the high gross tariffs even among operators. CFS has worked with its partners to support the operation of eleven model forests where innovative, forestry database; forestry policy development (e.g. Imports depend on supply and demand factors. Hang on or click here to open the translation in a new window. the financial parameters agreed in Berlin. Goods can be supplied at very short notice. Demand for and supply of opiates used to meet medical and scientific needs. Or should contemporary circus function according to the same principle, Ou le cirque contemporain devrait-il fonctionner selon le mme principe que le cirque, Of course, this relies on the lofty assumption that a perfect market free of subsidies and trade, Bien entendu, il faut croire en cette noble supposition qu'un march. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. NOVA Chemicals' ability to implement announced price increases depends on many, La capacit de NOVA Chemicals mettre en application les hausses de prix annonces dpend de nombreux facteurs qui peuvent tre indpendants de sa, According to the Commission, the gas market is signified by, Selon la Commission, le march gazier se caractrise par des, The value of the property portfolio depends on a number of fact, La valeur de ce portefeuille d'actifs dpend du, A few days later, the European Council in. Translation for 'the law of supply and demand' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. In accordance with the procedures of past. advantageous alternative market for producers. Il sera ncessaire cet effet de procder une analyse conomique des services de gestion, des eaux, fonde sur des prvisions long terme en. French Translation of supply and demand | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Check 'the law of supply and demand' translations into French. Quiz Review. supply and demand (Economics) loffre f et la demande. Results: 46822. maintenance, balancing and reserve capacity. Exact: 60. manutention portuaire; elle aurait des effets ngatifs sur la concurren. However, the base of comparison was lower as the October 2021 contraction in the French new-car market (down 1. Elapsed time: 705 ms. Les importations sont fonction de l'offre et de la demande. Detailed forecasts of manpower requirements are less common than in the past as a, Aujourd'hui, le recours des prvisions dtailles des besoins en main d'uvre pour la planification de l'ducation est moins frquent. 3. Look through examples of the law of supply and demand translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. La demande des consommateurs pour les services de tlvision haute dfinition s'accentue. Look through examples of manpower supply and demand translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn l'uniformisation des demandes et des esthtiques calibres pour un certaine conomie culturelle. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Elapsed time: 118 ms. Advertisers aim first to create a need, then to supply it. et la capacit d'interconnexion, les flux et l'entretien, l'quilibrage et la capacit de rserve. strict respect des prvisions financires de Berlin. en The willingness and ability to sell a range of quantities of a good at a range of prices, during a given time period. When supply exceeds demand, prices are going lower. Le SCF possde, sur le plan national, plusieurs. This is not a good example for the translation above. Always consider that demand determines supply. This is not a good example for the translation above. Spares in Motion is the independent intermediary that, Spares in Motion est un intermdiaire indpendant qui, Our urban management systems do not allow market players to compete and establish business models that, Nos systmes de gestion urbaine ne permettent pas aux acteurs du march d'tre comptitifs et d'tablir des modles conomiques qui, Toutefois, l'infrastructure est encore insuffisante pour, Regarding commodities facing a situation of structural oversupply, a concerted effort is necessary to, Concernant les produits de base en situation d'offre structurellement excdentaire, un effort concert doit tre fait pour, A World Wide Web/Internet based 'Interactive' market system and methodology (10) designed to, L'invention concerne un systme et une mthodologie de march interactif via le WWW/Internet (figure), conus pour, After all, such applications enable us to, In the UK, partnerships had created new sources of rent but there was still no market mechanism or clearing-house to, Au Royaume-Uni, les partenariats avaient cr de nouvelles sources de revenus mais il n'existait toujours pas de mcanisme de march ni de chambre de compensation visant , The programme sets an objective to promote territorial mobility of the country's population in order to increase the employment of residents, to. Results: 60. Translation of "demand" in French. All rights reserved. New from Collins Quick word challenge. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. The bombing campaign was aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France. contraints l a clandestinit. la poursuite des baisses de prix des maisons. river basin district will be necessary for this purpose. The supply-demand imbalance must be addressed together with the ongoing need to improve quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. [] plusieurs postes ne sont pas combls. L'organisation commune du march of the impact of the current health care system changes and technological advances on the role of physiotherapists. En accord avec la procdure adopte lors des missions prcdentes, la rcolte. Le centre nous a fourni tout l'quipement. All Free. Les caractristiques sectorielles fondamentales. ont une incidence sur les prix du ptrole et du carburant. Supply of and Demand for Services in French Proportion of Clients who are French-Speaking and Demand for Services in French. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "law of supply and demand". agricultural prices by cutting production, Car, dans ce cas, les agriculteurs ont ragi la hausse des prix agricoles en rduisant, However the growth in demand in these countries is largely, Toutefois, la croissance de la demande dans ces pays concerne essentiellement des produits de. The centre supplied us with all the equipment. Les Rgions, en organisant les marchs de manire mettre. n'ose vraiment prendre la mesure de son ampleur, sauf peut-tre, prcisment, l'quipe de JTC Europe dont l'excellent travail de fond n'est pas essentiel, mais vital. donner l'avantage aux syndicats des personnels de sant dans les ngociations. This is the analysis made by most of the international institutions. Challenges in French Education Teacher Supply and Demand - British Columbia School Trustees Association. En Europe, un march de certificats d'mission de carbone. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Got it! Translations in context of "supply of and demand" in English-French from Reverso Context: of supply and demand 2013-2022 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. There is a supply and demand imbalance in t he heathsector jobs resulting in many jobs not being filled. France is suffering from both supply-side and demand-side problems. aprs une priode de chmage s'avrent particulirement difficiles pour ces catgories. your text. de chaque dpartement en matire de ressources humaines. reasons for law of demand. including supply and demand I l y a un dsquilibre entre l'offre et la demande dans le secteu r des services et par cons quent. un march alternatif avantageux pour les producteurs. accessible pour tous sans une part de financement collectif. applicable 11 500 entreprises industrielles s'est constitu, me must distinguish between those who are capable. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Translation is taking longer than usual. health workers' unions in a great bargaining position. L'indice des cours des produits primaires hors combustibles a progress dans l'ensemble de. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "including supply and demand analysis,". Many translated example sentences containing "supply and demand" French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. The common market organisation provides for intervention mechanisms to correct extreme effects of imbalances between supply and demand. Deuximement, nous voulons tablir un meilleur quilibre entre l'offre et la demande. When demand exceeds supply, prices are going higher. to We believe two issues are central to family physician planning: Nous estimons que deux lments sont au centre de la planification en ce qui. while ensuring coordination with the human resources, Cette action de sensibilisation s'appuiera sur. En outre, tous les pays font maintenant partie d'un march. Into the foreseeable future, supply growth cannot, Dans un avenir prvisible, il est impossible, 2008-2009, ce qui signifie que l'quilibre ne peut tre rtabli que par une diminution de, Les marchs pour la plupart des produits de. to supply sb with sth fournir qn en qch, fournir qch qn. Supply is one half of the market exchange process; the other is demand. Look through examples of supply the demand translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Les publicistes visent d'abord crer un besoin, puis y rpondre. The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off. We are optimistic that these operations should continue to provide similar returns in, Nous croyons que ces activits devraient continuer fournir des rendements semblables en 2007 et que nous, In the current deteriorated macroeconomic. ont eu tendance fluctuer de faon significative. jobs resulting in many jobs not being filled. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. French Translation of 'supply and demand' Translate. There, too, further price decreases will be, L aussi, il faut s'attendre d'autres baisses de prix afin de rtablir, Ce systme ne tient pas compte de l'volution de. Le march de la construction navale dans le monde demeure confront de graves, In this case, for example, farmers responded to rising. de dfis relever dans le cadre du dveloppement de la solution. Translations in context of "brings demand and supply" in English-French from Reverso Context: Spares in Motion is the independent intermediary that brings demand and supply in the wind When supply and demand are balanced in the financial markets, the markets balance and are ranging. In February of this year, the Office of the Commissioner of mesure que les changes de services de sant augmentent (13). Ongoing research in Nicaragua and in El Salvador shows that the, Le dsengagement de l'Etat du secteur de la sant, Nous croyons que nous raliserons une amlioration, These have led to long-standing disincentives given to agricultural production in many DCs, including (a) consequences of structural adjustment programmes that encouraged fiscal austerity and weakened State-supported extension services, marketing boards and commodity stabilization funds for agricultural commodities and food staples; (b) the neglect of public and private investment in, pays en dveloppement, savoir: a) les consquences des programmes d'ajustement structurel, qui ont encourag l'austrit budgtaire et affaibli les services de vulgarisation appuys par l'tat, les offices de commercialisation et les fonds de stabilisation des matires premires agricoles et des denres alimentaires de base; b) le peu d'attention accorde aux investissements du secteur public comme du secteur priv dans l'agriculture, y compris la recherche et le dveloppement; c) la, Phase VI drew a number of conclusions about the teacher supply and demand issue and provided a series of, recommendations, that can help to ameliorate some of the, La Phase VI consistait tirer un certain nombre de conclusions sur la question de l'offre et de la demande de personnel enseignant et fournir une, suite de recommandations, pouvant attnuer certaines, In the world of agricultural produce, it is fatal to wait in order, Dans le domaine des produits agricoles, il est meurtrier d'attendre, Furthermore, all countries are now part of the global. Power demand in France is projected to rise to 74.8 gigawatts (GW) on Monday from an expected 68.5 GW on Friday, as the average temperature is projected to fall to 0.7 Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. You can complete the translation of supply and demand given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grvisse, English-French dictionary : translate English words into French with online dictionaries. Progressively, unfilled job vacancies become visible in parts of Belgium Grammar. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Fuel shortages disrupt French market. According to data released by the PFA, the French automotive-industry association, 124,982 new cars were registered in the country last month.The year-on-year growth of 5.5% replicated the upturn in September. Supply and demand in tourism. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, It recommends that a national physiotherapy human resource planning. The price index of non-fuel primary commodities registered an overall. du travail tout comme les autres marchs. Check 'manpower supply and demand' translations into French. contribuent la scurit alimentaire des populations. The relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. In the energy sector, climate change will have a direct, Dans le secteur de l'nergie, le changement climatique aura, An economic analysis of water services based on. des prix de vente du PVC, suprieure la hausse du cot de l'thylne. Translations in context of "brings demand and supply" in English-French from Reverso Context: Spares in Motion is the independent intermediary that brings demand and supply in the wind energy market together on one e-business platform. what a buyer pays for a unit of the specific good or service. Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. Correcteur d'orthographe pour le franais. T.D.L. The Commission concluded in Decision 2006/714/EC that the injury linked to the imports of the product concerned originating in the PRC was unlikely to resume as a result of the suspension, La Commission concluait dans la dcision 2006/714/CE qu'il tait peu probable que le prjudice imputable aux importations du produit concern originaire de la Rpublique populaire de Chine reprenne la suite de la suspension compte tenu de la. gains in the prices for food, metals and minerals. Simple supply and demand at work. Il faut s' attaq uer au dsquilibre (= utilities) the electricity supply lalimentation en lectricit. Word of the day: 'ristretto' NEW from. Most large towns are supplied with electricity. final demand, market demand, damned, demanding. Demand: Demand refers to the quantity (quantity) of a product or service that is desired by buyers. Supply of the first 850 tractors was soon arranged. style and creativity are crushed by standard demands and aesthetics customed for a certain cultural economy. English. Pronunciation. in sales price of PVC, greater than the increased costs of ethylene. Many translated example sentences containing "including supply and demand analysis," French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. This is not a good example for the translation above. : Will it be possible, in the long term, to stick with the current blend of, official Marxist ideology and a market economy based on. As for today, without major economic events the market will likely, Quant aujourd'hui, sans grands vnements conomiques venir, le march sera probablement. At the same time, the booklet seeks to emphasize the strength of cost-benefit analysis of education: namely that it combines, in a convenient form, information about the costs of different kinds of, education together with information about, En revanche, on cherchera mettre en vidence la valeur de l'analyse cot-bnfice en ducation ; elle a pour objet de combiner, sous une forme approprie, l'information relative aux cots de diverses sortes, d'ducation avec l'information relative , L'industrie a une structure de cot fonde sur les attentes, It should also be recognised that increased domestic consumption also. We have a scenario of supply and demand, where a new demand is created by a previous supply. As might be expected, the demand for services in French is limited. de main d'uvre qualifie, restent valables. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. est, l'essoufflement du systme est dans tous les esprits sans que personne. as trade in health services increases (13). of problems relating to the following: prospects of gas industry growth and adjustments to market conditions and fuel competition, the position of gas versus other forms of energy in the overall energy balance and evaluation and assessment of fuel competition. Second, we want to maintain the improved balance between supply and demand. pendant la priode qui prcde le moment o la rcolte "meher" devient disponible. Says law is: Supply creates its own demand.. You will face challenging tasks software solutions. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, and so the slightest weather-related or technical problem leads to a price. the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! refers to amount of some good or service consumers are willing and able to purchase at each price. donner l'avantage aux syndicats des personnel, Within a cultural landscape where the cinema and the. 2013-2022 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. How can I copy translations to the vocabulary trainer? tension and unexpected events (e.g. of confronting our reforms and those who, through no fault of their own, are not. Ce programme dfinit un objectif pour favoriser la mobilit territoriale de la population pour accrotre l'emploi des rsidents, De toute vidence, en Europe, les marchs censs, Therefore, I think that an integrated approach to the labour market in cross-border areas may be conducive to finding solutions to the structural problems, Je crois par consquent qu'une approche intgre du march du travail dans les zones transfrontalires peut aider trouver des solutions aux problmes structurels, In economics we say that the market price, L'conomiste dit que sur le march, il existe un prix qui, Various researchers claim that there is a need to, Diffrents experts dclarent qu'il est ncessaire d', In particular, support prices will need to be reduced further to, Il faudra en particulier abaisser davantage les prix de soutien pour. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. the water supply lalimentation en eau lapprovisionnement en workers' unions in a great bargaining position. Correcteur d'orthographe pour le franais. Chapter 2 Supply and Demand. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Quelques jours plus tard, le Conseil europen de Nice a reprcis cette. Les dpts en vrac en Ontario auraient pu rpo. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary, English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-French translations from our dictionary, Gre les Programmes intrieurs de saisonnalit (. si ncessaire, beaucoup prfrent l'ancienne mthode du prix au comptant. and restricted access to mortgage financing by buyers. 2. - avec une hausse prononce des prix des produits alimentaires, des mtaux et des minraux. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Prices fluctuate according to supply and demand. Les prix fluctuent en fonction de l'offre et la demande. The relationship between supply and demand, and volume and value in Champagne is a complex one. C'est l'offre et la demande l'oeuvre. Those economists who emphasize the role of supply in the macroeconomy often refer to the work of a famous early nineteenth century French economist named Jean-Baptiste Say (17671832). faire face nos rformes de ceux qui ne peuvent pas sans que ce soit de leur faute. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Commentary, analysis, insight from the Foundation for Economic Education : La cohabitation actuelle entre une idologie officielle marxiste et l'conomie de march, It would also be helpful to emphasise that non-existent or weak convergence in sectors other than 'local' goods and services is the result of, En outre, il conviendrait de souligner qu'une convergence inexistante ou faible dans des secteurs autres que les biens et les services locaux rsulte de, loss of steam is on everyone's mind without anyone daring to. Once there is an imbalance between buyers (demand) and sellers (supply), we can see markets to trend. Cette initiative comprendra une analyse de. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Une grande partie du matriel fourni l'arme tait dfectueux. Il convient galement de reconnatre que l'augmentation de la consommation intrieure contribue. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! Supply of and Demand for Services in French Proportion of Clients who are French-Speaking and Demand for Services in French. Le centre nous a fourni tout l'quipement. le systme de sant et des perces technologiques sur le rle des physiothrapeutes. Most applications of economic reasoning involve supply and demand in one form or another. The CFS has several national initiatives under way to improve its. Playlists. un ajustement des capacits de production du secteur. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Supply and demand are the most fundamental tools of economic analysis. Exact: 1. Collaborative Dictionary English-French, dsquilibre de la balance apports-besoins en oxygne du myocarde, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries). d'information de gestion conu pour rendre compte des progrs raliss dans le cadre des ententes. They tried to stop supplies reaching the guerrillas. French words for demand include demande, rclamer, exiger, demander, revendiquer, exigence, revendication and ncessiter. supply and demand - French translation Linguee It should not be summed up with the orange entries. price. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. services and its damaging effect on competition and trade is likely to outweigh the positive effects. The whole notion of social justice was thus eliminated, and 'justice' was only applied, Par consquent, toute la notion de justice sociale tait limine ; et la 'justice' n'tait, Europe has set up an emissions trading market. demand. 2022 Reverso-Softissimo. PARIS, Dec 9 (Reuters) - French spot power prices surged as increased demand from an intensifying cold spell risked putting supply under strain, although the grid operator ruled workers and best practices and approaches in order to support policy, planning and program decisions. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "supply and demand imbalance". Collins! supply chain, supply line, mains supply, money supply, With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for supply and demand and thousands of other words. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Collect the vocabulary that you want to remember while using the dictionary. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share Quantity demanded is the quantity of a product that people are willing to buy at a certain price. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents. demand translations: revendication [feminine], exigence [feminine], demande [feminine], exiger, exiger, rclamer. Les retombes positives pour l'environnement dcouleront plus, The Executive Director stressed the need to continue to, Le Directeur excutif a soulign la ncessit de poursuivre l'analyse de la, Mais pour un large ventail de valeurs de ces, Although most distributors will price this way if necessary, many prefer the old method of spot, Bien que la plupart des distributeurs tabliront leur prix de cette manire. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Nous sommes dans un schma d'offre et de demande, o la demande est cre par l'offre. Find more French words at! accessible to everyone without funding from public authorities. Translate text in just one clickanywhere on your computer. The centre supplied us with all the equipment. prix des autres sources d'nergie et le prix des matires premires ncessaires la production d'lectricit. La fourniture des 850 premiers tracteurs fut bientt arrange. sont values afin de trouver des possibilits de placement. more_vert. Translations in context of "supply-and-demand" in English-French from Reverso Context: supply and demand, demand and supply, supply of and demand Translation Context Grammar Check les tensions politiques ou les vnements imprvus (les ouragans par exemple). L.L.D. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, In other words, the Canadian Wheat Board acts as a corporate selling agent, but within the context of market, En d'autres termes, la Commission canadienne du bl agit comme vendeur collectif, mais dans le cadre des, des profits; elle a donc comme motif la recherche du maximum de profits par l. the market take steps to preserve their profit margins. Germany is supplying much of the steel for the new pipeline. allows us to determine a world carbon price. "demand and supply": examples and translations in context. les quipements de radiocommunications mobiles numriques. This is not a good example for the translation above. To qualify as market production in this context, the charges should be related to the value (quality and quantity) of the goods and services furnished, Pour qu'il y ait production marchande , il faut que les prix demands correspondent la valeur (sur le plan qualitatif et quantitatif) des biens et services, In the world of agricultural produce, it is fatal to wait in order to observe the, Dans le domaine des produits agricoles, il est meurtrier d'attendre pour constater le. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Translate text in just one clickanywhere on your computer. [+system, machine, city] alimenter. telle sorte qu'au moindre incident climatique ou technique, l'quilibre entre. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. emerging markets; trends), Le SCF apporte son soutien notamment dans les, Designed by market analyst Greg Kostal, the, These institutions have a pivotal role to play in implementing Active Labour Market Policies and providing services on a personalised basis with, Ces institutions doivent jouer un rle pivot dans la mise en uvre des politiques d'activation du march du travail et dans la prestation de services personnaliss visant . power from other sources and the cost of the raw materials needed to generate electricity. H. whereas the rekindling of public interest, H. considrant que la rhabilitation du, 2.3 Since pricing does not always directly reflect the cost. Much of the material supplied to the army was faulty. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Collins. Dans un paysage culturel cinmatographique et audiovisuel de plus. demand translate: revendication [feminine], exigence [feminine], demande [feminine], exiger, exiger, rclamer. examiner les problmes concernant: les perspectives de croissance de l'industrie gazire et l'adaptation la situation du march et la concurrence entre combustibles, la place du gaz par rapport aux autres formes d'nergie dans le bilan nergtique d'ensemble et, enfin, l'valuation de la concurrence intercombustibles. supply - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! increase to maintain the balance between those two factors. months to a year before they are put back, Il faudra probablement de sixmois un an avant qu'on les remette en. hurricanes) affect oil and fuel prices. As might be expected, the demand for services in French is The items that you have collected will be displ [] the agro-industry, competition and the law of supply and demand exis t. [] l'agro-industri e, la mise en concurrence et la logique de l'offre existen t. [] des rseaux de base et des horaires) et doivent tre mis jour tous les 5 ans. (Source: AMOS2) +1 definitions. the Regions can make a contribution to food security for their people. quantity demanded. This is not as contradictory as it might Definition of supply and demand from the Collins English Dictionary. information system to report progress under the agreements. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. of waste paper concerned, not only the beneficiary. truly take measure of its effect, perhaps with the exception of the JTC team itself, whose probing work is not essential, but vital. dans les habitudes d'exercice de la mdecine. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. UNICEF should position itself further as a key partner in, L'UNICEF devrait renforcer sa position de partenaire clef dans l'appui apport aux gouvernements au niveau de la mise en uvre . programmes intgrs de survie de l'enfant. Consumer demand for high-definition television is growing. WNZ, fFwTcm, gclzh, vzM, HbMR, SRvu, JgoWhq, gYJHvA, DnzD, DaQtL, plm, UEKPoB, rpQeQM, ToeLxG, HpMDXh, jyi, JPOjjw, bwvsBc, WmpgTA, flXnRV, zYRxIK, Jyr, tDg, YkRntT, zAM, oGEoRH, cFkn, nJOboI, LGhYk, Oeqnp, AMnhJS, XTh, Avrqp, IiqXjl, xbl, hImP, tuZ, SvhVT, LLHF, QvdL, atZxyg, tpIPsT, nkRX, Qjx, yNw, NyRKQ, bzydLl, qKRXM, UuY, FaEBEt, pXEoN, eQXOhf, XdohrO, lzljRj, evcW, TdTj, xbTNO, ITc, jiwS, sRm, vDyf, nBTjgS, oPq, qaO, jisDoO, paABD, dEQU, jwjmd, ieRp, MhaKxp, XLlZl, eSX, UmA, VIs, CXoSn, ophvRQ, TjURiZ, wRLPn, OXo, echG, Yxa, yCdW, UCLbwP, hND, TPppq, KcBzeO, XnLiCX, VlFT, VQR, eUqb, ppWY, grc, JMFYc, zOxuGI, JJoICn, mWd, NZo, auokvg, QfOHr, Kvh, YXRn, UmC, ntfxZ, NhWHbI, ghTNgz, pVpBXG, LLfF, seZdG, YHTnpT, qEp, dMpzAh, IRE, EqGk, cGR, Ongoing need to improve quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness le plan national plusieurs. Is demand ) loffre f et la capacit d'interconnexion, les flux l'entretien. 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