The major difficulty with intuitionism is that when different principles of right action conflict, we have no principled way of resolving the conflict. There are a number of steps your school can take: Establish a safeguarding team. CLASS 7: CH-6 INTERNET-ETHICS & SAFEGUARD EXERCISE SOLUTIONSUBSCRIBE THE CHANNELCODE BOTIT PLANETEXERCISE SOLUTIONS. With Yahoo, it is not so clear, although Yahoo itself seemingly followed some such principle by selling its Chinese e-mail operation to a Chinese company. It is not immediately clear that the Internet has introduced any new ethical issues in the areas of dating and sex. They let us access files and data from any computer or mobile phone with Internet access. If globalization is an inevitable consequence of the Internet, then the Internet is off the hook ethically, so to speak. One takes actions not because the individual actions produce the greatest amount of good, but because the right action is to follow social rules which produce the greatest amount of good. This information is indexed with the help of an indexing software and stored. 1999b. However, ethical safeguards intended to regulate . Yahoos shareholders have equal rights, but not the right to deny equal rights to participants in the global economy, including Internet users. It will list content titles and summaries aswell as provide links to the full content. Applying this line of reasoning in a global context, any institutions supplying the infrastructure for global commerce are entitled to payment by those using the infrastructure. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers. Consider the fair use of personal devices. Duplicating copyrighted content without the authors approval, accessing personal information of others are some of the examples that violate ethical principles. Always respect copyright laws and policies. Afterword 1999. Rawls includes fair equality of opportunity under the second principle, although he himself includes it with the freedoms of the first principle when discussing how to apply the Difference Principle. doing on it. It makes use of computer networks to send audio and video data from one place to another. As with intuitionism, universal principle ethics has little guidance for what to do when principles for right actions conflict. A typical problem related to ethics arises mainly because of the absence of policies or rules about how computer technology should be used. Cyber ethics is the study of ethics pertaining to computers, covering user behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society. Student. So I will discuss both individual and social aspects of these issues. 4. But in some countries, there are still internal problems of justice. Further, makers of VCRs could not be held liable as contributory infringers even if the home use of a VCR was considered an infringing use. Internet Code of Ethics: Privacy Rights and Intellectual Capital Ethics deals with standards of human conduct that direct the behavior of individuals and groups. Several years later, some commentators believe the poor showing of the music industry stemmed from their failure to find a way to make money from peer-to-peer technology rather than shutting it down. 2005. The Global Network Initiative of October 2008, discussed below, may be an ethical solution. Second, national security is historically a very tarnished justification for state action. The final element needed for this topic is the ethical role of corporations. Who knows whether the people they catch would have gone after kids without the Internet posting? You would simply use a web browser to login from any web-enabled computer and access your word processing documents in the same way that you would access your online mail account. By contrast, according to a social-contract view, the well-being of everyone, including the worst-off, is taken into account. They can also use their guitars to help demolish the blockers---Ellie and Sam are on their way to a gig, after all! Internet ethics means acceptable behaviour for using internet. MORE FROM EDTECH: Check out these five ways K-12 schools can adhere to privacy laws. It is often a personal attack in an aggressive tone. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Yahoo initially claimed that it was merely complying with Chinese law (Elias 2007). They may be trying to find a restaurant, or just in seeing whats around on Rodeo Drive. You will usually notice the icon on a webpage to indicate that a web feed is available. Wikipedia. For example, if failing to comply with local law resulted in the shutdown of a valuable social-networking site. Learning through the Internet helps in imparting knowledge by overcoming the limitations of time, distance and resources. Internet privacy ethics and online security Paul Berryman 13.1k views Lesson on Digital Ethics & Copyrights computerswithredin 487 views Privacy , Security and Ethics Presentation Hajarul Cikyen 19.9k views Social media and ethics Yvette Babs Walker 5.7k views Computer Ethics and Legal Issues Kak Yong 77.5k views This code is also utilized by state certification . As of 2000, the United States Department of Commerce found that White (46.1%) and Asian American & Pacific Islander (56.8%) households continued to have Internet access at levels more than double those of Black (23.5%) and Hispanic (23.6%) households. In 2009, in a highly publicized action, Wikileaks released a large number of classified documents of the United States government, many dealing with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Malware Data age b. A minimalist democracy is one that has been ruling for a long time with the apparent acquiescence of its people, without severe restrictions on civil liberties, and without using repression to maintain its power. For example, making an agreement you have no intention of keeping could not be willed to be universal law because then no one would make or accept agreements. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited. CBSE Maths notes, CBSE physics notes, CBSE chemistry notes. Digitise India Platform (DIP) This initiative is for large scale digitisation of records in the country that would facilitate efficient delivery of services to the citizen. The two main web feed formats are, (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) and. The Opinion revisits attorneys' duty to use encryption and other safeguards to protect e-mail and electronic communications in light of evolving threats, developing technology, and available safeguards. The Center develops policy designed to address issues in ethics and human rights at the state, national, and international levels. When we talk about "ethics" we refer to attitude, values, beliefs, and habits possessed by a person or a group. We must be aware of the importance of copyrights and issues of copyright. To protect people from being harmed and to ensure that researchers adhere to a strict code of conduct, the development of ethical codes and regulations were created. Beitz, Charles. 2001. A Low-Tech, Low-Cost Tool for the Homeless. Retrieved June 19, 2004 from Article from the book Values and Ethics for the 21st Century. It includes online shopping, online banking, trading of stocks and bonds, electronic ticket booking and so on. But there is no requirement in a market economy to make life safe for bricks-and-mortar companies. Internet World Stats. The alternative cosmopolitan-utilitarian view requires redistribution to people with no connection to each other. The initiative includes independent review of how well companies are implementing the principles of the initiative (Global Network Initiative 2008). Is the internet playing a positive role in the development of that kind of life or is it hampering us in some way? Retrieved May 1, 2005 from Doctors and scientists can use video conferencing to discuss medical problems and share their experiences. intimidation. Commandment 3: Do not spy on another person's personal data. According to Rawls, property rights have their place in a just society for two reasons: first, because social assets tend to deteriorate unless an agent is named to take responsibility for maintaining them; second, because the right to personal property is a basic human right (Rawls 1999b: 8, 65). Limit the amount of personal information you post. This claim ignores the fact that technology is a new order imposed on an older order and can easily have deleterious side effects which cannot be prevented by due diligence in development. Internet Ethics. Cloud storage services such asDropbox and SkyDrive that offer free storage space are very popular these days. At the level of a society, rule utilitarianism is widely used as a theory of justice, especially by economists dealing with public policy. But the ethical question is one of justice. Type the address or the URL of a search engine in the address bar of the browser and press The home page of the search engine appears in the browser (Fig. At the level of a society, rule utilitarianism is widely used as a theory of justice, especially by economists dealing with public policy. The single most important step schools can take to lower the risk of unintentional or malicious disclosure of sensitive student information is to reduce the amount of information collected in the first place. This field cannot be empty, Please enter your comment. I will consider two individual Internet ethical problems: the use of the Internet to meet sexual partners and the use of the Internet for what has been stigmatized as piracy, that is, the individual copying of digital content for personal rather than commercial use. Real time textual communication between two users through computers is called chat. Internet Ethics Authors: Stephen M Marson University of North Carolina at Pembroke Abstract The nature of ethics on the Internet may be confusing to many social workers because of the unique. It has spokespersons in Paris and posts material from Chinese dissidents. Internet Ethics offers a comprehensive look at difficult issues facing internet users today. Because of the widespread abuse of the term national security to justify ethically abhorrent actions, I believe it has no weight whatever in ethical justification. ENGLISH CLASS 7 Class 7 Subject Computer Topic CH - 6 Internet - Ethics and Safeguard Fenil Mehta VASISHTHA GROUP OF SCHOOL 7K subscribers Subscribe 2.5K views 2 years ago 7 .more. Although a plausible idea, utilitarianism suffers from two major difficulties. Retrieved December 2 from 8.1). Hosenball, Mark. Social principles apply within a society, a group whose members share cooperative benefits and burdens with each other. Also, meetings can be organised at a short notice as it does not involve booking board rooms or conference halls. These companies now agree to respect these rights even when confronted with countries which do not obey international standards. We should be honest, respect the rights and property of others on the internet. These are: self-interest. For another, no institution is ethically responsible for all consequences of its actions. But ethical principles allowing us cooperative benefits involve more than keeping agreements. A platform to encourage citizen engagement in governance. Thus societys rules are not biased against anyone and allow all to pursue their interests and realize their abilities. Rawlss theory has had wide influence and is used extensively by lawyers, jurists, and politicians. At Yahoos 2007 annual meetings, Yahoo shareholders voted overwhelmingly against a proposal for Yahoo to reject censorship (BBC News 2007). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Show more. Both Google and Yahoo want the United States government and other countries to make Internet freedom a top priority. Chatting has become a popular way for people to communicate with others. Commandment 2: Do not use a computer to cause interference in other people's work. The global ethical Internet issues that I will consider are Internet free speech, the regulation of websites with global presence, and the role of the Internet in facilitating globalization. So the Internet technology necessary for globalization was no more inevitable than was the rise of mammals after the age of dinosaurs. 2008. Cisco Systems Denies Online Censorship Role in China. The Associated Press, May 20. They are of two types: Concerns about relations between societies, and globalizedmainly economicconcerns. Taglang, Kevin. Internet Terms 3. Thus the claim that corporate holders of copyrights have the right to dispose of their intellectual property in any manner that they wantan absolute ownership rightis simply not supported by the principles of justice. These freedoms are important constituents of what are called human rights: privacy, freedom of speech, and freedom of association are enhanced by the ability to communicate freely with others at any location with a computer or such devices as smartphones having similar functionality. Thus fair taxation is based on the location of the infrastructure supporting the operations of the taxed entity. We should be honest, respect the rights and property of others on the Internet. Some of the common acronyms are listed in Table 8.1. We must be very careful while uploading contents on a social networking site as cases of cyber bullying and harassment are on the rise. 10. The AOFIRS is considered a major contributor in improving Web Search Skills and recognizes Online Research work as a full-time occupation for those that use the Internet as their primary source of information. 2010. The original stated purpose of copyright is to give the artist or creator of intellectual property the exclusive right to reproduce it, but not just for the artist or creator to be able to reap suitable rewards for his creation. Information Technology and the Ethics of Globalization. If these attempts are unsuccessful, then some form of civil disobedience may be justified. Emoticons are also used in chat messages. In any case, justice requires us to try to find out. The internet is a time-efficient tool for everyone that enlarges the possibilities for curriculum growth. In cases like Yahoo in China, cosmopolitan utilitarianism would consider what policies would produce the greatest (average) value across the globe. See Jesdanun (2008). Microsoft. For various reasons, it may be the only way certain jurisdictions can obtain funds for activities belonging to a just society (police protection, health care), even though the tax is correctly described as regressive in taking a significantly greater share from lower-income individuals. The Safeguard class is a class of Towing, Salvage and Rescue Ship under the United States Navy. From being a small network set up by the US Department of Defence to connect four computers at different sites, the Internet has come a long way. Acceptance- We should accept that the Internet is a primary component of our society only . %PDF-1.7 % Rawlss second principle of justice is the Difference Principle: Economic inequalities in society are justified insofar as they make members of the least-advantaged social class better off 6 than if there were no inequality. Rawls, John. You can download the question papers for last 10 years free by clicking links below. I believe the Supreme Court Betamax decision of 1984 is the correct legal and ethical basis for this issue (FindLaw Legal News 1984). hMn027 R$EU(f(DT;]J"]37c9D @ V (dk.~*AE"GPby:X\ebt0-;,Ko[w{6w2f>w*bt4sc]7ukoIFSMaN9sHXPXT\k9qF,BYmi|?4>Ae~}!3Ds K@i+G~H^a$}3tV|{Z/<> # Search, Bing, Altavista and Lycos (Fig. The global-economy social contract I favor is between people sharing benefits and burdens in the global economy. Questions of transnational justice dont even arise for cosmopolitan utilitarianism. Class 7 Chapter-wise, detailed solutions to the questions of the NCERT Books are provided with the objective of helping students compare their answers with the sample answers. The commandments of computer ethics are as follows: Commandment 1: Do not use the computer to harm other people's data. The more important consideration is that Internet business transactions simply do not take place at a few specific physical locations. Partnership. List your top ten personal ethical rules. An email address consists of a username and a domain name of the server that provides the email facility. The more general question is to what extent human rights (in the Greatest Equal-Liberty-Principle) should be enforced globally and through what institutions? Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research. Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet is called e-commerce. The use of the Internet has grown tremendously over the past few years and it has become an important part of our everyday life. In this connection, the important case of Wikileaks will be discussed later. Some of the internet ethics rules that individuals should follow while using a computer are listed below: Complain about illegal communication and activities, if found, to Internet service Providers and local law enforcement authorities. Second, how does the use of the Internet by other sectors of the economy contribute to the life prospects of the least-advantaged? You can easily create an email account by filling a registration form wherein you have to choose your email address and password. Exactly how much of an enabler of globalization has the Internet been? There is no global institution or policy to handle these issues. But was globalization, especially economic globalization, inevitable once the Internet came along? eSign framework: It would allow citizens to digitally sign a document online using Aadhaar authentication. 2008. Public Online Spaces Dont Carry Speech Rights.. Kaiser Family Foundation. Create a set of rules relating to both ethics and. For example, in the email address [emailprotected], the username is colsckumar and the domain name of the server is The Community Voice Mail project discussed by Taglang 2001 would be a step in this direction. 2001. Music Length Protection. Retrieved March 1, 2007 from 5. h]k06ij"Na^G4D~itkuIC\q|p )!B@ Bb' q! Refer to the extract below and download the full pdf file of question papers below. The two main web feed formats are RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) and Atom. My distinction between ethics and morals is based on a distinction drawn by the philosopher John Rawls in developing his theory of justice. Users are responsible for safeguarding their User Id and Passwords. While it will undoubtedly help United States companies and companies with substantial United States presence and markets, as noted before, it will have little impact on repressive regimes (Risen 2010). 2008. Global Network Initiative. Retrieved November 11 from That would be like saying some nations prefer to oppress their citizens and others dont, and we are going to be neutral about it. In the United States, the major credit card companies Visa and Mastercard refused to honor contributions to the defense of Wikileaks and its founder (Hosenball 2011). As a result, Grokster went out of business in 2005. Utilitarianism has much plausibility. Both issues also have social dimensions. April 2. Do not use computers to steal others information. ___________ a set of procedures, moral principles, and ethical practices that regulates the use of computer. Wikileaks argued unsuccessfully initially in a United States court that United States courts did not have jurisdiction (Elias 2008). Do not use computers to steal others information. From the point of view of the social contract, another serious objection to utilitarianism is that it does not care directly about freedom. Email (electronic mail), is one of the most widely used methods for exchanging messages on the Internet. The principle of benevolenceto give aid to others in needholds without any agreement. Internet ethics is a really broad term. Email (electronic mail), is one of the most widely used methods for exchanging messages on the Internet. Two United States Supreme Court rulings (National Bella Hess, Inc. v. Dept of Revenue of Illinois in 1967 and Quill Corp. v. North Dakota in 1992) found that it would be an excessive burden for mail-order (and now, Internet-based) companies to comply with 7,600 state and local tax codes and thus an unconstitutional restriction on interstate commerce. The 20th century philosopher John Rawls expanded a suggestion by Kant on how to make this into a comprehensive theory of justice (Kant 1785, 74; Rawls 1999a). They should not write them on paper or anywhere else for remembrance. Although this court decision parallels the 1984 Supreme Court Betamax decision, the United States Supreme Court reversed it and held in 2004 that Grokster was indeed liable for any copyright infringement. Two points here: first, if human rights arent part of what is being defended in the name of national security, what is being defended? In this article I deal with ethics and the Internet rather than morality and the Internet. It is very easy to use a search engine. And are the Supreme Courts grounds for exempting businesses correct from the point of view of justice, namely the burden caused by having to comply with a huge number of changing rules promulgated by a huge number of jurisdictions? They also found that 86.3% of households earning US$75,000 and over per year had Internet access compared to 12.7% of households earning less than US$15,000 per year (Dept. Letting each country enforce its own censorship laws on the Internet would likely produce more profits for Yahoo. 5. Internet access was available at home to 80% of whites compared to 67% of Hispanics and 61% of African-Americans (Kaiser Family Foundation 2004). Deriving from the above discussion, the following internet and computer ethics are recommended to all members of society. Receive the OpenMind newsletter with all the latest contents published on our website. Comparing the two cases, it is interesting that Google claimed in the Indian case that it had to comply with local law, but in the Brazilian case that it had to comply with United States law. Again, the fact that this is an Internet company makes the question a lot harder to answer. For example, the website is known as the National Portal of India. Claims that freedom is being defended become completely empty. DigiLocker: A digital locker service launched by the Government of India that will help citizens to store their important documents like PAN card, passport, mark sheets and so on, in a secure dedicated personal electronic space. We have seen that many globalized institutions could probably not exist were it not for the Internet. Nordstrom. ITU. Source: About 80% of wireless networks have no security protection. A search engine is a software that searches the webpages for information on a particular topic. When Internet-mediated relationships actually replace face-to-face relationships, there could be a problem. We should be honest, respect the rights and property of others on the Internet. Another reason for the growing popularity of e-commerce is the improved security in online transactions. This website not only gives the information about various schemes/ initiatives introduced by the government but also allows the users to apply online for various services provided by the government. Rawlss alternative is a theory which bases principles of justice on a social contract (Rawls 1999a). This problem involves the ability of Internet-based companies to transcend traditional jurisdictions and is thus a smaller-scale precursor of the global ethical problems discussed in the following sections. The students should practice the question papers of last year which will help them to understand the pattern on the papers and will help them to practice for the exams. Looking at the case of Yahoo from the point of view of the two global social contracts, the ethical conclusion is that, without some transnational legal rules or policies in force, Yahoo has no good ethical alternative. 8.2). Failure to appreciate the distinction between ethical principles that insure cooperative benefits and moral principles that reflect mainly arbitrary religious or cultural beliefs may be responsible for the attractiveness of relativism, the belief that ethical beliefs are true only for specific groups. endstream endobj 371 0 obj <>stream The Global-Economy Social Contract has close analogues to Rawlss Principles of Justice, but there are important differences in their derivation and application. The trouble then is that institutions which allow cooperative benefits, to live and work together, would disintegrate. INTERNET ETHICS AND SAFEGUARD Internet Ethics for everyone Internet ethics means acceptable behaviour for using Internet. 1951. Thus they do not have the right to prevent Yahoo from enforcing equal rights (that is, banning censorship). This is especially true of economic globalization. A backup is a duplicate of a file, program, or disk that can be used if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed. 1 review. This service will gradually eliminate the use of physical documents and enable sharing of verified electronic documents across government agencies. Encourage an open dialogue with teens regarding. To be able to use an email service, you need to have an email account. After creating an account, you can use the email address and password to access your email account. 2. Utilitarianism can be stated: act so as to produce the greatest amount of good for the greatest number. When you perform a search, the earch engine makes use of a search algorithm to search for the keyword(s) in the indexed list(s). Type the keywords related to the information you are looking for in the search box and press. Learning depends on the ability to find relevant and reliable information quickly and easily, and to select, understand and assess that information. To prevent against data loss caused by system failure or hardware/software/information theft, users should back up files regularly. Emoticons are symbols that are used to express emotions in text messages. But many websites have only local relevance. The lecturer introduces the Potter Box method, and demonstrates each of the method's four steps through a discussion with the students. But instead, Beitzs global-social contract requires us to impose our own beliefs on others. But perhaps it would be better for them to expend their resources on researching ways to profitability in a world including relatively free digital copying, than on trying to stamp it out. Then one is still bound by social rules governing the institutions of keeping agreements and fulfilling contracts even though more good might be done in the individual case by breaking the social rule. In a Computer or Internet (Cyberspace) domain of Information security, understanding and maintaining ethics is very important at this stage. It is required to overcome the cybercrime in the internet. Internet Ethics. There is no evidence one way or the other that he is an advance determinist. While exciting and potentially groundbreaking, their work can have severe effects on society. War flying uses airplanes instead of vehicles to detect unsecured wireless networks. The original copyright period of 14 years is now 70 years for individuals and 95 years from publication and 120 years from creation for corporations! You have online access to a broad range of applications, services and hardware that otherwise may be very expensive. With outsourced manufacturing, the choice would be the country where operations take place. Manning is effectively a political prisoner. Nowadays, people have started shopping on the Internet. See Rawls (1999a, section 55 Civil Disobedience). Wong, May. Yang claimed he was a big believer in American values but added: As we operate around the world we dont have a heavy-handed American view. Some countries want major interventions in the Web and others prefer to leave the Web unfettered. They are the ethical principles I will employ at this level. Ethics. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Do not access files without the permission of the owner. Ethically, free speech is not just a mere matter of national preference. Googles action clearly violated the Global Economy Greatest-Equal- Freedom Principle. Respect for secrecy or privacy is one of the values at stake in a sizable number of the ethical conundrums that healthcare and other professionals must solve. Some examples of emoticons are given in Table 8.2. The second major difficulty is that summing goodness over individuals in any precise way has been proved to be impossible. Searching for information on the Internet can help to develop these skills. Hiding our own identity to fool others in the Internet world is a crime and may also be a risk to others. 1979, 1999. self-review. So with the present Internet architecture, there is no need for any additional support and hence no need for a transnational Internet sales tax. And Bradley Manning, Wikileakss US informer, is still imprisoned in very inhumane conditions with no hope of a hearinga completely unconstitutional action. In addition to the foregoing, Internet research ethics governs online activities. And so we can ask, is the practice of exempting businesses without a physical presence in the taxing jurisdiction, a just practice? Could China have achieved its breathtaking economic growth without restrictions of personal liberty? The equipment issue and more cases of Internet censorship have increased interest in whether the Global Network Initiative should be supplemented by Rep. Chris Smiths Global Online-Freedom Act, reintroduced in 2010. Avoids memorable keyboard paths. A mix of characters - upper- and lower-case letters plus symbols and numbers. Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social network. The court held that non-commercial home-use recording of material broadcast over the public airwaves was a fair use of copyrighted works and did not constitute copyright infringement. Do not copy copyrighted software without the author's permission. Receive Great tips via email, enter your email to Subscribe. CFCs were inert at surface levels but highly destructive of the ozone layer necessary for life on the planet. Global Network Initiative. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Hershey, PA: IRM Press. hKP2Zt>!C Commandment 5: Do not spread misinformation using computer . The biblical Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is a similar but less formal version of the Categorical Imperative. Personal property is a necessary material basis for full development as an individual in a just society and for self-respect (Rawls 2001: 114, 5859). Question 4a - June 2011. I believe Yahoos true position should have been that they regrettably had to obey Chinese law to stay in business there, but that they hoped Chinese law would be changed to accord with the standards of global justice. Lewis, Martha Beth. Evaluate your settings (check privacy policies). At the individual level, utilitarianism and universal principle ethics often yield the same results. Williams, Carol J. The benefit from the extended copyright is enhanced corporate profits, and the extended time frame assures that any connection to stimulating creativity is very limited. Retrieved May 21 from Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security standard that authenticates network users and provides advanced encryption. Ethical issues are raised in two types of cases: first, some websites are located in other countries in order to circumvent the laws of countries where the website will be viewed. Avoid chatting with strangers and forwarding e-mails from unknown people /strangers.We must be aware of risks involved in chatting and forwarding e-mails to strangers. 5 Freedom is to be limited only for the sake of another freedom (Rawls 1999a). The Supreme Courts Sales Tax Location Principle no longer seems to apply. Class 10 Computer Application [165] Unit 3: Cyber Ethics Multiple Choice Questions - Cyber Ethics Set - 1 1. Acceptance Internet must be used for communication with family and friends. Creating indexes helps in retrieving the required information quickly. The MPAA draws no distinction between downloading for personal use and downloading for resale (Hernandez 2004). This is Rawlss social contracts first principle of justice, Greatest Equal Liberty: Society is to be arranged so that all members have the greatest equal liberty possible for all, including fair equality of opportunity. But an agreement on human rights impacts only individuals. It basically refers to the analysis of the role that the internet plays in what philosophers call the development of the good life - the kind of life that we want for ourselves, for society over all, the kinds of people we want to be. E-learning is a broad term. This kind of consideration occurs frequently at the individual level in connection with what Kant called. But how can this be a fair tax for a typical Dell Inspiron notebook codesigned in Austin, TX, and Taiwan, assembled in Malaysia with parts from the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, Taiwan, Israel, or China? Some companies that offer Cloud Computing services are: For example, instead of purchasing a licence for Microsoft Word, a cloud computing model would rent word processing software to you through the Internet for a nominal amount charged on a monthly basis. Elias, Paul. safety and follow them strictly to avoid any. When they conflict, I shall favor universal principle ethics. The Internet is a time-efficient tool for everyone that enlarges the possibilities for curriculum growth. 2011. The WikiLeaks organization said Thursday it was releasing tens of thousands of previously-unpublished U.S. diplomatic cables, some of which are still classified. Retrieved August 27 from wikileaks-idUSTRE77O7PZ20110826. Internet must be used for communication with family and friends. Learning depends on the ability to find relevant and reliable information quickly and easily, and to select, understand and assess that information. The political theorist Charles Beitz thinks that enough background global social and political institutions exist to validate the application of domestic principles of justice within a global context (1979: 148149). One view is that the development of technology, the appearance of technological advances, is determined. The contents of a blog may be in the form of text, audio, video and links to other websites. Your comment will be published after validation. Q1. Theoretically corporations are created to serve the public benefit, and their trans-individual status allows them to function more efficiently, without constant shifting of property rights and responsibilities. One drawback is that the actual person may be different from what he or she presents himself or herself to be on the Internet. One of the premises in this argument is that the use of the Internet leads to increases in personal productivity. Rule utilitarianism allows very uneven distributions of value, justifying the suffering of the less advantaged by greater overall advantage. So how can this principle be enforced over the various national jurisdictions? Most recently in the area of political freedom in the Arab Spring of 2011, the Internet has been a powerful force in resuscitating the freedoms of the First Principle of Justice. Finding sex partners through the Internet has also become relatively common, although this practice has both benefits and drawbacks. 2007. MSFT Def 14A. Retrieved August 27, 2011 from Censorship. The reason for the ever growing use of the Internet is the various services that it offers. Kant, Immanuel. Retrieved on May 10, 2004 from One benefit is that people in small towns and rural locations suddenly have the same availability of sexual partners as those in densely populated big cities. 20 There could be good reasons for complying with local law which conflicts with the Greatest-Equal-Freedom Principle. Just as with healthcare and medicine in particular, outcomes are . Also, some clicks-and-mortar retailers contend that their e-commerce operations are distinct legal entities unrelated to their stores. In the information age, _____ is available freely from any part of the world. 2011. Innocent Man Accused Of Child Pornography After Neighbor Pirates His WiFi. Retrieved August 23 from innocent_n_852996.html. A threat to independence is any matter, real or perceived, that implies the accountant is not providing an independent view or report in a specific . iii. Computer and internet ethics should be learned and implemented by all users of information. So it seems very wrongheaded to extend traditional sales tax collection to e-businesses. 19 Before the implementation of the Global Network Initiative, large companies such as Google took the position that local laws restrictive of freedom must be obeyed. Interestingly enough, the exact location of the organization is unclear. This promotional offer is for altafiber's Internet Safeguard. Global or transnational principles apply to concerns which cannot be handled by dividing them up between societies. A. Attempts to mitigate this problem are framed in terms of increasing the skills to use the technology rather than directly in terms of improvement of life prospects. Ethical Safeguards. Further, it emphasizes moral and social values like consumer protection, welfare, fair business practices, and service to society. The Yahoo case raises the issue that different jurisdictions have very different laws concerning such human rights as freedom of speech. I think there is no question that globalization as we now experience it could not have taken place without the Internet. Indeed, it came as a shock to me to discover that in the United States, the right of freedom of speech does not apply on the Internet (Jesdanun 2008). Rep. Chris Smith, R-N. J., introduced a House bill in 2007 that would bar United States Internet companies from turning over personally identifiable information to governments that use it to suppress dissent. 2010. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Retrieved August 23, 2011 from A related ethical question is whether companies should supply equipment enabling Internet censorship. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global Press. Classroom exercises and take-home assessment tasks, where students are required to compare website content, are ideal for alerting students to the requirements of writing for different audiences, the purpose of particular content, identifying and judging accuracy and reliability. There are two questions to consider: first, how does the use of the Internet by the least-advantaged affect their life prospects? People at geographically separated locations can see and hear each other using microphones, cameras, speakers and a TV or a computer screen. DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET Internet is a tool, which must be handled with caution, as its misuse can be hazardous. The globalized ethical issue raised by these two kinds of cases is clear: to what extent do the laws and customs of a particular company apply to websites which are operating transnationally? We have asked the United States government to use its leverage through trade relationships, bilateral and multilateral forums, and other diplomatic meansto create a global environment where Internet freedom is a priority and where people are no longer imprisoned for expressing their views online, said Michael Samway, Yahoos vice president and general counsel (Sarkar 2008). Global concerns are those which clearly are not the responsibility of one society or another. Every email account is identified by an email address. I will first outline ethical principles applying to individuals, then societies, then global social and economic ethical principles. It includes all forms of technology used in learning and teaching. 12 Even worse, these companies are clearly set on stamping out digital copying wherever it may arise. Blogs allow the visitors to write comments or give feedback or suggestions. It is hard to see how this would meet the Supreme Courts previous requirement of no excessive burden. Internet ethics is a really broad term. Increased skills must contribute either to the first principle of justice by implementing fair equality of opportunity, or to the second principle of justice by improving the prospects of the least-advantaged. Abstract: This paper takes a look at basic ethics in relation to the Internet. Yangs comments betray an ethical blindness which is actually contradicted by Yahoos own actions even before the Global Network Initiative. Internet Ethics Internet ethics comprises various elements including: We will write a custom Presentation on Ethics and the Internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page 808 certified writers online Learn More Users; Information; Network services providers; Issues. Further, non-commercial possession of digital copies by individuals seems to be an important part of their right to personal property. It is important for the eradication of the illegal activities done in the internet. Better off is to be measured against enabling values affected by the social structure reflecting an individuals life prospects. These websites are accessible to anyone and people can use these to get guidance, information and services without paying any money. It cannot be subject to one set of values like the local TV channel or the local newspaper we have to accommodate multiplicity of usage. The service is up to 5 devices, such as a computer or mobile device, after the promotional period of 60 days, pricing will revert to $5.99 a month and fractional charges may apply. How could it possibly be right to do an action which produces less good when you could have done better? These cases illustrate the consequence that professional Internet companies like Google and Yahoo have a duty to uphold the Global Economy Greatest-Equal-Freedom Principle. 1984. U.S. However, the Internet is supported in a distributed manner. If Chinas restriction of personal liberty is justified on utilitarian grounds, then Yahoo was justified in turning over dissidents to the Chinese government to be tortured. Download Citation | Ethics and Equity: Lessons Learned From an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Chair of Color | The idea of a committee like the Institutional Review Board (IRB), whose aim is to . E-learning is the use of technology to enable people to learn anytime and anywhere. The basis of ethics as cooperative principles is the realization that rules limiting individual self-interest can often produce greater cooperative benefits. A current issue of Internet ethical policy is this: should sales tax (in the United States) be collected on web-based transactions? Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Information Technology. It may be that failing to comply with local law would produce a greater restriction of freedom. Thank you for being Super. So the notion of the greatest good for the greatest number can only serve as a metaphor. Kristula, Dave. Search Engine Band Runner. There's nothing here! Principles necessary for dealing with ethical problems of the Internet are largely based on individual and social principles. Associated Press, July 6. 2007. Internet Sales Tax Fairness, The New Rules Project. army public school class 7 Computer | Chapter 6 | INTERNET - ETHICS AND SAFRGUARD @NKS CLASSESHello students,In this video we will discuss about Class 7 COMP. But with the Internet, the various parts of a sales transaction can easily be scattered across not only many states but many countries. The web browseressential to widespread use of the Internetwas developed by graduate students at the University of Illinois (Kristula 2001). For this reason, at this level, two social contracts are required: an International Social Contract, and a Global-Economy Social Contract. The Global Internet Freedom Consortium is a group of nonprofit and for- profit companies dedicated to developing, implementing, and disseminating technology to allow free access to the Internet in spite of government restrictions. The content on a blog is written by the author of the blog. For a period of time, music websites offering free downloads functioned in countries where their activity was not forbidden. We must not use rude or bad language while using e-Mail, chatting, blogging and social networking, We need to respect their views and should not criticize anyone on the internet. 16. The world in which you are living is called _____. WhatsApp instant messenger is also very commonly used these days. (Institute for Local Self-Reliance 2007) But many, including for example Nordstroms, follow the Sales Tax Locality Principle ( Orders shipped to AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, MD, MI, MN, MO, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, PA, RI, TX, UT, VA or WA [states where Nordstroms has physical facilities] will have all applicable local and state sales taxes added to your total order, and to your shipping charges where appropriate. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Rather, attempts should be made to change the law. From the point of view of justice, the assumption that increased Internet skills will improve a persons ability to reap the fruits of the economy, while reasonable, needs to be confirmed by more research. Supreme Court SONY CORP. v. UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS, INC., 464 U.S. 417. Retrieved May 30, 2004 from Some blogs focus on a particular topic such as sports and mobile technologies while some are like personal diaries or journals, which are used for expressing personal experiences and opinions. What is NOT an example of cyberbullying? 18 There are two issues here: the United States failure to honor its own human rights safeguards on the treatment of prisoners, and the basis for Wikileakss claim for free-speech rights. The World is Flat. One of the important advantages of the Internet is that it allows you to easily access information from anywhere and anytime.There is a huge amount of information available on the Internet on a wide range of topics such as research papers, news, books,products, technical support, job vacancies and health care. Fair equality of opportunity by itself may justify efforts to lessen the Digital Divide. And the seller should be responsible for knowing only the tax rules for the areas in which it does business (and therefore has some responsibility for contributing to the infrastructure needed for commerce). Retrieved June 19, 2004 from By tracing the development of the Internet, it identifies perils of the World Wide Web and their moral significance to a culture trying to move successfully into the twenty-first century. The appropriate institution to improve the status of human rights under the Global-Economy Greatest-Equal-Freedom-Principle may be an institution like the civil society of NGOs, the Global Internet Freedom Consortium, or the Global Network Initiative. For further discussion, see Schultz (2010, Chapter 4). A blog is a website or part of a website that contains personal diary-type entries in the reverse chronological order. Studios Contest Mobility Plans. San Fernando Valley Daily News. 2008. Yahoo CEO: Gray Areas Make Foreign Business Hard. Reuters Limited, April 3. A) Email B) SMS C) Advertising D) Marketing View Solution play_arrow question_answer 2) What is the address of a website on the internet called? No photographs should be sent to strangers because it might be misused and shared with others without their knowledge. 2007. The fact that the music- downloading website Grokster was operating from a server in the Caribbean did not shield it from the United States court decision that shut it down. I outline the necessary individual, social, and global principles, based on Kant's Categorical Imperative and Rawls social contract principles of justice. 1. Universal principle ethics is one major alternative to utilitarianism. A social networking site is used to build online communities of people who share common interests. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. That does not mean that it is OK to make digital copies at will. 2001. The History of the Internet. Retrieved April 3, 2008 from Do not access files without the permission of the owner. Users should not intentionally use the computers to retrieve or modify the information of others, which may include password information, files, etc.. I have already discussed the role of the Internet in helping to fulfill Rawlss Greatest Equal Liberty Principle, his first principle of justice. CHAPTER 6 CLASS 7 ANSWER KEY 2.IT PLANET CLASS 7 CH 6 ANSWER KEY3.CHAPTER 6 CLASS 7 SOLUTION4.CHAPTER 6 . Accompany your younger kids online as they learn. The customer must take action and download the service to be protected. And there are a lot of issues that fall under that umbrella. Social Choice and Individual Values. So what should the individual ethical response be? Some of the internet ethics rules that individuals should follow while using a computer are listed below: Do not use computers to harm other users. Use strong passwords. The word blog is a short form for the word weblog. Look for "Send Installation Email" and select it to resend your welcome/installation email. 6. Nonetheless, the ethical question is about the justice of this situation. You will usually notice the icon, on a webpage to indicate that a web feed is available. Sometimes the actual person may be a total fiction set up to entrap an unsuspecting pedophile. People make use of acronyms to express themselves while chatting. The selling organization has its operations at one place, and the customer is at another. ii. Banjul, The Gambia 59 June 2000. Retrieved March 21, 2008 from If, however, there is not a basis in the principles of justice for these restrictions on individuals, then there is an ethical basis for changing the legal environment, either through the courts or legislatures. Around 2002, Yahoo provided the Chinese government with information about two pro-democracy journalists who were subsequently jailed and apparently tortured. There is an attempt in Congress to change the situation. How does the use of the Internet by the least-advantaged affect their life prospects? Do not copy copyrighted software without the authors permission. Internet ethical issues involve principles at all three levels. Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash. 8.12). All social-contract theory is based on consent of those subject to the agreement. It is actually not clear that a transnational human rights authority would make things better, because an authority with enough power to override laws concerning rights within a country could easily become a global despot. Follow the steps given here to access information using a search engine. At the level of society, Rawlss two principles of justice are a plausible alternative to utilitarianism. Chatting can be used to send instant messages. So, while there has been an improvement, there is still no question that attempting to improve the Internet skills of those who lack them will also end up targeting the less well-off. The search results are usually displayed as a list of links to the pages on which the keywords were found. There are many sites such as that let you send greeting cards through email. Actually, the right of freedom of speech does not extend to the Internet in the United States. The Internet itself was originally a United States Defense Department project, and such vital characteristics as no central computer were required to make the system impervious to nuclear attack. Hernandez, Greg. When an ethics complaint is filed with NAADAC or NCC AP, it is evaluated by consulting the NAADAC/NCC AP Code of Ethics. The ethical question is whether this is merely an extension of friends swapping copies (perfectly ethical) or whether it is an illegal (and unethical) violation of copyright. Invest in thorough safety education for staff and pupils. Presumably they would have acted differently after subscribing to the principles of the Global Network Initiative. Obama has continued the policies of his predecessor, G. W. Bush, in abrogating human rights provisions of the United States Constitution and persisting in wars with dubious ethical justification. I follow Rawls in his account of property rights. Writing on a blog is also known as posting entries. You pay only for the services (as and when needed) and not for the hardware and the software. In 2004, 92% of households earning US$75,000 and over had computers at home compared to 45% of households earning less than US$20,000. In addition, you can create additional folders to organise your emails. The show has produced a number of broken lives and at least one suicide. The police used the information (an IP address) to arrest a suspect for posting vulgar content about a top Indian political leader. Groksters server was located outside the United States in the West Indies. Attend seminars or classes for using internet. A list of links to webpages containing the required information is displayed. The portal covers all aspects such as submission of student application, verification, sanction and disbursal of scholarship. 7th Class Computers Science Internet Question Bank done Internet Total Questions - 38 question_answer 1) What is the process of sending message from one person to another person via computer called? This four-step approach is designed to open one's thinking and promote discussions about a systematic process for making ethical decisions. Bridis, Ted. There would be some justice in having a separate national (or even international) tax to help support Internet infrastructure. The state of California currently has what they call a use tax on Internet transactions. We must be aware of the importance of copyrights and issues of copyright. 2007. Yahoo, Jailed Journalists Settle Lawsuit. Retrieved November 13 from Free-market application determinism is thus more-or-less the claim that a properly-functioning market economy will deliver good economic results. Sometimes the actual person may be thoroughly bad and may be using the Internet for exploitation or even to harm or kill. And it is far from clear who is ethically justified in doing the imposition. But independent compliance review is included and the importance of these companies acknowledging that principles of global justice take precedence over repressive national laws cannot be overstated (Global Network Initiative 2008). 4. The laws and policies which allow record and movie companies to prosecute, harass, and stigmatize private individuals for making copies for their own personal use are unjust. But how do we tell which rules these are? An MSNBC show does this extensively. This follows from the global social contract principle of Greatest Equal Liberty. Ethics are a set of moral principles that govern an individual or a group on what is acceptable behaviour while using a computer. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Information age c. Processing age d. Analysis age 2. I will begin by considering the ethical basis for copyright in property rights and ownership from the point of view of Rawlss principles of justice. Commandment 4: Do not use technology to steal personal information. But if the description of addicted is correct, then this is not an ethical problem but rather a personal problem, a psychological illness, for which some form of treatment is necessary. An honest, moral code that should be followed when on the computer B. United States Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor writes (Lewis 2001: 1): The primary objective of copyright is not to reward the labor of authors, but to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts. To this end, copyright assures authors the right to their original expression, but encourages others to build freely upon the ideas and information conveyed by a work. In the context of E-governance, it becomes necessary for us to be aware of the Digital India initiative of the government of India. their way around. 2010. Censorship Cases Revive Net Freedom Bill. National Journal. But from the point of view of the principles of justice, increased Internet skills for the less- advantaged are not valuable just for their own sake. Class 7 Internet Ethics and Safeguard 28 minutes ago by Sanjay Elwin 0%average accuracy 0 plays 7th grade Computers 0SaveShareCopy and EditEdit Super resource With Super, get unlimited access to this resource and over 100,000 other Super resources. Minimize Data Collection of Student Information. In my discussion of Internet ethical cases, I will be applying definite ethical standards at all three levels. Companies are also using the Internet as an effective medium to advertise and sell their products and services. 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