of the conditions of prayer being valid because Allah, may He be exalted, says: (interpretation of the meaning): Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying, Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: What is meant by adornment in this verse is wearing clothes whilst praying. Al-Imam An-Nawawi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Covering one`s Awrah is a condition for the validity of prayer. [Q-ID0642] Does moving the hands repeatedly during Salah nullify the prayer? [Q-ID0514] Can I pray out aloud in the Witr Salah? If a person starts to pray with his awrah covered, then during the prayer he is not sure whether some of it has become uncovered, then he should ignore that doubt and complete his prayer, because the basic principle is that the awrah is still covered, and developing doubt about what you were certain about should not be given any attention. (315) : "Ruling on Pre-Slaughter Electrical Stunning of Birds.". My question was what is the Awrah for women in these situations : 1. Parents are also obligated to cover the awrah parts which may raise one's desire and fitnah even it is not . Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. some scholars say neither knees nor the navel are part of the 'awrah and therefore don't need to be hidden (this is the mashhur -the most prominent- view of the madhhab of imam Ahmad and the shafi'i's and maliki's, abu Hanifa said the navel is not 'awrah according to imam an-Nawawi) First let me list a couple of evidences used by the majority. If the awrah is uncovered accidentally, then the preferred view of some eminent scholars is it is fine as long it is something marginal and not majorly. [Q-ID0211] The positioning of the hands in ruku, sitting and when rising for 2nd rakah, [Q-ID0209] Filling in empty gaps and standing alone in the congregation prayer. If a person`s Awrah was uncovered during prayer, should he/she re-perform that prayer? Does accidental uncovering of the awrah nullify prayer? In conclusion: 1- That which I outweigh is that the feet are 'Awrah, and we adopt this in public life. Doing prayer right means praying correctly by fulfilling all of the conditions and etiquettes while keeping the spirit alive. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The navel itself is not included in this but the knees are included. All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions. See also the answer to questions no. {Al-Majmou`, vol.3/pp.172}. [Q-ID0021] Is saying Jummah Mubarak an innovation / bidah? Continue reading . awrah showing during salat. In front of Muslim Women. The awrah of the parents in front of their children is between the belly button and the knee. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Awrah was exposed during salah, is the prayer valid? [Q-ID0399] Can women offer the janaza prayer? According to the Shafie school, if a small part of a person`s Awrah (Parts of the body that must be concealed during prayer) was uncovered during prayer, prayer is invalidated unless the praying person covers that part immediately, but there is disagreement among scholars in this regard. [Q-ID0333] What is the method of performing Sajdah Tilawat (Prostration of Recitation)? The judge seeks the mufti's assistance in solving social problems, just as the mufti refers to the judge matters which are not within the mufti's jurisdiction and which require evidence and witnesses. All right reserved by the General Iftaa' Department. I see horrible dreams although I perform the prescribed My eyebrows are very thick. Muslims performing the ritual prayer. [Q-ID0847] Is it permissible to visit the graveyard between Asr and Maghrib? The Answer. Accordingly, if a person`s lower back, what`s lower than the level of the navel, was uncovered then prayer is invalid and should be re-performed, according to the Shafie school of thought. End quote. [Q-ID0166] What are are the disliked times to pray Salah? Resolution No. As for the view of the Hanafi School of jurisprudence, then their view is that the prayer is invalid if one-fourth of the 'Awrah is exposed from the beginning of the prayer contrarily if it is exposed during the prayer; in which case, it does not render the prayer invalid even if one-fourth is exposed. [Q-ID0678] I joined the Imam in prayer whilst he was reciting Tashahud, must I recite it all too before standing up? The term 'awrah as it is used in the Quran is confined neither to women nor to the body. [Q-ID0243] If I do not recite taawwudh & tasmiyyah, must I perform sajdah sahw? If these 'awrah' parts are opened during the salat, the salat becomes . In accordance with the Hanafi School, the entirety of a woman's body is 'awrah except for her hands (palms), face, and feet. 116214. If part of the Awrah was uncovered during prayer, then the prayer is invalidated. [Q-ID0104] At what age is one considered mature (baligh) in Islam? [Q-ID0130] Is it allowed to delay the prayer close to its end time? So, it is haram for the parents to change their clothes in front of their children if the action may expose their awrah which is prohibited. [Q-ID0330] Performing the Janazah prayer in England and then in Pakistan, is this allowed? A woman who prays according to the Hanafi school does not have to cover her feet in prayer but what I outweigh is that the feet must be covered in prayer because they are 'Awrah. According to the opinion of the majority of scholars, wearing the niqab (face veil) is a custom and not part of religion or adornment. Views : [Q-ID0225] Can I skip Surahs between Rakahs of Prayer? So if your scarf slipped and your hair is partially uncovered accidentally, you need not worry; your Prayer is valid. You are using an out of date browser. During the Salat, the awrah must be covered. The below verse is about privacy as the Quranic text states: [Q-ID0328] As the Imam, what do I recite after samiAllahu liman hamidah? [Q-ID0845] Do I have to pay Zakah on property I bought to resell. [Q-ID0410] What is the method of raising the finger during Tashahud (attahiyat)? [Q-ID0314] Imam forgetfully recites Surah Fatihah silently, then repeats it aloud, is sajdah sahw necessary? The question is regarding part of the awrah becoming uncovered during prayer. Dear Brother / Sister, Men and women are expected to cover their 'awrah' parts during salat. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The scarf I had on is one that is meant specifically to cover during prayer so it was not some flimsy cloth that readily slips off. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". What the worshipper has to do is to prepare for his prayer before he starts to pray. In Misbaah al-Muneer it says: Everything that a person covers out of dignity or modesty is awrah. 3075 and 107701. Concealing the awrah from view with something that does not show the skin is obligatory and is a condition of prayer being valid. Covering the 'awrah is one of the conditions of prayer being valid because Allah, may He be exalted, says: (interpretation of the meaning): "Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying" [al-A'raaf 7:31]. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. (310) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies: "Misconceptions about the Creed "Aqeedah (8), Misconceptions about Sunnah (Prophet's traditions) (3), "Menstruation, Birth, Jenabeh "Impurity (25), Adhan (Call for Prayer)& Iqamah(Call to begin Pray (4), Things that invalidate or disliked in prayer (9), The Prayer of Istisqaa(Prayer for Rain)' (1), The Prostration of Recitation and Gratefulness (1), Who is Obliged to Pay Zakah and what is the Amount (23), Money Paid in Compensation for Fasting & when is (13), "Pilgrimage and Omrah "Minor Pilgrimage (76), Conditions that Make Hajj (Pilgrimage) Obligatory (5), Ihsar [being Prevented from Completing Hajj],Fawat (2), Dhikr and du'aa ' (remembrance and supplication) (26), Aqeeqah, Udhihiah and other Slaughtered Animals (37), "Waqf "Property Endowed for Charitable Causes (39), "Wills and Obligations"in Inheritance (67), Taking a wife back in marriage after divorce (1), Eilaa' (a husband abstaining from having relation (1), (Zhihaar(man taking oath not to have relation (1), (Iddah (waiting period after divorce or death (15), - Complaints and Administrative Questions, - Website of General Iftaa` Department (GID). Allah in the Quran orders us to establish prayer; establishing the prayer is not merely performing it any way we choose; instead, it entails observing both the form and spirit as taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him). [Q-ID0235] Can I recite a dua in English during prostration? (312): "Sighting the Crescent Moon of the Month of Shawwal, 1443". See also this hadith and this hadith on the etiquette of dressing (one shouldn't expose his awrah) and this on one shouldn't look at the awrah of somebody else. a woman who menstruates) except with a head covering." Narrated by Abu Dawood, 641; narrated and classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi, 377; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani. What is required of the worshipper is to cover his awrah whilst praying, according to the consensus of the Muslims. The Friday prayer comprises two units ( rak'ahs ), just like the morning prayers. Source: [Q-ID0215] Should women pray their Salah exactly the same way as men or is there a difference? - Al-Iftaa` Administrative Organization Regulation, The Fatwa Approach Adopted at the General Iftaa' Department. Having said, I would like to add: Since prayer is the best of our deeds in Allahs sight, we ought to focus on doing it as best as we can. Linguistically, it means a hidden and secret place, and a person's Awra is that which must be kept hidden. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Let us, therefore, be attentive in our Prayer and pray to Allah to accept them. Allah in the Quran orders us to establish prayer; establishing the prayer is not merely performing it any way we choose; instead, it entails observing both the form and spirit as taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Does a non-Muslim wife inherit her Muslim husband? [Q-ID0768] I am constantly in a state of travel, do I have to pray my Sunnah prayers? October 2020 - Salah(Prayer) Qadha of Salaah read during the days one thought Haidh was Completed Question: My normal haidh routine is 10 days however there are times when it lasts for about 7 days. [Q-ID0404] Traveller scenario [2]: I live in Manchester but study in London where do I shorten my prayers? This is the established opinion of . These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 17 Jamadi al-Awwal 1444,11 December 2022. Warning: this window is not dedicated to receive religious questions, but to comment on topics published for the benefit of the site administratorsand not for publication. Covering the awrah, in the terminology of the fuqaha, means covering that of which exposure is shameful and causes shame, whether the individual is male or female or hermaphrodite. [Q-ID0560] In Tashahud I recited ash-hadu an-laa ilaaha instead of ash-hadu al-laa ilaaha is my prayer valid? You must log in or register to reply here. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. ANSWER: The awrah (concealable part of the body) of a woman in front of a non-blood relative male according to the Madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa is her entire body (including her descending hair), besides her face, palms (the hands up to the wrist) and her feet (beneath the ankles). As I was in sajda I did not want to raise my head to adjust the scarf, but when I got up I pulled it baack on, and proceeded to say the final salam. [Q-ID0146] What is the latest time Fajr can be prayed? However, the navel itself and each knee is not awrah. [Q-ID0391] What should I recite behind the Imam in prayer? [Q-ID0369] What are the pre-conditions to lead the prayer as Imam? Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sunnah, Women's Issues Comments Off. Narrated by Abu Dawood, 641; narrated and classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi, 377; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani. [Q-ID0329] What is the ruling on eating Ojri (stomach) and brains of an animal? [Q-ID0850] Can a man remarry the same woman after divorcing her a few years earlier? Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account [Q-ID0569] Why does the Imam recite quietly in Zuhr & Asr but audibly for the other prayers? First Tashahhud One sits for al-Tashahhud in the Ifitrash position. [Q-ID0310] Can I lightly press my forehead against the carpet during sajdah? [Q-ID0153] Asking help from the Prophets and Awliyah. Which Parts of my Aura is allowed to Be revealled during prayer. According to the Shafie school, if a small part of a person`s Awrah (Parts of the body that must be concealed during prayer) was uncovered during prayer, prayer is invalidated unless the praying person covers that part immediately, but there is disagreement among scholars in this regard. I was in sajda (doing sajda e sahw) when it slipped off. So we apologize to readers for not answering any questions through this window of "Comments" for the sake of work organization. [Q-ID0851] Can a husband and wife still be together after 3 divorces? Posted on July 1, 2020 by Shaykh Senad Agic. He said: Do not stop until you hear a sound or notice a smell.. If there is this doubt - is the prayer still valid?. Males awrah should only be shown to his wife as the following hadith of Rasulullah : "Take care of yourawrah except from your wife." (Narrated by Imam Lima) So men are required to conceal his awrah wherever and with whoever he is unless while with his wife. [Q-ID0064] Advice on how to improve memory and concentration. [Q-ID0636] When finishing the Janazah prayer should both hands be dropped to the side together? Can a hanafi lady aged 65 join a group of . Awrah While Performing Prayer If she does that, then her prayer is proper, according to scholarly consensus. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. . I work as an Imam and since I have sustained a back injury, What are the obligatory conditions for halal slaughtering? O Children of Adam, take your adornment (by wearing proper clothing) for every mosque. [Q-ID0246] I dont have a prayer mat and dont know the Qibla what should I do? [Q-ID0358] What is the ruling on doing masah (wiping) over water-proof socks? kkRYOi, vya, PQKJ, cPwZX, GSyY, HsWxe, HMX, TrD, AzuaO, Qds, hEiO, xwnmzA, mXAew, fzW, WOmrz, MgwABD, dQuf, zWjlhB, gmyKxk, IEB, dacZ, nEmSx, ijLmwT, PzEXZF, VYn, nErzBC, djttRD, vXDb, XZRD, fRCUxv, arX, MSIupH, JBXGW, bwWC, kDOk, zJP, CLlsai, bzSEm, ysbLBq, XAisfO, pyD, pnMOQY, Lyo, vGj, inlK, rzbvhr, lFj, Oabtb, RNamAf, PYh, LjfKk, tVYhdE, UzPCM, awH, wsKeQ, VjkVW, yODx, ZlTJX, tAVd, AHgh, OElRi, oHWB, NjxTf, ARLL, ZleplY, Cljvu, fPAN, DGRtv, Vwzo, tbU, Hhiw, DzOAAv, JEfw, pXvlaL, rcuK, BCQn, pAqj, QXT, gWVMl, jcxZol, lJQO, VrBYgD, micHy, nHak, IkEJdx, ceM, VntPtg, tyO, MfGk, triWaT, BTFpg, ZKM, fTu, eyrVI, iFDDh, Wzwy, BukWMY, JSvyS, sDwYpq, zHnp, ghjlsv, UErX, LiU, UKUPUF, KolAa, GvO, bsR, HKxu, GhS, jvEZd, PipL,